filetype.vim (2026B)
1 function Shconfig() 2 nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>x :w<CR>:!chmod +x %<CR> 3 endfunction 4 5 function Gphconfig() 6 nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>c :call GphCitation()<CR> 7 nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>t :%s/\t/ /g<CR> 8 nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>l :call GphZettel("")<left><left> 9 inoremap <buffer> <localleader><localleader>l <esc>:call GphZettel("")<left><left> 10 call EnableLineWrap() 11 endfunction 12 13 function GphZettel(srch) 14 redir! >/tmp/vim.zettel | silent! echo 'When positioned over a line, use <localleader>z to select and name it' | silent! echo 'Use <localleader>Z to finish' | silent! silent! execute ':!alcl find "' . a:srch . '"' | redir END 15 vsplit /tmp/vim.zettel 16 endfunction 17 18 function GphZettelFin() 19 mark ` 20 read !sed -n 's/[[:space:]]*\[/\t[/;s/][[:space:]]*/]\t/;/^\!/p' < /tmp/vim.zettel | awk -F'\t' '{print $2}' 21 normal G 22 read !sed -n 's/[[:space:]]*\[/\t[/;s/][[:space:]]*/]\t/;/^\!/p' < /tmp/vim.zettel | awk -F'\t' '{print "[<++>|"$2"|"$3"|server|port]"}' 23 normal ``kJ$ 24 endfunction 25 26 function GphCitation() 27 redir! >/tmp/vim-cite | silent! %s/\[[0-9]*\]//gn | redir END 28 let count=system("tail -n 1 < /tmp/vim-cite | awk '{print $1}'") 29 let void=system("printf '' > /tmp/vim-cite") 30 let done=1 31 normal G 32 while done <= count 33 redir! >> /tmp/vim-cite | silent! echo "[<++>|[". done ."]|<++>|<++>|<++>]" | redir END 34 let done+=1 35 endwhile 36 read /tmp/vim-cite 37 endfunction 38 39 function Txtconfig() 40 call EnableLineWrap() 41 setlocal syntax=markdown 42 endfunction 43 44 function EnableLineWrap() 45 setlocal colorcolumn=80 46 setlocal tw=80 47 setlocal fo+=t 48 endfunction 49 50 augroup filetypes 51 autocmd FileType,WinEnter,BufEnter netrw call Configurenetrw() 52 autocmd FileType html :setlocal nowrap 53 autocmd FileType c :noremap <buffer> <localleader>e $a;<esc> 54 autocmd FileType c :inoremap <buffer> <localleader><localleader>e <esc>$a;<esc> 55 autocmd FileType sh :call Shconfig() 56 autocmd FileType gph :call Gphconfig() 57 autocmd FileType text :call Txtconfig() 58 autocmd FileType mail :call EnableLineWrap() 59 augroup END