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.rcrc (2937B)

      1 fn sigexit { 
      2 	__prompt_cleanup
      3 	for (f in $manconfs) {
      4 		rm -f $f
      5 	}
      6 }
      8 fn prompt {
      9 	prompt = (`''{builtin prompt $status} '>')
     10 }
     12 # Aliases
     13 fn g { git $* }
     14 fn vsplit { vim -O $* }
     15 if (~ `{uname} 'Linux') {
     16 	fn ls {
     17 		if (flag i) {
     18 			builtin ls -FC --color $* 
     19 		} else {
     20 			# rc exports all functions, 
     21 			# so we need to act normal
     22 			# when not interactive.
     23 			builtin ls $*
     24 		}
     25 	}
     26 }
     27 fn v { nvim $* }
     28 fn xi { doas xbps-install $*}
     29 fn xr { doas xbps-remove $*}
     30 fn xq { doas xbps-query $*}
     31 fn ytdl { yt-dlp --add-metadata -ic $* }
     32 fn ytdla { yt-dlp --add-metadata -xic $* }
     33 fn tmux { builtin tmux -f $home/.config/tmux/config $* }
     34 fn sloccount {
     35 	mkdir -p $home/.local/sloccount
     36 	builtin sloccount --datadir $home/.local/sloccount $*
     37 }
     38 fn camerasync {
     39 	rsync -azP /mnt/DCIM/* $home/photos
     40 }
     41 fn wtf {
     42 	if (flag i) {
     43 		builtin wtf -o $*
     44 	} else {
     45 		builtin wtf $*
     46 	}
     47 }
     48 fn w3m {
     49 	# Symlink $home/.config/w3m -> $home/.config/.w3m
     50 	home = $home/.config { builtin w3m $* }
     51 }
     52 fn gpg { builtin gpg --armor $* }
     53 fn convert {
     54 	if (flag i) {
     55 		builtin convert -monitor $*
     56 	} else {
     57 		builtin convert $*
     58 	}
     59 }
     60 fn dict {
     61 	@{
     62 		if (flag i) {
     63 			argv = ()
     64 			for (arg in $*) {
     65 				argv = ($argv `''{printf '%s' $arg | sed -E 's~dict://[^/]*/.:(.*)~\1~'})
     66 			}
     67 		} else {
     68 			argv = $*
     69 		}
     70 		builtin dict $argv
     71 	}
     72 }
     74 # Evaluate command with rc
     75 fn doas {
     76 	opts = () exec = () args = () {
     77 		while (~ $1 -*) {
     78 			if (~ $1 *[Cu]) {
     79 				opts = ($opts $1 $2)
     80 				shift 2
     81 			} else {
     82 				opts = ($opts $1)
     83 				shift
     84 			}
     85 		}
     87 		args=`''{whatis '*' | sed -E 's~^\*=\(?~~;s~\)$~~' | head -c -1}
     89 		builtin doas $opts rc -c $args
     90 	}
     91 }
     93 fn feeds {
     94 	SFEED_URL_FILE=$home/.local/sfeed-read
     95 	sfeed_curses $home/.local/sfeed/*
     96 }
     98 # Enable coredumps of practically infinite size.
     99 limit coredumpsize 99999999
    101 # .profile
    102 CC	= clang
    103 INPUTRC	= $home/.config/readline/inputrc
    104 EDITOR	= nvim
    105 PAGER	= less
    106 TERMINAL= st
    107 PASS	= $home/.local/pass
    108 SHELL   = /bin/rc
    110 . $home/.config/user-dirs.dirs
    111 XDG_CONFIG_HOME	= $home/.config
    112 XDG_CACHE_HOME	= $home/.cache
    113 XAUTHORITY	= $home/.local/.xauth
    114 LESSHISTFILE	= -
    115 HISTFILE	= $home/.local/history
    116 GNUPGHOME	= $home/.local/gnupg
    117 IPFS_PATH	= $home/.local/ipfs
    118 CURLHOME	= $home/.config/curl/"
    119 LS_COLORS	= `''{<$home/.config/ls tr -d ' ' | tr '\n' ':' | tr -s ':'}
    121 ANDROID_HOME=$home/.android-sdk
    123 history = $XDG_CACHE_HOME/history
    124 # Originally I had $HOME/.scripts placed before the regular $PATH to override
    125 # things, however this can mess with traditional unix shells that don't
    126 # understand subdirs in $PATH. Say you have rm/script1 and rm/script2: rc will
    127 # still run the regular /bin/rm, but sh will go 'ah, let's try execute this
    128 # directory and see what happens' - of course nothing happens and it gives up
    129 # on trying to locate rm.
    130 if (!~ $rcrcdone true) {
    131 	path = ($path $home/cmd/ $home/mail/.cmd $home/go/bin /usr/lib/plan9/bin)
    132 }
    134 . /etc/locale.conf
    136 if (~ `{tty} /dev/tty1) {
    137 	doas net/autoconf
    138 	startx
    139 }
    141 rcrcdone = true