commit 3849ae5de713440e0381e17ac4b08179fe6a0054
parent 389eb3bdaa5409f2556b2c3f331e0577670de24a
Author: hhvn <>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 20:34:10 +0100
Move big struct arrays into src/data dir
M | src/commands.c | | | 335 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
M | src/config.c | | | 1242 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
A | src/data/commands.h | | | 353 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | src/data/config.h | | | 1260 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | src/data/formats.h | | | 226 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | src/data/handlers.h | | | 83 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
M | src/format.c | | | 209 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
M | src/handle.c | | | 66 | +----------------------------------------------------------------- |
8 files changed, 1926 insertions(+), 1848 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/commands.c b/src/commands.c
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@
#define command_toomany(cmd) ui_error("/%s: too many arguments", cmd)
#define command_needselected(cmd, type) ui_error("/%s: no %s selected", cmd, type)
-#define COMMAND(func) static void func(struct Server *server, struct Channel *channel, char *str)
* There are some commands that may be useful that I haven't bothered to implement.
@@ -49,70 +47,7 @@
-/* IRC commands */
-/* Channel priviledges (use modelset only) */
-/* UI commands */
+#include "data/commands.h"
static char *command_optarg;
enum {
@@ -122,274 +57,6 @@ enum {
-struct Command commands[] = {
- /* IRC commands */
- {"away", command_away, 0, {
- "usage: /away [message]",
- "Set yourself as away on the server.",
- "An empty message will unset the away.", NULL}},
- {"msg", command_msg, 1, {
- "usage: /msg <nick|channel> message..",
- "Send a message to a nick or channel.",
- "Will appear in buffers if already open.", NULL}},
- {"notice", command_notice, 1, {
- "usage: /notice <nick|channel> message..",
- "Send a notice to a nick or channel.",
- "Will appear in buffers if already open.", NULL}},
- {"me", command_me, 2, {
- "usage: /me message..",
- "Send a CTCP ACTION to the selected channel/query", NULL}},
- {"ctcp", command_ctcp, 1, {
- "usage: /ctcp [channel|nick] <TYPE>",
- "Send a CTCP request to a channel or nick", NULL}},
- {"quit", command_quit, 0, {
- "usage: /quit",
- "Cleanup and exit", NULL}},
- {"quote", command_quote, 1, {
- "usage: /quote <message>",
- "Send raw message to server", NULL}},
- {"join", command_join, 1, {
- "usage: /join <channel>",
- "Join channel", NULL}},
- {"part", command_part, 1, {
- "usage: /part <channel> [reason]",
- "Part channel", NULL}},
- {"cycle", command_cycle, 1, {
- "usage: /cycle <channel> [reason]",
- "Part channel and rejoin", NULL}},
- {"kick", command_kick, 1, {
- "usage: /kick [channel] <nick> [reason]",
- "Kick nick from channel", NULL}},
- {"mode", command_mode, 1, {
- "usage: /mode <channel> modes...",
- "Set/unset channel modes", NULL}},
- {"nick", command_nick, 1, {
- "usage: /nick <nick>",
- "Get a new nick", NULL}},
- {"list", command_list, 1, {
- "usage: /list",
- "Get list of channels.", NULL}},
- {"whois", command_whois, 1, {
- "usage: /whois [server] [nick]",
- "Request information on a nick or oneself", NULL}},
- {"who", command_who, 1, {
- "usage: /whois [mask [options]]",
- "Request short information on nicks", NULL}},
- {"whowas", command_whowas, 1, {
- "usage: /whowas [nick [count [server]]]",
- "Request information on old nicks",
- "Count defaults to 5", NULL}},
- {"ping", command_ping, 1, {
- "usage: /ping message...",
- "Send a PING to server.",
- "hirc will do this itself in the background,",
- "but will hide it unless this command is used.", NULL}},
- {"connect", command_connect, 0, {
- "usage: /connect [-network <name>] [-nick <nick>] [-user <user>]",
- " [-real <comment>] [-tls] [-verify] [host] [port]",
- "Connect to a network/server.",
- "If no host is given, it will attempt to connect to the\n",
- "selected server if it is disconnected\n",
- NULL}},
- {"disconnect", command_disconnect, 0, {
- "usage: /disconnect [network] [msg]",
- "Disconnect from a network/server", NULL}},
- {"names", command_names, 1, {
- "usage: /names <channel>",
- "List nicks in channel (pretty useless with nicklist.", NULL}},
- {"topic", command_topic, 1, {
- "usage: /topic [-clear] [channel] [topic]",
- "Sets, clears, or checks topic in channel.",
- "Provide only channel name to check.", NULL}},
- {"oper", command_oper, 1, {
- "usage: /oper [user] <password>",
- "Authenticate for server operator status.",
- "If a user is not specified, the current nickname is used.", NULL}},
- {"motd", command_motd, 1, {
- "usage: /motd [server/nick]",
- "Get the Message Of The Day for the current server,",
- "specified server, or the server with the specified nickname.", NULL}},
- {"time", command_time, 1, {
- "usage: /time [server/nick]",
- "Get the time and timezone of the current server,",
- "specified server, or the server with the specified nickname.", NULL}},
- {"stats", command_stats, 1, {
- "usage: /stats [type [server]]",
- "Query server statistics. Servers will usually list",
- "types that can be queried if no arguments are given.", NULL}},
- {"kill", command_kill, 1, {
- "usage: /kill <nick> [reason]",
- "Forcefully disconnect a nick from a server.",
- "Uses def.killmessage if no reason provided.", NULL}},
- {"links", command_links, 1, {
- "usage: /links [[server] mask]",
- "Request list of linked servers from the veiwpoint",
- "of the current or specified server, matching the",
- "specified mask.", NULL}},
- {"lusers", command_lusers, 1, {
- "usage: /lusers",
- "Request a list of users from the server.",
- "This is implemented in all servers, but",
- "only some allow its request via a command.", NULL}},
- {"map", command_map, 1, {
- "usage: /map",
- "Similar to /links but prints an ascii diagram.",
- "Nonstandard feature.", NULL}},
- {"invite", command_invite, 1, {
- "usage: /invite <nick> [channel]",
- "Invite a nick to the current or specified channel.", NULL}},
- /* Channel priviledges */
- {"op", command_op, 2, {
- "usage: /op nicks...",
- "Give a nickname +o on the current channel.", NULL}},
- {"voice", command_voice, 2, {
- "usage: /voice nicks...",
- "Give a nickname +v on the current channel.", NULL}},
- {"halfop", command_halfop, 2, {
- "usage: /halfop nicks...",
- "Give a nickname +h on the current channel.", NULL}},
- {"admin", command_admin, 2, {
- "usage: /admin nicks...",
- "Give a nickname +a on the current channel.", NULL}},
- {"owner", command_owner, 2, {
- "usage: /owner nicks...",
- "Give a nickname +q on the current channel.", NULL}},
- {"deop", command_deop, 2, {
- "usage: /deop nicks...",
- "Remove +o for a nick on the current channel.", NULL}},
- {"devoice", command_devoice, 2, {
- "usage: /devoice nicks...",
- "Remove +v for a nick on the current channel.", NULL}},
- {"dehalfop", command_dehalfop, 2, {
- "usage: /dehalfop nicks...",
- "Remove +h for a nick on the current channel.", NULL}},
- {"deadmin", command_deadmin, 2, {
- "usage: /deadmin nicks...",
- "Remove +a for a nick on the current channel.", NULL}},
- {"deowner", command_deowner, 2, {
- "usage: /deowner nicks...",
- "Remove +q for a nick on the current channel.", NULL}},
- {"ban", command_ban, 2, {
- "usage: /ban masks...",
- "Add masks to the +b banlist in the current channel", NULL}},
- {"unban", command_unban, 2, {
- "usage: /unban masks...",
- "Remove masks from the banlist in the current channel", NULL}},
- /* UI commands */
- {"query", command_query, 1, {
- "usage: /query <nick>",
- "Open a buffer for communication with a nick", NULL}},
- {"select", command_select, 0, {
- "usage: /select [-network <name>] [-channel <name>] [buffer id]",
- "Select a buffer", NULL}},
- {"set", command_set, 0, {
- "usage: /set <variable> [number/range] [end of range]",
- " /set <variable> string....",
- "Set a configuration variable.",
- "Passing only the name prints content.", NULL}},
- {"format", command_format, 0, {
- "usage: /format <format> string...",
- "Set a formatting variable.",
- "This is equivalent to /set format.<format> string...", NULL}},
- {"server", command_server, 0, {
- "usage: /server [-auto] <server> [cmd....]",
- " /server [-clear] <server>",
- "Evaluate a cooked command with server as target.",
- " -auto if supplied with a command, run that command",
- " automatically when the server connects.",
- " Otherwise, list autocmds that have been set.",
- " -clear clear autocmds from server",
- "To send a raw command to a server, use:",
- " /server <server> /quote ...", NULL}},
- {"bind", command_bind, 0, {
- "usage: /bind [<keybind> [cmd [..]]]",
- " /bind -delete <keybind>",
- "Bind command to key.",
- "Accepts caret formatted control characters (eg, ^C).",
- "Accepts multiple characters (alt-c = '^[c'), though",
- "these must be inputted faster than wgetch can read.", NULL}},
- {"help", command_help, 0, {
- "usage: /help [command or variable]",
- "Print help information.",
- "`/help commands` and `/help variables` will list respectively", NULL}},
- {"echo", command_echo, 0, {
- "usage: /echo ...",
- "Print temporarily to selected buffer.", NULL}},
- {"grep", command_grep, 0, {
- "usage: /grep [-iE] [regex]",
- "Search selected buffer",
- " -i case insensitive",
- " -E posix extended regex",
- " -raw search raw message rather than displayed text",
- "Displays any lines that match the regex in the current buffer,",
- "unless -raw is specified. For convenience, all whitespace is",
- "squeezed down to one space.",
- "If no argument is supplied, clears previous search.",
- "Searches are also cleared after selecting another buffer.",
- "See also variables: regex.extended and regex.icase", NULL}},
- {"clear", command_clear, 0, {
- "usage: /clear [-tmp] [-err] [-serr] [-log]",
- "Clear selected buffer of messages.",
- "By default all messages are cleared.",
- "The following options clear only certain messages:",
- " -tmp: temporary messages - cleared when switching buffer",
- " -err: hirc generated errors",
- " -serr: server generated errors",
- " -log: messages restored from log files", NULL}},
- {"alias", command_alias, 0, {
- "usage: /alias [<alias> [cmd [...]]]",
- " /alias -delete <alias>",
- "Add or remove an alias that expands to a command.", NULL}},
- {"scroll", command_scroll, 0, {
- "usage: /scroll [-buflist] [-nicklist] [-|+]lines",
- "Scroll a window (main by default).",
- "Positive scrolls up, negative down, 0 resets and tracks",
- "Probably most useful with /bind", NULL}},
- {"source", command_source, 0, {
- "usage: /source <file>",
- "Read a config file. Can be used inside config files.", NULL}},
- {"dump", command_dump, 0, {
- "usage: /dump [-all] [-aliases] [-bindings] [-formats] [-config]",
- " [-default] [-servers] [-channels] [-queries] [-ignores] <file>",
- "Dumps configuration details into a file.",
- " -autocmds dump commands specified with /server -auto",
- " -aliases dump /alias commands",
- " -bindings dump /bind commands",
- " -formats dump /format commands beginning with filter.",
- " -config dump /format options excluding filters",
- " -servers dump /server commands",
- " -channels dump /join commands for respective servers",
- " -queries dump /query commands for respective servers",
- " -ignores dump /ignore commands",
- " -default dump default settings (dump non-default otherwise)",
- "If none (excluding -default) of the above are selected, it is",
- "treated as though all are selected.",
- "If -autocmds and -channels are used together, and there exists",
- "an autocmd to join a channel, then only the autocmd will be dumped.", NULL}},
- {"close", command_close, 0, {
- "usage: /close [id]",
- "Forget about selected buffer, or a buffer by id.", NULL}},
- {"ignore", command_ignore, 0, {
- "usage: /ignore [[-server] [-noact] [-format format] regex]",
- " /ignore -delete id",
- " /ignore -hide|-show",
- "Hide future messages matching regex.",
- "Regexes should match a raw IRC message.",
- "Display all rules if no argument given.",
- " -show show ignored messages",
- " -hide hide ignored messages",
- " -delete delete rule with specified ID",
- " -E use extended POSIX regex",
- " -i case insensitive match",
- " -server only ignore for the current server",
- " or server provided by /server.",
- " -noact set activity to Activity_ignore,",
- " but don't hide the message.",
- " -format only ignore messages with >format<",
- "See also: regex.extended, regex.icase", NULL}},
struct Alias *aliases = NULL;
diff --git a/src/config.c b/src/config.c
@@ -57,1247 +57,7 @@ static struct {
[Val_location] = {"a location (hidden/left/right)", Location_hidden, Location_right},
-struct Config config[] = {
- {"log.dir", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "~/.local/hirc",
- .strhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Directory for hirc to log to.",
- "Can contain ~ to refer to $HOME", NULL}},
- {"log.toggle", 1, Val_bool,
- .num = 1,
- .numhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Simple: to log, or not to log", NULL}},
- {"def.nick", 1, Val_string,
- .str = NULL,
- .strhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Default nickname", NULL}},
- {"def.user", 1, Val_string,
- .str = NULL,
- .strhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Default username (nick!, ",
- "may be replaced by identd response", NULL}},
- {"def.real", 1, Val_string,
- .str = NULL,
- .strhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Default \"realname\", seen in /whois", NULL}},
- {"def.quitmessage", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "quit",
- .strhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Message to send on /quit", NULL}},
- {"def.partmessage", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "part",
- .strhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Message to send on /part", NULL}},
- {"def.killmessage", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "no reason",
- .strhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Message to send on /kill", NULL}},
- {"def.chantypes", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "#&!+",
- .strhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "You most likely don't want to touch this.",
- "If a server does not supply this in RPL_ISUPPORT,",
- "hirc assumes it will use these channel types.", NULL}},
- {"def.prefixes", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "(ov)@+",
- .strhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "You most likely don't want to touch this.",
- "If a server doesn't supply this in the nonstandard",
- "RPL_ISUPPORT, it likely won't support nonstandard",
- "prefixes.", NULL}},
- {"def.modes", 1, Val_signed,
- .num = 1,
- .numhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "You most likely don't want to touch this.",
- "If a server doesn't send MODES=... in RPL_ISUPPORT,",
- "use this number instead.", NULL}},
- {"reconnect.interval", 1, Val_nzunsigned,
- .num = 10,
- .numhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Starting reconnect interval in seconds.",
- "In reality, for each attempt this will be multipled",
- "by the number of failed attemps until it reaches",
- "reconnect.maxinterval", NULL}},
- {"reconnect.maxinterval", 1, Val_nzunsigned,
- .num = 600,
- .numhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Maximum reconnect interval in seconds.",
- "See reconnect.interval", NULL}},
- {"regex.extended", 1, Val_bool,
- .num = 0,
- .numhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Use POSIX extended regex at all times.", NULL}},
- {"regex.icase", 1, Val_bool,
- .num = 0,
- .numhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Use case insensitive regex at all times.", NULL}},
- {"nickcolour.self", 1, Val_colour,
- .num = 90,
- .numhandle = config_nickcolour_self,
- .description = {
- "Colour to use for onself.",
- "Must be 0, 99 or anywhere between. 99 is no colours.", NULL}},
- {"nickcolour.range", 1, Val_colourpair,
- .pair = {28, 63},
- .pairhandle = config_nickcolour_range,
- .description = {
- "Range of (mirc extended) colours used to colour nicks",
- "Must be 0, 99 or anywhere between. 99 is no colour",
- "Giving a single value or two identical values will",
- "use that colour only", NULL}},
- {"nicklist.location", 1, Val_location,
- .num = Location_right,
- .numhandle = config_nicklist_location,
- .description = {
- "Location of nicklist.",
- "Accepted values: hidden, left, right.", NULL}},
- {"nicklist.width", 1, Val_nzunsigned,
- .num = 15,
- .numhandle = config_nicklist_width,
- .description = {
- "Number of columns nicklist will take up.", NULL}},
- {"buflist.location", 1, Val_location,
- .num = Location_left,
- .numhandle = config_buflist_location,
- .description = {
- "Location of buflist.",
- "Accepted values: hidden, left, right.", NULL}},
- {"buflist.width", 1, Val_nzunsigned,
- .num = 25,
- .numhandle = config_buflist_width,
- .description = {
- "Number of columns buflist will take up.", NULL}},
- {"misc.topiccolour", 1, Val_colourpair,
- .pair = {99, 89},
- .pairhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Foreground and background colour of topic bar in main window", NULL}},
- {"misc.pingtime", 1, Val_nzunsigned,
- .num = 200,
- .numhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Wait this many seconds since last received message",
- "from server to send PING. If ping.wait seconds",
- "elapses since sending a PING, hirc will consider",
- "the server disconnected.", NULL}},
- {"misc.bell", 1, Val_bool,
- .num = 1,
- .numhandle = config_redrawl,
- .description = {
- "Send an audible bell on highlights or messages.",
- "Often triggers some other form of action in graphical environments.", NULL}},
- {"motd.removedash", 1, Val_bool,
- .num = 1,
- .numhandle = config_redrawl,
- .description = {
- "Remove dash characters often prepended to RPL_MOTD replies.",
- "This setting only affects messages recieved after it is set.", NULL}},
- {"completion.hchar", 1, Val_string,
- .str = ",",
- .strhandle = NULL,
- .description = {
- "Character to place after hilightning a nick",
- "(eg, \",\" -> \"hhvn, hi!\"", NULL}},
- {"divider.toggle", 1, Val_bool,
- .num = 1,
- .numhandle = config_redrawl,
- .description = {
- "Turn divider on/off", NULL}},
- {"divider.margin", 1, Val_nzunsigned,
- .num = 15,
- .numhandle = config_redrawl,
- .description = {
- "Number of columns on the left of the divider", NULL}},
- {"divider.string", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " ",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "String to be used as divider", NULL}},
- {"rdate.short", 1, Val_bool,
- .num = 0,
- .numhandle = config_redrawl,
- .description = {
- "Show short units of time (eg, 1d 2h) vs",
- "long (eg, 1 day 2 hours) units for %{rdate:...}"}},
- {"rdate.averages", 1, Val_bool,
- .num = 1,
- .numhandle = config_redrawl,
- .description = {
- "Months and years are calculated with averages.",
- "Disabling this setting will only use absolute units."}}, /* heh, not intentional */
- {"rdate.verbose", 1, Val_bool,
- .num = 0,
- .numhandle = config_redrawl,
- .description = {
- "Show all units for %{rdate:...}"}},
- {"timestamp.toggle", 1, Val_bool,
- .num = 1,
- .numhandle = config_redrawl,
- .description = {
- "Turn on/off timestamps", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.timestamp", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:92}%{time:%H:%M:%S,${time}}%{o} ",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of timestamps",
- "Only shown if timestamp.toggle is on.",
- "This format is special as it is included in others.", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.topic", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:99,89}${topic}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of topic at top of main window", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.error", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:28}%{b}${4} %{b}(${3} at ${1}:${2})",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of SELF_ERROR messages", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.misc", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${1}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of SELF_UI messages", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.connectlost", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Connection to ${1} (${2}:${3}) lost: ${4}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of SELF_CONNECTLOST messages", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.connecting", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Connecting to ${1}:${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of SELF_CONNECTING messages", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.connected", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Connection to ${1} established",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of SELF_CONNECTED messages", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.lookupfail", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Failed to lookup ${2}: ${4}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of SELF_LOOKUPFAIL messages", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.connectfail", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Failed to connect to ${2}:${3}: ${4}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of SELF_CONNECTFAIL messages", NULL}},
-#ifndef TLS
- {"format.ui.tls.notcompiled", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "TLS not compiled into hirc",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of SELF_TLSNOTCOMPILED messages", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.tls.version", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Protocol: %{b}${2}%{b} (%{b}${3}%{b} bits, %{b}${4}%{b})",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "TLS version and crypto information.", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.tls.sni", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "SNI name: %{b}${2}%{b}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "TLS server name indication.", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.tls.issuer", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Cert issuer: %{b}${3}%{b}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "TLS certificate issuer.", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.tls.subject", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Cert subject: %{b}${3}%{b}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "TLS certificate subject.", NULL}},
-#endif /* TLS */
- {"format.ui.keybind", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " ${1}: ${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of /bind output", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.keybind.start", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Keybindings:",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of header of /bind output", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.keybind.end", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of footer of /bind output", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.autocmds", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " ${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of /server -auto output", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.autocmds.start", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Autocmds for ${1}:",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of header of /server -auto output", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.autocmds.end", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of footer of /server -auto output", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.logrestore", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:93}---%{=}%{c:93}Restored log up until %{b}%{time:%c,${1}}%{b} ---",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of log restore footer.", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.unread", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:93}---%{=}%{c:93}%{b}${1}%{b} unread (%{b}${2}%{b} ignored) ---",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of unread message indicator.", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.ignores.start", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Ignoring:",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ignore list header.", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.ignores", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " %{pad:-3,${1}} (server: ${2}, noact: ${3}, format: ${4}) ${5}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ignore list messages.", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.ignores.end", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ignore list footer.", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.ignores.added", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Ignore added: ${4} (server: ${1}, noact: ${2}, format: ${3})",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of new ignores.", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.grep.start", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{b}%{c:94}Results of ${1}:",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of start of /grep output", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.grep.end", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of end of /grep output", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.alias", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " ${1}: ${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of /alias output", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.alias.start", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Aliases:",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of header of /alias output", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.alias.end", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of footer of /alias output", NULL}},
- {"", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " ${1}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of /alias output", NULL}},
- {"", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${1} help:",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of header of /alias output", NULL}},
- {"", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of footer of /alias output", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.buflist.old", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:91}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Indicator for disconnected servers or parted channels", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.buflist.activity.none", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Indicator for buffer with activity of level `none`", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.buflist.activity.status", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:95}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Indicator for buffer with activity of level `status`", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.buflist.activity.error", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:28}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Indicator for buffer with activity of level `error`", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.buflist.activity.message", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:45}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Indicator for buffer with activity of level `message`", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.buflist.activity.hilight", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:45}%{r}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Indicator for buffer with activity of level `hilight`", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.buflist.more", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:92}...",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Shown if there are more nicks that must be scrolled to see.", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.nicklist.more", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:92}...",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Shown if there are more nicks that must be scrolled to see.", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.separator.vertical", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "│",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Used for vertical line seperating windows", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.separator.split.left", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "├",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Joins left vertical separator to input seperator", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.separator.split.right", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "┤",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Joins right vertical separator to input seperator", NULL}},
- {"format.ui.separator.horizontal", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "─",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Used for horizontal line separating input and main window", NULL}},
- {"format.privmsg", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{nick:${nick}}${priv}${nick}%{o}%{=}${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of messages", NULL}},
- {"format.action", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{nick:${nick}}*%{b}${nick}%{b}%{=}${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of actions", NULL}},
- {"format.ctcp.request", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} %{c:94}%{b}q%{o}%{=}${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of CTCP requests", NULL}},
- {"format.ctcp.answer", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} %{c:94}%{b}a%{o}%{=}${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of CTCP answers", NULL}},
- {"format.notice", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{nick:${nick}}-${priv}${nick}-%{o}%{=}${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of notices", NULL}},
- {"format.nick", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o}%{=}is now known as %{nick:${1}}${1}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of NICK messages", NULL}},
- {"format.join", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{b}%{c:44}+%{o}%{=}%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} (${ident}@${host})",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of JOIN messages", NULL}},
- {"format.quit", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{b}%{c:40}<%{o}%{=}%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} (${ident}@${host}): ${1}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of QUIT messages", NULL}},
- {"format.part", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{b}%{c:40}-%{o}%{=}%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} (${ident}@${host}): ${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of PART messages", NULL}},
- {"format.kick", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{b}%{c:40}!%{o}%{=}%{nick:${2}}${2}${o} by %{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} (${ident}@${host}): ${3}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of PART messages", NULL}},
- {"format.mode.nick.self", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${1} set %{c:94}${2-}%{o}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of modes being set on self by server/self", NULL}},
- {"format.mode.nick", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${1} set %{c:94}${2-}%{o} by ${nick} (${ident}@${host})",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of modes being on nicks", NULL}},
- {"", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "mode%{=}%{c:94}${2-}%{o} by %{nick:${nick}}${nick}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of modes being set on channels", NULL}},
- {"format.topic", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "topic%{=}${2}\\nset by %{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} now",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of topic being set", NULL}},
- {"format.invite", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} invited you to ${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of an invitation being received.", NULL}},
- {"format.pong", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "PONG from %{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o}: ${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of replies to /ping", NULL}},
- {"format.error", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:28}ERROR:%{o} ${1}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of generic ERROR messages.",
- "Most commonly seen when being /kill'd.", NULL}},
- /* Generic numerics (bit boring) */
- {"format.rpl.welcome", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WELCOME (001) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.yourhost", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_YOURHOST (002) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.created", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_CREATED (003) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.myinfo", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_MYINFO (004) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.isupport", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_MYSUPPORT (005) numeric", NULL}},
- {"", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_MAP (006) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.mapend", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_MAPEND (007) numeric", NULL}},
- /* START: misc/rpl-conf-gen.awk */
- {"format.rpl.tracelink", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TRACELINK (200) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.traceconnecting", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TRACECONNECTING (201) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.tracehandshake", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE (202) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.traceunknown", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN (203) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.traceoperator", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TRACEOPERATOR (204) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.traceuser", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TRACEUSER (205) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.traceserver", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TRACESERVER (206) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.tracenewtype", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TRACENEWTYPE (208) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.traceclass", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TRACECLASS (209) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.statslinkinfo", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_STATSLINKINFO (211) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.statscommands", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_STATSCOMMANDS (212) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.statscline", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_STATSCLINE (213) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.statsnline", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_STATSNLINE (214) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.statsiline", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_STATSILINE (215) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.statskline", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_STATSKLINE (216) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.statsyline", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_STATSYLINE (218) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.endofstats", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ENDOFSTATS (219) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.umodeis", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_UMODEIS (221) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.serviceinfo", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_SERVICEINFO (231) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.service", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_SERVICE (233) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.servlistend", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_SERVLISTEND (235) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.statslline", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_STATSLLINE (241) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.statsuptime", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_STATSUPTIME (242) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.statsoline", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_STATSOLINE (243) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.statshline", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_STATSHLINE (244) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.luserclient", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_LUSERCLIENT (251) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.luserop", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "There are ${2} opers online",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_LUSEROP (252) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.luserunknown", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "There are ${2} unknown connections",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN (253) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.luserchannels", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "There are ${2} channels formed",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_LUSERCHANNELS (254) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.luserme", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "There are %{split:3, ,${2}} clients and %{split:6, ,${2}} servers connected to this server",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_LUSERME (255) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.adminme", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ADMINME (256) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.adminloc1", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ADMINLOC1 (257) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.adminloc2", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ADMINLOC2 (258) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.adminemail", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ADMINEMAIL (259) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.tracelog", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TRACELOG (261) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.none", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_NONE (300) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.away", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "away%{=}%{nick:${2}}${2}%{o}: ${3}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_AWAY (301) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.userhost", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_USERHOST (302) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.ison", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ISON (303) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.unaway", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:40}<--%{o}%{=}No longer %{b}away%{b}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_UNAWAY (305) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.nowaway", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{c:32}-->%{o}%{=}Set %{b}away%{b}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_NOWAWAY (306) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whoisuser", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{b}${2}!${3}@${4}%{b} (${6}):",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOISUSER (311) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whoisserver", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " %{b}server %{b}: ${3} (${4})",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOISSERVER (312) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whoisoperator", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " %{b}oper %{b}: ${3}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOISOPERATOR (313) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whowasuser", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{b}${2}!${3}@${4}%{b} (${6}) was on:",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOWASUSER (314) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.endofwho", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "End of WHO results for ${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ENDOFWHO (315) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whoisidle", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " %{b}signon %{b}: %{time:%c,${4}}, idle: %{rdate:${3}}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOISIDLE (317) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.endofwhois", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ENDOFWHOIS (318) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whoischannels", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " %{b}channels%{b}: ${3}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOISCHANNELS (319) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.liststart", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{pad:-15,Channel} %{pad:-5,Nicks} Topic",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_LISTSTART (321) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.list", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{pad:-15,${2}} %{pad:-5,${3}} ${4}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_LIST (322) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.listend", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_LISTEND (323) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.channelmodeis", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "mode%{=}%{c:94}${3-}%{o}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_CHANNELMODEIS (324) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.notopic", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "topic%{=}no topic set",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_NOTOPIC (331) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.topic", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "topic%{=}${3}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TOPIC (332) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.inviting", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "invite%{=}${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_INVITING (341) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.summoning", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_SUMMONING (342) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.version", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_VERSION (351) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whoreply", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "%{b}${6}!${3}@${4}%{b} (%{split:2, ,${8}}): ${7} %{split:1, ,${8}}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOREPLY (352) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.namreply", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "names%{=}${4-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_NAMREPLY (353) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.closing", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_CLOSING (362) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.links", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_LINKS (364) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.endoflinks", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ENDOFLINKS (365) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.endofnames", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ENDOFNAMES (366) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.banlist", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_BANLIST (367) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.endofbanlist", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ENDOFBANLIST (368) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.endofwhowas", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS (369) numeric", NULL}},
- {"", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_INFO (371) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.motd", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_MOTD (372) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.infostart", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_INFOSTART (373) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.endofinfo", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ENDOFINFO (374) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.motdstart", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_MOTDSTART (375) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.endofmotd", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ENDOFMOTD (376) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.youreoper", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_YOUREOPER (381) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.rehashing", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_REHASHING (382) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.time", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TIME (391) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.usersstart", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_USERSSTART (392) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.users", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_USERS (393) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.endofusers", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_ENDOFUSERS (394) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.nousers", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_NOUSERS (395) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.nosuchnick", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "No such nick: ${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOSUCHNICK (401) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.nosuchserver", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "No such server: ${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOSUCHSERVER (402) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.nosuchchannel", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "No such channel: ${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL (403) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.cannotsendtochan", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN (404) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.toomanychannels", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS (405) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.wasnosuchnick", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK (406) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.toomanytargets", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS (407) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.noorigin", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOORIGIN (409) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.norecipient", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NORECIPIENT (411) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.notexttosend", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND (412) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.notoplevel", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOTOPLEVEL (413) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.wildtoplevel", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL (414) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.unknowncommand", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND (421) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.nomotd", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOMOTD (422) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.noadmininfo", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOADMININFO (423) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.fileerror", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_FILEERROR (424) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.nonicknamegiven", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN (431) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.erroneusnickname", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Erroneous nickname: ${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME (432) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.nicknameinuse", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "Nickname already in use: ${2}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE (433) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.nickcollision", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NICKCOLLISION (436) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.usernotinchannel", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL (441) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.notonchannel", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOTONCHANNEL (442) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.useronchannel", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_USERONCHANNEL (443) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.nologin", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOLOGIN (444) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.summondisabled", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_SUMMONDISABLED (445) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.usersdisabled", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_USERSDISABLED (446) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.notregistered", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOTREGISTERED (451) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.needmoreparams", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS (461) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.alreadyregistred", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED (462) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.nopermforhost", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOPERMFORHOST (463) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.passwdmismatch", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH (464) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.yourebannedcreep", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP (465) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.youwillbebanned", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED (466) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.keyset", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_KEYSET (467) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.channelisfull", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_CHANNELISFULL (471) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.unknownmode", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_UNKNOWNMODE (472) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.inviteonlychan", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN (473) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.bannedfromchan", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN (474) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.badchannelkey", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_BADCHANNELKEY (475) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.noprivileges", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOPRIVILEGES (481) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.chanoprivsneeded", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED (482) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.cantkillserver", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_CANTKILLSERVER (483) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.nooperhost", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOOPERHOST (491) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.noservicehost", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_NOSERVICEHOST (492) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.umodeunknownflag", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG (501) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.err.usersdontmatch", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of ERR_USERSDONTMATCH (502) numeric", NULL}},
- /* END: misc/rpl-conf-gen.awk */
- /* Modern numerics */
- {"format.rpl.localusers", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "There are ${2} current local users, record of ${3}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPLS_LOCALUSERS (265) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.globalusers", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "There are ${2} current global users, record of ${3}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_GLOBALUSERS (266) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whoisspecial", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " %{b}info %{b}: ${3}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOISSPECIAL (320) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whoisaccount", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " %{b}account %{b}: ${3}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOISACCOUNT (330) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.topicwhotime", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "set by %{nick:${3}}${3}%{o} at %{time:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,${4}}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_TOPICWHOTIME (333) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whoisactually", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " %{b}actually%{b}: ${3-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOISACTUALLY (338) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whoishost", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " %{b}info %{b}: ${3}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOISHOST (378) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whoismodes", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " %{b}modes %{b}: ${3}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOISMODES (379) numeric", NULL}},
- {"format.rpl.whoissecure", 1, Val_string,
- .str = " %{b}secure %{b}: ${3}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of RPL_WHOISSECURE (671) numeric", NULL}},
- /* Default formats */
- {"format.rpl.other", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${cmd} ${2-}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of numerics without formats", NULL}},
- {"format.other", 1, Val_string,
- .str = "${raw}",
- .strhandle = config_redraws,
- .description = {
- "Format of other messages without formats", NULL}},
- {NULL},
+#include "data/config.h"
struct Config *
config_getp(char *name) {
diff --git a/src/data/commands.h b/src/data/commands.h
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ * src/data/commands.h from hirc
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 hhvn <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#define COMMAND(func) static void func(struct Server *server, struct Channel *channel, char *str)
+/* IRC commands */
+/* Channel priviledges (use modelset only) */
+/* UI commands */
+struct Command commands[] = {
+ /* IRC commands */
+ {"away", command_away, 0, {
+ "usage: /away [message]",
+ "Set yourself as away on the server.",
+ "An empty message will unset the away.", NULL}},
+ {"msg", command_msg, 1, {
+ "usage: /msg <nick|channel> message..",
+ "Send a message to a nick or channel.",
+ "Will appear in buffers if already open.", NULL}},
+ {"notice", command_notice, 1, {
+ "usage: /notice <nick|channel> message..",
+ "Send a notice to a nick or channel.",
+ "Will appear in buffers if already open.", NULL}},
+ {"me", command_me, 2, {
+ "usage: /me message..",
+ "Send a CTCP ACTION to the selected channel/query", NULL}},
+ {"ctcp", command_ctcp, 1, {
+ "usage: /ctcp [channel|nick] <TYPE>",
+ "Send a CTCP request to a channel or nick", NULL}},
+ {"quit", command_quit, 0, {
+ "usage: /quit",
+ "Cleanup and exit", NULL}},
+ {"quote", command_quote, 1, {
+ "usage: /quote <message>",
+ "Send raw message to server", NULL}},
+ {"join", command_join, 1, {
+ "usage: /join <channel>",
+ "Join channel", NULL}},
+ {"part", command_part, 1, {
+ "usage: /part <channel> [reason]",
+ "Part channel", NULL}},
+ {"cycle", command_cycle, 1, {
+ "usage: /cycle <channel> [reason]",
+ "Part channel and rejoin", NULL}},
+ {"kick", command_kick, 1, {
+ "usage: /kick [channel] <nick> [reason]",
+ "Kick nick from channel", NULL}},
+ {"mode", command_mode, 1, {
+ "usage: /mode <channel> modes...",
+ "Set/unset channel modes", NULL}},
+ {"nick", command_nick, 1, {
+ "usage: /nick <nick>",
+ "Get a new nick", NULL}},
+ {"list", command_list, 1, {
+ "usage: /list",
+ "Get list of channels.", NULL}},
+ {"whois", command_whois, 1, {
+ "usage: /whois [server] [nick]",
+ "Request information on a nick or oneself", NULL}},
+ {"who", command_who, 1, {
+ "usage: /whois [mask [options]]",
+ "Request short information on nicks", NULL}},
+ {"whowas", command_whowas, 1, {
+ "usage: /whowas [nick [count [server]]]",
+ "Request information on old nicks",
+ "Count defaults to 5", NULL}},
+ {"ping", command_ping, 1, {
+ "usage: /ping message...",
+ "Send a PING to server.",
+ "hirc will do this itself in the background,",
+ "but will hide it unless this command is used.", NULL}},
+ {"connect", command_connect, 0, {
+ "usage: /connect [-network <name>] [-nick <nick>] [-user <user>]",
+ " [-real <comment>] [-tls] [-verify] [host] [port]",
+ "Connect to a network/server.",
+ "If no host is given, it will attempt to connect to the\n",
+ "selected server if it is disconnected\n",
+ NULL}},
+ {"disconnect", command_disconnect, 0, {
+ "usage: /disconnect [network] [msg]",
+ "Disconnect from a network/server", NULL}},
+ {"names", command_names, 1, {
+ "usage: /names <channel>",
+ "List nicks in channel (pretty useless with nicklist.", NULL}},
+ {"topic", command_topic, 1, {
+ "usage: /topic [-clear] [channel] [topic]",
+ "Sets, clears, or checks topic in channel.",
+ "Provide only channel name to check.", NULL}},
+ {"oper", command_oper, 1, {
+ "usage: /oper [user] <password>",
+ "Authenticate for server operator status.",
+ "If a user is not specified, the current nickname is used.", NULL}},
+ {"motd", command_motd, 1, {
+ "usage: /motd [server/nick]",
+ "Get the Message Of The Day for the current server,",
+ "specified server, or the server with the specified nickname.", NULL}},
+ {"time", command_time, 1, {
+ "usage: /time [server/nick]",
+ "Get the time and timezone of the current server,",
+ "specified server, or the server with the specified nickname.", NULL}},
+ {"stats", command_stats, 1, {
+ "usage: /stats [type [server]]",
+ "Query server statistics. Servers will usually list",
+ "types that can be queried if no arguments are given.", NULL}},
+ {"kill", command_kill, 1, {
+ "usage: /kill <nick> [reason]",
+ "Forcefully disconnect a nick from a server.",
+ "Uses def.killmessage if no reason provided.", NULL}},
+ {"links", command_links, 1, {
+ "usage: /links [[server] mask]",
+ "Request list of linked servers from the veiwpoint",
+ "of the current or specified server, matching the",
+ "specified mask.", NULL}},
+ {"lusers", command_lusers, 1, {
+ "usage: /lusers",
+ "Request a list of users from the server.",
+ "This is implemented in all servers, but",
+ "only some allow its request via a command.", NULL}},
+ {"map", command_map, 1, {
+ "usage: /map",
+ "Similar to /links but prints an ascii diagram.",
+ "Nonstandard feature.", NULL}},
+ {"invite", command_invite, 1, {
+ "usage: /invite <nick> [channel]",
+ "Invite a nick to the current or specified channel.", NULL}},
+ /* Channel priviledges */
+ {"op", command_op, 2, {
+ "usage: /op nicks...",
+ "Give a nickname +o on the current channel.", NULL}},
+ {"voice", command_voice, 2, {
+ "usage: /voice nicks...",
+ "Give a nickname +v on the current channel.", NULL}},
+ {"halfop", command_halfop, 2, {
+ "usage: /halfop nicks...",
+ "Give a nickname +h on the current channel.", NULL}},
+ {"admin", command_admin, 2, {
+ "usage: /admin nicks...",
+ "Give a nickname +a on the current channel.", NULL}},
+ {"owner", command_owner, 2, {
+ "usage: /owner nicks...",
+ "Give a nickname +q on the current channel.", NULL}},
+ {"deop", command_deop, 2, {
+ "usage: /deop nicks...",
+ "Remove +o for a nick on the current channel.", NULL}},
+ {"devoice", command_devoice, 2, {
+ "usage: /devoice nicks...",
+ "Remove +v for a nick on the current channel.", NULL}},
+ {"dehalfop", command_dehalfop, 2, {
+ "usage: /dehalfop nicks...",
+ "Remove +h for a nick on the current channel.", NULL}},
+ {"deadmin", command_deadmin, 2, {
+ "usage: /deadmin nicks...",
+ "Remove +a for a nick on the current channel.", NULL}},
+ {"deowner", command_deowner, 2, {
+ "usage: /deowner nicks...",
+ "Remove +q for a nick on the current channel.", NULL}},
+ {"ban", command_ban, 2, {
+ "usage: /ban masks...",
+ "Add masks to the +b banlist in the current channel", NULL}},
+ {"unban", command_unban, 2, {
+ "usage: /unban masks...",
+ "Remove masks from the banlist in the current channel", NULL}},
+ /* UI commands */
+ {"query", command_query, 1, {
+ "usage: /query <nick>",
+ "Open a buffer for communication with a nick", NULL}},
+ {"select", command_select, 0, {
+ "usage: /select [-network <name>] [-channel <name>] [buffer id]",
+ "Select a buffer", NULL}},
+ {"set", command_set, 0, {
+ "usage: /set <variable> [number/range] [end of range]",
+ " /set <variable> string....",
+ "Set a configuration variable.",
+ "Passing only the name prints content.", NULL}},
+ {"format", command_format, 0, {
+ "usage: /format <format> string...",
+ "Set a formatting variable.",
+ "This is equivalent to /set format.<format> string...", NULL}},
+ {"server", command_server, 0, {
+ "usage: /server [-auto] <server> [cmd....]",
+ " /server [-clear] <server>",
+ "Evaluate a cooked command with server as target.",
+ " -auto if supplied with a command, run that command",
+ " automatically when the server connects.",
+ " Otherwise, list autocmds that have been set.",
+ " -clear clear autocmds from server",
+ "To send a raw command to a server, use:",
+ " /server <server> /quote ...", NULL}},
+ {"bind", command_bind, 0, {
+ "usage: /bind [<keybind> [cmd [..]]]",
+ " /bind -delete <keybind>",
+ "Bind command to key.",
+ "Accepts caret formatted control characters (eg, ^C).",
+ "Accepts multiple characters (alt-c = '^[c'), though",
+ "these must be inputted faster than wgetch can read.", NULL}},
+ {"help", command_help, 0, {
+ "usage: /help [command or variable]",
+ "Print help information.",
+ "`/help commands` and `/help variables` will list respectively", NULL}},
+ {"echo", command_echo, 0, {
+ "usage: /echo ...",
+ "Print temporarily to selected buffer.", NULL}},
+ {"grep", command_grep, 0, {
+ "usage: /grep [-iE] [regex]",
+ "Search selected buffer",
+ " -i case insensitive",
+ " -E posix extended regex",
+ " -raw search raw message rather than displayed text",
+ "Displays any lines that match the regex in the current buffer,",
+ "unless -raw is specified. For convenience, all whitespace is",
+ "squeezed down to one space.",
+ "If no argument is supplied, clears previous search.",
+ "Searches are also cleared after selecting another buffer.",
+ "See also variables: regex.extended and regex.icase", NULL}},
+ {"clear", command_clear, 0, {
+ "usage: /clear [-tmp] [-err] [-serr] [-log]",
+ "Clear selected buffer of messages.",
+ "By default all messages are cleared.",
+ "The following options clear only certain messages:",
+ " -tmp: temporary messages - cleared when switching buffer",
+ " -err: hirc generated errors",
+ " -serr: server generated errors",
+ " -log: messages restored from log files", NULL}},
+ {"alias", command_alias, 0, {
+ "usage: /alias [<alias> [cmd [...]]]",
+ " /alias -delete <alias>",
+ "Add or remove an alias that expands to a command.", NULL}},
+ {"scroll", command_scroll, 0, {
+ "usage: /scroll [-buflist] [-nicklist] [-|+]lines",
+ "Scroll a window (main by default).",
+ "Positive scrolls up, negative down, 0 resets and tracks",
+ "Probably most useful with /bind", NULL}},
+ {"source", command_source, 0, {
+ "usage: /source <file>",
+ "Read a config file. Can be used inside config files.", NULL}},
+ {"dump", command_dump, 0, {
+ "usage: /dump [-all] [-aliases] [-bindings] [-formats] [-config]",
+ " [-default] [-servers] [-channels] [-queries] [-ignores] <file>",
+ "Dumps configuration details into a file.",
+ " -autocmds dump commands specified with /server -auto",
+ " -aliases dump /alias commands",
+ " -bindings dump /bind commands",
+ " -formats dump /format commands beginning with filter.",
+ " -config dump /format options excluding filters",
+ " -servers dump /server commands",
+ " -channels dump /join commands for respective servers",
+ " -queries dump /query commands for respective servers",
+ " -ignores dump /ignore commands",
+ " -default dump default settings (dump non-default otherwise)",
+ "If none (excluding -default) of the above are selected, it is",
+ "treated as though all are selected.",
+ "If -autocmds and -channels are used together, and there exists",
+ "an autocmd to join a channel, then only the autocmd will be dumped.", NULL}},
+ {"close", command_close, 0, {
+ "usage: /close [id]",
+ "Forget about selected buffer, or a buffer by id.", NULL}},
+ {"ignore", command_ignore, 0, {
+ "usage: /ignore [[-server] [-noact] [-format format] regex]",
+ " /ignore -delete id",
+ " /ignore -hide|-show",
+ "Hide future messages matching regex.",
+ "Regexes should match a raw IRC message.",
+ "Display all rules if no argument given.",
+ " -show show ignored messages",
+ " -hide hide ignored messages",
+ " -delete delete rule with specified ID",
+ " -E use extended POSIX regex",
+ " -i case insensitive match",
+ " -server only ignore for the current server",
+ " or server provided by /server.",
+ " -noact set activity to Activity_ignore,",
+ " but don't hide the message.",
+ " -format only ignore messages with >format<",
+ "See also: regex.extended, regex.icase", NULL}},
diff --git a/src/data/config.h b/src/data/config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1260 @@
+ * src/data/config.h from hirc
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 hhvn <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+struct Config config[] = {
+ {"log.dir", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "~/.local/hirc",
+ .strhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Directory for hirc to log to.",
+ "Can contain ~ to refer to $HOME", NULL}},
+ {"log.toggle", 1, Val_bool,
+ .num = 1,
+ .numhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Simple: to log, or not to log", NULL}},
+ {"def.nick", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = NULL,
+ .strhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Default nickname", NULL}},
+ {"def.user", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = NULL,
+ .strhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Default username (nick!, ",
+ "may be replaced by identd response", NULL}},
+ {"def.real", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = NULL,
+ .strhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Default \"realname\", seen in /whois", NULL}},
+ {"def.quitmessage", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "quit",
+ .strhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Message to send on /quit", NULL}},
+ {"def.partmessage", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "part",
+ .strhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Message to send on /part", NULL}},
+ {"def.killmessage", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "no reason",
+ .strhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Message to send on /kill", NULL}},
+ {"def.chantypes", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "#&!+",
+ .strhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "You most likely don't want to touch this.",
+ "If a server does not supply this in RPL_ISUPPORT,",
+ "hirc assumes it will use these channel types.", NULL}},
+ {"def.prefixes", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "(ov)@+",
+ .strhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "You most likely don't want to touch this.",
+ "If a server doesn't supply this in the nonstandard",
+ "RPL_ISUPPORT, it likely won't support nonstandard",
+ "prefixes.", NULL}},
+ {"def.modes", 1, Val_signed,
+ .num = 1,
+ .numhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "You most likely don't want to touch this.",
+ "If a server doesn't send MODES=... in RPL_ISUPPORT,",
+ "use this number instead.", NULL}},
+ {"reconnect.interval", 1, Val_nzunsigned,
+ .num = 10,
+ .numhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Starting reconnect interval in seconds.",
+ "In reality, for each attempt this will be multipled",
+ "by the number of failed attemps until it reaches",
+ "reconnect.maxinterval", NULL}},
+ {"reconnect.maxinterval", 1, Val_nzunsigned,
+ .num = 600,
+ .numhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Maximum reconnect interval in seconds.",
+ "See reconnect.interval", NULL}},
+ {"regex.extended", 1, Val_bool,
+ .num = 0,
+ .numhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Use POSIX extended regex at all times.", NULL}},
+ {"regex.icase", 1, Val_bool,
+ .num = 0,
+ .numhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Use case insensitive regex at all times.", NULL}},
+ {"nickcolour.self", 1, Val_colour,
+ .num = 90,
+ .numhandle = config_nickcolour_self,
+ .description = {
+ "Colour to use for onself.",
+ "Must be 0, 99 or anywhere between. 99 is no colours.", NULL}},
+ {"nickcolour.range", 1, Val_colourpair,
+ .pair = {28, 63},
+ .pairhandle = config_nickcolour_range,
+ .description = {
+ "Range of (mirc extended) colours used to colour nicks",
+ "Must be 0, 99 or anywhere between. 99 is no colour",
+ "Giving a single value or two identical values will",
+ "use that colour only", NULL}},
+ {"nicklist.location", 1, Val_location,
+ .num = Location_right,
+ .numhandle = config_nicklist_location,
+ .description = {
+ "Location of nicklist.",
+ "Accepted values: hidden, left, right.", NULL}},
+ {"nicklist.width", 1, Val_nzunsigned,
+ .num = 15,
+ .numhandle = config_nicklist_width,
+ .description = {
+ "Number of columns nicklist will take up.", NULL}},
+ {"buflist.location", 1, Val_location,
+ .num = Location_left,
+ .numhandle = config_buflist_location,
+ .description = {
+ "Location of buflist.",
+ "Accepted values: hidden, left, right.", NULL}},
+ {"buflist.width", 1, Val_nzunsigned,
+ .num = 25,
+ .numhandle = config_buflist_width,
+ .description = {
+ "Number of columns buflist will take up.", NULL}},
+ {"misc.topiccolour", 1, Val_colourpair,
+ .pair = {99, 89},
+ .pairhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Foreground and background colour of topic bar in main window", NULL}},
+ {"misc.pingtime", 1, Val_nzunsigned,
+ .num = 200,
+ .numhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Wait this many seconds since last received message",
+ "from server to send PING. If ping.wait seconds",
+ "elapses since sending a PING, hirc will consider",
+ "the server disconnected.", NULL}},
+ {"misc.bell", 1, Val_bool,
+ .num = 1,
+ .numhandle = config_redrawl,
+ .description = {
+ "Send an audible bell on highlights or messages.",
+ "Often triggers some other form of action in graphical environments.", NULL}},
+ {"motd.removedash", 1, Val_bool,
+ .num = 1,
+ .numhandle = config_redrawl,
+ .description = {
+ "Remove dash characters often prepended to RPL_MOTD replies.",
+ "This setting only affects messages recieved after it is set.", NULL}},
+ {"completion.hchar", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = ",",
+ .strhandle = NULL,
+ .description = {
+ "Character to place after hilightning a nick",
+ "(eg, \",\" -> \"hhvn, hi!\"", NULL}},
+ {"divider.toggle", 1, Val_bool,
+ .num = 1,
+ .numhandle = config_redrawl,
+ .description = {
+ "Turn divider on/off", NULL}},
+ {"divider.margin", 1, Val_nzunsigned,
+ .num = 15,
+ .numhandle = config_redrawl,
+ .description = {
+ "Number of columns on the left of the divider", NULL}},
+ {"divider.string", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " ",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "String to be used as divider", NULL}},
+ {"rdate.short", 1, Val_bool,
+ .num = 0,
+ .numhandle = config_redrawl,
+ .description = {
+ "Show short units of time (eg, 1d 2h) vs",
+ "long (eg, 1 day 2 hours) units for %{rdate:...}"}},
+ {"rdate.averages", 1, Val_bool,
+ .num = 1,
+ .numhandle = config_redrawl,
+ .description = {
+ "Months and years are calculated with averages.",
+ "Disabling this setting will only use absolute units."}}, /* heh, not intentional */
+ {"rdate.verbose", 1, Val_bool,
+ .num = 0,
+ .numhandle = config_redrawl,
+ .description = {
+ "Show all units for %{rdate:...}"}},
+ {"timestamp.toggle", 1, Val_bool,
+ .num = 1,
+ .numhandle = config_redrawl,
+ .description = {
+ "Turn on/off timestamps", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.timestamp", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:92}%{time:%H:%M:%S,${time}}%{o} ",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of timestamps",
+ "Only shown if timestamp.toggle is on.",
+ "This format is special as it is included in others.", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.topic", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:99,89}${topic}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of topic at top of main window", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.error", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:28}%{b}${4} %{b}(${3} at ${1}:${2})",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of SELF_ERROR messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.misc", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${1}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of SELF_UI messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.connectlost", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Connection to ${1} (${2}:${3}) lost: ${4}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of SELF_CONNECTLOST messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.connecting", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Connecting to ${1}:${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of SELF_CONNECTING messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.connected", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Connection to ${1} established",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of SELF_CONNECTED messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.lookupfail", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Failed to lookup ${2}: ${4}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of SELF_LOOKUPFAIL messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.connectfail", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Failed to connect to ${2}:${3}: ${4}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of SELF_CONNECTFAIL messages", NULL}},
+#ifndef TLS
+ {"format.ui.tls.notcompiled", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "TLS not compiled into hirc",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of SELF_TLSNOTCOMPILED messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.tls.version", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Protocol: %{b}${2}%{b} (%{b}${3}%{b} bits, %{b}${4}%{b})",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "TLS version and crypto information.", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.tls.sni", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "SNI name: %{b}${2}%{b}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "TLS server name indication.", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.tls.issuer", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Cert issuer: %{b}${3}%{b}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "TLS certificate issuer.", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.tls.subject", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Cert subject: %{b}${3}%{b}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "TLS certificate subject.", NULL}},
+#endif /* TLS */
+ {"format.ui.keybind", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " ${1}: ${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of /bind output", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.keybind.start", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Keybindings:",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of header of /bind output", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.keybind.end", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of footer of /bind output", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.autocmds", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " ${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of /server -auto output", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.autocmds.start", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Autocmds for ${1}:",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of header of /server -auto output", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.autocmds.end", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of footer of /server -auto output", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.logrestore", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:93}---%{=}%{c:93}Restored log up until %{b}%{time:%c,${1}}%{b} ---",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of log restore footer.", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.unread", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:93}---%{=}%{c:93}%{b}${1}%{b} unread (%{b}${2}%{b} ignored) ---",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of unread message indicator.", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.ignores.start", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Ignoring:",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ignore list header.", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.ignores", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " %{pad:-3,${1}} (server: ${2}, noact: ${3}, format: ${4}) ${5}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ignore list messages.", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.ignores.end", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ignore list footer.", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.ignores.added", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Ignore added: ${4} (server: ${1}, noact: ${2}, format: ${3})",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of new ignores.", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.grep.start", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{b}%{c:94}Results of ${1}:",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of start of /grep output", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.grep.end", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of end of /grep output", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.alias", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " ${1}: ${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of /alias output", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.alias.start", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Aliases:",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of header of /alias output", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.alias.end", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of footer of /alias output", NULL}},
+ {"", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " ${1}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of /alias output", NULL}},
+ {"", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${1} help:",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of header of /alias output", NULL}},
+ {"", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of footer of /alias output", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.buflist.old", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:91}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Indicator for disconnected servers or parted channels", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.buflist.activity.none", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Indicator for buffer with activity of level `none`", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.buflist.activity.status", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:95}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Indicator for buffer with activity of level `status`", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.buflist.activity.error", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:28}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Indicator for buffer with activity of level `error`", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.buflist.activity.message", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:45}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Indicator for buffer with activity of level `message`", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.buflist.activity.hilight", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:45}%{r}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Indicator for buffer with activity of level `hilight`", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.buflist.more", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:92}...",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Shown if there are more nicks that must be scrolled to see.", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.nicklist.more", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:92}...",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Shown if there are more nicks that must be scrolled to see.", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.separator.vertical", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "│",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Used for vertical line seperating windows", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.separator.split.left", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "├",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Joins left vertical separator to input seperator", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.separator.split.right", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "┤",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Joins right vertical separator to input seperator", NULL}},
+ {"format.ui.separator.horizontal", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "─",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Used for horizontal line separating input and main window", NULL}},
+ {"format.privmsg", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{nick:${nick}}${priv}${nick}%{o}%{=}${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.action", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{nick:${nick}}*%{b}${nick}%{b}%{=}${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of actions", NULL}},
+ {"format.ctcp.request", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} %{c:94}%{b}q%{o}%{=}${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of CTCP requests", NULL}},
+ {"format.ctcp.answer", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} %{c:94}%{b}a%{o}%{=}${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of CTCP answers", NULL}},
+ {"format.notice", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{nick:${nick}}-${priv}${nick}-%{o}%{=}${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of notices", NULL}},
+ {"format.nick", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o}%{=}is now known as %{nick:${1}}${1}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of NICK messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.join", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{b}%{c:44}+%{o}%{=}%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} (${ident}@${host})",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of JOIN messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.quit", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{b}%{c:40}<%{o}%{=}%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} (${ident}@${host}): ${1}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of QUIT messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.part", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{b}%{c:40}-%{o}%{=}%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} (${ident}@${host}): ${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of PART messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.kick", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{b}%{c:40}!%{o}%{=}%{nick:${2}}${2}${o} by %{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} (${ident}@${host}): ${3}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of PART messages", NULL}},
+ {"format.mode.nick.self", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${1} set %{c:94}${2-}%{o}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of modes being set on self by server/self", NULL}},
+ {"format.mode.nick", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${1} set %{c:94}${2-}%{o} by ${nick} (${ident}@${host})",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of modes being on nicks", NULL}},
+ {"", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "mode%{=}%{c:94}${2-}%{o} by %{nick:${nick}}${nick}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of modes being set on channels", NULL}},
+ {"format.topic", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "topic%{=}${2}\\nset by %{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} now",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of topic being set", NULL}},
+ {"format.invite", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o} invited you to ${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of an invitation being received.", NULL}},
+ {"format.pong", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "PONG from %{nick:${nick}}${nick}%{o}: ${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of replies to /ping", NULL}},
+ {"format.error", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:28}ERROR:%{o} ${1}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of generic ERROR messages.",
+ "Most commonly seen when being /kill'd.", NULL}},
+ /* Generic numerics (bit boring) */
+ {"format.rpl.welcome", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WELCOME (001) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.yourhost", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_YOURHOST (002) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.created", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_CREATED (003) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.myinfo", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_MYINFO (004) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.isupport", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_MYSUPPORT (005) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_MAP (006) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.mapend", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_MAPEND (007) numeric", NULL}},
+ /* START: misc/rpl-conf-gen.awk */
+ {"format.rpl.tracelink", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TRACELINK (200) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.traceconnecting", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TRACECONNECTING (201) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.tracehandshake", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE (202) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.traceunknown", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN (203) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.traceoperator", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TRACEOPERATOR (204) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.traceuser", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TRACEUSER (205) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.traceserver", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TRACESERVER (206) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.tracenewtype", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TRACENEWTYPE (208) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.traceclass", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TRACECLASS (209) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.statslinkinfo", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_STATSLINKINFO (211) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.statscommands", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_STATSCOMMANDS (212) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.statscline", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_STATSCLINE (213) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.statsnline", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_STATSNLINE (214) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.statsiline", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_STATSILINE (215) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.statskline", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_STATSKLINE (216) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.statsyline", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_STATSYLINE (218) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.endofstats", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ENDOFSTATS (219) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.umodeis", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_UMODEIS (221) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.serviceinfo", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_SERVICEINFO (231) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.service", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_SERVICE (233) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.servlistend", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_SERVLISTEND (235) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.statslline", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_STATSLLINE (241) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.statsuptime", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_STATSUPTIME (242) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.statsoline", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_STATSOLINE (243) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.statshline", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_STATSHLINE (244) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.luserclient", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_LUSERCLIENT (251) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.luserop", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "There are ${2} opers online",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_LUSEROP (252) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.luserunknown", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "There are ${2} unknown connections",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN (253) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.luserchannels", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "There are ${2} channels formed",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_LUSERCHANNELS (254) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.luserme", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "There are %{split:3, ,${2}} clients and %{split:6, ,${2}} servers connected to this server",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_LUSERME (255) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.adminme", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ADMINME (256) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.adminloc1", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ADMINLOC1 (257) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.adminloc2", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ADMINLOC2 (258) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.adminemail", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ADMINEMAIL (259) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.tracelog", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TRACELOG (261) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.none", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_NONE (300) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.away", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "away%{=}%{nick:${2}}${2}%{o}: ${3}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_AWAY (301) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.userhost", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_USERHOST (302) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.ison", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ISON (303) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.unaway", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:40}<--%{o}%{=}No longer %{b}away%{b}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_UNAWAY (305) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.nowaway", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{c:32}-->%{o}%{=}Set %{b}away%{b}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_NOWAWAY (306) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whoisuser", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{b}${2}!${3}@${4}%{b} (${6}):",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOISUSER (311) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whoisserver", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " %{b}server %{b}: ${3} (${4})",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOISSERVER (312) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whoisoperator", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " %{b}oper %{b}: ${3}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOISOPERATOR (313) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whowasuser", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{b}${2}!${3}@${4}%{b} (${6}) was on:",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOWASUSER (314) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.endofwho", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "End of WHO results for ${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ENDOFWHO (315) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whoisidle", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " %{b}signon %{b}: %{time:%c,${4}}, idle: %{rdate:${3}}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOISIDLE (317) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.endofwhois", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ENDOFWHOIS (318) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whoischannels", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " %{b}channels%{b}: ${3}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOISCHANNELS (319) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.liststart", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{pad:-15,Channel} %{pad:-5,Nicks} Topic",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_LISTSTART (321) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.list", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{pad:-15,${2}} %{pad:-5,${3}} ${4}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_LIST (322) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.listend", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_LISTEND (323) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.channelmodeis", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "mode%{=}%{c:94}${3-}%{o}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_CHANNELMODEIS (324) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.notopic", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "topic%{=}no topic set",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_NOTOPIC (331) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.topic", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "topic%{=}${3}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TOPIC (332) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.inviting", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "invite%{=}${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_INVITING (341) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.summoning", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_SUMMONING (342) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.version", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_VERSION (351) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whoreply", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "%{b}${6}!${3}@${4}%{b} (%{split:2, ,${8}}): ${7} %{split:1, ,${8}}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOREPLY (352) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.namreply", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "names%{=}${4-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_NAMREPLY (353) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.closing", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_CLOSING (362) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.links", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_LINKS (364) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.endoflinks", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ENDOFLINKS (365) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.endofnames", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ENDOFNAMES (366) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.banlist", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_BANLIST (367) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.endofbanlist", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ENDOFBANLIST (368) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.endofwhowas", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS (369) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_INFO (371) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.motd", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_MOTD (372) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.infostart", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_INFOSTART (373) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.endofinfo", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ENDOFINFO (374) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.motdstart", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_MOTDSTART (375) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.endofmotd", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ENDOFMOTD (376) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.youreoper", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_YOUREOPER (381) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.rehashing", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_REHASHING (382) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.time", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TIME (391) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.usersstart", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_USERSSTART (392) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.users", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_USERS (393) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.endofusers", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_ENDOFUSERS (394) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.nousers", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_NOUSERS (395) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.nosuchnick", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "No such nick: ${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOSUCHNICK (401) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.nosuchserver", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "No such server: ${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOSUCHSERVER (402) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.nosuchchannel", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "No such channel: ${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL (403) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.cannotsendtochan", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN (404) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.toomanychannels", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS (405) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.wasnosuchnick", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK (406) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.toomanytargets", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS (407) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.noorigin", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOORIGIN (409) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.norecipient", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NORECIPIENT (411) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.notexttosend", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND (412) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.notoplevel", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOTOPLEVEL (413) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.wildtoplevel", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL (414) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.unknowncommand", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND (421) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.nomotd", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOMOTD (422) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.noadmininfo", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOADMININFO (423) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.fileerror", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_FILEERROR (424) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.nonicknamegiven", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN (431) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.erroneusnickname", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Erroneous nickname: ${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME (432) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.nicknameinuse", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "Nickname already in use: ${2}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE (433) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.nickcollision", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NICKCOLLISION (436) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.usernotinchannel", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL (441) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.notonchannel", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOTONCHANNEL (442) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.useronchannel", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_USERONCHANNEL (443) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.nologin", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOLOGIN (444) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.summondisabled", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_SUMMONDISABLED (445) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.usersdisabled", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_USERSDISABLED (446) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.notregistered", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOTREGISTERED (451) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.needmoreparams", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS (461) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.alreadyregistred", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED (462) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.nopermforhost", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOPERMFORHOST (463) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.passwdmismatch", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH (464) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.yourebannedcreep", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP (465) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.youwillbebanned", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED (466) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.keyset", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_KEYSET (467) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.channelisfull", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_CHANNELISFULL (471) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.unknownmode", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_UNKNOWNMODE (472) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.inviteonlychan", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN (473) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.bannedfromchan", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN (474) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.badchannelkey", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_BADCHANNELKEY (475) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.noprivileges", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOPRIVILEGES (481) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.chanoprivsneeded", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED (482) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.cantkillserver", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_CANTKILLSERVER (483) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.nooperhost", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOOPERHOST (491) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.noservicehost", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_NOSERVICEHOST (492) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.umodeunknownflag", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG (501) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.err.usersdontmatch", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of ERR_USERSDONTMATCH (502) numeric", NULL}},
+ /* END: misc/rpl-conf-gen.awk */
+ /* Modern numerics */
+ {"format.rpl.localusers", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "There are ${2} current local users, record of ${3}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPLS_LOCALUSERS (265) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.globalusers", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "There are ${2} current global users, record of ${3}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_GLOBALUSERS (266) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whoisspecial", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " %{b}info %{b}: ${3}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOISSPECIAL (320) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whoisaccount", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " %{b}account %{b}: ${3}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOISACCOUNT (330) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.topicwhotime", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "set by %{nick:${3}}${3}%{o} at %{time:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,${4}}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_TOPICWHOTIME (333) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whoisactually", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " %{b}actually%{b}: ${3-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOISACTUALLY (338) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whoishost", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " %{b}info %{b}: ${3}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOISHOST (378) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whoismodes", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " %{b}modes %{b}: ${3}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOISMODES (379) numeric", NULL}},
+ {"format.rpl.whoissecure", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = " %{b}secure %{b}: ${3}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of RPL_WHOISSECURE (671) numeric", NULL}},
+ /* Default formats */
+ {"format.rpl.other", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${cmd} ${2-}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of numerics without formats", NULL}},
+ {"format.other", 1, Val_string,
+ .str = "${raw}",
+ .strhandle = config_redraws,
+ .description = {
+ "Format of other messages without formats", NULL}},
+ {NULL},
diff --git a/src/data/formats.h b/src/data/formats.h
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+ * src/data/format.h from hirc
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 hhvn <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+struct {
+ char *cmd;
+ char *format;
+} formatmap[] = {
+ /* SELF_ commands from UI */
+ {"SELF_ERROR", "format.ui.error"},
+ {"SELF_UI", "format.ui.misc"},
+ {"SELF_CONNECTLOST", "format.ui.connectlost"},
+ {"SELF_CONNECTING", "format.ui.connecting"},
+ {"SELF_CONNECTED", "format.ui.connected"},
+ {"SELF_LOOKUPFAIL", "format.ui.lookupfail"},
+ {"SELF_CONNECTFAIL", "format.ui.connectfail"},
+#ifndef TLS
+ {"SELF_TLSNOTCOMPILED", "format.ui.tls.notcompiled"},
+ {"SELF_TLS_VERSION", "format.ui.tls.version"},
+ {"SELF_TLS_SNI", "format.ui.tls.sni"},
+ {"SELF_TLS_ISSUER", "format.ui.tls.issuer"},
+ {"SELF_TLS_SUBJECT", "format.ui.tls.subject"},
+#endif /* TLS */
+ {"SELF_KEYBIND_START", "format.ui.keybind.start"},
+ {"SELF_KEYBIND_LIST", "format.ui.keybind"},
+ {"SELF_KEYBIND_END", "format.ui.keybind.end"},
+ {"SELF_GREP_START", "format.ui.grep.start"},
+ {"SELF_GREP_END", "format.ui.grep.end"},
+ {"SELF_ALIAS_START", "format.ui.alias.start"},
+ {"SELF_ALIAS_LIST", "format.ui.alias"},
+ {"SELF_ALIAS_END", "format.ui.alias.end"},
+ {"SELF_HELP_START", ""},
+ {"SELF_HELP", ""},
+ {"SELF_HELP_END", ""},
+ {"SELF_AUTOCMDS_START", "format.ui.autocmds.start"},
+ {"SELF_AUTOCMDS_LIST", "format.ui.autocmds"},
+ {"SELF_AUTOCMDS_END", "format.ui.autocmds.end"},
+ {"SELF_LOG_RESTORE", "format.ui.logrestore"},
+ {"SELF_UNREAD", "format.ui.unread"},
+ {"SELF_IGNORES_START", "format.ui.ignores.start"},
+ {"SELF_IGNORES_LIST", "format.ui.ignores"},
+ {"SELF_IGNORES_ADDED", "format.ui.ignores.added"},
+ {"SELF_IGNORES_END", "format.ui.ignores.end"},
+ /* Real commands/numerics from server */
+ {"PRIVMSG", "format.privmsg"},
+ {"NOTICE", "format.notice"},
+ {"JOIN", "format.join"},
+ {"PART", "format.part"},
+ {"KICK", "format.kick"},
+ {"QUIT", "format.quit"},
+ {"NICK", "format.nick"},
+ {"TOPIC", "format.topic"},
+ {"INVITE", "format.invite"},
+ {"PONG", "format.pong"},
+ {"ERROR", "format.error"},
+ /* START: misc/rpl-ui-gen.awk */
+ {"200", "format.rpl.tracelink"},
+ {"201", "format.rpl.traceconnecting"},
+ {"202", "format.rpl.tracehandshake"},
+ {"203", "format.rpl.traceunknown"},
+ {"204", "format.rpl.traceoperator"},
+ {"205", "format.rpl.traceuser"},
+ {"206", "format.rpl.traceserver"},
+ {"208", "format.rpl.tracenewtype"},
+ {"209", "format.rpl.traceclass"},
+ {"211", "format.rpl.statslinkinfo"},
+ {"212", "format.rpl.statscommands"},
+ {"213", "format.rpl.statscline"},
+ {"214", "format.rpl.statsnline"},
+ {"215", "format.rpl.statsiline"},
+ {"216", "format.rpl.statskline"},
+ {"218", "format.rpl.statsyline"},
+ {"219", "format.rpl.endofstats"},
+ {"221", "format.rpl.umodeis"},
+ {"231", "format.rpl.serviceinfo"},
+ {"233", "format.rpl.service"},
+ {"235", "format.rpl.servlistend"},
+ {"241", "format.rpl.statslline"},
+ {"242", "format.rpl.statsuptime"},
+ {"243", "format.rpl.statsoline"},
+ {"244", "format.rpl.statshline"},
+ {"251", "format.rpl.luserclient"},
+ {"252", "format.rpl.luserop"},
+ {"253", "format.rpl.luserunknown"},
+ {"254", "format.rpl.luserchannels"},
+ {"255", "format.rpl.luserme"},
+ {"256", "format.rpl.adminme"},
+ {"257", "format.rpl.adminloc1"},
+ {"258", "format.rpl.adminloc2"},
+ {"259", "format.rpl.adminemail"},
+ {"261", "format.rpl.tracelog"},
+ {"300", "format.rpl.none"},
+ {"301", "format.rpl.away"},
+ {"302", "format.rpl.userhost"},
+ {"303", "format.rpl.ison"},
+ {"305", "format.rpl.unaway"},
+ {"306", "format.rpl.nowaway"},
+ {"311", "format.rpl.whoisuser"},
+ {"312", "format.rpl.whoisserver"},
+ {"313", "format.rpl.whoisoperator"},
+ {"314", "format.rpl.whowasuser"},
+ {"315", "format.rpl.endofwho"},
+ {"316", "format.rpl.whoischanop"},
+ {"317", "format.rpl.whoisidle"},
+ {"318", "format.rpl.endofwhois"},
+ {"319", "format.rpl.whoischannels"},
+ {"321", "format.rpl.liststart"},
+ {"322", "format.rpl.list"},
+ {"323", "format.rpl.listend"},
+ {"324", "format.rpl.channelmodeis"},
+ {"331", "format.rpl.notopic"},
+ {"332", "format.rpl.topic"},
+ {"341", "format.rpl.inviting"},
+ {"342", "format.rpl.summoning"},
+ {"351", "format.rpl.version"},
+ {"352", "format.rpl.whoreply"},
+ {"353", "format.rpl.namreply"},
+ {"362", "format.rpl.closing"},
+ {"364", "format.rpl.links"},
+ {"365", "format.rpl.endoflinks"},
+ {"366", "format.rpl.endofnames"},
+ {"367", "format.rpl.banlist"},
+ {"368", "format.rpl.endofbanlist"},
+ {"369", "format.rpl.endofwhowas"},
+ {"371", ""},
+ {"372", "format.rpl.motd"},
+ {"373", "format.rpl.infostart"},
+ {"374", "format.rpl.endofinfo"},
+ {"375", "format.rpl.motdstart"},
+ {"376", "format.rpl.endofmotd"},
+ {"381", "format.rpl.youreoper"},
+ {"382", "format.rpl.rehashing"},
+ {"391", "format.rpl.time"},
+ {"392", "format.rpl.usersstart"},
+ {"393", "format.rpl.users"},
+ {"394", "format.rpl.endofusers"},
+ {"395", "format.rpl.nousers"},
+ {"401", "format.err.nosuchnick"},
+ {"402", "format.err.nosuchserver"},
+ {"403", "format.err.nosuchchannel"},
+ {"404", "format.err.cannotsendtochan"},
+ {"405", "format.err.toomanychannels"},
+ {"406", "format.err.wasnosuchnick"},
+ {"407", "format.err.toomanytargets"},
+ {"409", "format.err.noorigin"},
+ {"411", "format.err.norecipient"},
+ {"412", "format.err.notexttosend"},
+ {"413", "format.err.notoplevel"},
+ {"414", "format.err.wildtoplevel"},
+ {"421", "format.err.unknowncommand"},
+ {"422", "format.err.nomotd"},
+ {"423", "format.err.noadmininfo"},
+ {"424", "format.err.fileerror"},
+ {"431", "format.err.nonicknamegiven"},
+ {"432", "format.err.erroneusnickname"},
+ {"433", "format.err.nicknameinuse"},
+ {"436", "format.err.nickcollision"},
+ {"441", "format.err.usernotinchannel"},
+ {"442", "format.err.notonchannel"},
+ {"443", "format.err.useronchannel"},
+ {"444", "format.err.nologin"},
+ {"445", "format.err.summondisabled"},
+ {"446", "format.err.usersdisabled"},
+ {"451", "format.err.notregistered"},
+ {"461", "format.err.needmoreparams"},
+ {"462", "format.err.alreadyregistred"},
+ {"463", "format.err.nopermforhost"},
+ {"464", "format.err.passwdmismatch"},
+ {"465", "format.err.yourebannedcreep"},
+ {"466", "format.err.youwillbebanned"},
+ {"467", "format.err.keyset"},
+ {"471", "format.err.channelisfull"},
+ {"472", "format.err.unknownmode"},
+ {"473", "format.err.inviteonlychan"},
+ {"474", "format.err.bannedfromchan"},
+ {"475", "format.err.badchannelkey"},
+ {"481", "format.err.noprivileges"},
+ {"482", "format.err.chanoprivsneeded"},
+ {"483", "format.err.cantkillserver"},
+ {"491", "format.err.nooperhost"},
+ {"492", "format.err.noservicehost"},
+ {"501", "format.err.umodeunknownflag"},
+ {"502", "format.err.usersdontmatch"},
+ /* END: misc/rpl-ui-gen.awk */
+ /* Modern stuff */
+ {"001", "format.rpl.welcome"},
+ {"002", "format.rpl.yourhost"},
+ {"003", "format.rpl.created"},
+ {"004", "format.rpl.myinfo"},
+ {"005", "format.rpl.isupport"},
+ {"006", ""}, /* I'm not so sure if 006 and 007 */
+ {"007", "format.rpl.mapend"}, /* are really exclusive to /map */
+ {"265", "format.rpl.localusers"},
+ {"266", "format.rpl.globalusers"},
+ {"320", "format.rpl.whoisspecial"},
+ {"330", "format.rpl.whoisaccount"},
+ {"333", "format.rpl.topicwhotime"},
+ {"338", "format.rpl.whoisactually"},
+ {"378", "format.rpl.whoishost"},
+ {"379", "format.rpl.whoismodes"},
+ {"671", "format.rpl.whoissecure"},
+ /* Pseudo commands for specific formatting */
+ {"MODE-NICK-SELF", "format.mode.nick.self"},
+ {"MODE-NICK", "format.mode.nick"},
+ {"MODE-CHANNEL", ""},
+ {"PRIVMSG-ACTION", "format.action"},
+ {"PRIVMSG-CTCP", "format.ctcp.request"},
+ {"NOTICE-CTCP", "format.ctcp.answer"},
diff --git a/src/data/handlers.h b/src/data/handlers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * src/data/handle.h from hirc
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 hhvn <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#define HANDLER(func) static void func(struct Server *server, struct History *msg)
+struct Ignore *ignores = NULL;
+struct Handler handlers[] = {
+ { "ERROR", handle_ERROR },
+ { "PING", handle_PING },
+ { "PONG", handle_PONG },
+ { "JOIN", handle_JOIN },
+ { "PART", handle_PART },
+ { "KICK", handle_KICK },
+ { "QUIT", handle_QUIT },
+ { "NICK", handle_NICK },
+ { "MODE", handle_MODE },
+ { "TOPIC", handle_TOPIC },
+ { "PRIVMSG", handle_PRIVMSG },
+ { "NOTICE", handle_PRIVMSG },
+ { "INVITE", handle_INVITE },
+ { "001", handle_RPL_WELCOME },
+ { "005", handle_RPL_ISUPPORT },
+ { "301", handle_RPL_AWAY },
+ { "324", handle_RPL_CHANNELMODEIS },
+ { "331", handle_RPL_NOTOPIC },
+ { "329", NULL }, /* ignore this:
+ * - it's nonstandard
+ * - hirc has no use for it currently
+ * - it's annoyingly sent after MODE */
+ { "332", handle_RPL_TOPIC },
+ { "333", handle_RPL_TOPICWHOTIME },
+ { "341", handle_RPL_INVITING },
+ { "353", handle_RPL_NAMREPLY },
+ { "366", handle_RPL_ENDOFNAMES },
+ { "372", handle_RPL_MOTD },
+ { "375", handle_RPL_MOTD }, /* RPL_MOTDSTART, but handle it the same way as RPL_MOTD */
+ { "376", handle_RPL_ENDOFMOTD },
+ { "401", handle_ERR_NOSUCHNICK },
+ { "433", handle_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE },
+ { NULL, NULL },
diff --git a/src/format.c b/src/format.c
@@ -21,214 +21,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "hirc.h"
-struct {
- char *cmd;
- char *format;
-} formatmap[] = {
- /* SELF_ commands from UI */
- {"SELF_ERROR", "format.ui.error"},
- {"SELF_UI", "format.ui.misc"},
- {"SELF_CONNECTLOST", "format.ui.connectlost"},
- {"SELF_CONNECTING", "format.ui.connecting"},
- {"SELF_CONNECTED", "format.ui.connected"},
- {"SELF_LOOKUPFAIL", "format.ui.lookupfail"},
- {"SELF_CONNECTFAIL", "format.ui.connectfail"},
-#ifndef TLS
- {"SELF_TLSNOTCOMPILED", "format.ui.tls.notcompiled"},
- {"SELF_TLS_VERSION", "format.ui.tls.version"},
- {"SELF_TLS_SNI", "format.ui.tls.sni"},
- {"SELF_TLS_ISSUER", "format.ui.tls.issuer"},
- {"SELF_TLS_SUBJECT", "format.ui.tls.subject"},
-#endif /* TLS */
- {"SELF_KEYBIND_START", "format.ui.keybind.start"},
- {"SELF_KEYBIND_LIST", "format.ui.keybind"},
- {"SELF_KEYBIND_END", "format.ui.keybind.end"},
- {"SELF_GREP_START", "format.ui.grep.start"},
- {"SELF_GREP_END", "format.ui.grep.end"},
- {"SELF_ALIAS_START", "format.ui.alias.start"},
- {"SELF_ALIAS_LIST", "format.ui.alias"},
- {"SELF_ALIAS_END", "format.ui.alias.end"},
- {"SELF_HELP_START", ""},
- {"SELF_HELP", ""},
- {"SELF_HELP_END", ""},
- {"SELF_AUTOCMDS_START", "format.ui.autocmds.start"},
- {"SELF_AUTOCMDS_LIST", "format.ui.autocmds"},
- {"SELF_AUTOCMDS_END", "format.ui.autocmds.end"},
- {"SELF_LOG_RESTORE", "format.ui.logrestore"},
- {"SELF_UNREAD", "format.ui.unread"},
- {"SELF_IGNORES_START", "format.ui.ignores.start"},
- {"SELF_IGNORES_LIST", "format.ui.ignores"},
- {"SELF_IGNORES_ADDED", "format.ui.ignores.added"},
- {"SELF_IGNORES_END", "format.ui.ignores.end"},
- /* Real commands/numerics from server */
- {"PRIVMSG", "format.privmsg"},
- {"NOTICE", "format.notice"},
- {"JOIN", "format.join"},
- {"PART", "format.part"},
- {"KICK", "format.kick"},
- {"QUIT", "format.quit"},
- {"NICK", "format.nick"},
- {"TOPIC", "format.topic"},
- {"INVITE", "format.invite"},
- {"PONG", "format.pong"},
- {"ERROR", "format.error"},
- /* START: misc/rpl-ui-gen.awk */
- {"200", "format.rpl.tracelink"},
- {"201", "format.rpl.traceconnecting"},
- {"202", "format.rpl.tracehandshake"},
- {"203", "format.rpl.traceunknown"},
- {"204", "format.rpl.traceoperator"},
- {"205", "format.rpl.traceuser"},
- {"206", "format.rpl.traceserver"},
- {"208", "format.rpl.tracenewtype"},
- {"209", "format.rpl.traceclass"},
- {"211", "format.rpl.statslinkinfo"},
- {"212", "format.rpl.statscommands"},
- {"213", "format.rpl.statscline"},
- {"214", "format.rpl.statsnline"},
- {"215", "format.rpl.statsiline"},
- {"216", "format.rpl.statskline"},
- {"218", "format.rpl.statsyline"},
- {"219", "format.rpl.endofstats"},
- {"221", "format.rpl.umodeis"},
- {"231", "format.rpl.serviceinfo"},
- {"233", "format.rpl.service"},
- {"235", "format.rpl.servlistend"},
- {"241", "format.rpl.statslline"},
- {"242", "format.rpl.statsuptime"},
- {"243", "format.rpl.statsoline"},
- {"244", "format.rpl.statshline"},
- {"251", "format.rpl.luserclient"},
- {"252", "format.rpl.luserop"},
- {"253", "format.rpl.luserunknown"},
- {"254", "format.rpl.luserchannels"},
- {"255", "format.rpl.luserme"},
- {"256", "format.rpl.adminme"},
- {"257", "format.rpl.adminloc1"},
- {"258", "format.rpl.adminloc2"},
- {"259", "format.rpl.adminemail"},
- {"261", "format.rpl.tracelog"},
- {"300", "format.rpl.none"},
- {"301", "format.rpl.away"},
- {"302", "format.rpl.userhost"},
- {"303", "format.rpl.ison"},
- {"305", "format.rpl.unaway"},
- {"306", "format.rpl.nowaway"},
- {"311", "format.rpl.whoisuser"},
- {"312", "format.rpl.whoisserver"},
- {"313", "format.rpl.whoisoperator"},
- {"314", "format.rpl.whowasuser"},
- {"315", "format.rpl.endofwho"},
- {"316", "format.rpl.whoischanop"},
- {"317", "format.rpl.whoisidle"},
- {"318", "format.rpl.endofwhois"},
- {"319", "format.rpl.whoischannels"},
- {"321", "format.rpl.liststart"},
- {"322", "format.rpl.list"},
- {"323", "format.rpl.listend"},
- {"324", "format.rpl.channelmodeis"},
- {"331", "format.rpl.notopic"},
- {"332", "format.rpl.topic"},
- {"341", "format.rpl.inviting"},
- {"342", "format.rpl.summoning"},
- {"351", "format.rpl.version"},
- {"352", "format.rpl.whoreply"},
- {"353", "format.rpl.namreply"},
- {"362", "format.rpl.closing"},
- {"364", "format.rpl.links"},
- {"365", "format.rpl.endoflinks"},
- {"366", "format.rpl.endofnames"},
- {"367", "format.rpl.banlist"},
- {"368", "format.rpl.endofbanlist"},
- {"369", "format.rpl.endofwhowas"},
- {"371", ""},
- {"372", "format.rpl.motd"},
- {"373", "format.rpl.infostart"},
- {"374", "format.rpl.endofinfo"},
- {"375", "format.rpl.motdstart"},
- {"376", "format.rpl.endofmotd"},
- {"381", "format.rpl.youreoper"},
- {"382", "format.rpl.rehashing"},
- {"391", "format.rpl.time"},
- {"392", "format.rpl.usersstart"},
- {"393", "format.rpl.users"},
- {"394", "format.rpl.endofusers"},
- {"395", "format.rpl.nousers"},
- {"401", "format.err.nosuchnick"},
- {"402", "format.err.nosuchserver"},
- {"403", "format.err.nosuchchannel"},
- {"404", "format.err.cannotsendtochan"},
- {"405", "format.err.toomanychannels"},
- {"406", "format.err.wasnosuchnick"},
- {"407", "format.err.toomanytargets"},
- {"409", "format.err.noorigin"},
- {"411", "format.err.norecipient"},
- {"412", "format.err.notexttosend"},
- {"413", "format.err.notoplevel"},
- {"414", "format.err.wildtoplevel"},
- {"421", "format.err.unknowncommand"},
- {"422", "format.err.nomotd"},
- {"423", "format.err.noadmininfo"},
- {"424", "format.err.fileerror"},
- {"431", "format.err.nonicknamegiven"},
- {"432", "format.err.erroneusnickname"},
- {"433", "format.err.nicknameinuse"},
- {"436", "format.err.nickcollision"},
- {"441", "format.err.usernotinchannel"},
- {"442", "format.err.notonchannel"},
- {"443", "format.err.useronchannel"},
- {"444", "format.err.nologin"},
- {"445", "format.err.summondisabled"},
- {"446", "format.err.usersdisabled"},
- {"451", "format.err.notregistered"},
- {"461", "format.err.needmoreparams"},
- {"462", "format.err.alreadyregistred"},
- {"463", "format.err.nopermforhost"},
- {"464", "format.err.passwdmismatch"},
- {"465", "format.err.yourebannedcreep"},
- {"466", "format.err.youwillbebanned"},
- {"467", "format.err.keyset"},
- {"471", "format.err.channelisfull"},
- {"472", "format.err.unknownmode"},
- {"473", "format.err.inviteonlychan"},
- {"474", "format.err.bannedfromchan"},
- {"475", "format.err.badchannelkey"},
- {"481", "format.err.noprivileges"},
- {"482", "format.err.chanoprivsneeded"},
- {"483", "format.err.cantkillserver"},
- {"491", "format.err.nooperhost"},
- {"492", "format.err.noservicehost"},
- {"501", "format.err.umodeunknownflag"},
- {"502", "format.err.usersdontmatch"},
- /* END: misc/rpl-ui-gen.awk */
- /* Modern stuff */
- {"001", "format.rpl.welcome"},
- {"002", "format.rpl.yourhost"},
- {"003", "format.rpl.created"},
- {"004", "format.rpl.myinfo"},
- {"005", "format.rpl.isupport"},
- {"006", ""}, /* I'm not so sure if 006 and 007 */
- {"007", "format.rpl.mapend"}, /* are really exclusive to /map */
- {"265", "format.rpl.localusers"},
- {"266", "format.rpl.globalusers"},
- {"320", "format.rpl.whoisspecial"},
- {"330", "format.rpl.whoisaccount"},
- {"333", "format.rpl.topicwhotime"},
- {"338", "format.rpl.whoisactually"},
- {"378", "format.rpl.whoishost"},
- {"379", "format.rpl.whoismodes"},
- {"671", "format.rpl.whoissecure"},
- /* Pseudo commands for specific formatting */
- {"MODE-NICK-SELF", "format.mode.nick.self"},
- {"MODE-NICK", "format.mode.nick"},
- {"MODE-CHANNEL", ""},
- {"PRIVMSG-ACTION", "format.action"},
- {"PRIVMSG-CTCP", "format.ctcp.request"},
- {"NOTICE-CTCP", "format.ctcp.answer"},
+#include "data/formats.h"
char *
format_get_bufact(int activity) {
diff --git a/src/handle.c b/src/handle.c
@@ -22,71 +22,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "hirc.h"
-#define HANDLER(func) static void func(struct Server *server, struct History *msg)
-struct Ignore *ignores = NULL;
-struct Handler handlers[] = {
- { "ERROR", handle_ERROR },
- { "PING", handle_PING },
- { "PONG", handle_PONG },
- { "JOIN", handle_JOIN },
- { "PART", handle_PART },
- { "KICK", handle_KICK },
- { "QUIT", handle_QUIT },
- { "NICK", handle_NICK },
- { "MODE", handle_MODE },
- { "TOPIC", handle_TOPIC },
- { "PRIVMSG", handle_PRIVMSG },
- { "NOTICE", handle_PRIVMSG },
- { "INVITE", handle_INVITE },
- { "001", handle_RPL_WELCOME },
- { "005", handle_RPL_ISUPPORT },
- { "301", handle_RPL_AWAY },
- { "324", handle_RPL_CHANNELMODEIS },
- { "331", handle_RPL_NOTOPIC },
- { "329", NULL }, /* ignore this:
- * - it's nonstandard
- * - hirc has no use for it currently
- * - it's annoyingly sent after MODE */
- { "332", handle_RPL_TOPIC },
- { "333", handle_RPL_TOPICWHOTIME },
- { "341", handle_RPL_INVITING },
- { "353", handle_RPL_NAMREPLY },
- { "366", handle_RPL_ENDOFNAMES },
- { "372", handle_RPL_MOTD },
- { "375", handle_RPL_MOTD }, /* RPL_MOTDSTART, but handle it the same way as RPL_MOTD */
- { "376", handle_RPL_ENDOFMOTD },
- { "401", handle_ERR_NOSUCHNICK },
- { "433", handle_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE },
- { NULL, NULL },
+#include "data/handlers.h"
handle_PING) {