commit c9bda683cd996f6d8fb8f3fddeb37cd414498606
parent d26a8018f60c72f00895e7436608d27272ea93fd
Author: hhvn <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2021 14:57:49 +0000
.config/irssi/*: copy over config from server
29 files changed, 13249 insertions(+), 12861 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.config/irssi/config b/.config/irssi/config
@@ -15,38 +15,39 @@ servers = (
chatnet = "hlircnet";
port = "6697";
use_tls = "yes";
- tls_verify = "yes";
- tls_capath = "/etc/ssl/certs";
+ tls_verify = "no";
{ address = ""; chatnet = "efnet"; port = "6667"; },
{ address = ""; chatnet = "sdf"; port = "6667"; },
{ address = ""; chatnet = "unix"; port = "6667"; },
{ address = ""; chatnet = "oscss"; port = "6667"; },
- address = "";
- use_tls = "yes";
- tls_verify = "yes";
- chatnet = "unrealircd";
- port = "6697";
- },
- {
- address = "";
+ address = "";
use_tls = "yes";
chatnet = "cyberia";
port = "6697";
- {
- address = "";
- chatnet = "darkscience";
- use_tls = "yes";
- port = "6697";
- },
{ address = ""; chatnet = "genoce"; port = "6667"; },
address = "";
chatnet = "dataswamp";
port = "6697";
use_tls = "yes";
+ },
+ {
+ address = "localhost";
+ chatnet = "bitlbee-matrix";
+ port = "6667";
+ use_tls = "no";
+ tls_verify = "no";
+ },
+ {
+ address = "localhost";
+ chatnet = "";
+ port = "15558";
+ password = "W3YLmjluCiO";
+ use_tls = "no";
+ tls_verify = "no";
chatnets = {
@@ -55,41 +56,24 @@ chatnets = {
nick = "hhvn";
autosendcmd = "/exec - -msg NickServ dpass identify; /mode hhvn -x; wait 5000";
- hlircnet = {
- type = "IRC";
- autosendcmd = "/oper haydenh !!!; wait 2500; /cycle #users; /cycle #service;";
- };
- sdf = { type = "IRC"; autosendcmd = "/mode haydenh -x; wait 2000"; };
- efnet = { type = "IRC"; };
- unix = {
- type = "IRC";
- autosendcmd = "/exec - -msg NickServ dpass identify; /mode haydenh -x; wait 5000";
- };
- darkscience = {
- type = "IRC";
- autosendcmd = "/exec - -msg NickServ dpass identify; /mode haydenh -x; wait 2000;";
- };
+ hlircnet = { type = "IRC"; autosendcmd = "/oper haydenh !!!"; };
+ sdf = { type = "IRC"; };
+ efnet = { type = "IRC"; nick = "hhvn"; alternative_nick = "h_hvn"; };
+ unix = { type = "IRC"; };
nebulacentre = { type = "IRC"; };
cyberia = { type = "IRC"; };
- genoce = { type = "IRC"; autosendcmd = "/mode haydenh -x"; };
+ genoce = { type = "IRC"; };
freenode = {
+ nick = "fr3en0de";
+ alternate_nick = "fr3e-estn0de";
type = "IRC";
- autosendcmd = "/exec - -msg NickServ dpass identify; wait 5000";
- };
- oscss = {
- type = "IRC";
- autosendcmd = "wait 5000; /vhost haydenh ccyHFEyE7$3*NmmBmg2NssX^~kdcNlzMIP@";
- };
- unrealircd = {
- type = "IRC";
- autosendcmd = "/mode haydenh -x; wait 2000";
- };
- dataswamp = {
- type = "IRC";
- autosendcmd = "/mode hhvn -C";
- nick = "hhvn";
+ autosendcmd = "/exec - -msg NickServ dpass identify haydenh; wait 10000";
+ oscss = { type = "IRC"; };
+ dataswamp = { type = "IRC"; };
hlircnettor = { type = "IRC"; };
+ "bitlbee-matrix" = { type = "IRC"; };
+ "" = { type = "IRC"; };
aliases = {
@@ -105,7 +89,6 @@ aliases = {
CUBES = "SCRIPT EXEC Irssi::active_win->print(\"%_bases\", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print( do { join '', map { \"%x0\\${_}0\\$_\" } '0'..'9','A'..'F' }, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\"%_cubes\", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print( do { my \\$y = \\$_*6 \\; join '', map { my \\$x = \\$_ \\; map { \"%x\\$x\\$_\\$x\\$_\" } @{['0'..'9','A'..'Z']}[\\$y .. \\$y+5] } 1..6 }, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) for 0..5 \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\"%_grays\", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print( do { join '', map { \"%x7\\${_}7\\$_\" } 'A'..'X' }, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\"%_mIRC extended colours\", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; my \\$x \\; \\$x .= sprintf \"\00399,%02d%02d\",\\$_,\\$_ for 0..15 \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\\$x, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; for my \\$z (0..6) { my \\$x \\; \\$x .= sprintf \"\00399,%02d%02d\",\\$_,\\$_ for 16+(\\$z*12)..16+(\\$z*12)+11 \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\\$x, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) }";
- DESCRIBE = "/nick $0; /me $1-; /nick haydenh";
EXIT = "try //exit";
@@ -260,7 +243,6 @@ aliases = {
dehalfop = "/mode * -h $0";
vm_add = " /^statusbar prompt add -after input -alignment right more; /^statusbar prompt add -after input -alignment right vim_cmd_mode";
vm_del = "/^statusbar prompt remove vim_cmb_mode; /^statusbar prompt remove more";
- haydenh = "me";
chanhold = "^msg chanhold";
boxx = "say \\ _\\ \\ \\ _\\ \\ \\ _\\ \\ \\ _\\ \\ \\ _; say |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|";
kline = "quote KLINE";
@@ -284,7 +266,6 @@ aliases = {
arep = "/ACMSG $, $*";
AAAA = "SAY \\\\0/;SAY |;SAY / \\\\";
matrix = "SAY I'd like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as Matrix, is in fact GNU/matrix, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU+matrix. Matrix is not an ideology unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning method of thought.";
- quickcon = "/connect sdf; /connect darkscience; /connect rizon; /connect unix; /connect efnet; /connect genoce; /connect hlircnet; /connect dataswamp; /connect unrealircd; /connect cyberia";
rules = "/quote rules";
mkpasswd = "/quote mkpasswd";
vhost = "/quote vhost";
@@ -301,18 +282,35 @@ aliases = {
smotd = "/quote smotd";
sadmin = "/quote admin";
ping = "/quote ping";
- awl_sbar = "/script load autorun/adv_windowlist; /set awl_viewer off; /format awl_display_nokey %m$$N$n$$H$$C$$S; /format awl_display_key %m$$Q%n$$H$$C$$S; /format awl_display_nokey_active %m$$N%K$$C; /format awl_display_key_active %m$$Q%K$$C; /format awl_display_header %K[%m$$C%K]";
- awl_nosbar = "/script load autorun/adv_windowlist; /set awl_viewer on; /format awl_display_nokey %N $$H$$C$$S %N$$N; /format awl_display_key %N $$H$$C$$S%N %mM-$$Q; /format awl_display_nokey_active %N%K $$C %N$$N; /format awl_display_key_active %N%K $$C %mM-$$Q; /format awl_display_header %1 %Y$$C ($${N}); /format awl_display_nokey_visible %N%K $$C %N$$N; /format awl_display_key_visible %N%K $$C %mM-$$Q";
+ awl_nosbar = "/script load autorun/adv_windowlist; /format awl_display_nokey %N$$H$$C$$S %N$$N; /format awl_display_key %N$$H$$C$$S%N %mM-$$Q; /format awl_display_nokey_active %N%K>%N$$C %N$$N; /format awl_display_key_active %N%K>%N$$C %mM-$$Q; /format awl_display_header %1 %Y$$C ($${N}); /format awl_display_nokey_visible %N%K<%N$$C %N$$N; /format awl_display_key_visible %N%K<%N$$C %mM-$$Q; /rm_awl_sbar";
sajoin = "/quote sajoin";
chgident = "/quote chgident";
shrug = "/SAY . _0_ .; SAY \\ ` | `; SAY \\ \\ \\ |; SAY \\ \\ / \\\\";
plop = "/SAY | \\ \\ \\ \\ |; SAY |~~-.-|; SAY | 0 \\ .|; SAY |o \\ . |; SAY |_____|";
ll = "/lastlog";
llc = "/lastlog -clear";
- quickconn = "/connect nebulacentre; connect sdf; connect unrealircd; connect unix; connect Rizon; connect cyberia; connect genoce; connect darkscience; connect efnet; connect hlircnet";
+ quickconn = "/connect unix; /connect dataswamp; /connect sdf; /connect freenode; /connect hlircnet; /connect cyberia; /connect nebulacentre; /connect efnet";
"expose-self" = "/mode $N -x";
- rm_awl_sbar = "/sbar modify -disable awl_0; sbar modify -disable awl_1; sbar modify -disable awl_2; sbar modify -disable awl_3";
+ rm_awl_sbar = "/sbar modify -disable awl_0; sbar modify -disable awl_1; sbar modify -disable awl_2; sbar modify -disable awl_3; sbar modify -disable awl_4; sbar modify -disable awl_5";
decloak = "mode $N -x";
+ 2say = "SAY $*; SAY $*";
+ 4say = "2say $*; 2say $*";
+ 8say = "4say $*; 4say $*";
+ 16say = "8say $*; 8say $*";
+ 32say = "16say $*; wait 5000; 16say $*";
+ 64say = "32say $*; wait 20000; 32say $*";
+ 2colsay = "colsay $*; colsay $*";
+ 4colsay = "2colsay $*; 2colsay $*";
+ 8colsay = "4colsay $*; 4colsay $*";
+ 16colsay = "8colsay $*; 8colsay $*";
+ 32colsay = "16colsay $*; wait 5000; 16colsay $*";
+ 64colsay = "32colsay $*; wait 20000; 32say $*";
+ winhilight = "/window show 4; /window size 8";
+ art = "/exec - -out cat /srv/storage/art.tmp";
+ quit = "/echo no";
+ net = "/echo $chatnet";
+ wh0 = "who 0";
+ alright = "/exec - -out echo Alright, I $$(shuf < /usr/share/dict/british-english 2>/dev/null | grep -v 'ed$$' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null).";
statusbar = {
items = {
@@ -330,8 +328,8 @@ statusbar = {
lag = "{sb Lag: $0-}";
act = "{sb Act: $0-}";
more = "{sb3 {sbmore}}";
- end = "%N%K%_───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────";
- inact = "%N%G%_────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────";
+ end = "%N%K%_──────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────";
+ inact = "%N%G%_──────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────";
none = " ";
default = {
@@ -365,6 +363,14 @@ statusbar = {
topicend = { alignment = "right"; };
+ awl_2 = {
+ items = {
+ barstart = { priority = "100"; };
+ awl_2 = { };
+ barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
+ };
+ disabled = "yes";
+ };
awl_3 = {
items = {
barstart = { priority = "100"; };
@@ -373,6 +379,30 @@ statusbar = {
disabled = "yes";
+ awl_4 = {
+ items = {
+ barstart = { priority = "100"; };
+ awl_4 = { };
+ barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
+ };
+ disabled = "yes";
+ };
+ awl_5 = {
+ items = {
+ barstart = { priority = "100"; };
+ awl_5 = { };
+ barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
+ };
+ disabled = "yes";
+ };
+ awl_6 = {
+ items = {
+ barstart = { priority = "100"; };
+ awl_6 = { };
+ barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
+ };
+ disabled = "yes";
+ };
prompt = {
items = {
uberprompt = { priority = "-1"; };
@@ -387,14 +417,15 @@ statusbar = {
awl_0 = { };
barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
+ disabled = "yes";
settings = {
core = {
- real_name = "\002:: \00314Fanatic Romanticist \017\002::\017";
- user_name = "Fanatic";
- nick = "haydenh";
+ real_name = "gopher://";
+ user_name = "h";
+ nick = "hhvn";
recode_transliterate = "no";
timestamp_format = "%H:%M:%S";
hostname = "";
@@ -403,7 +434,7 @@ settings = {
resolve_prefer_ipv6 = "no";
awaylog_file = "~/.cache/irc/away.log";
chanmode_expando_strip = "yes";
- server_reconnect_time = "5secs";
+ server_reconnect_time = "2m";
server_connect_timeout = "20secs";
rawlog_lines = "10000";
@@ -428,8 +459,8 @@ settings = {
emphasis = "yes";
emphasis_multiword = "yes";
emphasis_replace = "no";
- autolog_path = "~/.cache/irc/$tag/$0.log";
+ autolog_path = "~/.cache/irclogs/$tag-$0/%d-%m-%y.log";
autolog_level = "all";
autolog_colors = "yes";
completion_keep_privates = "50";
@@ -443,7 +474,7 @@ settings = {
awl_shared_sbar = "OFF";
awl_block = "25";
awl_sort = "active/server/tag";
- trackbar_string = "─";
+ trackbar_string = "──────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────";
trackbar_style = "%g%_";
trackbar_print_timestamp = "no";
uberprompt_load_hook = "/^vm_add";
@@ -452,11 +483,11 @@ settings = {
cmdind_text = "%g%_CMD: ";
tmux_away_window = "";
tmux_away_message = "(set away by a script)";
- neat_colors = "RX4CX6CX5EX3CX2DX2JX1CGX1UcX1ZBX3HX2TX3MX25X4NX3AX4GX42X63X6BX6HX51";
+ neat_colors = "X40RX4CX5CX6CX5EX3CX2DX2JX3PX1CGcX1ZBX3HX2TX3MX25X2BX4NX6AX3AX4GX42X63X6BX6HX6NX51";
hilightwin_show_network = "yes";
hilightwin_showprivmsg = "no";
neat_history = "10000000";
- neat_truncate_nick = "no";
+ neat_truncate_nick = "yes";
title_screen_window = "yes";
vim_mode_map_leader = ";";
dim_nicks_ignore_hilights = "no";
@@ -468,15 +499,18 @@ settings = {
ascii_default_kickreason = "irssi script :)";
trackbar_ignore_windows = "[control-panel] [hilights]";
hilightwin_ignore_targets = "#users #service";
+ awl_height_adjust = "0";
"irc/core" = {
- alternate_nick = "hhvn";
+ alternate_nick = "h_hvn";
ctcp_version_reply = "UNIVERSE v42";
ctcp_userinfo_reply = "gopher://";
part_message = "pain is temporary";
split_line_start = "";
usermode = "+iw";
join_auto_chans_on_invite = "yes";
+ cmd_queue_speed = "790msec";
+ auto_whowas = "no";
proxy = {
irssiproxy_password = "awDhuK15^";
@@ -521,9 +555,8 @@ keyboard = (
{ key = "meta-."; id = "change_window"; data = "38"; },
{ key = "meta-/"; id = "change_window"; data = "39"; },
{ key = "^I"; id = "key"; data = "tab"; },
- { key = "^Y"; id = "command"; data = "awl_sbar "; },
- key = "^U";
+ key = "^Y";
id = "command";
data = "script unload adv_windowlist";
@@ -540,39 +573,24 @@ keyboard = (
id = "multi";
data = "erase_line;insert_text /window server ";
- { key = "^D"; id = "multi"; data = "erase_line"; }
+ { key = "^D"; id = "scroll_forward"; data = ""; },
+ { key = "^U"; }
hilights = (
{ text = "haydenh"; nick = "yes"; word = "yes"; },
{ text = "hayden"; nick = "yes"; word = "yes"; },
- { text = "hhvn"; nick = "yes"; word = "yes"; }
+ { text = "hhvn"; nick = "yes"; word = "yes"; },
+ { text = "fr3en0de"; nick = "yes"; word = "yes"; }
channels = (
- {
- name = "#hlircnet";
- chatnet = "hlircnet";
- autojoin = "yes";
- autosendcmd = "WAIT 5000; MODE #hlircnet +q haydenh";
- },
+ { name = "#hlircnet"; chatnet = "hlircnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
{ name = "#GNU/matrix"; chatnet = "hlircnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
- {
- name = "#help";
- chatnet = "hlircnet";
- autojoin = "yes";
- autosendcmd = "WAIT 5000; MODE #help +q haydenh";
- },
+ { name = "#help"; chatnet = "hlircnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
{ name = "#gopher"; chatnet = "hlircnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
- {
- name = "#vhosts";
- chatnet = "hlircnet";
- autojoin = "yes";
- autosendcmd = "WAIT 5000; MODE #vhosts +q haydenh";
- },
+ { name = "#vhosts"; chatnet = "hlircnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
{ name = "#opers"; chatnet = "hlircnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
{ name = "#users"; chatnet = "hlircnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
{ name = "#service"; chatnet = "hlircnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
- { name = "#cgo"; chatnet = "hlircnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
- { name = "#hlfm"; chatnet = "hlircnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
{ name = "#darkscience"; chatnet = "darkscience"; autojoin = "yes"; },
{ name = "#asciiart"; chatnet = "efnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
{ name = "#unix"; chatnet = "unix"; autojoin = "yes"; },
@@ -586,24 +604,13 @@ channels = (
{ name = "#gopher"; chatnet = "sdf"; autojoin = "yes"; },
{ name = "#sdf"; chatnet = "sdf"; autojoin = "yes"; },
{ name = "#helpdesk"; chatnet = "sdf"; autojoin = "yes"; },
- {
- name = "#unreal-support";
- chatnet = "unrealircd";
- autojoin = "yes";
- },
- { name = "#unreal-devel"; chatnet = "unrealircd"; autojoin = "yes"; },
- {
- name = "#movies";
- chatnet = "darkscience";
- autojoin = "yes";
- autosendcmd = "WAIT 5000; JOIN #movies";
- },
- { name = "#test"; chatnet = "hlircnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
- { name = "#2f30"; chatnet = "cyberia"; autojoin = "yes"; },
- { name = "#cyberia"; chatnet = "cyberia"; autojoin = "yes"; },
{ name = "#dataswamp"; chatnet = "dataswamp"; autojoin = "yes"; },
{ name = "#political"; chatnet = "efnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
- { name = "#LRH"; chatnet = "efnet"; autojoin = "yes"; }
+ { name = "#LRH"; chatnet = "efnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
+ { name = ""; chatnet = "efnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
+ { name = "#2f30"; chatnet = "cyberia"; autojoin = "yes"; },
+ { name = "#shadow"; chatnet = "hlircnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
+ { name = "#cyberia"; chatnet = "cyberia"; autojoin = "yes"; }
completions = {
hubus = { value = ""; };
@@ -617,12 +624,17 @@ completions = {
ignores = (
{ mask = "ARS"; level = "NOTICES"; },
- { level = "NO_ACT ALL"; channels = ( "#service" ); },
- { level = "NO_ACT ALL"; channels = ( "#users" ); },
{ mask = "[control-panel]"; level = "NO_ACT ALL"; },
{ mask = "[hilights]"; level = "NO_ACT ALL"; },
- { level = "NO_ACT ALL"; servertag = "hlircnettor"; }
+ { mask = "BASHy2-EU"; level = "MSGS"; },
+ { mask = "freenode-connect"; level = "ALL"; },
+ { mask = "P80drone"; level = "ALL"; },
+ { mask = "dmonp80"; level = "ALL"; },
+ { level = "NO_ACT ALL"; channels = ( "#service" ); },
+ { level = "NO_ACT ALL"; channels = ( "#users" ); },
+ { mask = "BASHy2"; level = "MSGS"; }
+notifies = { "creep^ltx!*" = { ircnets = ( "freenode" ); }; incal = { }; };
windows = {
1 = {
immortal = "yes";
@@ -633,72 +645,71 @@ windows = {
immortal = "yes";
name = "[notices]";
servertag = "hlircnet";
+ level = "SNOTES WALLOPS";
3 = {
immortal = "yes";
name = "[msgs]";
- servertag = "hlircnet";
4 = { name = "[hilights]"; servertag = "hlircnet"; level = "HILIGHTS"; };
5 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#opers";
- tag = "hlircnet";
+ name = "#2f30";
+ tag = "cyberia";
6 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#GNU/matrix";
- tag = "hlircnet";
+ name = "#cyberia";
+ tag = "cyberia";
7 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#help";
- tag = "hlircnet";
+ name = "#gopher";
+ tag = "sdf";
8 = {
items = (
- {
+ {
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#gopher";
- tag = "hlircnet";
+ name = "#sdf";
+ tag = "sdf";
9 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#vhosts";
- tag = "hlircnet";
+ name = "#helpdesk";
+ tag = "sdf";
10 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
@@ -709,303 +720,176 @@ windows = {
11 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#users";
+ name = "#GNU/matrix";
tag = "hlircnet";
12 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#service";
+ name = "#help";
tag = "hlircnet";
13 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#cgo";
+ name = "#gopher";
tag = "hlircnet";
14 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#hlfm";
+ name = "#vhosts";
tag = "hlircnet";
15 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#test";
+ name = "#opers";
tag = "hlircnet";
16 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#unix";
- tag = "unix";
+ name = "#users";
+ tag = "hlircnet";
17 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#general";
- tag = "nebulacentre";
+ name = "#service";
+ tag = "hlircnet";
18 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#gopher";
- tag = "sdf";
+ name = "#unix";
+ tag = "unix";
19 = {
items = (
- {
+ {
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#sdf";
- tag = "sdf";
+ name = "#dataswamp";
+ tag = "dataswamp";
20 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#helpdesk";
- tag = "sdf";
+ name = "#general";
+ tag = "nebulacentre";
21 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#/g/technology";
- tag = "Rizon";
+ name = "#asciiart";
+ tag = "efnet";
22 = {
- items = (
- {
- type = "CHANNEL";
- chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#uk";
- tag = "Rizon";
- }
- );
- };
- 23 = {
- items = (
- {
- type = "CHANNEL";
- chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#/tech/";
- tag = "Rizon";
- }
- );
- };
- 24 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#8chan";
- tag = "Rizon";
- }
- );
- };
- 25 = {
- items = (
- {
- type = "CHANNEL";
- chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#books";
- tag = "genoce";
- }
- );
- };
- 26 = {
- items = (
- {
- type = "CHANNEL";
- chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#general";
- tag = "genoce";
- }
- );
- };
- 27 = {
- items = (
- {
- type = "CHANNEL";
- chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#2f30";
- tag = "cyberia";
- }
- );
- };
- 28 = {
- items = (
- {
- type = "CHANNEL";
- chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#cyberia";
- tag = "cyberia";
- }
- );
- };
- 29 = {
- items = (
- {
- type = "CHANNEL";
- chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#unreal-support";
- tag = "unrealircd";
- }
- );
- };
- 30 = {
- items = (
- {
- type = "CHANNEL";
- chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#unreal-devel";
- tag = "unrealircd";
- }
- );
- };
- 31 = {
- items = (
- {
- type = "CHANNEL";
- chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#darkscience";
- tag = "darkscience";
- }
- );
- };
- 32 = {
- items = (
- {
- type = "CHANNEL";
- chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#movies";
- tag = "darkscience";
- }
- );
- };
- 33 = {
- items = (
- {
- type = "CHANNEL";
- chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#dataswamp";
- tag = "dataswamp";
+ name = "#political";
+ tag = "efnet";
- 34 = {
+ 23 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#asciiart";
+ name = "#LRH";
tag = "efnet";
- 35 = {
+ 24 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#political";
+ name = "";
tag = "efnet";
- 36 = {
+ 25 = {
items = (
type = "CHANNEL";
chat_type = "IRC";
- name = "#LRH";
- tag = "efnet";
+ name = "#shadow";
+ tag = "hlircnet";
mainwindows = {
- 10 = {
- first_line = "10";
- lines = "43";
- first_column = "0";
- columns = "161";
- };
- 4 = {
+ 1 = {
first_line = "0";
- lines = "10";
+ lines = "90";
first_column = "0";
- columns = "161";
+ columns = "349";
diff --git a/.config/irssi/default.theme b/.config/irssi/default.theme
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+# When testing changes, the easiest way to reload the theme is with /RELOAD.
+# This reloads the configuration file too, so if you did any changes remember
+# to /SAVE it first. Remember also that /SAVE overwrites the theme file with
+# old data so keep backups :)
+# The real text formats that irssi uses are the ones you can find with
+# /FORMAT command. Back in the old days all the colors and texts were mixed
+# up in those formats, and it was really hard to change the colors since you
+# might have had to change them in tens of different places. So, then came
+# this templating system.
+# Now the /FORMATs don't have any colors in them, and they also have very
+# little other styling. Most of the stuff you need to change is in this
+# theme file. If you can't change something here, you can always go back
+# to change the /FORMATs directly, they're also saved in these .theme files.
+# So .. the templates. They're those {blahblah} parts you see all over the
+# /FORMATs and here. Their usage is simply {name parameter1 parameter2}.
+# When irssi sees this kind of text, it goes to find "name" from abstracts
+# block below and sets "parameter1" into $0 and "parameter2" into $1 (you
+# can have more parameters of course). Templates can have subtemplates.
+# Here's a small example:
+# /FORMAT format hello {colorify {underline world}}
+# abstracts = { colorify = "%G$0-%n"; underline = "%U$0-%U"; }
+# When irssi expands the templates in "format", the final string would be:
+# hello %G%Uworld%U%n
+# ie. underlined bright green "world" text.
+# and why "$0-", why not "$0"? $0 would only mean the first parameter,
+# $0- means all the parameters. With {underline hello world} you'd really
+# want to underline both of the words, not just the hello (and world would
+# actually be removed entirely).
+# You can find definitions for the color format codes in docs/formats.txt.
+# There's one difference here though. %n format. Normally it means the
+# default color of the terminal (white mostly), but here it means the
+# "reset color back to the one it was in higher template". For example
+# if there was /FORMAT test %g{foo}bar, and foo = "%Y$0%n", irssi would
+# print yellow "foo" (as set with %Y) but "bar" would be green, which was
+# set at the beginning before the {foo} template. If there wasn't the %g
+# at start, the normal behaviour of %n would occur. If you _really_ want
+# to use the terminal's default color, use %N.
+# default foreground color (%N) - -1 is the "default terminal color"
+default_color = "-1";
+# print timestamp/servertag at the end of line, not at beginning
+info_eol = "false";
+# these characters are automatically replaced with specified color
+# (dark grey by default)
+replaces = { "[]=" = "%K$*%n"; };
+abstracts = {
+ ##
+ ## generic
+ ##
+ # text to insert at the beginning of each non-message line
+ line_start = "%B-%n!%B-%n ";
+ # timestamp styling, nothing by default
+ timestamp = "$*";
+ # any kind of text that needs hilighting, default is to bold
+ hilight = "%_$*%_";
+ # any kind of error message, default is bright red
+ error = "%R$*%n";
+ # channel name is printed
+ channel = "%_$*%_";
+ # nick is printed
+ nick = "%_$*%_";
+ # nick host is printed
+ nickhost = "[$*]";
+ # server name is printed
+ server = "%_$*%_";
+ # some kind of comment is printed
+ comment = "[$*]";
+ # reason for something is printed (part, quit, kick, ..)
+ reason = "{comment $*}";
+ # mode change is printed ([+o nick])
+ mode = "{comment $*}";
+ ##
+ ## channel specific messages
+ ##
+ # highlighted nick/host is printed (joins)
+ channick_hilight = "%C$*%n";
+ chanhost_hilight = "{nickhost %c$*%n}";
+ # nick/host is printed (parts, quits, etc.)
+ channick = "%c$*%n";
+ chanhost = "{nickhost $*}";
+ # highlighted channel name is printed
+ channelhilight = "%c$*%n";
+ # ban/ban exception/invite list mask is printed
+ ban = "%c$*%n";
+ ##
+ ## messages
+ ##
+ # the basic styling of how to print message, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
+ msgnick = "%K<%n$0$1-%K>%n %|";
+ # message from you is printed. "ownnick" specifies the styling of the
+ # nick ($0 part in msgnick) and "ownmsgnick" specifies the styling of the
+ # whole line.
+ # Example1: You want the message text to be green:
+ # ownmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}%g";
+ # Example2.1: You want < and > chars to be yellow:
+ # ownmsgnick = "%Y{msgnick $0 $1-%Y}%n";
+ # (you'll also have to remove <> from replaces list above)
+ # Example2.2: But you still want to keep <> grey for other messages:
+ # pubmsgnick = "%K{msgnick $0 $1-%K}%n";
+ # pubmsgmenick = "%K{msgnick $0 $1-%K}%n";
+ # pubmsghinick = "%K{msgnick $1 $0$2-%n%K}%n";
+ # ownprivmsgnick = "%K{msgnick $*%K}%n";
+ # privmsgnick = "%K{msgnick %R$*%K}%n";
+ # $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
+ ownmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}";
+ ownnick = "%_$*%n";
+ # public message in channel, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
+ pubmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}";
+ pubnick = "%N$*%n";
+ # public message in channel meant for me, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
+ pubmsgmenick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}";
+ menick = "%Y$*%n";
+ # public highlighted message in channel
+ # $0 = highlight color, $1 = nick mode, $2 = nick
+ pubmsghinick = "{msgnick $1 $0$2-%n}";
+ # channel name is printed with message
+ msgchannel = "%K:%c$*%n";
+ # private message, $0 = nick, $1 = host
+ privmsg = "[%R$0%K(%r$1-%K)%n] ";
+ # private message from you, $0 = "msg", $1 = target nick
+ ownprivmsg = "[%r$0%K(%R$1-%K)%n] ";
+ # own private message in query
+ ownprivmsgnick = "{msgnick $*}";
+ ownprivnick = "%_$*%n";
+ # private message in query
+ privmsgnick = "{msgnick %R$*%n}";
+ ##
+ ## Actions (/ME stuff)
+ ##
+ # used internally by this theme
+ action_core = "%_ * $*%n";
+ # generic one that's used by most actions
+ action = "{action_core $*} ";
+ # own action, both private/public
+ ownaction = "{action $*}";
+ # own action with target, both private/public
+ ownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%K:%c$1%n ";
+ # private action sent by others
+ pvtaction = "%_ (*) $*%n ";
+ pvtaction_query = "{action $*}";
+ # public action sent by others
+ pubaction = "{action $*}";
+ ##
+ ## other IRC events
+ ##
+ # whois
+ whois = "%# $[8]0 : $1-";
+ # notices
+ ownnotice = "[%r$0%K(%R$1-%K)]%n ";
+ notice = "%K-%M$*%K-%n ";
+ pubnotice_channel = "%K:%m$*";
+ pvtnotice_host = "%K(%m$*%K)";
+ servernotice = "%g!$*%n ";
+ # CTCPs
+ ownctcp = "[%r$0%K(%R$1-%K)] ";
+ ctcp = "%g$*%n";
+ # wallops
+ wallop = "%_$*%n: ";
+ wallop_nick = "%n$*";
+ wallop_action = "%_ * $*%n ";
+ # netsplits
+ netsplit = "%R$*%n";
+ netjoin = "%C$*%n";
+ # /names list
+ names_prefix = "";
+ names_nick = "[%_$0%_$1-] ";
+ names_nick_op = "{names_nick $*}";
+ names_nick_halfop = "{names_nick $*}";
+ names_nick_voice = "{names_nick $*}";
+ names_users = "[%g$*%n]";
+ names_channel = "%G$*%n";
+ # DCC
+ dcc = "%g$*%n";
+ dccfile = "%_$*%_";
+ # DCC chat, own msg/action
+ dccownmsg = "[%r$0%K($1-%K)%n] ";
+ dccownnick = "%R$*%n";
+ dccownquerynick = "%_$*%n";
+ dccownaction = "{action $*}";
+ dccownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%K:%c$1%n ";
+ # DCC chat, others
+ dccmsg = "[%G$1-%K(%g$0%K)%n] ";
+ dccquerynick = "%G$*%n";
+ dccaction = "%_ (*dcc*) $*%n %|";
+ ##
+ ## statusbar
+ ##
+ # default background for all statusbars. You can also give
+ # the default foreground color for statusbar items.
+ sb_background = "%4%w";
+ window_border = "%4%w";
+ # default backround for "default" statusbar group
+ #sb_default_bg = "%4";
+ # background for prompt / input line
+ sb_prompt_bg = "%n";
+ # background for info statusbar
+ sb_info_bg = "%8";
+ # background for topicbar (same default)
+ #sb_topic_bg = "%4";
+ # text at the beginning of statusbars. "sb" already puts a space there,
+ # so we don't use anything by default.
+ sbstart = "";
+ # text at the end of statusbars. Use space so that it's never
+ # used for anything.
+ sbend = " ";
+ topicsbstart = "{sbstart $*}";
+ topicsbend = "{sbend $*}";
+ prompt = "[$*] ";
+ sb = " %c[%n$*%c]%n";
+ sbmode = "(%c+%n$*)";
+ sbaway = " (%GzZzZ%n)";
+ sbservertag = ":$0 (change with ^X)";
+ sbnickmode = "$0";
+ # activity in statusbar
+ # ',' separator
+ sb_act_sep = "%c$*";
+ # normal text
+ sb_act_text = "%c$*";
+ # public message
+ sb_act_msg = "%W$*";
+ # hilight
+ sb_act_hilight = "%M$*";
+ # hilight with specified color, $0 = color, $1 = text
+ sb_act_hilight_color = "$0$1-%n";
+formats = {
+ "fe-common/irc/notifylist" = {
+ notify_join = "{nick $0} [$1@$2] [{hilight $3}] has joined to $4";
+ notify_part = "{nick $0} has left $4";
+ notify_away = "{nick $0} [$5] [$1@$2] [{hilight $3}] is now away: $4";
+ notify_unaway = "{nick $0} [$4] [$1@$2] [{hilight $3}] is now unaway";
+ notify_online = "On $0: {hilight $1}";
+ notify_offline = "Offline: $0";
+ notify_list = "$0: $1 $2";
+ notify_list_empty = "The notify list is empty";
+ };
+ "fe-common/core" = {
+ line_start = "{line_start}";
+ line_start_irssi = "{line_start}{hilight Irssi:} ";
+ timestamp = "{timestamp $Z} ";
+ servertag = "[$0] ";
+ daychange = "Day changed to %%d %%b %%Y";
+ talking_with = "You are now talking with {nick $0}";
+ refnum_too_low = "Window number must be greater than 1";
+ error_server_sticky = "Window's server is sticky and it cannot be changed without -unsticky option";
+ set_server_sticky = "Window's server set sticky";
+ unset_server_sticky = "Window's server isn't sticky anymore";
+ window_name_not_unique = "Window names must be unique";
+ window_level = "Window level is now $0";
+ window_set_immortal = "Window is now immortal";
+ window_unset_immortal = "Window isn't immortal anymore";
+ window_immortal_error = "Window is immortal, if you really want to close it, say /WINDOW IMMORTAL OFF";
+ windowlist_header = "%#Ref Name Active item Server Level";
+ windowlist_line = "%#$[4]0 %|$[20]1 $[15]2 $[15]3 $4";
+ windowlist_footer = "";
+ windows_layout_saved = "Layout of windows is now remembered";
+ windows_layout_reset = "Layout of windows reset to defaults";
+ window_info_header = "";
+ window_info_footer = "";
+ window_info_refnum = "%#Window : {hilight #$0}";
+ window_info_refnum_sticky = "%#Window : {hilight #$0 (sticky)}";
+ window_info_name = "%#Name : $0";
+ window_info_history = "%#History : $0";
+ window_info_immortal = "%#Immortal: yes";
+ window_info_size = "%#Size : $0x$1";
+ window_info_level = "%#Level : $0";
+ window_info_server = "%#Server : $0";
+ window_info_server_sticky = "%#Server : $0 (sticky)";
+ window_info_theme = "%#Theme : $0$1";
+ window_info_bound_items_header = "%#Bounds : {hilight Name Server tag}";
+ window_info_bound_item = "%# : $[!30]0 $[!15]1 $2";
+ window_info_bound_items_footer = "";
+ window_info_items_header = "%#Items : {hilight Name Server tag}";
+ window_info_item = "%# $[7]0: $[!30]1 $2";
+ window_info_items_footer = "";
+ looking_up = "Looking up {server $0}";
+ connecting = "Connecting to {server $0} [$1] port {hilight $2}";
+ reconnecting = "Reconnecting to {server $0} [$1] port {hilight $2} - use /RMRECONNS to abort";
+ connection_established = "Connection to {server $0} established";
+ cant_connect = "Unable to connect server {server $0} port {hilight $1} {reason $2}";
+ connection_lost = "Connection lost to {server $0}";
+ lag_disconnected = "No PONG reply from server {server $0} in $1 seconds, disconnecting";
+ disconnected = "Disconnected from {server $0} {reason $1}";
+ server_quit = "Disconnecting from server {server $0}: {reason $1}";
+ server_changed = "Changed to {hilight $2} server {server $1}";
+ unknown_server_tag = "Unknown server tag {server $0}";
+ no_connected_servers = "Not connected to any servers";
+ server_list = "{server $0}: $1:$2 ($3)";
+ server_lookup_list = "{server $0}: $1:$2 ($3) (connecting...)";
+ server_reconnect_list = "{server $0}: $1:$2 ($3) ($5 left before reconnecting)";
+ server_reconnect_removed = "Removed reconnection to server {server $0} port {hilight $1}";
+ server_reconnect_not_found = "Reconnection tag {server $0} not found";
+ setupserver_added = "Server {server $0} saved";
+ setupserver_removed = "Server {server $0} removed";
+ setupserver_not_found = "Server {server $0} not found";
+ your_nick = "Your nickname is {nick $0}";
+ join = "{channick_hilight $0} {chanhost_hilight $1} has joined {channel $2}";
+ part = "{channick $0} {chanhost $1} has left {channel $2} {reason $3}";
+ kick = "{channick $0} was kicked from {channel $1} by {nick $2} {reason $3}";
+ quit = "{channick $0} {chanhost $1} has quit {reason $2}";
+ quit_once = "{channel $3} {channick $0} {chanhost $1} has quit {reason $2}";
+ invite = "{nick $0} invites you to {channel $1}";
+ not_invited = "You have not been invited to a channel!";
+ new_topic = "{nick $0} changed the topic of {channel $1} to: $2";
+ topic_unset = "Topic unset by {nick $0} on {channel $1}";
+ your_nick_changed = "You're now known as {nick $1}";
+ nick_changed = "{channick $0} is now known as {channick_hilight $1}";
+ talking_in = "You are now talking in {channel $0}";
+ not_in_channels = "You are not on any channels";
+ current_channel = "Current channel {channel $0}";
+ names = "{names_users Users {names_channel $0}}";
+ names_prefix = "%#{names_prefix $0}";
+ names_nick_op = "{names_nick_op $0 $1}";
+ names_nick_halfop = "{names_nick_halfop $0 $1}";
+ names_nick_voice = "{names_nick_voice $0 $1}";
+ names_nick = "{names_nick $0 $1}";
+ endofnames = "{channel $0}: Total of {hilight $1} nicks {comment {hilight $2} ops, {hilight $3} halfops, {hilight $4} voices, {hilight $5} normal}";
+ chanlist_header = "%#You are on the following channels:";
+ chanlist_line = "%#{channel $[-10]0} %|+$1 ($2): $3";
+ chansetup_not_found = "Channel {channel $0} not found";
+ chansetup_added = "Channel {channel $0} saved";
+ chansetup_removed = "Channel {channel $0} removed";
+ chansetup_header = "%#Channel Network Password Settings";
+ chansetup_line = "%#{channel $[15]0} %|$[10]1 $[10]2 $3";
+ chansetup_footer = "";
+ own_msg = "{ownmsgnick $2 {ownnick $0}}$1";
+ own_msg_channel = "{ownmsgnick $3 {ownnick $0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
+ own_msg_private = "{ownprivmsg msg $0}$1";
+ own_msg_private_query = "{ownprivmsgnick {ownprivnick $2}}$1";
+ pubmsg_me = "{pubmsgmenick $2 {menick $0}}$1";
+ pubmsg_me_channel = "{pubmsgmenick $3 {menick $0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
+ pubmsg_hilight = "{pubmsghinick $0 $3 $1}$2";
+ pubmsg_hilight_channel = "{pubmsghinick $0 $4 $1{msgchannel $2}}$3";
+ pubmsg = "{pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick $0}}$1";
+ pubmsg_channel = "{pubmsgnick $3 {pubnick $0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
+ msg_private = "{privmsg $0 $1}$2";
+ msg_private_query = "{privmsgnick $0}$2";
+ no_msgs_got = "You have not received a message from anyone yet";
+ no_msgs_sent = "You have not sent a message to anyone yet";
+ query_start = "Starting query in {server $1} with {nick $0}";
+ query_stop = "Closing query with {nick $0}";
+ no_query = "No query with {nick $0}";
+ query_server_changed = "Query with {nick $0} changed to server {server $1}";
+ hilight_header = "%#Highlights:";
+ hilight_line = "%#$[-4]0 $1 $2 $3$4";
+ hilight_footer = "";
+ hilight_not_found = "Highlight not found: $0";
+ hilight_removed = "Highlight removed: $0";
+ alias_added = "Alias $0 added";
+ alias_removed = "Alias $0 removed";
+ alias_not_found = "No such alias: $0";
+ aliaslist_header = "%#Aliases:";
+ aliaslist_line = "%#$[10]0 $1";
+ aliaslist_footer = "";
+ log_opened = "Log file {hilight $0} opened";
+ log_closed = "Log file {hilight $0} closed";
+ log_create_failed = "Couldn't create log file {hilight $0}: $1";
+ log_locked = "Log file {hilight $0} is locked, probably by another running Irssi";
+ log_not_open = "Log file {hilight $0} not open";
+ log_started = "Started logging to file {hilight $0}";
+ log_stopped = "Stopped logging to file {hilight $0}";
+ log_list_header = "%#Logs:";
+ log_list = "%#$0 $1: $2 $3$4$5";
+ log_list_footer = "";
+ windowlog_file = "Window LOGFILE set to $0";
+ windowlog_file_logging = "Can't change window's logfile while log is on";
+ no_away_msgs = "No new messages in awaylog";
+ away_msgs = "{hilight $1} new messages in awaylog:";
+ module_header = "%#Module Type Submodules";
+ module_line = "%#$[!20]0 $[7]1 $2";
+ module_footer = "";
+ module_already_loaded = "Module {hilight $0/$1} already loaded";
+ module_not_loaded = "Module {hilight $0/$1} is not loaded";
+ module_load_error = "Error loading module {hilight $0/$1}: $2";
+ module_version_mismatch = "{hilight $0/$1} is ABI version $2 but Irssi is version $abiversion, cannot load";
+ module_invalid = "{hilight $0/$1} isn't Irssi module";
+ module_loaded = "Loaded module {hilight $0/$1}";
+ module_unloaded = "Unloaded module {hilight $0/$1}";
+ command_unknown = "Unknown command: $0";
+ command_ambiguous = "Ambiguous command: $0";
+ option_unknown = "Unknown option: $0";
+ option_ambiguous = "Ambiguous option: $0";
+ option_missing_arg = "Missing required argument for: $0";
+ not_enough_params = "Not enough parameters given";
+ not_connected = "Not connected to server";
+ not_joined = "Not joined to any channel";
+ chan_not_found = "Not joined to such channel";
+ chan_not_synced = "Channel not fully synchronized yet, try again after a while";
+ illegal_proto = "Command isn't designed for the chat protocol of the active server";
+ not_good_idea = "Doing this is not a good idea. Add -YES option to command if you really mean it";
+ invalid_number = "Invalid number";
+ invalid_time = "Invalid timestamp";
+ invalid_level = "Invalid message level";
+ invalid_size = "Invalid size";
+ invalid_charset = "Invalid charset: $0";
+ invalid_choice = "Invalid choice, must be one of $0";
+ eval_max_recurse = "/eval hit maximum recursion limit";
+ program_not_found = "Could not find file or file is not executable";
+ no_server_defined = "No servers defined for this network, see /help server for how to add one";
+ theme_saved = "Theme saved to $0";
+ theme_save_failed = "Error saving theme to $0: $1";
+ theme_not_found = "Theme {hilight $0} not found";
+ theme_changed = "Now using theme {hilight $0} ($1)";
+ window_theme = "Using theme {hilight $0} in this window";
+ window_theme_default = "No theme is set for this window";
+ window_theme_changed = "Now using theme {hilight $0} ($1) in this window";
+ window_theme_removed = "Removed theme from this window";
+ format_title = "%:[{hilight $0}] - [{hilight $1}]%:";
+ format_subtitle = "[{hilight $0}]";
+ format_item = "$0 = $1";
+ ignored = "Ignoring {hilight $1} from {nick $0}";
+ ignored_options = "Ignoring {hilight $1} from {nick $0} {comment $2}";
+ unignored = "Unignored {nick $0}";
+ ignore_not_found = "{nick $0} is not being ignored";
+ ignore_no_ignores = "There are no ignores";
+ ignore_header = "%#Ignore List:";
+ ignore_line = "%#$[-4]0 $1: $2 $3 $4";
+ ignore_footer = "";
+ not_channel_or_query = "The current window is not a channel or query window";
+ conversion_added = "Added {hilight $0}/{hilight $1} to conversion database";
+ conversion_removed = "Removed {hilight $0} from conversion database";
+ conversion_not_found = "{hilight $0} not found in conversion database";
+ conversion_no_translits = "Transliterations not supported in this system";
+ recode_header = "%#Target Character set";
+ recode_line = "%#%|$[!30]0 $1";
+ unknown_chat_protocol = "Unknown chat protocol: $0";
+ unknown_chatnet = "Unknown chat network: $0 (create it with /NETWORK ADD)";
+ not_toggle = "Value must be either ON, OFF or TOGGLE";
+ perl_error = "Perl error: $0";
+ bind_header = "%#Key Action";
+ bind_list = "%#$[!20]0 $1 $2";
+ bind_command_list = "$[!30]0 $1";
+ bind_footer = "";
+ bind_unknown_id = "Unknown bind action: $0";
+ config_saved = "Saved configuration to file $0";
+ config_reloaded = "Reloaded configuration";
+ config_modified = "Configuration file was modified since irssi was last started - do you want to overwrite the possible changes?";
+ glib_error = "{error $0} $1";
+ overwrite_config = "Overwrite config (y/N)?";
+ set_title = "[{hilight $0}]";
+ set_item = "$[-!32]0 %_$1";
+ set_unknown = "Unknown setting $0";
+ set_not_boolean = "Setting {hilight $0} isn't boolean, use /SET";
+ no_completions = "There are no completions";
+ completion_removed = "Removed completion $0";
+ completion_header = "%#Key Value Auto";
+ completion_line = "%#$[10]0 $[!40]1 $2";
+ completion_footer = "";
+ capsicum_enabled = "Capability mode enabled";
+ capsicum_disabled = "Capability mode not enabled";
+ capsicum_failed = "Capability mode failed: $0";
+ tls_ephemeral_key = "EDH Key: {hilight $0} bit {hilight $1}";
+ tls_ephemeral_key_unavailable = "EDH Key: {error N/A}";
+ tls_pubkey = "Public Key: {hilight $0} bit {hilight $1}, valid from {hilight $2} to {hilight $3}";
+ tls_cert_header = "Certificate Chain:";
+ tls_cert_subject = " Subject: {hilight $0}";
+ tls_cert_issuer = " Issuer: {hilight $0}";
+ tls_pubkey_fingerprint = "Public Key Fingerprint: {hilight $0} ({hilight $1})";
+ tls_cert_fingerprint = "Certificate Fingerprint: {hilight $0} ({hilight $1})";
+ tls_protocol_version = "Protocol: {hilight $0} ({hilight $1} bit, {hilight $2})";
+ };
+ "fe-common/irc/dcc" = {
+ own_dcc = "{dccownmsg dcc {dccownnick $1}}$2";
+ own_dcc_action = "{dccownaction_target $0 $1}$2";
+ own_dcc_action_query = "{dccownaction $0}$2";
+ own_dcc_ctcp = "{ownctcp ctcp $0}$1 $2";
+ dcc_msg = "{dccmsg dcc $0}$1";
+ action_dcc = "{dccaction $0}$1";
+ action_dcc_query = "{dccaction $0}$1";
+ own_dcc_query = "{ownmsgnick {dccownquerynick $0}}$2";
+ dcc_msg_query = "{privmsgnick $0}$1";
+ dcc_ctcp = "{dcc >>> DCC CTCP {hilight $1} received from {hilight $0}: $2}";
+ dcc_chat = "{dcc DCC CHAT from {nick $0} [$1 port $2]}";
+ dcc_chat_channel = "{dcc DCC CHAT from {nick $0} [$1 port $2] requested in channel {channel $3}}";
+ dcc_chat_not_found = "{dcc No DCC CHAT connection open to {nick $0}}";
+ dcc_chat_connected = "{dcc DCC CHAT connection with {nick $0} [$1 port $2] established}";
+ dcc_chat_disconnected = "{dcc DCC lost chat to {nick $0}}";
+ dcc_send = "{dcc DCC SEND from {nick $0} [$1 port $2]: $3 [$4]}";
+ dcc_send_channel = "{dcc DCC SEND from {nick $0} [$1 port $2]: $3 [$4 bytes] requested in channel {channel $5}}";
+ dcc_send_exists = "{dcc DCC already sending file {dccfile $0} for {nick $1}}";
+ dcc_send_no_route = "{dcc DCC route lost to nick {nick $0} when trying to send file {dccfile $1}}";
+ dcc_send_not_found = "{dcc DCC not sending file {dccfile $1} to {nick $0}}";
+ dcc_send_file_open_error = "{dcc DCC can't open file {dccfile $0}: $1}";
+ dcc_send_connected = "{dcc DCC sending file {dccfile $0} for {nick $1} [$2 port $3]}";
+ dcc_send_complete = "{dcc DCC sent file {dccfile $0} [{hilight $1}] for {nick $2} in {hilight $3} [{hilight $4kB/s}]}";
+ dcc_send_aborted = "{dcc DCC aborted sending file {dccfile $0} for {nick $1}}";
+ dcc_get_not_found = "{dcc DCC no file offered by {nick $0}}";
+ dcc_get_connected = "{dcc DCC receiving file {dccfile $0} from {nick $1} [$2 port $3]}";
+ dcc_get_complete = "{dcc DCC received file {dccfile $0} [$1] from {nick $2} in {hilight $3} [$4kB/s]}";
+ dcc_get_aborted = "{dcc DCC aborted receiving file {dccfile $0} from {nick $1}}";
+ dcc_get_write_error = "{dcc DCC error writing to file {dccfile $0}: {comment $1}";
+ dcc_unknown_ctcp = "{dcc DCC unknown ctcp {hilight $0} from {nick $1} [$2]}";
+ dcc_unknown_reply = "{dcc DCC unknown reply {hilight $0} from {nick $1} [$2]}";
+ dcc_unknown_type = "{dcc DCC unknown type {hilight $0}}";
+ dcc_invalid_ctcp = "{dcc DCC received CTCP {hilight $0} with invalid parameters from {nick $1}}";
+ dcc_connect_error = "{dcc DCC can't connect to {hilight $0} port {hilight $1}}";
+ dcc_cant_create = "{dcc DCC can't create file {dccfile $0}: $1}";
+ dcc_rejected = "{dcc DCC $0 was rejected by {nick $1} [{hilight $2}]}";
+ dcc_request_send = "{dcc DCC $0 request sent to {nick $1}: $2";
+ dcc_close = "{dcc DCC $0 close for {nick $1} [{hilight $2}]}";
+ dcc_lowport = "{dcc Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport ({hilight $0, $1}) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass firewall)}";
+ dcc_list_header = "{dcc DCC connections}";
+ dcc_list_line_chat = "{dcc $0 $1}";
+ dcc_list_line_file = "{dcc $0 $1: %|$2 of $3 ($4%%) - $5kB/s - ETA $7 - $6}";
+ dcc_list_line_queued_send = "{dcc - $0 $2 (queued)}";
+ dcc_list_footer = "";
+ dcc_list_line_server = "{dcc $0: Port($1) - Send($2) - Chat($3) - Fserve($4)}";
+ dcc_server_started = "{dcc DCC SERVER started on port {hilight $0}}";
+ dcc_server_closed = "{dcc DCC SERVER on port {hilight $0} closed}";
+ };
+ "fe-common/irc" = {
+ netsplit = "{netsplit Netsplit} {server $0} <-> {server $1} quits: $2";
+ netsplit_more = "{netsplit Netsplit} {server $0} <-> {server $1} quits: $2 (+$3 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)";
+ netsplit_join = "{netjoin Netsplit} over, joins: $0";
+ netsplit_join_more = "{netjoin Netsplit} over, joins: $0 (+$1 more)";
+ no_netsplits = "There are no net splits";
+ netsplits_header = "%#Nick Channel Server Split server";
+ netsplits_line = "%#$[9]0 $[10]1 $[20]2 $3";
+ netsplits_footer = "";
+ network_added = "Network $0 saved";
+ network_removed = "Network $0 removed";
+ network_not_found = "Network $0 not found";
+ network_header = "%#Networks:";
+ network_line = "%#$0: $1";
+ network_footer = "";
+ setupserver_header = "%#Server Port Network Settings";
+ setupserver_line = "%#%|$[!20]0 $[5]1 $[10]2 $3";
+ setupserver_footer = "";
+ sasl_success = "SASL authentication succeeded";
+ sasl_error = "Cannot authenticate via SASL ($0)";
+ cap_req = "Capabilities requested: $0";
+ cap_ls = "Capabilities supported: $0";
+ cap_ack = "Capabilities acknowledged: $0";
+ cap_nak = "Capabilities refused: $0";
+ cap_list = "Capabilities currently enabled: $0";
+ cap_new = "Capabilities now available: $0";
+ cap_del = "Capabilities removed: $0";
+ joinerror_toomany = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (You have joined to too many channels)";
+ joinerror_full = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (Channel is full)";
+ joinerror_invite = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (You must be invited)";
+ joinerror_banned = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (You are banned)";
+ joinerror_bad_key = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (Bad channel key)";
+ joinerror_bad_mask = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (Bad channel mask)";
+ joinerror_unavail = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (Channel is temporarily unavailable)";
+ joinerror_duplicate = "Channel {channel $0} already exists - cannot create it";
+ channel_rejoin = "Channel {channel $0} is temporarily unavailable, this is normally because of netsplits. Irssi will now automatically try to rejoin back to this channel until the join is successful. Use /RMREJOINS command if you wish to abort this.";
+ inviting = "Inviting {nick $0} to {channel $1}";
+ channel_created = "Channel {channelhilight $0} created $1";
+ url = "Home page for {channelhilight $0}: $1";
+ topic = "Topic for {channelhilight $0}: $1";
+ no_topic = "No topic set for {channelhilight $0}";
+ topic_info = "Topic set by {nick $0} {nickhost $2} {comment $1}";
+ chanmode_change = "mode/{channelhilight $0} {mode $1} by {nick $2}";
+ server_chanmode_change = "{netsplit ServerMode}/{channelhilight $0} {mode $1} by {nick $2}";
+ channel_mode = "mode/{channelhilight $0} {mode $1}";
+ bantype = "Ban type changed to {channel $0}";
+ no_bans = "No bans in channel {channel $0}";
+ banlist = "$0 - {channel $1}: ban {ban $2}";
+ banlist_long = "$0 - {channel $1}: ban {ban $2} {comment by {nick $3}, $4 secs ago}";
+ ebanlist = "{channel $0}: ban exception {ban $1}";
+ ebanlist_long = "{channel $0}: ban exception {ban $1} {comment by {nick $2}, $3 secs ago}";
+ no_invitelist = "Invite list is empty in channel {channel $0}";
+ invitelist = "{channel $0}: invite {ban $1}";
+ invitelist_long = "{channel $0}: invite {ban $1} {comment by {nick $2}, $3 secs ago}";
+ no_such_channel = "{channel $0}: No such channel";
+ channel_synced = "Join to {channel $0} was synced in {hilight $1} secs";
+ usermode_change = "Mode change {mode $0} for user {nick $1}";
+ user_mode = "Your user mode is {mode $0}";
+ away = "You have been marked as being away";
+ unaway = "You are no longer marked as being away";
+ nick_away = "{nick $0} is away: $1";
+ no_such_nick = "{nick $0}: No such nick/channel";
+ nick_in_use = "Nick {nick $0} is already in use";
+ nick_unavailable = "Nick {nick $0} is temporarily unavailable";
+ your_nick_owned = "Your nick is owned by {nick $3} {comment $1@$2}";
+ whois = "{nick $0} {nickhost $1@$2}%:{whois ircname $3}";
+ whowas = "{nick $0} {nickhost $1@$2}%:{whois was $3}";
+ whois_idle = "{whois idle %|$1 days $2 hours $3 mins $4 secs}";
+ whois_idle_signon = "{whois idle %|$1 days $2 hours $3 mins $4 secs {comment signon: $5}}";
+ whois_server = "{whois server %|$1 {comment $2}}";
+ whois_oper = "{whois {hilight $1}}";
+ whois_modes = "{whois modes $1}";
+ whois_realhost = "{whois hostname $1-}";
+ whois_usermode = "{whois usermode $1}";
+ whois_channels = "{whois channels %|$1}";
+ whois_away = "{whois away %|$1}";
+ whois_special = "{whois %|$1}";
+ whois_extra = "{whois account %|$1}";
+ end_of_whois = "End of WHOIS";
+ end_of_whowas = "End of WHOWAS";
+ whois_not_found = "There is no such nick $0";
+ who = "%#{channelhilight $[-10]0} %|{nick $[!9]1} $[!3]2 $[!2]3 $4@$5 {comment {hilight $6}}";
+ end_of_who = "End of /WHO list";
+ own_notice = "{ownnotice notice $0}$1";
+ own_action = "{ownaction $0}$1";
+ own_action_target = "{ownaction_target $0 $2}$1";
+ own_ctcp = "{ownctcp ctcp $0}$1 $2";
+ notice_server = "{servernotice $0}$1";
+ notice_public = "{notice $0{pubnotice_channel $1}}$2";
+ notice_private = "{notice $0{pvtnotice_host $1}}$2";
+ action_private = "{pvtaction $0}$2";
+ action_private_query = "{pvtaction_query $0}$2";
+ action_public = "{pubaction $0}$1";
+ action_public_channel = "{pubaction $0{msgchannel $1}}$2";
+ ctcp_reply = "CTCP {hilight $0} reply from {nick $1}: $2";
+ ctcp_reply_channel = "CTCP {hilight $0} reply from {nick $1} in channel {channel $3}: $2";
+ ctcp_ping_reply = "CTCP {hilight PING} reply from {nick $0}: $1.$[-3.0]2 seconds";
+ ctcp_requested = "{ctcp {hilight $0} {comment $1} requested CTCP {hilight $2} from {nick $4}}: $3";
+ ctcp_requested_unknown = "{ctcp {hilight $0} {comment $1} requested unknown CTCP {hilight $2} from {nick $4}}: $3";
+ online = "Users online: {hilight $0}";
+ pong = "PONG received from $0: $1";
+ wallops = "{wallop WALLOP {wallop_nick $0}} $1";
+ action_wallops = "{wallop WALLOP {wallop_action $0}} $1";
+ kill = "You were {error killed} by {nick $0} {nickhost $1} {reason $2} {comment Path: $3}";
+ kill_server = "You were {error killed} by {server $0} {reason $1} {comment Path: $2}";
+ error = "{error ERROR} $0";
+ unknown_mode = "Unknown mode character $0";
+ default_event = "$1";
+ default_event_server = "[$0] $1";
+ silenced = "Silenced {nick $0}";
+ unsilenced = "Unsilenced {nick $0}";
+ silence_line = "{nick $0}: silence {ban $1}";
+ ask_oper_pass = "Operator password:";
+ accept_list = "Accepted users: {hilight $0}";
+ };
+ "fe-common/perl" = {
+ script_not_found = "Script {hilight $0} not found";
+ script_not_loaded = "Script {hilight $0} is not loaded";
+ script_loaded = "Loaded script {hilight $0}";
+ script_unloaded = "Unloaded script {hilight $0}";
+ no_scripts_loaded = "No scripts are loaded";
+ script_list_header = "%#Loaded scripts:";
+ script_list_line = "%#$[!15]0 $1";
+ script_list_footer = "";
+ script_error = "{error Error in script {hilight $0}:}";
+ };
+ "Irssi::Script::ctcpspoof" = {
+ fctcp_info = " # ctcpitem ctcpreply";
+ fctcp_empty = "%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Your fake ctcp list is empty.";
+ fctcp_added = "%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Added %_$0%_ ($1) to the fake ctcp list.";
+ fctcp_replaced = "%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Replaced the old fake reply %_$0%_ with the new one ($1)";
+ fctcp_delled = "%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Deleted %_$0%_ from the fake ctcp list.";
+ fctcp_nfound = "%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Can't find $0 in the fake ctcp list.";
+ fctcp_delusage = "%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Usage: /FCTCP -del <ctcp-item>";
+ fctcp_usage = "%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Usage: /FCTCP -add <ctcp-item> <ctcp-reply>";
+ fctcp_repusage = "%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Usage: /FCTCP -replace <ctcp-item> <ctcp-reply>";
+ fctcp_nload = "%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Could not load the fake ctcp list.";
+ fctcp_request = "%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Used the fake reply %_$1%_ on %_$0%_";
+ fctcp_loaded = "%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ The fake reply %_$0%_ already exists, use %_/FCTCP -del $0%_ to remove it from the list.";
+ fctcp_print = "$[!-2]0 $[20]1 $2";
+ fctcp_help = "$0";
+ loaded = "%R>>%n %_Scriptinfo:%_ Loaded $0 version $1 by $2.";
+ };
+ "Irssi::Script::tmux_away" = {
+ tmux_away_crap = "{line_start}{hilight tmux_away:} $0";
+ };
+ "Irssi::Script::ascii" = {
+ ascii_not_connected = "%_$0:%_ You're not connected to server";
+ ascii_not_window = "%_$0:%_ Not joined to any channel or query window";
+ ascii_not_chanwindow = "%_$0:%_ Not joined to any channel";
+ ascii_not_chanop = "%_$0:%_ You're not channel operator in {hilight $1}";
+ ascii_figlet_notfound = "%_Ascii:%_ Cannot execute {hilight $0} - file not found or bad permissions";
+ ascii_figlet_notset = "%_Ascii:%_ Cannot find external program %_figlet%_, usign /SET ascii_figlet_path [path], to set it";
+ ascii_cmd_syntax = "%_$0:%_ $1, usage: $2";
+ ascii_figlet_error = "%_Ascii: Figlet returns error:%_ $0-";
+ ascii_fontlist = "%_Ascii:%_ Available fonts [in $0]: $1 ($2)";
+ ascii_empty_fontlist = "%_Ascii:%_ Cannot find figlet fonts in $0";
+ ascii_unknown_fontdir = "%_Ascii:%_ Cannot find figlet fontdir";
+ ascii_show_line = "$0-";
+ };
+ "Irssi::Script::trackbar" = {
+ trackbar_loaded = "%R>>%n %_Scriptinfo:%_ Loaded $0 version $1 by $2.";
+ trackbar_wrong_version = "%R>>%n %_Trackbar:%_ Please upgrade your client to 0.8.17 or above if you would like to use this feature of trackbar.";
+ trackbar_all_removed = "%R>>%n %_Trackbar:%_ All the trackbars have been removed.";
+ trackbar_not_found = "%R>>%n %_Trackbar:%_ No trackbar found in this window.";
+ };
+ "Irssi::Script::adv_windowlist" = {
+ awl_display_nokey = "$N${cumode_space}$H$C$S";
+ awl_display_key = "$Q${cumode_space}$H$C$S";
+ awl_display_nokey_visible = "%2$N${cumode_space}$H$C$S";
+ awl_display_key_visible = "%2$Q${cumode_space}$H$C$S";
+ awl_display_nokey_active = "%1$N${cumode_space}$H$C$S";
+ awl_display_key_active = "%1$Q${cumode_space}$H$C$S";
+ awl_display_header = "%8$C|${N}";
+ awl_name_display = "$0";
+ awl_separator = " ";
+ awl_separator2 = "";
+ awl_abbrev_chars = "~〜";
+ awl_viewer_item_bg = "%0";
+ awl_title = "\\Vawl\\:";
+ };
+ "Irssi::Script::trigger" = {
+ trigger_header = "Triggers:";
+ trigger_line = "%#$[-4]0 $1";
+ trigger_added = "Trigger $0 added: $1";
+ trigger_not_found = "Trigger {hilight $0} not found";
+ trigger_saved = "Triggers saved to $0";
+ trigger_loaded = "Triggers loaded from $0";
+ };
+ "fe-text" = {
+ lastlog_too_long = "/LASTLOG would print $0 lines. If you really want to print all these lines use -force option.";
+ lastlog_count = "{hilight Lastlog}: $0 lines";
+ lastlog_start = "{hilight Lastlog}:";
+ lastlog_end = "{hilight End of Lastlog}";
+ lastlog_separator = "--";
+ lastlog_date = "%%F ";
+ refnum_not_found = "Window number $0 not found";
+ window_too_small = "Not enough room to resize this window";
+ cant_hide_last = "You can't hide the last window";
+ cant_hide_sticky_windows = "You can't hide sticky windows (use /SET autounstick_windows ON)";
+ cant_show_sticky_windows = "You can't show sticky windows (use /SET autounstick_windows ON)";
+ window_not_sticky = "Window is not sticky";
+ window_set_sticky = "Window set sticky";
+ window_unset_sticky = "Window is not sticky anymore";
+ window_info_sticky = "%#Sticky : $0";
+ window_info_scroll = "%#Scroll : $0";
+ window_scroll = "Window scroll mode is now $0";
+ window_scroll_unknown = "Unknown scroll mode $0, must be ON, OFF or DEFAULT";
+ window_hidelevel = "Window hidden level is now $0";
+ statusbar_list_header = "%#Name Type Placement Position Visible";
+ statusbar_list_footer = "";
+ statusbar_list = "%#$[30]0 $[6]1 $[9]2 $[8]3 $4";
+ statusbar_info_name = "%#Statusbar: {hilight $0}";
+ statusbar_info_type = "%#Type : $0";
+ statusbar_info_placement = "%#Placement: $0";
+ statusbar_info_position = "%#Position : $0";
+ statusbar_info_visible = "%#Visible : $0";
+ statusbar_info_item_header = "%#Items : Name Priority Alignment";
+ statusbar_info_item_footer = "";
+ statusbar_info_item_name = "%# : $[35]0 $[9]1 $2";
+ statusbar_not_found = "Statusbar is disabled: $0";
+ statusbar_item_not_found = "Statusbar item doesn't exist: $0";
+ statusbar_unknown_command = "Unknown statusbar command: $0";
+ statusbar_unknown_type = "Statusbar type must be 'window' or 'root'";
+ statusbar_unknown_placement = "Statusbar placement must be 'top' or 'bottom'";
+ statusbar_unknown_visibility = "Statusbar visibility must be 'always', 'active' or 'inactive'";
+ paste_warning = "Pasting $0 lines to $1. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel.";
+ paste_prompt = "Hit Ctrl-K to paste, Ctrl-C to abort?";
+ irssi_banner = " ___ _%:|_ _|_ _ _____(_)%: | || '_(_-<_-< |%:|___|_| /__/__/_|%:Irssi v$J -";
+ welcome_firsttime = "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\012Hi there! If this is your first time using Irssi, you%:might want to go to our website and read the startup%:documentation to get you going.%:%:Our community and staff are available to assist you or%:to answer any questions you may have.%:%:Use the /HELP command to get detailed information about%:the available commands.%:%:For Debian specific help type \"/connect OFTC\" and%:\"/join #debian\" (without the quotes) and ask your%:question.%:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -";
+ welcome_init_settings = "The following settings were initialized";
+ };
+ "Irssi::Script::keepnick" = {
+ keepnick_crap = "{line_start}{hilight Keepnick:} $0";
+ keepnick_add = "{line_start}{hilight Keepnick:} Now keeping {nick $0} on [$1]";
+ keepnick_remove = "{line_start}{hilight Keepnick:} Stopped trying to keep {nick $0} on [$1]";
+ keepnick_hold = "{line_start}{hilight Keepnick:} Nickkeeping deactivated on [$1]";
+ keepnick_unhold = "{line_start}{hilight Keepnick:} Nickkeeping reactivated on [$1]";
+ keepnick_list_empty = "{line_start}{hilight Keepnick:} No nicks in keep list";
+ keepnick_list_header = "";
+ keepnick_list_line = "{line_start}{hilight Keepnick:} Keeping {nick $0} in [$1] ($2)";
+ keepnick_list_footer = "";
+ keepnick_got_nick = "{hilight Keepnick:} Nickstealer left [$1], got {nick $0} back";
+ };
+ "Irssi::Script::nm2" = {
+ neat_style = " , , p , , c , t , , , ";
+ neat_action_style = " , p , , t , ";
+ neat_pad_char = "%K.";
+ neat_truncate_char = "%m+";
+ neat_notruncate_char = "";
+ neat_custom_modes = "&%B&%n | @%g@%n | +%y+%n";
+ };
diff --git a/.config/irssi/fctcplist b/.config/irssi/fctcplist
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
time Time to get a watch
-advert Server:, port: 6667, 6697
hitthisoneifyouareaflooder fuck off
-version git:// (.config/irssi)
away I dunno - might be away, might not be... you know, these aren't programmable they're just a string, heheheh
ping ~1958345676742784768726452647
whoami Why would I know?
fuckoff no you
+advert Server:, port: 6667, 6697
+version Something better than what you have
diff --git a/.config/irssi/keepnick b/.config/irssi/keepnick
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-darkscience haydenh
-efnet haydenh
-freenode haydenh
-genoce haydenh
-hlircnet haydenh
-nebulacentre haydenh
+cyberia hhvn
+dataswamp hhvn
+efnet hhvn
+freenode fr3en0de
+genoce hhvn
+hlircnet hhvn
+nebulacentre hhvn
rizon hhvn
-sdf haydenh
-unix haydenh
+sdf hhvn
+unix hhvn
+unrealircd hhvn
diff --git a/.config/irssi/ b/.config/irssi/
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 by Peder Stray <>
+# This is a standalone perl program and not intended to run within
+# irssi, it will complain if you try to...
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Encode;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use vars qw(%ansi %base %attr %old);
+use vars qw(@bols @nums @mirc @irssi @mc @mh @ic @ih @cn);
+use vars qw($class $oldclass);
+use vars qw{$VERSION %IRSSI};
+($VERSION) = '$Revision: 1.10 $' =~ / (\d+\.\d+) /;
+%IRSSI = (
+ name => 'log2ansi',
+ authors => 'Peder Stray',
+ contact => '',
+ url => '',
+ license => 'GPL',
+ description => 'Convert various color codes to ANSI colors, useful for log filtering and viewing.',
+ );
+if (__PACKAGE__ =~ /^Irssi/) {
+ # we are within irssi... die!
+ Irssi::print("%RWarning:%n log2ansi should not run from within irssi");
+ die "Suicide to prevent loading\n";
+my $opt_clear = 0;
+my $opt_html = 0;
+my $opt_utf8 = 0;
+my $opt_help = 0;
+ 'c|clear!' => \$opt_clear,
+ 'h|html!' => \$opt_html,
+ 'u|utf8!' => \$opt_utf8,
+ 'help' => sub { $opt_help = 1 },
+ 'full-help' => sub { $opt_help = 2 },
+ ) or pod2usage(2);
+# show some help if stdin is a tty and no files
+$opt_help = 1 if !$opt_help && -t 0 && !@ARGV;
+pod2usage(-verbose => $opt_help,
+ -exitval => 0,
+ ) if $opt_help;
+for (@ARGV) {
+ if (/\.xz$/) {
+ $_ = "unxz < '$_' |";
+ }
+ elsif (/\.bz2$/) {
+ $_ = "bunzip2 < '$_' |";
+ }
+ elsif (/\.gz$/) {
+ $_ = "gunzip < '$_' |";
+ }
+ elsif (/\.lzma$/) {
+ $_ = "unlzma < '$_' |";
+ }
+my($n) = 0;
+%ansi = map { $_ => $n++ } split //, 'krgybmcw';
+@bols = qw(bold underline blink reverse fgh bgh);
+@nums = qw(fgc bgc);
+@base{@bols} = qw(1 4 5 7 1 5);
+@base{@nums} = qw(30 40);
+@mirc = split //, 'WkbgRrmyYGcCBMKw';
+@irssi = split //, 'kbgcrmywKBGCRMYW';
+@mc = map {$ansi{lc $_}} @mirc;
+@mh = map {$_ eq uc $_} @mirc;
+@ic = map {$ansi{lc $_}} @irssi;
+@ih = map {$_ eq uc $_} @irssi;
+@cn = qw(black dr dg dy db dm dc lgray dgray lr lg ly lb lm lc white);
+sub defc {
+ my($attr) = shift || \%attr;
+ $attr->{fgc} = $attr->{bgc} = -1;
+ $attr->{fgh} = $attr->{bgh} = 0;
+sub defm {
+ my($attr) = shift || \%attr;
+ $attr->{bold} = $attr->{underline} =
+ $attr->{blink} = $attr->{reverse} = 0;
+sub def {
+ my($attr) = shift || \%attr;
+ defc($attr);
+ defm($attr);
+sub setold {
+ %old = %attr;
+sub emit {
+ my($str) = @_;
+ my(%elem,@elem);
+ if ($opt_clear) {
+ # do nothing
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($opt_html) {
+ my %class;
+ for (@bols) {
+ $class{$_}++ if $attr{$_};
+ }
+ for (qw(fg bg)) {
+ my $h = delete $class{"${_}h"};
+ my $n = $attr{"${_}c"};
+ next unless $n >= 0;
+ $class{"$_$cn[$n + 8 * $h]"}++;
+ }
+ $class = join " ", sort keys %class;
+ print qq{</span>} if $oldclass;
+ print qq{<span class="$class">} if $class;
+ $oldclass = $class;
+ }
+ else {
+ my(@clear) = ( (grep { $old{$_} > $attr{$_} } @bols),
+ (grep { $old{$_}>=0 && $attr{$_}<0 } @nums)
+ );
+ $elem{0}++ if @clear;
+ for (@bols) {
+ $elem{$base{$_}}++
+ if $attr{$_} && ($old{$_} != $attr{$_} || $elem{0});
+ }
+ for (@nums) {
+ $elem{$base{$_}+$attr{$_}}++
+ if $attr{$_} >= 0 && ($old{$_} != $attr{$_} || $elem{0});
+ }
+ @elem = sort {$a<=>$b} keys %elem;
+ if (@elem) {
+ @elem = () if @elem == 1 && !$elem[0];
+ printf "\e[%sm", join ";", @elem;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($opt_html) {
+ for ($str) {
+ s/&/&/g;
+ s/</</g;
+ s/>/>/g;
+ }
+ }
+ print $str;
+ setold;
+if ($opt_html) {
+ print qq{<div class="loglines">\n};
+if ($opt_utf8) {
+ binmode STDIN, ':bytes'; #encoding(cp1252)';
+ binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
+while (<>) {
+ if ($opt_utf8) {
+ my $line;
+ while (length) {
+ $line .= decode("utf8", $_, Encode::FB_QUIET);
+ $line .= substr $_, 0, 1, "";
+ }
+ $_ = $line;
+ }
+ chomp;
+ def;
+ setold;
+ if ($opt_html) {
+ printf qq{<div class="logline">};
+ }
+ while (length) {
+ if (s/^\cB//) {
+ # toggle bold
+ $attr{bold} = !$attr{bold};
+ } elsif (s/^\cC//) {
+ # mirc colors
+ if (/^[^\d,]/) {
+ defc;
+ } else {
+ if (s/^(\d\d?)//) {
+ $attr{fgc} = $mc[$1 % 16];
+ $attr{fgh} = $mh[$1 % 16];
+ }
+ if (s/^,//) {
+ if (s/^(\d\d?)//) {
+ $attr{bgc} = $mc[$1 % 16];
+ $attr{bgh} = $mh[$1 % 16];
+ } else {
+ $attr{bgc} = -1;
+ $attr{bgh} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (s/^\cD//) {
+ # irssi format
+ if (s/^a//) {
+ $attr{blink} = !$attr{blink};
+ } elsif (s/^b//) {
+ $attr{underline} = !$attr{underline};
+ } elsif (s/^c//) {
+ $attr{bold} = !$attr{bold};
+ } elsif (s/^d//) {
+ $attr{reverse} = !$attr{reverse};
+ } elsif (s/^e//) {
+ # indent
+ } elsif (s/^f([^,]*),//) {
+ # indent_func
+ } elsif (s/^g//) {
+ def;
+ } elsif (s/^h//) {
+ # cleol
+ } elsif (s/^i//) {
+ # monospace
+ } else {
+ s/^(.)(.)//;
+ my($f,$b) = map { ord($_)-ord('0') } $1, $2;
+ if ($f<0) {
+# $attr{fgc} = -1; $attr{fgh} = 0;
+ } else {
+ # c>7 => bold, c -= 8 if c>8
+ $attr{fgc} = $ic[$f];
+ $attr{fgh} = $ih[$f];
+ }
+ if ($b<0) {
+# $attr{bgc} = -1; $attr{bgh} = 0;
+ } else {
+ # c>7 => blink, c -= 8
+ $attr{bgc} = $ic[$b];
+ $attr{bgh} = $ih[$b];
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (s/^\cF//) {
+ # blink
+ $attr{blink} = !$attr{blink};
+ } elsif (s/^\cO//) {
+ def;
+ } elsif (s/^\cV//) {
+ $attr{reverse} = !$attr{reverse};
+ } elsif (s/^\c[\[([^m]*)m//) {
+ my(@ansi) = split ";", $1;
+ my(%a);
+ push @ansi, 0 unless @ansi;
+ for my $code (@ansi) {
+ if ($code == 0) {
+ def(\%a);
+ } elsif ($code == $base{bold}) {
+ $a{bold} = 1;
+ } elsif ($code == $base{underline}) {
+ $a{underline} = 1;
+ } elsif ($code == $base{blink}) {
+ $a{underline} = 1;
+ } elsif ($code == $base{reverse}) {
+ $a{reverse} = 1;
+ } elsif ($code => 30 && $code <= 37) {
+ $a{fgc} = $code - 30;
+ } elsif ($code => 40 && $code <= 47) {
+ $a{bgc} = $code - 40;
+ } else {
+ $a{$code} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($a{fgc} >= 0 && $a{bold}) {
+ $a{fgh} = 1;
+ $a{bold} = 0;
+ }
+ if ($a{bgc} >= 0 && $a{blink}) {
+ $a{bgh} = 1;
+ $a{blink} = 0;
+ }
+ for my $key (keys %a) {
+ $attr{$key} = $a{$key};
+ }
+ } elsif (s/^\c_//) {
+ $attr{underline} = !$attr{underline};
+ } else {
+ s/^(.[^\cB\cC\cD\cF\cO\cV\c[\c_]*)//;
+ emit $1;
+ }
+ }
+ def;
+ emit "";
+ if ($opt_html) {
+ print "</div>";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+if ($opt_html) {
+ print "</div>\n";
+=head1 NAME
+log2ansi - Convert foo various color escape codes to ANSI (or strip them)
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+[I<logfile ...>]
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-c>, B<--clear>
+Instructs B<log2ansi> to clear all formatting and output plain text logs.
+=item B<-h>, B<--html>
+Instructs B<log2ansi> to output a HTML fragment instead of ANSI text.
+The whole log will be wrapped in a div with class C<loglines>, each line
+of the log in a div with class C<logline>. Colors are wrapped in spans,
+with a class name consisting of C<fg> or C<bg>, concatenated with the
+color name, either C<black> or C<white>, or C<r>, C<g>, C<b>, C<c>,
+C<m>, C<y>, or C<gray> prefixed with either C<l> for light, or C<d> for
+You have to include appropriate CSS yourself to get any colors at all
+when viewing the log.
+=item B<-u>, B<--utf8>
+This forces output to be UTF-8, and does input decoding of UTF-8 with
+fallback to ISO-8859-1. Use this if your input logs have mixed UTF-8
+and ISO-8859-1.
+=item B<--help>, B<--full-help>
+Show help, either just option descriptions or a full man page.
+Use B<log2ansi> to convert logfiles from Irssi with internal escape
+codes, mIRC color codes or ANSI escapes to plain text with ANSI
+formatted color codes for viewing in a terminal.
+Use the B<--clear> option to strip all formatting escapes and output
+just plain text.
+You can supply input on standard input, or as filenames on the command
+line. Any file ending in B<.gz>, B<.bz2>, B<.xz> or B<.lzma> will be
+uncompressed automatically before processing.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+ Peder Stray <>
diff --git a/.config/irssi/modules/ b/.config/irssi/modules/
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/.config/irssi/pipeline.theme b/.config/irssi/pipeline.theme
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ abstracts = {
# abstracts that do not take arguments - only for replicating certain text
line_start = "";
timestamp = "%G%%H:%%M%b ";
+ pad = " ";
# usage agnostic text hilighting
hilight = "%_$*%_";
@@ -39,11 +40,11 @@ abstracts = {
# hilighting with
pubnick = "%w$nickcolor$*";
# constructs for basic message
- msgnick = "$0$1%K %_|%_%N ";
- himsg = "$0$1%K %_#%_%N ";
+ msgnick = "$0$1%K %_│%_%N ";
+ himsg = "$0$1%M %_#%_%N ";
nticenick = "$0$1%K %_:%_%N ";
askctcp = "$0$1%K %_?%_%N%_ ";
- ansctcp = "$0$1%K %_A%_%N%_ ";
+ ansctcp = "$0$1%M %_A%_%N%_ ";
# msgs
ownmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}";
@@ -52,24 +53,24 @@ abstracts = {
ownprivmsgnick = "{msgnick $*}";
privmsgnick = "{msgnick $*}";
privmsg = "{himsg %R<---$0}$1}";
- ownprivmsg = "{msgnick $0%K--->$1}$2}";
+ ownprivmsg = "{msgnick %K--->$1}$2}";
ownprivnick = "%W$0%n%w";
# used internally for actions
- action_core = " %w*%w%_$0%_ $1";
+ action_core = "{pad}%w*%w %K│ %_$0%_ $1";
action_nsp = "%w*%w%_$0%_ $1";
# actions
pvaction = "%R<---{action_nsp $0 $1}";
- ownaction_target = "$0%K--->$1{action_nsp $0}";
+ ownaction_target = "%K--->$1{action_nsp $0}";
# notices
- ownnotice = "{nticenick $0%K--->$1}$2}";
- notice = " {nticenick {nick $*}}%N";
+ ownnotice = "{nticenick %K--->$1}$2}";
+ notice = " {nticenick $nickcolor$*}%N";
servernotice = "%w!$*%n ";
- ownctcp = "{askctcp {ownnick $N}%K--->$0}$1";
+ ownctcp = "{askctcp %K--->$0}$1";
ctcp = "{ansctcp %R<---$1}$0:%_ $2-";
rctcp = "{askctcp %R<---$0}$1";
@@ -116,11 +117,12 @@ abstracts = {
sb_uc_voices = "%_.+%_%G/%Y$*%n";
sb_uc_normal = "%_.%_%G/%W$*%n";
sb_uc_space = " ";
- sb_act_hilight = "%M$*";
- sb_act_hilight_color = "$0$1-%n";
- sb_act_sep = "%c$*";
- sb_act_text = "%c$*";
- sb_act_msg = "%W$*";
+ sb_act_hilight = "%M%_X%_%N$*";
+ sb_act_hilight_color = "%M%%%N$*";
+ sb_act_sep = "%N$*";
+ sb_act_text = "%c-%N$*";
+ sb_act_msg = "%W*%N$*";
+ sb_act_none = " $*";
sb_topic = "%0$* ";
# other
@@ -128,27 +130,33 @@ abstracts = {
whois = "| $[8]0 : $1-";
whowas_begin = "|-WHOWAS---:-------------------------->";
who___end = "'----------'-------------------------->";
+ # keepnick
+ keepnick = "{line_start} {hilight Keepnick} %K│%N $*";
+ # indent (
+ indent_default = " {pad} %K│ ";
+ level_hilight = " {pad} %M# ";
# %r%n%_$0%_$1%K |%n %|
formats = {
"fe-common/core" = {
# excuse the ugly as hell formats here, blame
- pubmsg = "$nickalign{pubmsgnick %G$2 {pubnick $0}$nicktrunc}$1";
- join = "%_%W+{pubnick %_$0%_}!$1";
- part = "%_%G-%_{pubnick %_$0%_}!$1 {reason $3}";
- kick = "%_%G!%_$0 %n%wby {pubnick $2}, {reason $3}, from $1";
- quit = "%_%G<%_{pubnick %_$0%_}!$1 {reason $2}";
- own_msg = "$nickalign{ownmsgnick %G$2 {ownnick $0}$nicktrunc}$1";
- own_msg_channel = "$nickalign{ownmsgnick %G$3 {ownnick $0}$nicktrunc{msgchannel $1}}$2";
- pubmsg_me = "$nickalign{pubmsgmenick %G$2 {pubnick $0}$nicktrunc}$1";
- pubmsg_me_channel = "$nickalign{pubmsgmenick %G$3 {pubnick $0}$nicktrunc{msgchannel $1}}$2";
- pubmsg_hilight = "$nickalign{pubmsgmenick %G$3 {pubnick $1}$nicktrunc}$2";
- pubmsg_channel = "$nickalign{pubmsgnick %G$4 {pubnick $0}$nicktrunc{msgchannel $1}}$2";
+ pubmsg = "$nickalign{pubmsgnick %G$2 {pubnick $[.9]0}$nicktrunc}$1";
+ join = "{pad}%_%W+ %K│ {pubnick %_$0%_}!$1";
+ part = "{pad}%_%G-%_ %K│ {pubnick %_$0%_}!$1 {reason $3}";
+ kick = "{pad}%_%G!%_ %K│ $0 %n%wby {pubnick $2}, {reason $3}, from $1";
+ quit = "{pad}%_%G<%_ %K│ {pubnick %_$0%_}!$1 {reason $2}";
+ own_msg = "$nickalign{ownmsgnick %G$2 {ownnick $[.10]0}$nicktrunc}$1";
+ own_msg_channel = "$nickalign{ownmsgnick %G$3 {ownnick $[.10]0}$nicktrunc{msgchannel $1}}$2";
+ pubmsg_me = "$nickalign{pubmsgmenick %G$2 {pubnick $[.9]0}$nicktrunc}$1";
+ pubmsg_me_channel = "$nickalign{pubmsgmenick %G$3 {pubnick $[.9]0}$nicktrunc{msgchannel $1}}$2";
+ pubmsg_hilight = "$nickalign{pubmsgmenick %G$3 {pubnick $[.9]1}$nicktrunc}$2";
+ pubmsg_channel = "$nickalign{pubmsgnick %G$4 {pubnick $[.9]0}$nicktrunc{msgchannel $1}}$2";
chanmode_change = " {$channel $1} {nick $2} %nsets mode %W{$mode $1}";
channel_mode = " {$channel $0} {nick $2} %nsets mode %W{$mode $1}";
- nick_changed = "{pubnick $0}%w %_-->%_ $1";
+ nick_changed = "{pad} %K│ {pubnick $0}%w %_-->%_ $1";
# names
endofnames = "{channel $0}: {hilight $1} nicks ({comment @/{hilight $2} +/{hilight $3} -/{hilight $4}})";
@@ -158,7 +166,7 @@ formats = {
line_start = "{line_start}";
line_start_irssi = "{hilight}";
servertag = "[$0] ";
- daychange = " %_----%_ %%d %%b %%Y %_----%_";
+ daychange = " {pad} %K│ %_----%_ %%d %%b %%Y %_----%_";
talking_with = "You are now talking with {nick $0}";
# windows
@@ -199,7 +207,7 @@ formats = {
# servers
looking_up = "Looking up {server $0}";
- connecting = "Connecting to {server $0} [$1] port {hilight $2}";
+ connecting = "Connecting to {server $0} [$1] port {hilight $2} -- Remember: on irc nobody knows you're a dog";
reconnecting = "Reconnecting to {server $0} [$1] port {hilight $2} - use /RMRECONNS to abort";
connection_established = "Connection to {server $0} established";
cant_connect = "Unable to connect server {server $0} port {hilight $1} {reason $2}";
@@ -246,7 +254,7 @@ formats = {
chansetup_footer = "";
own_msg_private = "{ownprivmsg {ownnick $N} {pubnick $0} $1}";
own_msg_private_query = "{ownprivmsgnick {ownprivnick $2}}$1";
- pubmsg_hilight_channel = "$nickalign{pubmsgmenick %G$4 {pubnick $1$nicktrunc{msgchannel $2}}$3";
+ pubmsg_hilight_channel = "$nickalign{pubmsgmenick %G$4 {pubnick $[.9]1$nicktrunc{msgchannel $2}}$3";
msg_private = "{privmsg {pubnick $0}}$2";
msg_private_query = "{privmsgnick $0}$2";
no_msgs_got = "You have not received a message from anyone yet";
@@ -385,8 +393,8 @@ formats = {
whois = "{whois_begin}%:{whois nick %|{hilight $0}}%:{whois host %|$2}%:{whois ident $|$1}%:{whois comment %|$3}";
server_chanmode_change = "%RServermode: {mode $1} by {server $2}";
whois_server = "{whois server %|$1 ({comment $2})}";
- own_action = "$nickalign{action_core {ownnick $0$nicktrunc}}$1";
- action_public = "$nickalign{action_core {pubnick $0$nicktrunc}}$1";
+ own_action = "{action_core {ownnick $0$nicktrunc}}$1";
+ action_public = "{action_core {pubnick $0$nicktrunc}}$1";
away = "%_%G----->";
unaway = "%_%W<-----";
end_of_whois = "{who___end}";
@@ -496,13 +504,13 @@ formats = {
accept_list = "Accepted users: {hilight $0}";
"Irssi::Script::adv_windowlist" = {
- awl_display_nokey = "%N $H$C$S %N$N";
- awl_display_key = "%N $H$C$S%N %mM-$Q";
- awl_display_nokey_active = "%N%K $C %N$N";
- awl_display_key_active = "%N%K $C %mM-$Q";
+ awl_display_nokey = "%N$H$C$S %N$N";
+ awl_display_key = "%N$H$C$S%N %mM-$Q";
+ awl_display_nokey_active = "%N%K>%N$C %N$N";
+ awl_display_key_active = "%N%K>%N$C %mM-$Q";
awl_display_header = "%1 %Y$C (${N})";
- awl_display_nokey_visible = "%N%K $C %N$N";
- awl_display_key_visible = "%N%K $C %mM-$Q";
+ awl_display_nokey_visible = "%N%K<%N$C %N$N";
+ awl_display_key_visible = "%N%K<%N$C %mM-$Q";
awl_name_display = "$0";
awl_separator = " ";
awl_separator2 = "";
@@ -684,7 +692,7 @@ formats = {
keepnick_list_header = "";
keepnick_list_line = "{line_start}{hilight Keepnick:} Keeping {nick $0} in [$1] ($2)";
keepnick_list_footer = "";
- keepnick_got_nick = "%N{hilight Keepnick:} Nickstealer left [$1], got {nick $0} back";
+ keepnick_got_nick = "{keepnick Nickstealer left [$1], got {nick $0} back}";
"Irssi::Script::nm2" = {
neat_style = " , p , , , , , t , , ,";
diff --git a/.config/irssi/saved_nick_colors b/.config/irssi/saved_nick_colors
@@ -0,0 +1,11679 @@
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/README b/.config/irssi/scripts/README
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- /ASCII [-c1234] [-f <fontname>] [-p <prefix>] [-l|-s|-m <where>] <text>
- /COLSAY [-1234] [-m <where>] <text>
- /COLME [-1234] <text>
- /COLTOPIC [-1234] <text>
- /COLKICK [-1234] [nick(,nick_1,...,nick_n)] <reason>
- /COLQUIT [-1234] <reason>
- /SET ascii_figlet_path [path]
- all is handled by itself
- all is handled by itself
- all is handled by itself
- all is handled by itself
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,2954 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '1.9'; # 32a6d4807a45e71
-our %IRSSI = (
- authors => 'Nei',
- contact => 'Nei @',
- url => "",
- name => 'adv_windowlist',
- description => 'Adds a permanent advanced window list on the right or in a status bar.',
- sbitems => 'awl_shared',
- license => 'GNU GPLv2 or later',
- );
-# ============
-# for users of 0.7 or earlier series, please note that appearance
-# settings have moved to /format, i.e. inside your theme!
-# the fifo (screen) has been replaced by an external viewer script
-# Usage
-# =====
-# copy the script to ~/.irssi/scripts/
-# In irssi:
-# /run adv_windowlist
-# In your shell (for example a tmux split):
-# perl ~/.irssi/scripts/
-# To use sbar mode instead:
-# /toggle awl_viewer
-# Hint: to get rid of the old [Act:] display
-# /statusbar window remove act
-# to get it back:
-# /statusbar window add -after lag -priority 10 act
-# Options
-# =======
-# formats can be cleared with /format -delete
-# /format awl_display_(no)key(_active|_visible) <string>
-# * string : Format String for one window. The following $'s are expanded:
-# $C : Name
-# $N : Number of the Window
-# $Q : meta-Keymap
-# $H : Start hilighting
-# $S : Stop hilighting
-# /+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,
-# | **** I M P O R T A N T : **** |
-# | |
-# | don't forget to use $S if you |
-# | used $H before! |
-# | |
-# '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/
-# key : a key binding that goes to this window could be detected in /bind
-# nokey : no such key binding was detected
-# active : window would receive the input you are currently typing
-# visible : window is also visible on screen but not active (a split window)
-# /format awl_name_display <string>
-# * string : Format String for window names
-# $0 : name as formatted by the settings
-# /format awl_display_header <string>
-# * string : Format String for this header line. The following $'s are expanded:
-# $C : network tag
-# /format awl_separator(2) <string>
-# * string : Character to use between the channel entries
-# variant 2 can be used for alternating separators (only in status bar
-# without block display)
-# /format awl_abbrev_chars <string>
-# * string : Character to use when shortening long names. The second character
-# will be used if two blocks need to be filled.
-# /format awl_title <string>
-# * string : Text to display in the title string or title bar
-# /format awl_viewer_item_bg <string>
-# * string : Format String specifying the viewer's item background colour
-# /set awl_prefer_name <ON|OFF>
-# * this setting decides whether awl will use the active_name (OFF) or the
-# window name as the name/caption in awl_display_*.
-# That way you can rename windows using /window name myownname.
-# /set awl_hide_empty <num>
-# * if visible windows without items should be hidden from the window list
-# set it to 0 to show all windows
-# 1 to hide visible windows without items (negative exempt
-# active window)
-# /set awl_detach <list>
-# * list of windows that should be hidden from the window list. you
-# can also use /awl detach and /awl attach to manage this
-# setting. an optional data_level can be specified with ",num"
-# /set awl_detach_data <num>
-# * num : hide the detached window if its data_level is below num
-# /set awl_detach_aht <ON|OFF>
-# * if enabled, also detach all windows listed in the
-# activity_hide_targets setting
-# /set awl_hide_data <num>
-# * num : hide the window if its data_level is below num
-# set it to 0 to basically disable this feature,
-# 1 if you don't want windows without activity to be shown
-# 2 to show only those windows with channel text or hilight
-# 3 to show only windows with hilight (negative exempt active window)
-# /set awl_hide_name_data <num>
-# * num : hide the name of the window if its data_level is below num
-# (only works in status bar without block display)
-# you will want to change your formats to add $H...$S around $Q or $N
-# if you plan to use this
-# /set awl_maxlines <num>
-# * num : number of lines to use for the window list (0 to disable, negative
-# lock)
-# /set awl_maxcolumns <num>
-# * num : number of columns to use for the window list when using the
-# tmux integration (0 to disable)
-# /set awl_block <num>
-# * num : width of a column in viewer mode (negative values = block
-# display in status bar mode)
-# /+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,
-# | ****** W A R N I N G ! ****** |
-# | |
-# | If your block display looks |
-# | DISTORTED, you need to add the |
-# | following line to your .theme |
-# | file under |
-# | abstracts = { : |
-# | |
-# | sb_act_none = "%K$*"; |
-# | |
-# '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/
-# /set awl_sbar_maxlength <ON|OFF>
-# * if you enable the maxlength setting, the block width will be used as a
-# maximum length for the non-block status bar mode too.
-# /set awl_height_adjust <num>
-# * num : how many lines to leave empty in viewer mode
-# /set awl_sort <-data_level|-last_line|refnum>
-# * you can change the window sort order with this variable
-# -data_level : sort windows with hilight first
-# -last_line : sort windows in order of activity
-# refnum : sort windows by window number
-# active/server/tag : sort by server name
-# lru : sort windows with the last recently used last
-# "-" reverses the sort order
-# typechecks are supported via ::, e.g. active::Query or active::Irc::Query
-# undefinedness can be checked with ~, e.g. ~active
-# string comparison can be done with =, e.g. name=(status)
-# to make sort case insensitive, use #i, e.g. name#i
-# any key in the window hash can be tested, e.g. active/chat_type=XMPP
-# multiple criteria can be separated with , or +, e.g. -data_level+-last_line
-# /set awl_placement <top|bottom>
-# /set awl_position <num>
-# * these settings correspond to /statusbar because awl will create
-# status bars for you
-# (see /help statusbar to learn more)
-# /set awl_all_disable <ON|OFF>
-# * if you set awl_all_disable to ON, awl will also remove the
-# last status bar it created if it is empty.
-# As you might guess, this only makes sense with awl_hide_data > 0 ;)
-# /set awl_viewer <ON|OFF>
-# * enable the external viewer script
-# /set awl_viewer_launch <ON|OFF>
-# * try to auto-launch the viewer under tmux or with a shell command
-# /awl restart is required all auto-launch related settings to take
-# effect
-# /set awl_viewer_tmux_position <left|top|right|bottom|custom>
-# * try to split in this direction when using tmux for the viewer
-# custom : use custom_command setting
-# /set awl_viewer_xwin_command <shell command>
-# * custom command to run in order to start the viewer when irssi is
-# running under X
-# %A - gets replaced by the command to run the viewer
-# %qA - additionally quote the command
-# /set awl_viewer_custom_command <shell command>
-# * custom command to run in order to start the viewer
-# /set awl_viewer_launch_env <string>
-# * specific environment settings for use on viewer auto-launch,
-# without the AWL_ prefix
-# /set awl_shared_sbar <left<right|OFF>
-# * share a status bar for the first awl item, you will need to manually
-# /statusbar window add -after lag -priority 10 awl_shared
-# left : space in cells occupied on the left of status bar
-# right : space occupied on the right
-# Note: you need to replace "left" AND "right" with the appropriate numbers!
-# /set awl_path <path>
-# * path to the file which the viewer script reads
-# /set fancy_abbrev <no|head|strict|fancy>
-# * how to shorten too long names
-# no : shorten in the middle
-# head : always cut off the ends
-# strict : shorten repeating substrings
-# fancy : combination of no+strict
-# /set awl_custom_xform <perl code>
-# * specify a custom routine to transform window names
-# example: s/^#// remove the #-mark of IRC channels
-# the special flags $CHANNEL / $TAG / $QUERY / $NAME can be
-# tested in conditionals
-# /set awl_last_line_shade <timeout>
-# * set timeout to shade activity base colours, to enable
-# you also need to add +-last_line to awl_sort
-# (requires 256 colour support)
-# /set awl_no_mode_hint <ON|OFF>
-# * whether to show the hint of running the viewer script in the
-# status bar
-# /set awl_mouse <ON|OFF>
-# * enable the terminal mouse in irssi
-# (use the awl-patched for gestures and commands if you need
-# them and disable mouse_escape)
-# /set awl_mouse_offset <num>
-# * specifies where on the screen is the awl status bar
-# (0 = on top/bottom, 1 = one additional line in between,
-# e.g. prompt)
-# you MUST set this correctly otherwise the mouse coordinates will
-# be off
-# /set mouse_scroll <num>
-# * how many lines the mouse wheel scrolls
-# /set mouse_escape <num>
-# * seconds to disable the mouse, when not clicked on the windowlist
-# Commands
-# ========
-# /awl detach <num>
-# * hide the current window from the window list. num specifies the
-# data_level (optional)
-# /awl attach
-# * unhide the current window from the window list
-# /awl ack
-# * change to the next window with activity, ignoring detached windows
-# /awl redraw
-# * redraws the windowlist. There may be occasions where the
-# windowlist can get destroyed so you can use this command to
-# force a redraw.
-# /awl restart
-# * restart the connection to the viewer script.
-# Viewer script
-# =============
-# When run from the command line, adv_windowlist acts as the viewer
-# script to be used together with the irssi script to display the
-# window list in a sidebar/terminal of its own.
-# One optional parameter is accepted, the awl_path
-# The viewer can be configured by three environment variables:
-# AWL_HI9=1
-# * interpret %9 as high-intensity toggle instead of bold. This had
-# been the default prior to version 0.9b8
-# * disable auto-focus behaviour when activating a window
-# * disable the title bar
-# Nei =^.^= ( )
-no warnings 'redefine';
-use constant IN_IRSSI => __PACKAGE__ ne 'main' || $ENV{IRSSI_MOCK};
-use constant SCRIPT_FILE => __FILE__;
-no if !IN_IRSSI, strict => (qw(subs refs));
-use if IN_IRSSI, Irssi => ();
-use if IN_IRSSI, 'Irssi::TextUI' => ();
-use v5.10;
-use Encode;
-use Storable ();
-use IO::Socket::UNIX;
-use List::Util qw(min max reduce);
-use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
-use Text::ParseWords qw(shellwords);
- if ($] < 5.012) {
- *CORE::GLOBAL::length = *CORE::GLOBAL::length = sub (_) {
- defined $_[0] ? CORE::length($_[0]) : undef
- };
- }
- *Irssi::active_win = {}; # hide incorrect warning
-unless (IN_IRSSI) {
- local *_ = \@ARGV;
- &AwlViewer::main;
- exit;
-use constant GLOB_QUEUE_TIMER => 100;
-our $BLOCK_ALL; # localized blocker
-my @actString; # status bar texts
-my @win_items;
-my $currentLines = 0;
-my %awins;
-my $globTime; # timer to limit remake calls
-my $MOUSE_ON;
-my %mouse_coords;
-my %statusbars;
-my %S; # settings
-my $settings_str = '1';
-my $window_sort_func;
-my $custom_xform;
-my ($sb_base_width, $sb_base_width_pre, $sb_base_width_post);
-my $print_text_activity;
-my $shade_line_timer;
-my ($screenHeight, $screenWidth);
-my %viewer;
-my (%keymap, %nummap, %wnmap, %specialmap, %wnmap_exp, %custom_key_map);
-my %banned_channels;
-my %detach_map;
-my %abbrev_cache;
-use constant setc => 'awl';
-sub set ($) {
- setc . '_' . $_[0]
-sub add_statusbar {
- for (@_) {
- # add subs
- my $l = set $_;
- {
- my $close = $_;
- no strict 'refs';
- *{$l} = sub { awl($close, @_) };
- }
- Irssi::command("^statusbar $l reset");
- Irssi::command("statusbar $l enable");
- if (lc $S{placement} eq 'top') {
- Irssi::command("statusbar $l placement top");
- }
- if (my $x = $S{position}) {
- Irssi::command("statusbar $l position $x");
- }
- Irssi::command("statusbar $l add -priority 100 -alignment left barstart");
- Irssi::command("statusbar $l add $l");
- Irssi::command("statusbar $l add -priority 100 -alignment right barend");
- Irssi::command("statusbar $l disable");
- Irssi::statusbar_item_register($l, '$0', $l);
- $statusbars{$_} = 1;
- Irssi::command("statusbar $l enable");
- }
-sub remove_statusbar {
- for (@_) {
- my $l = set $_;
- Irssi::command("statusbar $l disable");
- Irssi::command("statusbar $l reset");
- Irssi::statusbar_item_unregister($l);
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- undef &{$l};
- }
- delete $statusbars{$_};
- }
-my $awl_shared_empty = sub {
- return if $BLOCK_ALL;
- my ($item, $get_size_only) = @_;
- $item->default_handler($get_size_only, '', '', 0);
-sub syncLines {
- my $maxLines = $S{maxlines};
- my $newLines = ($maxLines > 0 and @actString > $maxLines) ?
- $maxLines :
- ($maxLines < 0) ?
- -$maxLines :
- @actString;
- $currentLines = 1 if !$currentLines && $S{shared_sbar};
- if ($S{shared_sbar} && !$statusbars{shared}) {
- my $l = set 'shared';
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- *{$l} = sub {
- return if $BLOCK_ALL;
- my ($item, $get_size_only) = @_;
- my $text = $actString[0];
- my $title = _get_format(set 'title');
- if (length $title) {
- $title =~ s{\\(.)|(.)}{
- defined $2 ? quotemeta $2
- : $1 eq 'V' ? '\u'
- : $1 eq ':' ? quotemeta ':%n'
- : $1 =~ /^[uUFQE]$/ ? "\\$1"
- : quotemeta "\\$1"
- }sge;
- $title = eval qq{"$title"};
- $title .= ' ';
- }
- my $pat = defined $text ? "{sb_awl $title\$*}" : '{sb_awl }';
- $text //= '';
- $item->default_handler($get_size_only, $pat, $text, 0);
- };
- }
- $statusbars{shared} = 1;
- remove_statusbar (0) if $statusbars{0};
- }
- elsif ($statusbars{shared} && !$S{shared_sbar}) {
- add_statusbar (0) if $currentLines && $newLines;
- delete $statusbars{shared};
- my $l = set 'shared';
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- *{$l} = $awl_shared_empty;
- }
- }
- if ($currentLines == $newLines) { return; }
- elsif ($newLines > $currentLines) {
- add_statusbar ($currentLines .. ($newLines - 1));
- }
- else {
- remove_statusbar (reverse ($newLines .. ($currentLines - 1)));
- }
- $currentLines = $newLines;
-sub awl {
- return if $BLOCK_ALL;
- my ($line, $item, $get_size_only) = @_;
- my $text = $actString[$line];
- my $pat = defined $text ? '{sb_awl $*}' : '{sb_awl }';
- $text //= '';
- $item->default_handler($get_size_only, $pat, $text, 0);
-# remove old statusbars
-{ my %killBar;
- sub get_old_status {
- my ($textDest, $cont, $cont_stripped) = @_;
- if ($textDest->{level} == 524288 and $textDest->{target} eq '' and !defined $textDest->{server}) {
- my $name = quotemeta(set '');
- if ($cont_stripped =~ m/^$name(\d+)\s/) { $killBar{$1} = 1; }
- Irssi::signal_stop;
- }
- }
- sub killOldStatus {
- %killBar = ();
- Irssi::signal_add_first('print text' => 'get_old_status');
- Irssi::command('statusbar');
- Irssi::signal_remove('print text' => 'get_old_status');
- remove_statusbar(keys %killBar);
- }
-sub _add_map {
- my ($type, $target, $map) = @_;
- ($type->{$target}) = sort { length $a <=> length $b || $a cmp $b }
- $map, exists $type->{$target} ? $type->{$target} : ();
-sub get_keymap {
- my ($textDest, undef, $cont_stripped) = @_;
- if ($textDest->{level} == 524288 and $textDest->{target} eq '' and !defined $textDest->{server}) {
- my $one_meta_or_ctrl_key = qr/((?:meta-)*?)(?:(meta-|\^)(\S)|(\w+))/;
- $cont_stripped = as_uni($cont_stripped);
- if ($cont_stripped =~ m/((?:$one_meta_or_ctrl_key-)*$one_meta_or_ctrl_key)\s+(.*)$/) {
- my ($combo, $command) = ($1, $10);
- my $map = '';
- while ($combo =~ s/(?:-|^)$one_meta_or_ctrl_key$//) {
- my ($level, $ctl, $key, $nkey) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
- my $numlevel = ($level =~ y/-//);
- $ctl = '' if !$ctl || $ctl ne '^';
- $map = ('-' x ($numlevel%2)) . ('+' x ($numlevel/2)) .
- $ctl . (defined $key ? $key : "\01$nkey\01") . $map;
- }
- for ($command) {
- last unless length $map;
- if (/^change_window (\d+)/i) {
- _add_map(\%nummap, $1, $map);
- }
- elsif (/^(?:command window goto|change_window) (\S+)/i) {
- my $window = $1;
- if ($window !~ /\D/) {
- _add_map(\%nummap, $window, $map);
- }
- elsif (lc $window eq 'active') {
- _add_map(\%specialmap, '_active', $map);
- }
- else {
- _add_map(\%wnmap, $window, $map);
- }
- }
- elsif (/^(?:active_window|command ((awl )?ack))/i) {
- _add_map(\%specialmap, '_active', $map);
- $viewer{use_ack} = $1;
- }
- elsif (/^command window last/i) {
- _add_map(\%specialmap, '_last', $map);
- }
- elsif (/^(?:upper_window|command window up)/i) {
- _add_map(\%specialmap, '_up', $map);
- }
- elsif (/^(?:lower_window|command window down)/i) {
- _add_map(\%specialmap, '_down', $map);
- }
- elsif (/^key\s+(\w+)/i) {
- $custom_key_map{$1} = $map;
- }
- }
- }
- Irssi::signal_stop;
- }
-sub update_keymap {
- %nummap = %wnmap = %specialmap = %custom_key_map = ();
- Irssi::signal_remove('command bind' => 'watch_keymap');
- Irssi::signal_add_first('print text' => 'get_keymap');
- Irssi::command('bind');
- Irssi::signal_remove('print text' => 'get_keymap');
- for (keys %custom_key_map) {
- if (exists $custom_key_map{$_} &&
- $custom_key_map{$_} =~ s/\01(\w+)\01/exists $custom_key_map{$1} ? $custom_key_map{$1} : "\02"/ge) {
- if ($custom_key_map{$_} =~ /\02/) {
- delete $custom_key_map{$_};
- }
- else {
- redo;
- }
- }
- }
- for my $keymap (\(%specialmap, %wnmap, %nummap)) {
- for (keys %$keymap) {
- if ($keymap->{$_} =~ s/\01(\w+)\01/exists $custom_key_map{$1} ? $custom_key_map{$1} : "\02"/ge) {
- if ($keymap->{$_} =~ /\02/) {
- delete $keymap->{$_};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Irssi::signal_add('command bind' => 'watch_keymap');
- delete $viewer{client_keymap};
- &wl_changed;
-# watch keymap changes
-sub watch_keymap {
- Irssi::timeout_add_once(1000, 'update_keymap', undef);
-{ my %strip_table = (
- # fe-common::core::formats.c:format_expand_styles
- # delete format_backs format_fores bold_fores other stuff
- (map { $_ => '' } (split //, '04261537' . 'kbgcrmyw' . 'KBGCRMYW' . 'U9_8I:|FnN>#[' . 'pP')),
- # escape
- (map { $_ => $_ } (split //, '{}%')),
- );
- sub ir_strip_codes { # strip %codes
- my $o = shift;
- $o =~ s/(%(%|Z.{6}|z.{6}|X..|x..|.))/exists $strip_table{$2} ? $strip_table{$2} :
- $2 =~ m{x(?:0[a-f]|[1-6][0-9a-z]|7[a-x])|z[0-9a-f]{6}}i ? '' : $1/gex;
- $o
- }
-## ir_parse_special -- wrapper around parse_special
-## $i - input format
-## $args - array ref of arguments to format
-## $win - different target window (default current window)
-## $flags - different kind of escape flags (default 4|8)
-## returns formatted str
-sub ir_parse_special {
- my $o;
- my $i = shift;
- my $args = shift // [];
- y/ /\177/ for @$args; # hack to escape spaces
- my $win = shift || Irssi::active_win;
- my $flags = shift // 0x4|0x8;
- my @cmd_args = ($i, (join ' ', @$args), $flags);
- my $server = Irssi::active_server();
- if (ref $win and ref $win->{active}) {
- $o = $win->{active}->parse_special(@cmd_args);
- }
- elsif (ref $win and ref $win->{active_server}) {
- $o = $win->{active_server}->parse_special(@cmd_args);
- }
- elsif (ref $server) {
- $o = $server->parse_special(@cmd_args);
- }
- else {
- $o = &Irssi::parse_special(@cmd_args);
- }
- $o =~ y/\177/ /;
- $o
-sub sb_format_expand { # Irssi::current_theme->format_expand wrapper
- Irssi::current_theme->format_expand(
- $_[0],
- (
- |
- ($_[1] ? 0 : Irssi::EXPAND_FLAG_IGNORE_EMPTY)
- )
- )
-{ my $term_type = Irssi::version > 20040819 ? 'term_charset' : 'term_type';
- if (Irssi->can('string_width')) {
- *screen_length = sub { Irssi::string_width($_[0]) };
- }
- else {
- local $@;
- eval { require Text::CharWidth; };
- unless ($@) {
- *screen_length = sub { Text::CharWidth::mbswidth($_[0]) };
- }
- else {
- my $err = $@; chomp $err; $err =~ s/\sat .* line \d+\.$//;
- #Irssi::print("%_$IRSSI{name}: warning:%_ Text::CharWidth module failed to load. Length calculation may be off! Error was:");
- print "%_$IRSSI{name}:%_ $err";
- *screen_length = sub {
- my $temp = shift;
- if (lc Irssi::settings_get_str($term_type) eq 'utf-8') {
- Encode::_utf8_on($temp);
- }
- length($temp)
- };
- }
- }
- sub as_uni {
- no warnings 'utf8';
- Encode::decode(Irssi::settings_get_str($term_type), $_[0], 0)
- }
- sub as_tc {
- Encode::encode(Irssi::settings_get_str($term_type), $_[0], 0)
- }
-sub sb_length {
- screen_length(ir_strip_codes($_[0]))
-sub run_custom_xform {
- local $@;
- eval {
- $custom_xform->()
- };
- if ($@) {
- $@ =~ /^(.*)/;
- print '%_'.(set 'custom_xform').'%_ died (disabling): '.$1;
- $custom_xform = undef;
- }
-sub remove_uniform {
- my $o = shift;
- $o =~ s/^xmpp:(.*?[%@]).+\.[^.]+$/$1/ or
- $o =~ s#^psyc://.+\.[^.]+/([@~].*)$#$1#;
- if ($custom_xform) {
- run_custom_xform() for $o;
- }
- $o
-sub remove_uniform_vars {
- my $win = shift;
- my $name = __PACKAGE__ . '::custom_xform::' . $win->{active}{type}
- if ref $win->{active} && $win->{active}{type};
- no strict 'refs';
- local ${$name} = 1 if $name;
- remove_uniform(+shift);
-sub lc1459 {
- my $x = shift;
- $x =~ y/][\\^/}{|~/;
- lc $x
-sub window_list {
- my $i = 0;
- map { $_->[1] } sort $window_sort_func map { [ $i++, $_ ] } Irssi::windows;
-sub _calculate_abbrev {
- my ($wins, $abbrevList) = @_;
- if ($S{fancy_abbrev} !~ /^(no|off|head)/i) {
- my @nameList = map { ref $_ ? remove_uniform_vars($_, as_uni($_->get_active_name) // '') : '' } @$wins;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @nameList - 1; ++$i) {
- my ($x, $y) = ($nameList[$i], $nameList[$i + 1]);
- s/^[+#!=]// for $x, $y;
- my $res = exists $abbrev_cache{$x}{$y} ? $abbrev_cache{$x}{$y}
- : $abbrev_cache{$x}{$y} = string_LCSS($x, $y);
- if (defined $res) {
- for ($nameList[$i], $nameList[$i + 1]) {
- $abbrevList->{$_} //= int((index $_, $res) + (length $res) / 2);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-my %act_last_line_shades = (
- r => [qw[ 50 40 30 20 ]],
- g => [qw[ 1O 1I 1C 16 ]],
- y => [qw[ 5O 4I 3C 26 ]],
- b => [qw[ 15 14 13 12 ]],
- m => [qw[ 54 43 32 21 ]],
- c => [qw[ 1S 1L 1E 17 ]],
- w => [qw[ 7W 7T 7Q 3E ]],
- K => [qw[ 7M 7K 27 7H ]],
- R => [qw[ 60 50 40 30 ]],
- G => [qw[ 1U 1O 1I 1C ]],
- Y => [qw[ 6U 5O 4I 3C ]],
- B => [qw[ 2B 2A 29 28 ]],
- M => [qw[ 65 54 43 32 ]],
- C => [qw[ 1Z 1S 1L 1E ]],
- W => [qw[ 6Z 5S 7R 7O ]],
- );
-sub _format_display {
- my (undef, $format, $cformat, $hilight, $name, $number, $key, $win) = @_;
- if ($print_text_activity && $S{line_shade}) {
- my @hilight_code = split /\177/, sb_format_expand("{$hilight \177}"), 2;
- my $max_time = max(1, log($S{line_shade}) - log(1000));
- my $time_delta = min(3, min($max_time, log(max(1, time - $win->{last_line}))) / $max_time * 3);
- if ($hilight_code[0] =~ /%(.)/ && exists $act_last_line_shades{$1}) {
- $hilight = 'sb_act_hilight_color %X'.$act_last_line_shades{$1}[$time_delta];
- }
- }
- $cformat = '$0' unless length $cformat;
- my %map = ('$C' => $cformat, '$N' => '$1', '$Q' => '$2');
- $format =~ s<(\$.)><$map{$1}//$1>ge;
- $format =~ s<\$H((?:\$.|[^\$])*?)\$S><{$hilight $1%n}>g;
- my @ret = ir_parse_special(sb_format_expand($format), [$name, $number, $key], $win);
- @ret
-sub _get_format {
- Irssi::current_theme->get_format(__PACKAGE__, @_)
-sub _is_detached {
- my ($win, $active_number) = @_;
- my $level = $win->{data_level} // 0;
- my $number = $win->{refnum};
- my $name = lc1459( as_uni($win->{name}) );
- my $active = lc1459( as_uni($win->get_active_name) // '' );
- my $tag = $win->{active} && $win->{active}{server} ? lc1459( as_uni($win->{active}{server}{tag}) // '' ) : '';
- my @cond = ($number);
- push @cond, "$name" if length $name;
- push @cond, "$tag/$active" if length $tag && length $active;
- push @cond, "$active" if length $active;
- push @cond, "$tag/*", "$tag/::all" if length $tag;
- push @cond, "*", "::all";
- for my $cond (@cond) {
- if (exists $detach_map{ $cond }) {
- my $dd = $detach_map{ $cond } // $S{detach_data};
- return $win->{data_level} < abs $dd
- && ($number != $active_number || 0 <= $dd);
- }
- }
- return;
-sub _calculate_items {
- my ($wins, $abbrevList) = @_;
- my $display_header = _get_format(set 'display_header');
- my $name_format = _get_format(set 'name_display');
- my $abbrev_chars = as_uni(_get_format(set 'abbrev_chars'));
- my %displays;
- my $active = Irssi::active_win;
- @win_items = ();
- %keymap = (%nummap, %wnmap_exp);
- my ($numPad, $keyPad) = (0, 0);
- if ($VIEWER_MODE or $S{block} < 0) {
- $numPad = length((sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %keymap)[0]) // 0;
- $keyPad = length((sort { length $b <=> length $a } values %keymap)[0]) // 0;
- }
- my $last_net;
- my ($abbrev1, $abbrev2) = $abbrev_chars =~ /(\X)(.*)/;
- my @abbrev_chars = ('~', "\x{301c}");
- unless (defined $abbrev1 && screen_length(as_tc($abbrev1)) == 1) { $abbrev1 = $abbrev_chars[0] }
- unless (length $abbrev2) {
- $abbrev2 = $abbrev1;
- if ($abbrev1 eq $abbrev_chars[0]) {
- $abbrev2 = $abbrev_chars[1];
- }
- else {
- $abbrev2 = $abbrev1;
- }
- }
- if (screen_length(as_tc($abbrev2)) == 1) {
- $abbrev2 x= 2;
- }
- while (screen_length(as_tc($abbrev2)) > 2) {
- chop $abbrev2;
- }
- unless (screen_length(as_tc($abbrev2)) == 2) {
- $abbrev2 = $abbrev_chars[1];
- }
- for my $win (@$wins) {
- my $global_tag_header_mode;
- next unless ref $win;
- my $backup_win = Storable::dclone($win);
- delete $backup_win->{active} unless ref $backup_win->{active};
- $global_tag_header_mode =
- $display_header && ($last_net // '') ne ($backup_win->{active}{server}{tag} // '');
- if ($win->{data_level} < abs $S{hide_data}
- && ($win->{refnum} != $active->{refnum} || 0 <= $S{hide_data})) {
- next; }
- elsif (exists $awins{$win->{refnum}} && $S{hide_empty} && !$win->items
- && ($win->{refnum} != $active->{refnum} || 0 <= $S{hide_empty})) {
- next; }
- elsif (_is_detached($win, $active->{refnum})) {
- next; }
- my $colour = $win->{hilight_color} // '';
- my $hilight = do {
- if ($win->{data_level} == 0) { 'sb_act_none'; }
- elsif ($win->{data_level} == 1) { 'sb_act_text'; }
- elsif ($win->{data_level} == 2) { 'sb_act_msg'; }
- elsif ($colour ne '') { "sb_act_hilight_color $colour"; }
- elsif ($win->{data_level} == 3) { 'sb_act_hilight'; }
- else { 'sb_act_special'; }
- };
- my $number = $win->{refnum};
- my ($name, $display, $cdisplay);
- if ($global_tag_header_mode) {
- $display = $display_header;
- $name = as_uni($backup_win->{active}{server}{tag}) // '';
- if ($custom_xform) {
- no strict 'refs';
- local ${ __PACKAGE__ . '::custom_xform::TAG' } = 1;
- run_custom_xform() for $name;
- }
- }
- else {
- my @display = ('display_nokey');
- if (defined $keymap{$number} and $keymap{$number} ne '') {
- unshift @display, map { (my $cpy = $_) =~ s/_no/_/; $cpy } @display;
- }
- if (exists $awins{$number}) {
- unshift @display, map { my $cpy = $_; $cpy .= '_visible'; $cpy } @display;
- }
- if ($active->{refnum} == $number) {
- unshift @display, map { my $cpy = $_; $cpy .= '_active'; $cpy }
- grep { !/_visible$/ } @display;
- }
- $display = (grep { length $_ }
- map { $displays{$_} //= _get_format(set $_) }
- @display)[0];
- $cdisplay = $name_format;
- $name = as_uni($win->get_active_name) // '';
- $name = '*' if $S{banned_on} and exists $banned_channels{lc1459($name)};
- $name = remove_uniform_vars($win, $name) if $name ne '*';
- if ($name ne '*' and $win->{name} ne '' and $S{prefer_name}) {
- $name = as_uni($win->{name});
- if ($custom_xform) {
- no strict 'refs';
- local ${ __PACKAGE__ . '::custom_xform::NAME' } = 1;
- run_custom_xform() for $name;
- }
- }
- if (!$VIEWER_MODE && $S{block} >= 0 && $S{hide_name}
- && $win->{data_level} < abs $S{hide_name}
- && ($win->{refnum} != $active->{refnum} || 0 <= $S{hide_name})) {
- $name = '';
- $cdisplay = '';
- }
- }
- $display = "$display%n";
- my $num_ent = (' 'x max(0,$numPad - length $number)) . $number;
- my $key_ent = exists $keymap{$number} ? ((' 'x max(0,$keyPad - length $keymap{$number})) . $keymap{$number}) : ' 'x$keyPad;
- if ($VIEWER_MODE or $S{sbar_maxlen} or $S{block} < 0) {
- my $baseLength = sb_length(_format_display(
- '', $display, $cdisplay, $hilight,
- 'x', # placeholder
- $num_ent,
- $key_ent,
- $win)) - 1;
- my $diff = (abs $S{block}) - (screen_length(as_tc($name)) + $baseLength);
- if ($diff < 0) { # too long
- my $screen_length = screen_length(as_tc($name));
- if ((abs $diff) >= $screen_length) { $name = '' } # forget it
- elsif ((abs $diff) + screen_length(as_tc(substr($name, 0, 1))) >= $screen_length) { $name = substr($name, 0, 1); }
- else {
- my $ulen = length $name;
- my $middle2 = exists $abbrevList->{$name} ?
- ($S{fancy_strict}) ?
- 2* $abbrevList->{$name} :
- (2*($abbrevList->{$name} + $ulen) / 3) :
- ($S{fancy_head}) ?
- 2*$ulen :
- $ulen;
- my $first = 1;
- while (length $name > 1) {
- my $cp = $middle2 >= 0 ? $middle2/2 : -1; # clearing position
- my $rm = 2;
- # if character at end is wider than 1 cell -> replace it with ~
- if (screen_length(as_tc(substr $name, $cp, 1)) > 1) {
- if ($first || $cp < 0) {
- $rm = 1;
- $first = undef;
- }
- }
- elsif ($cp < 0) { # elsif at end -> replace last 2 characters
- --$cp;
- }
- (substr $name, $cp, $rm) = $abbrev1;
- if ($cp > -1 && $rm > 1) {
- --$middle2;
- }
- my $sl = screen_length(as_tc($name));
- if ($sl + $baseLength < abs $S{block}) {
- (substr $name, ($middle2+1)/2, 1) = $abbrev2;
- last;
- }
- elsif ($sl + $baseLength == abs $S{block}) {
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- elsif ($VIEWER_MODE or $S{block} < 0) {
- $name .= (' ' x $diff);
- }
- }
- push @win_items, _format_display(
- '', $display, $cdisplay, $hilight,
- as_tc($name),
- $num_ent,
- as_tc($key_ent),
- $win);
- if ($global_tag_header_mode) {
- $last_net = $backup_win->{active}{server}{tag};
- redo;
- }
- $mouse_coords{refnum}{$#win_items} = $number;
- }
-sub _spread_items {
- my $width = $screenWidth - $sb_base_width - 1;
- my @separator = _get_format(set 'separator');
- if ($S{block} >= 0) {
- my $sep2 = _get_format(set 'separator2');
- push @separator, $sep2 if length $sep2 && $sep2 ne $separator[0];
- }
- $separator[0] .= '%n';
- my @sepLen = map { sb_length($_) } @separator;
- @actString = ();
- my $curLine;
- my $curLen = 0;
- if ($S{shared_sbar}) {
- $curLen += $S{shared_sbar}[0] + 2;
- $width -= $S{shared_sbar}[2];
- }
- my $mouse_header_check = 0;
- for my $it (@win_items) {
- my $itemLen = sb_length($it);
- if ($curLen) {
- if ($curLen + $itemLen + $sepLen[$mouse_header_check % @sepLen] > $width) {
- $width += $S{shared_sbar}[2]
- if !@actString && $S{shared_sbar};
- push @actString, $curLine;
- $curLine = undef;
- $curLen = 0;
- }
- elsif (defined $curLine) {
- $curLine .= $separator[$mouse_header_check % @separator];
- $curLen += $sepLen[$mouse_header_check % @sepLen];
- }
- }
- $curLine .= $it;
- if (exists $mouse_coords{refnum}{$mouse_header_check}) {
- $mouse_coords{scalar @actString}{ $_ } = $mouse_coords{refnum}{$mouse_header_check}
- for $curLen .. $curLen + $itemLen - 1;
- }
- $curLen += $itemLen;
- }
- continue {
- ++$mouse_header_check;
- }
- $curLen -= $S{shared_sbar}[0]
- if !@actString && $S{shared_sbar};
- push @actString, $curLine if $curLen;
-sub remake {
- my %abbrevList;
- my @wins = window_list();
- if ($VIEWER_MODE or $S{sbar_maxlen} or $S{block} < 0) {
- _calculate_abbrev(\@wins, \%abbrevList);
- }
- %mouse_coords = ( refnum => +{} );
- _calculate_items(\@wins, \%abbrevList);
- unless ($VIEWER_MODE) {
- _spread_items();
- push @actString, undef unless @actString || $S{all_disable};
- }
-sub update_wl {
- return if $BLOCK_ALL;
- remake();
- Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw(set $_) for keys %statusbars;
- unless ($VIEWER_MODE) {
- Irssi::timeout_add_once(100, 'syncLines', undef);
- }
- else {
- syncViewer();
- }
-sub screenFullRedraw {
- my ($window) = @_;
- if (!ref $window or $window->{refnum} == Irssi::active_win->{refnum}) {
- $viewer{fullRedraw} = 1 if $viewer{client};
- $settings_str = '';
- &setup_changed;
- }
-sub restartViewerServer {
- if ($VIEWER_MODE) {
- stop_viewer();
- start_viewer();
- }
-sub _simple_quote {
- my @r = map {
- my $x = $_;
- $x =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
- $x = "'$x'";
- } @_;
- wantarray ? @r : shift @r
-sub _viewer_command_replace_format {
- my ($ecmd, @args) = @_;
- my $file = _simple_quote(SCRIPT_FILE());
- my $path = _simple_quote($viewer{path});
- my @env;
- for my $env (shellwords($S{viewer_launch_env})) {
- if ($env =~ /^(\w+)(?:=(.*))$/) {
- push @env, "AWL_$1=$2"
- }
- }
- my $cmd = join ' ',
- (@env ? ('env', _simple_quote(@env)) : ()),
- 'perl', $file, '-1', _simple_quote(@args), $path;
- $ecmd =~ s{%(%|\w+)}{
- my $sub = $1;
- if ($sub eq '%') {
- '%'
- }
- elsif ($sub =~ /^(q*)A(.*)/) {
- my $ret = $cmd;
- for (1..length $1) {
- $ret = _simple_quote($ret);
- }
- "$ret$2"
- }
- else {
- "%$sub"
- }
- }gex;
- $ecmd
-sub start_viewer {
- unlink $viewer{path} if -S $viewer{path} || -p _;
- $viewer{server} = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(
- Type => SOCK_STREAM,
- Local => $viewer{path},
- Listen => 1
- );
- unless ($viewer{server}) {
- $viewer{msg} = "Viewer: $!";
- $viewer{retry} = Irssi::timeout_add_once(5000, 'retry_viewer', 1);
- return;
- }
- $viewer{server}->blocking(0);
- set_viewer_mode_hint();
- $viewer{server_tag} = Irssi::input_add($viewer{server}->fileno, INPUT_READ, 'vi_connected', undef);
- if ($S{viewer_launch}) {
- if (length $ENV{TMUX_PANE} && length $ENV{TMUX} && lc $S{viewer_tmux_position} ne 'custom') {
- my $cmd = _viewer_command_replace_format('%qA', '-p', lc $S{viewer_tmux_position});
- Irssi::command("exec - tmux neww -d $cmd 2>&1 &");
- }
- elsif (length $ENV{WINDOWID} && length $ENV{DISPLAY} && length $S{viewer_xwin_command} && $S{viewer_xwin_command} =~ /\S/) {
- my $cmd = _viewer_command_replace_format($S{viewer_xwin_command});
- Irssi::command("exec - $cmd 2>&1 &");
- }
- elsif (length $S{viewer_custom_command} && $S{viewer_custom_command} =~ /\S/) {
- my $cmd = _viewer_command_replace_format($S{viewer_custom_command});
- Irssi::command("exec - $cmd 2>&1 &");
- }
- }
-sub set_viewer_mode_hint {
- return unless $viewer{server};
- if ($S{no_mode_hint}) {
- $viewer{msg} = undef;
- }
- else {
- my ($name) = __PACKAGE__ =~ /::([^:]+)$/;
- $viewer{msg} = "Run $name from the shell or switch to sbar mode";
- }
-sub retry_viewer {
- start_viewer();
-sub vi_close_client {
- Irssi::input_remove(delete $viewer{client_tag}) if exists $viewer{client_tag};
- $viewer{client}->close if $viewer{client};
- delete $viewer{client};
- delete $viewer{client_keymap};
- delete $viewer{client_settings};
- delete $viewer{client_env};
- delete $viewer{fullRedraw};
-sub vi_connected {
- vi_close_client();
- $viewer{client} = $viewer{server}->accept or return;
- $viewer{client}->blocking(0);
- $viewer{client_tag} = Irssi::input_add($viewer{client}->fileno, INPUT_READ, 'vi_clientinput', undef);
- syncViewer();
-use constant VIEWER_BLOCK_SIZE => 1024;
-sub vi_clientinput {
- if ($viewer{client}->read(my $buf, VIEWER_BLOCK_SIZE)) {
- $viewer{rcvbuf} .= $buf;
- if ($viewer{rcvbuf} =~ s/^(?:(active|\d+)|(last|up|down))\n//igm) {
- if (defined $2) {
- Irssi::command("window $2");
- }
- elsif (lc $1 eq 'active' && $viewer{use_ack}) {
- Irssi::command($viewer{use_ack});
- }
- else {
- Irssi::command("window goto $1");
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- vi_close_client();
- Irssi::timeout_add_once(100, 'syncViewer', undef);
- }
-sub stop_viewer {
- Irssi::timeout_remove(delete $viewer{retry}) if exists $viewer{retry};
- vi_close_client();
- Irssi::input_remove(delete $viewer{server_tag}) if exists $viewer{server_tag};
- return unless $viewer{server};
- $viewer{server}->close;
- delete $viewer{server};
-sub _encode_var {
- my $str;
- while (@_) {
- my ($name, $var) = splice @_, 0, 2;
- my $type = ref $var ? $var =~ /HASH/ ? 'map' : $var =~ /ARRAY/ ? 'list' : '' : '';
- $str .= "\n\U$name$type\_begin\n";
- if ($type eq 'map') {
- no warnings 'numeric';
- $str .= " $_\n ${$var}{$_}\n" for sort { $a <=> $b || $a cmp $b } keys %$var;
- }
- elsif ($type eq 'list') {
- $str .= " $_\n" for @$var;
- }
- else {
- $str .= " $var\n";
- }
- $str .= "\U$name$type\_end\n";
- }
- $str
-sub syncViewer {
- if ($viewer{client}) {
- @actString = ();
- if ($currentLines) {
- killOldStatus();
- $currentLines = 0;
- }
- my $str;
- unless ($viewer{client_keymap}) {
- $str .= _encode_var('key', +{ %nummap, %specialmap });
- $viewer{client_keymap} = 1;
- }
- unless ($viewer{client_settings}) {
- $str .= _encode_var(
- block => $S{block},
- ha => $S{height_adjust},
- mc => $S{maxcolumns},
- ml => $S{maxlines},
- tc => $S{true_colour},
- );
- $viewer{client_settings} = 1;
- }
- unless ($viewer{client_env}) {
- $str .= _encode_var(irssienv => +{
- length $ENV{TMUX_PANE} && length $ENV{TMUX} ?
- (tmux_pane => $ENV{TMUX_PANE},
- tmux_srv => $ENV{TMUX}) : (),
- length $ENV{WINDOWID} ?
- (xwinid => $ENV{WINDOWID}) : (),
- });
- $viewer{client_env} = 1;
- }
- my $separator = _get_format(set 'separator');
- my $sepLen = sb_length($separator);
- my $item_bg = _get_format(set 'viewer_item_bg');
- my $title = _get_format(set 'title');
- if (length $title) {
- $title =~ s{\\(.)|(.)}{
- defined $2 ? quotemeta $2
- : $1 eq 'V' ? '\U'
- : $1 eq ':' ? quotemeta '%N'
- : $1 =~ /^[uUFQE]$/ ? "\\$1"
- : quotemeta "\\$1"
- }sge;
- $title = eval qq{"$title"};
- }
- $str .= _encode_var(redraw => 1) if delete $viewer{fullRedraw};
- $str .= _encode_var(separator => $separator,
- seplen => $sepLen,
- itembg => $item_bg,
- title => $title,
- mouse => $mouse_coords{refnum},
- key2 => \%wnmap_exp,
- win => \@win_items);
- my $was = $viewer{client}->blocking(1);
- $viewer{client}->print($str);
- $viewer{client}->blocking($was);
- }
- elsif ($viewer{server}) {
- if (defined $viewer{msg}) {
- @actString = ((uc setc()).": $viewer{msg}");
- }
- else {
- @actString = ();
- }
- }
- elsif (defined $viewer{msg}) {
- @actString = ((uc setc()).": $viewer{msg}");
- }
- if (@actString) {
- Irssi::timeout_add_once(100, 'syncLines', undef);
- }
- elsif ($currentLines) {
- killOldStatus();
- $currentLines = 0;
- }
-sub reset_awl {
- Irssi::timeout_remove($shade_line_timer) if $shade_line_timer; $shade_line_timer = undef;
- my $was_sort = $S{sort} // '';
- my $was_xform = $S{xform} // '';
- my $was_shared = $S{shared_sbar};
- my $was_no_hint = $S{no_mode_hint};
- %S = (
- sort => Irssi::settings_get_str( set 'sort'),
- fancy_abbrev => Irssi::settings_get_str('fancy_abbrev'),
- xform => Irssi::settings_get_str( set 'custom_xform'),
- block => Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'block'),
- banned_on => Irssi::settings_get_bool('banned_channels_on'),
- prefer_name => Irssi::settings_get_bool(set 'prefer_name'),
- hide_data => Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'hide_data'),
- hide_name => Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'hide_name_data'),
- hide_empty => Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'hide_empty'),
- detach => Irssi::settings_get_str( set 'detach'),
- detach_data => Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'detach_data'),
- detach_aht => Irssi::settings_get_bool(set 'detach_aht'),
- sbar_maxlen => Irssi::settings_get_bool(set 'sbar_maxlength'),
- placement => Irssi::settings_get_str( set 'placement'),
- position => Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'position'),
- maxlines => Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'maxlines'),
- maxcolumns => Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'maxcolumns'),
- all_disable => Irssi::settings_get_bool(set 'all_disable'),
- height_adjust => Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'height_adjust'),
- mouse_offset => Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'mouse_offset'),
- mouse_scroll => Irssi::settings_get_int( 'mouse_scroll'),
- mouse_escape => Irssi::settings_get_int( 'mouse_escape'),
- line_shade => Irssi::settings_get_time(set 'last_line_shade'),
- no_mode_hint => Irssi::settings_get_bool(set 'no_mode_hint'),
- true_colour => Irssi::parse_special('$colors_ansi_24bit'),
- viewer_launch => Irssi::settings_get_bool(set 'viewer_launch'),
- viewer_launch_env => Irssi::settings_get_str(set 'viewer_launch_env'),
- viewer_xwin_command => Irssi::settings_get_str(set 'viewer_xwin_command'),
- viewer_custom_command => Irssi::settings_get_str(set 'viewer_custom_command'),
- viewer_tmux_position => Irssi::settings_get_str(set 'viewer_tmux_position'),
- );
- $S{fancy_strict} = $S{fancy_abbrev} =~ /^strict/i;
- $S{fancy_head} = $S{fancy_abbrev} =~ /^head/i;
- my $shared = Irssi::settings_get_str(set 'shared_sbar');
- if ($shared =~ /^(\d+)([<])(\d+)$/) {
- $S{shared_sbar} = [$1, $2, $3];
- }
- else {
- Irssi::settings_set_str(set 'shared_sbar', 'OFF');
- $S{shared_sbar} = undef;
- }
- lock_keys(%S);
- if ($was_sort ne $S{sort}) {
- $print_text_activity = undef;
- my @sort_order = grep { @$_ > 4 } map {
- s/^\s*//;
- my $reverse = s/^\W*\K[-!]//;
- my $undef_check = s/^\W*\K~// ? 1 : undef;
- my $equal_check = s/=(.*)\s?$// ? $1 : undef;
- s/\s*$//;
- my $ignore_case = s/#i$// ? 1 : undef;
- $print_text_activity = 1 if $_ eq 'last_line';
- my @path = split '/';
- my $class_check = @path && $path[-1] =~ s/(::.*)$// ? $1 : undef;
- my $lru = "@path" eq 'lru';
- [ $reverse ? -1 : 1, $undef_check, $equal_check, $class_check, $ignore_case, $lru, @path ]
- } "$S{sort}," =~ /([^+,]*|[^+,]*=[^,]*?\s(?=\+)|[^+,]*=[^,]*)[+,]/g;
- $window_sort_func = sub {
- no warnings qw(numeric uninitialized);
- for my $so (@sort_order) {
- my @x = map {
- my $ret = 0;
- $_ = lc1459($_) if defined $_ && !ref $_ && $so->[4];
- $ret = $_ eq ($so->[4] ? lc1459($so->[2]) : $so->[2]) ? 1 : -1 if defined $so->[2];
- $ret = defined $_ ? ($ret || -3) : 3 if $so->[1];
- $ret = ref $_ && $_->isa('Irssi'.$so->[3]) ? 2 : ($ret || -2) if $so->[3];
- -$ret || $_
- }
- map {
- $so->[5] ? $_->[0] : reduce { return unless ref $a; $a->{$b} } $_->[1], @{$so}[6..$#$so]
- } $a, $b;
- return ((($x[0] <=> $x[1] || $x[0] cmp $x[1]) * $so->[0]) || next);
- }
- return ($a->[1]{refnum} <=> $b->[1]{refnum});
- };
- }
- if ($was_xform ne $S{xform}) {
- if ($S{xform} !~ /\S/) {
- $custom_xform = undef;
- }
- else {
- my $script_pkg = __PACKAGE__ . '::custom_xform';
- local $@;
- $custom_xform = eval qq{
-package $script_pkg;
-use strict;
-no warnings;
-our (\$QUERY, \$CHANNEL, \$TAG, \$NAME);
-return sub {
-# line 1 @{[ set 'custom_xform' ]}\n$S{xform}\n}};
- if ($@) {
- $@ =~ /^(.*)/;
- print '%_'.(set 'custom_xform').'%_ did not compile: '.$1;
- }
- }
- }
- my $new_settings = join "\n", $VIEWER_MODE
- ? ("\\", $S{block}, $S{height_adjust}, $S{maxlines}, $S{maxcolumns}, $S{true_colour})
- : ("!", $S{placement}, $S{position});
- my $first_viewer = $settings_str eq '1';
- if ($settings_str ne $new_settings) {
- @actString = ();
- %abbrev_cache = ();
- $currentLines = 0;
- killOldStatus();
- delete $viewer{client_settings};
- $settings_str = $new_settings;
- }
- my $was_mouse_mode = $MOUSE_ON;
- if ($MOUSE_ON = Irssi::settings_get_bool(set 'mouse') and !$was_mouse_mode) {
- install_mouse();
- }
- elsif ($was_mouse_mode and !$MOUSE_ON) {
- uninstall_mouse();
- }
- unless ($first_viewer) {
- my $path = Irssi::settings_get_str(set 'path');
- my $was_viewer_mode = $VIEWER_MODE;
- if ($was_viewer_mode &&
- defined $viewer{path} && $viewer{path} ne $path) {
- stop_viewer();
- $was_viewer_mode = 0;
- }
- elsif ($was_viewer_mode && $S{no_mode_hint} != $was_no_hint + 0) {
- set_viewer_mode_hint();
- }
- $viewer{path} = $path;
- if ($VIEWER_MODE = Irssi::settings_get_bool(set 'viewer') and !$was_viewer_mode) {
- start_viewer();
- }
- elsif ($was_viewer_mode and !$VIEWER_MODE) {
- stop_viewer();
- }
- }
- %banned_channels = map { lc1459(as_uni($_)) => undef }
- split ' ', Irssi::settings_get_str('banned_channels');
- %detach_map = ($S{detach_aht}
- ? (map { ( lc1459(as_uni($_)) => undef ) }
- split ' ', Irssi::settings_get_str('activity_hide_targets')) : (),
- (map { my ($k, $v) = (split /(?:,(-?\d+))$/, $_)[0, 1];
- ( lc1459(as_uni($k)) => $v ) }
- split ' ', $S{detach}));
- my @sb_base = split /\177/, sb_format_expand("{sbstart}{sb_awl \177}{sbend}"), 2;
- $sb_base_width_pre = sb_length($sb_base[0]);
- $sb_base_width_post = max 0, sb_length($sb_base[1])-1;
- $sb_base_width = $sb_base_width_pre + $sb_base_width_post;
- if ($print_text_activity && $S{line_shade}) {
- $shade_line_timer = Irssi::timeout_add(max(10 * GLOB_QUEUE_TIMER, 100*$S{line_shade}**(1/3)), 'wl_changed', undef);
- }
-sub hide_window {
- my ($data) = @_;
- my $ent;
- $data =~ s/\s*$//;
- my $win = Irssi::active_win;
- my $number = $win->{refnum};
- my $name = as_uni($win->{name});
- my $active = as_uni($win->get_active_name) // '';
- my $tag = $win->{active} && $win->{active}{server} ? as_uni($win->{active}{server}{tag}) // '' : '';
- if (length $name) {
- $ent = "$name";
- }
- elsif (length $tag && length $active) {
- $ent = "$tag/$active";
- }
- else {
- $ent = "$number";
- }
- my $found = 0;
- my @setting;
- for my $s (split ' ', $S{detach}) {
- my ($k, $v) = (split /(?:,(-?\d+))$/, $s)[0, 1];
- if (lc1459(as_uni($k)) eq lc1459($ent)) {
- unless ($found) {
- if ($data =~ /^(-?\d+)$/) {
- $ent .= ",$1";
- }
- if (defined $v && 0 == abs $v) {
- $win->print("Hiding window $ent");
- }
- push @setting, as_tc($ent);
- $found = 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- push @setting, defined $v ? "$k,$v" : $k;
- }
- }
- unless ($found) {
- $win->print("Hiding window $ent");
- if ($data =~ /^(-?\d+)$/) {
- $ent .= ",$1";
- }
- push @setting, as_tc($ent);
- }
- if (@setting) {
- Irssi::command("^set ".(set 'detach')." @setting");
- } else {
- Irssi::command("^set -clear ".(set 'detach'));
- }
-sub unhide_window {
- my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my $win = Irssi::active_win;
- my $number = $win->{refnum};
- my $name = as_uni($win->{name});
- my $active = as_uni($win->get_active_name) // '';
- my $tag = $win->{active} && $win->{active}{server} ? as_uni($win->{active}{server}{tag}) // '' : '';
- my %detach_aht;
- if ($S{detach_aht}) {
- %detach_aht = (map { ( lc1459(as_uni($_)) => undef ) }
- split ' ', Irssi::settings_get_str('activity_hide_targets'));
- }
- my @setting;
- my @kills = (length $name ? $name : undef,
- length $tag && length $active ? "$tag/$active" : undef,
- length $active ? $active : undef,
- $number);
- my @was_unhidden = (0) x @kills;
- for my $s (split ' ', $S{detach}) {
- my ($k, $v) = (split /(?:,(-?\d+))$/, $s)[0, 1];
- my $k2 = lc1459(as_uni($k));
- my $kill;
- for my $ki (0..$#kills) {
- if (defined $kills[$ki] && $k2 eq lc1459($kills[$ki])) {
- $kill = $ki;
- }
- }
- if (defined $kill) {
- if (defined $v && 0 == abs $v) {
- $was_unhidden[$kill] = 1;
- push @setting, defined $v ? "$k,$v" : $k;
- } else {
- $win->print("Unhiding window $kills[$kill]");
- }
- }
- else {
- push @setting, defined $v ? "$k,$v" : $k;
- }
- }
- my @is_hidden = (defined $kills[0] && (exists $detach_map{"*"} || exists $detach_map{"::all"}),
- defined $kills[1] && (exists $detach_map{lc1459("$tag/*")} || exists $detach_map{lc1459("$tag/::all")}
- || exists $detach_map{"*"} || exists $detach_map{"::all"}),
- defined $kills[2] && (exists $detach_map{"*"} || exists $detach_map{"::all"}),
- (exists $detach_map{"*"} || exists $detach_map{"::all"})
- );
- for my $ki (1, 2, 0, 3) {
- if ($is_hidden[$ki]) {
- unless ($was_unhidden[$ki]) {
- $win->print("Unhiding window $kills[$ki]");
- push @setting, "$kills[$ki],0";
- $was_unhidden[$ki] = 1;
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- my @is_hidden_aht = (defined $kills[0] && (exists $detach_aht{lc1459($name)}
- || exists $detach_aht{"*"} || exists $detach_aht{"::all"}),
- defined $kills[1] && (exists $detach_aht{lc1459("$tag/$active")}
- || exists $detach_aht{lc1459($active)}
- || exists $detach_aht{lc1459("$tag/*")} || exists $detach_aht{lc1459("$tag/::all")}
- || exists $detach_aht{"*"} || exists $detach_aht{"::all"}),
- defined $kills[2] && (exists $detach_aht{lc1459($active)}
- || exists $detach_aht{"*"} || exists $detach_aht{"::all"}),
- (exists $detach_aht{$number} || exists $detach_aht{"*"} || exists $detach_aht{"::all"})
- );
- for my $ki (1, 2, 0, 3) {
- if ($is_hidden_aht[$ki]) {
- unless ($was_unhidden[$ki]) {
- $win->print("Unhiding window $kills[$ki], it is hidden because ".(set 'detach_aht')." is ON");
- push @setting, "$kills[$ki],0";
- $was_unhidden[$ki] = 1;
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- if (@setting) {
- Irssi::command("^set ".(set 'detach')." @setting");
- } else {
- Irssi::command("^set -clear ".(set 'detach'));
- }
-sub ack_window {
- my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my $win = Irssi::active_win;
- my $number = $win->{refnum};
- if (grep { $_->{cmd} eq 'ack' } Irssi::commands) {
- my $Orig_Irssi_windows = \&Irssi::windows;
- local *Irssi::windows = sub () { grep { !_is_detached($_, $number) } $Orig_Irssi_windows->() };
- Irssi::command("ack" . (length $data ? " $data" : ""));
- } else {
- my $ignore_refnum = Irssi::settings_get_bool('active_window_ignore_refnum');
- my $max_win;
- my $max_act = 0;
- my $max_ref = 0;
- for my $rec (Irssi::windows) {
- next if _is_detached($rec, $number);
- # ignore refnum
- if ($ignore_refnum &&
- $rec->{data_level} > 0 && $max_act < $rec->{data_level}) {
- $max_act = $rec->{data_level};
- $max_win = $rec;
- }
- # windows with lower refnums break ties
- elsif (!$ignore_refnum &&
- $rec->{data_level} > 0 &&
- ($rec->{data_level} > $max_act ||
- ($rec->{data_level} == $max_act && $rec->{refnum} < $max_ref))) {
- $max_act = $rec->{data_level};
- $max_win = $rec;
- $max_ref = $rec->{refnum};
- }
- }
- $max_win->set_active if defined $max_win;
- }
-sub refnum_changed {
- my ($win, $old_refnum) = @_;
- my @old_setting = split ' ', $S{detach};
- my @setting = map {
- my ($k, $v) = (split /(?:,(-?\d+))$/, $_)[0, 1];
- if ($k eq $old_refnum) {
- $win->{refnum} . (defined $v ? ",$v" : "")
- }
- else {
- $_
- }
- } @old_setting;
- if ("@old_setting" ne "@setting") {
- $S{detach} = "@setting";
- Irssi::settings_set_str(set 'detach', "@setting");
- &setup_changed;
- }
- else {
- &wl_changed;
- }
-sub window_destroyed {
- my ($win) = @_;
- my @old_setting = split ' ', $S{detach};
- my @setting = grep {
- my ($k, $v) = (split /(?:,(-?\d+))$/, $_)[0, 1];
- if ($k eq $win->{refnum}) {
- 0;
- }
- else {
- 1;
- }
- } @old_setting;
- if ("@old_setting" ne "@setting") {
- $S{detach} = "@setting";
- Irssi::settings_set_str(set 'detach', "@setting");
- &setup_changed;
- }
- else {
- &awins_changed;
- }
-sub stop_mouse_tracking {
- print STDERR "\e[?1005l\e[?1000l";
-sub start_mouse_tracking {
- print STDERR "\e[?1000h\e[?1005h";
-sub install_mouse {
- Irssi::command_bind('mouse_xterm' => 'mouse_xterm');
- Irssi::command('^bind meta-[M command mouse_xterm');
- Irssi::signal_add_first('gui key pressed' => 'mouse_key_hook');
- start_mouse_tracking();
-sub uninstall_mouse {
- stop_mouse_tracking();
- Irssi::signal_remove('gui key pressed' => 'mouse_key_hook');
- Irssi::command('^bind -delete meta-[M');
- Irssi::command_unbind('mouse_xterm' => 'mouse_xterm');
-sub awl_mouse_event {
- return if $VIEWER_MODE;
- if ((($_[0] == 3 and $_[3] == 0)
- || $_[0] == 64 || $_[0] == 65) and
- $_[1] == $_[4] and $_[2] == $_[5]) {
- my $top = lc $S{placement} eq 'top';
- my ($pos, $line) = @_[1 .. 2];
- unless ($top) {
- $line -= $screenHeight;
- $line += $currentLines;
- $line += $S{mouse_offset};
- }
- else {
- $line -= $S{mouse_offset};
- }
- $pos -= $sb_base_width_pre;
- return if $line < 0 || $line >= $currentLines;
- if ($_[0] == 64) {
- Irssi::command('window up');
- }
- elsif ($_[0] == 65) {
- Irssi::command('window down');
- }
- elsif (exists $mouse_coords{$line}{$pos}) {
- my $win = $mouse_coords{$line}{$pos};
- Irssi::command('window ' . $win);
- }
- Irssi::signal_stop;
- }
-sub mouse_scroll_event {
- return unless $S{mouse_scroll};
- if (($_[3] == 64 or $_[3] == 65) and
- $_[0] == $_[3] and $_[1] == $_[4] and $_[2] == $_[5]) {
- my $cmd = 'scrollback goto ' . ($_[3] == 64 ? '-' : '+') . $S{mouse_scroll};
- Irssi::active_win->command($cmd);
- Irssi::signal_stop;
- }
- elsif ($_[0] == 64 or $_[0] == 65) {
- Irssi::signal_stop;
- }
-sub mouse_escape {
- return unless $S{mouse_escape} > 0;
- if ($_[0] == 3) {
- my $tm = $S{mouse_escape};
- $tm *= 1000 if $tm < 1000;
- stop_mouse_tracking();
- Irssi::timeout_add_once($tm, 'start_mouse_tracking', undef);
- Irssi::signal_stop;
- }
-sub UNLOAD {
- @actString = ();
- killOldStatus();
- stop_viewer() if $VIEWER_MODE;
- uninstall_mouse() if $MOUSE_ON;
-sub addPrintTextHook { # update on print text
- return unless defined $^S;
- return if $BLOCK_ALL;
- return unless $print_text_activity;
- return if $_[0]->{level} == 262144 and $_[0]->{target} eq ''
- and !defined($_[0]->{server});
- &wl_changed;
-sub block_event_window_change {
- Irssi::signal_stop;
-sub update_awins {
- my @wins = Irssi::windows;
- local $BLOCK_ALL = 1;
- Irssi::signal_add_first('window changed' => 'block_event_window_change');
- my $bwin =
- my $awin = Irssi::active_win;
- my $lwin;
- my $defer_irssi_broken_last;
- unless ($wins[0]{refnum} == $awin->{refnum}) {
- # special case: more than 1 last win, so /win last;
- # /win last doesn't come back to the current window. eg. after
- # connect & autojoin; we can't handle this situation, bail out
- $defer_irssi_broken_last = 1;
- }
- else {
- $awin->command('window last');
- $lwin = Irssi::active_win;
- $lwin->command('window last');
- $defer_irssi_broken_last = $lwin->{refnum} == $bwin->{refnum};
- }
- my $awin_counter = 0;
- Irssi::signal_remove('window changed' => 'block_event_window_change');
- unless ($defer_irssi_broken_last) {
- # we need to keep the fe-windows code running here
- Irssi::signal_add_priority('window changed' => 'block_event_window_change', -99);
- %awins = %wnmap_exp = ();
- do {
- Irssi::active_win->command('window up');
- $awin = Irssi::active_win;
- $awins{$awin->{refnum}} = undef;
- ++$awin_counter;
- } until ($awin->{refnum} == $bwin->{refnum} || $awin_counter >= @wins);
- Irssi::signal_remove('window changed' => 'block_event_window_change');
- Irssi::signal_add_first('window changed' => 'block_event_window_change');
- for my $key (keys %wnmap) {
- next unless Irssi::window_find_name($key) || Irssi::window_find_item($key);
- $awin->command("window goto $key");
- my $cwin = Irssi::active_win;
- $wnmap_exp{ $cwin->{refnum} } = $wnmap{$key};
- $cwin->command('window last')
- if $cwin->{refnum} != $awin->{refnum};
- }
- for my $win (reverse @wins) { # restore original window order
- Irssi::active_win->command('window '.$win->{refnum});
- }
- $awin->command('window '.$lwin->{refnum}); # restore last win
- Irssi::active_win->command('window last');
- Irssi::signal_remove('window changed' => 'block_event_window_change');
- }
- $CHANGED{WL} = 1;
-sub resizeTerm {
- if (defined (my $r = `stty size 2>/dev/null`)) {
- ($screenHeight, $screenWidth) = split ' ', $r;
- }
- else {
- }
-sub awl_refresh {
- $globTime = undef;
- resizeTerm() if delete $CHANGED{SIZE};
- reset_awl() if delete $CHANGED{SETUP};
- update_awins() if delete $CHANGED{AWINS};
- update_wl() if delete $CHANGED{WL};
-sub termsize_changed { $CHANGED{SIZE} = 1; &queue_refresh; }
-sub setup_changed { $CHANGED{SETUP} = 1; &queue_refresh; }
-sub awins_changed { $CHANGED{AWINS} = 1; &queue_refresh; }
-sub wl_changed { $CHANGED{WL} = 1; &queue_refresh; }
-sub window_changed {
- &awins_changed if $_[1];
-sub queue_refresh {
- return if $BLOCK_ALL;
- Irssi::timeout_remove($globTime)
- if defined $globTime; # delay the update further
- $globTime = Irssi::timeout_add_once(GLOB_QUEUE_TIMER, 'awl_refresh', undef);
-sub awl_init {
- termsize_changed();
- setup_changed();
- update_keymap();
- Irssi::timeout_remove($globTime)
- if defined $globTime;
- awl_refresh();
- termsize_changed();
-sub runsub {
- my $cmd = shift;
- sub {
- my ($data, $server, $item) = @_;
- Irssi::command_runsub($cmd, $data, $server, $item);
- };
- 'gui mouse' => [qw/int int int int int int/],
- });
-{ my $broken_expandos = (Irssi::version >= 20081128 && Irssi::version < 20110210)
- ? sub { my $x = shift; $x =~ s/\$\{cumode_space\}/ /; $x } : undef;
- Irssi::theme_register([
- map { $broken_expandos ? $broken_expandos->($_) : $_ }
- set 'display_nokey' => '$N${cumode_space}$H$C$S',
- set 'display_key' => '$Q${cumode_space}$H$C$S',
- set 'display_nokey_visible' => '%2$N${cumode_space}$H$C$S',
- set 'display_key_visible' => '%2$Q${cumode_space}$H$C$S',
- set 'display_nokey_active' => '%1$N${cumode_space}$H$C$S',
- set 'display_key_active' => '%1$Q${cumode_space}$H$C$S',
- set 'display_header' => '%8$C|${N}',
- set 'name_display' => '$0',
- set 'separator' => ' ',
- set 'separator2' => '',
- set 'abbrev_chars' => "~\x{301c}",
- set 'viewer_item_bg' => sb_format_expand('{sb_background}'),
- set 'title' => '\V'.setc().'\:',
- ]);
-Irssi::settings_add_bool(setc, set 'prefer_name', 0); #
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'hide_empty', 0); #
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'hide_data', 0); #
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, set 'detach', ''); #
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'detach_data', -3); #
-Irssi::settings_add_bool(setc, set 'detach_aht', 0); #
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'hide_name_data', 0); #
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'maxlines', 9); #
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'maxcolumns', 4); #
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'block', 15); #
-Irssi::settings_add_bool(setc, set 'sbar_maxlength', 1); #
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'height_adjust', 2); #
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, set 'sort', 'refnum'); #
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, set 'placement', 'bottom'); #
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'position', 0); #
-Irssi::settings_add_bool(setc, set 'all_disable', 1); #
-Irssi::settings_add_bool(setc, set 'viewer', 1); #
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, set 'shared_sbar', 'OFF'); #
-Irssi::settings_add_bool(setc, set 'mouse', 0); #
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, set 'path', Irssi::get_irssi_dir . '/_windowlist'); #
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, set 'custom_xform', ''); #
-Irssi::settings_add_time(setc, set 'last_line_shade', '0'); #
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'mouse_offset', 1); #
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, 'mouse_scroll', 3); #
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, 'mouse_escape', 1); #
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, 'banned_channels', '');
-Irssi::settings_add_bool(setc, 'banned_channels_on', 1);
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, 'fancy_abbrev', 'fancy'); #
-Irssi::settings_add_bool(setc, set 'no_mode_hint', 0); #
-Irssi::settings_add_bool(setc, set 'viewer_launch', 1); #
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, set 'viewer_launch_env', ''); #
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, set 'viewer_tmux_position', 'left'); #
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, set 'viewer_xwin_command', 'xterm +sb -e %A'); #
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, set 'viewer_custom_command', ''); #
- 'setup changed' => 'setup_changed',
- 'print text' => 'addPrintTextHook',
- 'terminal resized' => 'termsize_changed',
- 'setup reread' => 'screenFullRedraw',
- 'window hilight' => 'wl_changed',
- 'command format' => 'wl_changed',
- 'window changed' => 'window_changed',
- 'window item changed' => 'wl_changed',
- 'window changed automatic' => 'window_changed',
- 'window created' => 'awins_changed',
- 'window destroyed' => 'window_destroyed',
- 'window name changed' => 'wl_changed',
- 'window refnum changed' => 'refnum_changed',
-Irssi::signal_add_last('gui mouse' => 'mouse_escape');
-Irssi::signal_add_last('gui mouse' => 'mouse_scroll_event');
-Irssi::signal_add_last('gui mouse' => 'awl_mouse_event');
-Irssi::command_bind( setc() => runsub(setc()) );
-Irssi::command_bind( setc() . ' redraw' => 'screenFullRedraw' );
-Irssi::command_bind( setc() . ' restart' => 'restartViewerServer' );
-Irssi::command_bind( setc() . ' attach' => 'unhide_window' );
-Irssi::command_bind( setc() . ' detach' => 'hide_window' );
-Irssi::command_bind( setc() . ' ack' => 'ack_window' );
- my $l = set 'shared';
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- *{$l} = $awl_shared_empty;
- }
- Irssi::statusbar_item_register($l, '$0', $l);
-# Mouse script based on irssi mouse patch by mirage
-{ my $mouse_status = -1; # -1:off 0,1,2:filling mouse_combo
- my @mouse_combo; # 0:button 1:x 2:y
- my @mouse_previous; # previous contents of mouse_combo
- sub mouse_xterm_off {
- $mouse_status = -1;
- }
- sub mouse_xterm {
- $mouse_status = 0;
- Irssi::timeout_add_once(10, 'mouse_xterm_off', undef);
- }
- sub mouse_key_hook {
- my ($key) = @_;
- if ($mouse_status != -1) {
- if ($mouse_status == 0) {
- @mouse_previous = @mouse_combo;
- #if @mouse_combo && $mouse_combo[0] < 64;
- }
- $mouse_combo[$mouse_status] = $key - 32;
- $mouse_status++;
- if ($mouse_status == 3) {
- $mouse_status = -1;
- # match screen coordinates
- $mouse_combo[1]--;
- $mouse_combo[2]--;
- Irssi::signal_emit('gui mouse', @mouse_combo[0 .. 2], @mouse_previous[0 .. 2]);
- }
- Irssi::signal_stop;
- }
- }
-sub string_LCSS {
- my $str = join "\0", @_;
- (sort { length $b <=> length $a } $str =~ /(?=(.+).*\0.*\1)/g)[0]
-# workaround for issue #271
-{ package Irssi::Nick }
-# workaround for issue #572
-@Irssi::UI::Exec::ISA = 'Irssi::Windowitem'
- if Irssi::version >= 20140822 && Irssi::version <= 20161101 && !@Irssi::UI::Exec::ISA;
-{ package AwlViewer;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- no warnings 'redefine';
- use Encode;
- use IO::Socket::UNIX;
- use IO::Select;
- use List::Util qw(max);
- use constant BLOCK_SIZE => 1024;
- use constant RECONNECT_TIME => 5;
- my $sockpath;
- our $VERSION = '0.8';
- our ($got_int, $resized, $timeout);
- my %vars;
- my (%c2w, @seqlist);
- my %mouse_coords;
- my (@mouse, @last_mouse);
- my ($err, $sock, $loop);
- my ($keybuf, $rcvbuf);
- my @screen;
- my ($screenHeight, $screenWidth);
- my ($disp_update, $fs_open, $one_shot_integration, $one_shot_resize);
- my $integration_position;
- my $show_title_bar;
- sub connect_it {
- $sock = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(
- Type => SOCK_STREAM,
- Peer => $sockpath,
- );
- unless ($sock) {
- $err = $!;
- return;
- }
- $sock->blocking(0);
- $loop->add($sock);
- }
- sub remove_conn {
- my $fh = shift;
- $loop->remove($fh);
- $fh->close;
- $sock = undef;
- %vars = ();
- @screen = ();
- }
- { package Terminfo; # xterm
- sub civis { "\e[?25l" }
- sub sc { "\e7" }
- sub cup { "\e[" . ($_[0] + 1) . ';' . ($_[1] + 1) . 'H' }
- sub el { "\e[K" }
- sub rc { "\e8" }
- sub cnorm { "\e[?25h" }
- sub setab { "\e[4" . $_[0] . 'm' }
- sub setaf { "\e[3" . $_[0] . 'm' }
- sub setaf16 { "\e[9" . $_[0] . 'm' }
- sub setab16 { "\e[10" . $_[0] . 'm' }
- sub setaf256 { "\e[38;5;" . $_[0] . 'm' }
- sub setab256 { "\e[48;5;" . $_[0] . 'm' }
- sub setafrgb { "\e[38;2;" . $_[0] . ';' . $_[1] . ';' . $_[2] . 'm' }
- sub setabrgb { "\e[48;2;" . $_[0] . ';' . $_[1] . ';' . $_[2] . 'm' }
- sub sgr0 { "\e[0m" }
- sub bold { "\e[1m" }
- sub it { "\e[3m" }
- sub ul { "\e[4m" }
- sub blink { "\e[5m" }
- sub rev { "\e[7m" }
- sub op { "\e[39;49m" }
- sub exit_bold { "\e[22m" }
- sub exit_it { "\e[23m" }
- sub exit_ul { "\e[24m" }
- sub exit_blink { "\e[25m" }
- sub exit_rev { "\e[27m" }
- sub smcup { "\e[?1049h" }
- sub rmcup { "\e[?1049l" }
- sub smmouse { "\e[?1000h\e[?1005h" }
- sub rmmouse { "\e[?1005l\e[?1000l" }
- }
- sub init {
- $sockpath = shift // "$ENV{HOME}/.irssi/_windowlist";
- STDOUT->autoflush(1);
- printf "\r%swaiting for %s...", Terminfo::sc, $::IRSSI{name};
- `stty -icanon -echo`;
- $loop = IO::Select->new;
- STDIN->blocking(0);
- $loop->add(\*STDIN);
- $SIG{INT} = sub {
- $got_int = 1
- };
- $SIG{WINCH} = sub {
- $resized = 1
- };
- $resized = 3;
- $disp_update = 2;
- $show_title_bar = 1;
- }
- sub enter_fs {
- return if $fs_open;
- safe_print(Terminfo::rc, Terminfo::smcup, Terminfo::civis, Terminfo::smmouse);
- $fs_open = 1;
- }
- sub leave_fs {
- return unless $fs_open;
- safe_print(Terminfo::rmmouse, Terminfo::cnorm, Terminfo::rmcup);
- safe_print(sprintf "\r%swaiting for %s...", Terminfo::sc, $::IRSSI{name}) if $_[0];
- $fs_open = 0;
- }
- sub end_prog {
- leave_fs();
- STDIN->blocking(1);
- `stty sane`;
- printf "\r%s%sthanks for using %s\n", Terminfo::rc, Terminfo::el, $::IRSSI{name};
- }
- sub safe_print {
- my $st = STDIN->blocking(1);
- print @_;
- STDIN->blocking($st);
- }
- sub safe_qx {
- my $st = STDIN->blocking(1);
- my $ret = `$_[0]`;
- STDIN->blocking($st);
- $ret
- }
- sub safe_print_sock {
- return unless $sock;
- my $was = $sock->blocking(1);
- $sock->print(@_);
- $sock->blocking($was);
- }
- sub process_recv {
- my $need = 0;
- while ($rcvbuf =~ s/\n(.+)_BEGIN\n((?: .*\n)*)\1_END\n//) {
- my $var = lc $1;
- my $data = $2;
- my @data = split "\n ", "\n$data ", -1;
- shift @data; pop @data;
- my $itembg = $vars{itembg};
- if ($var =~ s/list$//) {
- $vars{$var} = \@data;
- }
- elsif ($var =~ s/map$//) {
- $vars{$var} = +{ @data };
- }
- else {
- $vars{$var} = join "\n", @data;
- }
- $need = 1 if $var eq 'win';
- $need = 1 if $var eq 'redraw' && $vars{$var};
- if (($itembg//'') ne ($vars{itembg}//'')) {
- $need = $vars{redraw} = 1;
- }
- _build_keymap() if $var eq 'key2';
- }
- $need
- }
- { my %ansi_table;
- my ($i, $j, $k) = (0, 0, 0);
- my %term_state;
- sub reset_term_state { my %old_term = %term_state; %term_state = (); %old_term }
- sub set_term_state { my %old_term = %term_state; %term_state = @_; %old_term }
- %ansi_table = (
- # fe-common::core::formats.c:format_expand_styles
- (map { my $t = $i++; ($_ => sub { my $n = $term_state{hicolor} ? \&Terminfo::setab16 : \&Terminfo::setab;
- $n->($t) }) } (split //, '01234567' )),
- (map { my $t = $j++; ($_ => sub { my $n = $term_state{hicolor} ? \&Terminfo::setaf16 : \&Terminfo::setaf;
- $n->($t) }) } (split //, 'krgybmcw' )),
- (map { my $t = $k++; ($_ => sub { my $n = $term_state{hicolor} ? \&Terminfo::setaf : \&Terminfo::setaf16;
- $n->($t) }) } (split //, 'KRGYBMCW')),
- # reset
- n => sub { $term_state{hicolor} = 0; my $r = Terminfo::op;
- for (qw(blink rev bold)) {
- $r .= Terminfo->can("exit_$_")->() if delete $term_state{$_};
- }
- {
- local $ansi_table{n} = $ansi_table{N};
- $r .= formats_to_ansi_basic($vars{itembg});
- }
- $r
- },
- N => sub { reset_term_state(); Terminfo::sgr0 },
- # flash/bright
- F => sub { my $n = 'blink'; my $e = ($term_state{$n} ^= 1) ? $n : "exit_$n"; Terminfo->can($e)->() },
- # reverse
- 8 => sub { my $n = 'rev'; my $e = ($term_state{$n} ^= 1) ? $n : "exit_$n"; Terminfo->can($e)->() },
- # bold
- "_" => sub { my $n = 'bold'; my $e = ($term_state{$n} ^= 1) ? $n : "exit_$n"; Terminfo->can($e)->() },
- # underline
- U => sub { my $n = 'ul'; my $e = ($term_state{$n} ^= 1) ? $n : "exit_$n"; Terminfo->can($e)->() },
- # italic
- I => sub { my $n = 'it'; my $e = ($term_state{$n} ^= 1) ? $n : "exit_$n"; Terminfo->can($e)->() },
- # bold, used as colour modifier if AWL_HI9 is set
- 9 => $ENV{AWL_HI9} ? sub { $term_state{hicolor} ^= 1; '' }
- : sub { my $n = 'bold'; my $e = ($term_state{$n} ^= 1) ? $n : "exit_$n"; Terminfo->can($e)->() },
- # delete other stuff
- (map { $_ => sub { '' } } (split //, ':|>#[')),
- # escape
- (map { my $close = $_; $_ => sub { $close } } (split //, '{}%')),
- );
- for my $base (0 .. 15) {
- my $close = $base;
- my $idx = ($close&8) | ($close&4)>>2 | ($close&2) | ($close&1)<<2;
- $ansi_table{ (sprintf "x0%x", $close) } =
- $ansi_table{ (sprintf "x0%X", $close) } =
- sub { Terminfo::setab256($idx) };
- $ansi_table{ (sprintf "X0%x", $close) } =
- $ansi_table{ (sprintf "X0%X", $close) } =
- sub { Terminfo::setaf256($idx) };
- }
- for my $plane (1 .. 6) {
- for my $coord (0 .. 35) {
- my $close = 16 + ($plane-1) * 36 + $coord;
- my $ch = $coord < 10 ? $coord : chr( $coord - 10 + ord 'a' );
- $ansi_table{ "x$plane$ch" } =
- $ansi_table{ "x$plane\U$ch" } =
- sub { Terminfo::setab256($close) };
- $ansi_table{ "X$plane$ch" } =
- $ansi_table{ "X$plane\U$ch" } =
- sub { Terminfo::setaf256($close) };
- }
- }
- for my $gray (0 .. 23) {
- my $close = 232 + $gray;
- my $ch = chr( $gray + ord 'a' );
- $ansi_table{ "x7$ch" } =
- $ansi_table{ "x7\U$ch" } =
- sub { Terminfo::setab256($close) };
- $ansi_table{ "X7$ch" } =
- $ansi_table{ "X7\U$ch" } =
- sub { Terminfo::setaf256($close) };
- }
- # fe-windows.c:color_24bit_256
- my $cc = sub {
- use integer;
- my $cstep_size = 40;
- my $cstep_start = 0x5f;
- my $gstep_size = 10;
- my $gstep_start = 0x08;
- my @dist = (0) x 3;
- my @r; my @gr;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
- my $n = $_[$i];
- $gr[$i] = -1;
- if ($n < $cstep_start /2) {
- $r[$i] = 0;
- $dist[$i] = -$cstep_size/2;
- }
- else {
- $r[$i] = 1+(($n-$cstep_start + $cstep_size /2)/$cstep_size);
- $dist[$i] = (($n-$cstep_start + $cstep_size /2)% $cstep_size - $cstep_size/2);
- }
- if ($n < $gstep_start /2) {
- $gr[$i] = -1;
- }
- else {
- $gr[$i] = (($n-$gstep_start + $gstep_size /2)/$gstep_size);
- }
- }
- if ($r[0] == $r[1] && $r[1] == $r[2] &&
- 4*abs($dist[0]) < $gstep_size && 4*abs($dist[1]) < $gstep_size && 4*abs($dist[2]) < $gstep_size) {
- # skip gray detection
- }
- else {
- my $j = $r[1] == $r[2] ? 0 : 1;
- if (($r[0] == $r[1] || $r[$j] == $r[2]) && abs($r[$j]-$r[($j+1)% 3]) <= 1) {
- my $k = $gr[1] == $gr[2] ? 0 : 1;
- if (($gr[0] == $gr[1] || $gr[$k] == $gr[2]) && abs($gr[$k]-$gr[($k+1)% 3]) <= 2) {
- if ($gr[$k] < 0) {
- $r[0] = $r[1] = $r[2] = 0;
- }
- elsif ($gr[$k] > 23) {
- $r[0] = $r[1] = $r[2] = 5;
- }
- else {
- $r[0] = 6;
- $r[1] = ($gr[$k] / 6);
- $r[2] = $gr[$k]% 6;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 16 + $r[0]*36 + $r[1] * 6 + $r[2];
- };
- $ansi_table{z} = sub {
- my ($r, $g, $b) = map { hex } unpack '(A2)*', $_[0];
- $vars{tc} eq 'ON' ? Terminfo::setabrgb($r, $g, $b) : Terminfo::setab256($cc->($r, $g, $b));
- };
- $ansi_table{Z} = sub {
- my ($r, $g, $b) = map { hex } unpack '(A2)*', $_[0];
- $vars{tc} eq 'ON' ? Terminfo::setafrgb($r, $g, $b) : Terminfo::setaf256($cc->($r, $g, $b));
- };
- sub formats_to_ansi_basic {
- my $o = shift;
- $o =~ s{(%((Z|z)(......)|X..|x..|.))}{
- if ($ansi_table{$2}) { $ansi_table{$2}->() }
- elsif ($ansi_table{$3}) { $ansi_table{$3}->($4) }
- else { $1 }
- }gex;
- $o
- }
- }
- sub _header {
- my $str = $vars{title} // uc ::setc();
- my $ccs = qr/%(?:Z(?:[0-9A-F]{6})|X(?:[1-6][0-9A-Z]|7[A-X])|[0-9BCFGIKMNRUWY_])/i;
- (my $stripstr = $str) =~ s/($ccs)//g;
- my $space = int( ((abs $vars{block}) - length $stripstr) / (1 + length $stripstr));
- if ($space > 0) {
- my $ss = ' ' x $space;
- my @x = $str =~ /((?:$ccs)*\X(?:(?:$ccs)*$)?)/g;
- $str = join $ss, '', @x, '';
- }
- ($stripstr = $str) =~ s/($ccs)//g;
- my $pad = max 0, (abs $vars{block}) - length $stripstr;
- $str = ' ' x ($pad/2) . $str . ' ' x ($pad/2 + $pad%2);
- $str
- }
- sub _add_item {
- my ($i, $j, $c, $wi, $screen, $mouse) = @_;
- $screen->[$i][$j] = "%N%n$wi";
- if (exists $vars{mouse}{$c - 1}) {
- $mouse->[$i][$j] = $vars{mouse}{$c - 1};
- }
- }
- sub update_screen {
- $disp_update = 0;
- unless ($sock && exists $vars{seplen} && exists $vars{block}) {
- leave_fs(1);
- return;
- }
- enter_fs();
- @screen = () if delete $vars{redraw};
- %mouse_coords = ();
- my $ncols = ($vars{seplen} + abs $vars{block}) ?
- int( ($screenWidth + $vars{seplen}) / ($vars{seplen} + abs $vars{block}) ) : 0;
- my $xenl = ($vars{seplen} + abs $vars{block})
- && $ncols > int( ($screenWidth + $vars{seplen} - 1) / ($vars{seplen} + abs $vars{block}) );
- my $nrows = $screenHeight - $vars{ha};
- my @wi = @{$vars{win}//[]};
- my $max_items = $ncols * $nrows;
- my $c = $show_title_bar ? 1 : 0;
- my $items = @wi + $c;
- my $titems = $items > $max_items ? $max_items : $items;
- my $i = 0;
- my $j = 0;
- my @new_screen;
- my @new_mouse;
- $new_screen[0][0] = _header() #. ' ' x $vars{seplen}
- if $show_title_bar;
- unless ($nrows > $ncols) { # line layout
- ++$j if $show_title_bar;
- for my $wi (@wi) {
- if ($j >= $ncols) {
- $j = 0;
- ++$i;
- }
- last if $i >= $nrows;
- _add_item($i, $j, $show_title_bar ? $c : $c + 1,
- $wi, \@new_screen, \@new_mouse);
- if ($c + 1 < $titems && $j + 1 < $ncols) {
- $new_screen[$i][$j] .= $vars{separator};
- }
- ++$j;
- ++$c;
- }
- }
- else { # column layout
- ++$i if $show_title_bar;
- for my $wi (@wi) {
- if ($i >= $nrows) {
- $i = 0;
- ++$j;
- }
- last if $j >= $ncols;
- _add_item($i, $j, $show_title_bar ? $c : $c + 1,
- $wi, \@new_screen, \@new_mouse);
- if ($c + $nrows < $titems) {
- $new_screen[$i][$j] .= $vars{separator};
- }
- ++$i;
- ++$c;
- }
- }
- my $step = $vars{seplen} + abs $vars{block};
- $i = 0;
- my $str = Terminfo::sc . Terminfo::sgr0;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @new_screen; ++$i) {
- for (my $j = 0; $j < @{$new_screen[$i]}; ++$j) {
- if (defined $new_mouse[$i] && defined $new_mouse[$i][$j]) {
- my $from = $j * $step;
- $mouse_coords{$i}{$_} = $new_mouse[$i][$j]
- for $from .. $from + abs $vars{block};
- }
- next if defined $screen[$i] && defined $screen[$i][$j]
- && $screen[$i][$j] eq $new_screen[$i][$j];
- $str .= Terminfo::cup($i, $j * $step)
- . formats_to_ansi_basic($new_screen[$i][$j])
- . Terminfo::sgr0;
- $str .= Terminfo::el if $j == $#{$new_screen[$i]} && (!$xenl || $j + 1 != $ncols);
- }
- }
- for (@new_screen .. $screenHeight - 1) {
- if (!@screen || defined $screen[$_]) {
- $str .= Terminfo::cup($_, 0) . Terminfo::sgr0 . Terminfo::el;
- }
- }
- $str .= Terminfo::rc;
- safe_print $str;
- @screen = @new_screen;
- }
- sub handle_resize {
- if (defined (my $r = safe_qx('stty size'))) {
- ($screenHeight, $screenWidth) = split ' ', $r;
- $resized = 0;
- @screen = ();
- $disp_update = 1;
- if ($one_shot_integration == 2) {
- $one_shot_resize--;
- }
- }
- else {
- }
- }
- sub _build_keymap {
- %c2w = reverse( %{$vars{key}}, %{$vars{key2}} );
- if (!grep { /^[+-]./ } keys %c2w) {
- %c2w = (%c2w, map { ("-$_" => $c2w{$_}) } grep { !/^\^./ } keys %c2w);
- }
- %c2w = map {
- my $key = $_;
- s{^(-)?(\+)?(\^)?(.)}{
- join '', (
- ($1 ? "\e" : ''),
- ($2 ? "\e\e" : ''),
- ($3 ? "$4"^"@" : $4)
- )
- }e;
- $_ => $c2w{$key}
- } keys %c2w;
- @seqlist = sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %c2w;
- }
- sub _match_tmux {
- length $ENV{TMUX} && exists $vars{irssienv}{tmux_srv} && length $vars{irssienv}{tmux_pane}
- && $ENV{TMUX} eq $vars{irssienv}{tmux_srv}
- }
- sub process_keys {
- Encode::_utf8_on($keybuf);
- my $win;
- my $use_mouse;
- my $maybe;
- KEY: while (length $keybuf && !$maybe) {
- $maybe = 0;
- if ($keybuf =~ s/^\e\[M(.)(.)(.)//) {
- @last_mouse = @mouse;# if @mouse && $mouse[0] < 64;
- @mouse = map { -32 + ord } ($1, $2, $3);
- $use_mouse = 1;
- next KEY;
- }
- for my $s (@seqlist) {
- if ($keybuf =~ s/^\Q$s//) {
- $win = $c2w{$s};
- $use_mouse = 0;
- next KEY;
- }
- elsif (length $keybuf < length $s && $s =~ /^\Q$keybuf/) {
- $maybe = 1;
- }
- }
- unless ($maybe) {
- substr $keybuf, 0, 1, '';
- }
- }
- if ($use_mouse && @mouse && @last_mouse &&
- $mouse[2] == $last_mouse[2] &&
- $mouse[1] == $last_mouse[1] &&
- ($mouse[0] == 3 || $mouse[0] == 64 || $mouse[0] == 65)) {
- if ($mouse[0] == 64) {
- $win = 'up';
- }
- elsif ($mouse[0] == 65) {
- $win = 'down';
- }
- elsif (exists $mouse_coords{$mouse[2] - 1}{$mouse[1] - 1}) {
- $win = $mouse_coords{$mouse[2] - 1}{$mouse[1] - 1};
- }
- elsif ($mouse[2] == 1 && $mouse[1] <= abs $vars{block}) {
- $win = $last_mouse[0] != 0 ? 'last' : 'active';
- }
- else {
- }
- }
- if (defined $win) {
- $win =~ s/^_//;
- safe_print_sock("$win\n");
- if (_match_tmux()) {
- safe_qx("tmux selectp -t $vars{irssienv}{tmux_pane} 2>&1");
- }
- elsif (exists $vars{irssienv}{xwinid}) {
- safe_qx("wmctrl -ia $vars{irssienv}{xwinid} 2>/dev/null");
- }
- }
- }
- Encode::_utf8_off($keybuf);
- }
- sub check_integration {
- return unless $vars{irssienv};
- return unless $sock && exists $vars{seplen} && exists $vars{block};
- if ($one_shot_integration == 1) {
- my $nrows = $screenHeight - $vars{ha};
- my $ncols = ($vars{seplen} + abs $vars{block}) ? int( ($screenWidth + $vars{seplen}) / ($vars{seplen} + abs $vars{block}) ) : 0;
- my $items = ($show_title_bar ? 1 : 0) + @{$vars{win}//[]};
- my $dcols_required = $nrows ? int($items/$nrows) + !!($items%$nrows) : 0;
- my $rows_required = $ncols ? int($items/$ncols) + !!($items%$ncols) : 0;
- $rows_required = abs $vars{ml}
- if ($vars{ml} < 0 || ($vars{ml} > 0 && $rows_required > $vars{ml}));
- $dcols_required = abs $vars{mc}
- if ($vars{mc} < 0 || ($vars{mc} > 0 && $dcols_required > $vars{mc}));
- my $rows = $rows_required + $vars{ha};
- my $cols = ($dcols_required * ($vars{seplen} + abs $vars{block})) - $vars{seplen};
- if (_match_tmux()) {
- # int( ($screenWidth + $vars{seplen}) / ($vars{seplen} + abs $vars{block}) );
- my ($pos_flag, $before);
- if ($integration_position eq 'left') {
- $pos_flag = 'h';
- $before = 1;
- }
- elsif ($integration_position eq 'top') {
- $pos_flag = 'v';
- $before = 1;
- }
- elsif ($integration_position eq 'right') {
- $pos_flag = 'h';
- }
- else {
- $pos_flag = 'v';
- }
- my @cmd = "joinp -d$pos_flag -s $ENV{TMUX_PANE} -t $vars{irssienv}{tmux_pane}";
- push @cmd, "swapp -d -t $ENV{TMUX_PANE} -s $vars{irssienv}{tmux_pane}"
- if $before;
- $cols = max($cols, 2);
- $rows = max($rows, 2);
- safe_qx("tmux " . (join " \\\; ", @cmd) . " 2>&1");
- }
- else {
- $resized = 1;
- #safe_qx("resize -s $screenHeight $cols 2>&1")
- # if $cols > 0;
- }
- $one_shot_integration++;
- if ($resized == 1) {
- handle_resize();
- resize_integration();
- }
- }
- elsif ($one_shot_integration == 2) {
- resize_integration(1);
- }
- }
- sub resize_integration {
- return unless $one_shot_integration;
- return unless ($one_shot_resize//0) < 0 || shift;
- return if ($one_shot_resize//0) > 0;
- my $nrows = $screenHeight - $vars{ha};
- my $ncols = ($vars{seplen} + abs $vars{block}) ? int( ($screenWidth + $vars{seplen}) / ($vars{seplen} + abs $vars{block}) ) : 0;
- my $items = ($show_title_bar ? 1 : 0) + @{$vars{win}//[]};
- my $dcols_required = $nrows ? (int($items/$nrows) + !!($items%$nrows)) : 0;
- my $rows_required = $ncols ? int($items/$ncols) + !!($items%$ncols) : 0;
- $rows_required = abs $vars{ml}
- if ($vars{ml} < 0 || ($vars{ml} > 0 && $rows_required > $vars{ml}));
- $dcols_required = abs $vars{mc}
- if ($vars{mc} < 0 || ($vars{mc} > 0 && $dcols_required > $vars{mc}));
- my $rows = $rows_required + $vars{ha};
- my $cols = ($dcols_required * ($vars{seplen} + abs $vars{block})) - $vars{seplen};
- if (_match_tmux()) {
- my $pos_flag;
- my $before = 0;
- if ($integration_position eq 'left') {
- $pos_flag = 'h';
- $before = 1;
- }
- elsif ($integration_position eq 'top') {
- $pos_flag = 'v';
- $before = 1;
- }
- elsif ($integration_position eq 'right') {
- $pos_flag = 'h';
- }
- else {
- $pos_flag = 'v';
- }
- my @cmd;
- # hard tmux limits
- $cols = max($cols, 2);
- $rows = max($rows, 2);
- if ($pos_flag eq 'h' && $cols != $screenWidth) {
- my $change = $screenWidth - $cols;
- my $dir = ($before ^ ($change<0)) ? 'L' : 'R';
- push @cmd, "resizep -$dir -t $ENV{TMUX_PANE} @{[abs $change]}";
- #push @cmd, "resizep -x $cols -t $ENV{TMUX_PANE}";
- $one_shot_resize = 1;
- }
- if ($pos_flag eq 'v' && $rows != $screenHeight) {
- #push @cmd, "resizep -y $rows -t $ENV{TMUX_PANE}";
- my $change = $screenHeight - $rows;
- my $dir = ($before ^ ($change<0)) ? 'U' : 'D';
- push @cmd, "resizep -$dir -t $ENV{TMUX_PANE} @{[abs $change]}";
- $one_shot_resize = 1;
- }
- safe_qx("tmux " . (join " \\\; ", @cmd) . " 2>&1")
- if @cmd;
- }
- else {
- $cols = max($cols, 1);
- $rows = max($rows, 1);
- unless ($nrows > $ncols) { # line layout
- if ($rows != $screenHeight) {
- safe_qx("resize -s $rows $screenWidth 2>&1");
- $one_shot_resize = 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- if ($cols != $screenWidth) {
- safe_qx("resize -s $screenHeight $cols 2>&1");
- $one_shot_resize = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($resized == 1) {
- handle_resize();
- }
- }
- sub init_integration {
- return unless $one_shot_integration;
- if (_match_tmux()) {
- }
- else {
- }
- safe_print("\e]2;".(uc ::setc())."\e\\");
- }
- sub main {
- require Getopt::Std;
- my %opts;
- Getopt::Std::getopts('1p:', \%opts);
- my $one_shot = $opts{1};
- $integration_position = $opts{p};
- $one_shot_integration = 0+!!$one_shot;
- #shift if @_ && $_[0] eq '--';
- &init;
- $show_title_bar = 0;
- init_integration();
- until ($got_int) {
- $timeout = undef;
- if ($resized) {
- if ($resized == 1) {
- $timeout = 1;
- $resized++;
- }
- else {
- handle_resize();
- resize_integration();
- }
- }
- unless ($sock || $timeout) {
- connect_it();
- }
- $timeout ||= RECONNECT_TIME unless $sock;
- update_screen() if $disp_update;
- SELECT: while (my @read = $loop->can_read($timeout)) {
- for my $fh (@read) {
- if ($fh == \*STDIN) {
- if (read STDIN, my $buf, BLOCK_SIZE) {
- do {
- $keybuf .= $buf;
- } while read STDIN, $buf, BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- else {
- $got_int = 1;
- last SELECT;
- }
- }
- else {
- if ($fh->read(my $buf, BLOCK_SIZE)) {
- do {
- $rcvbuf .= $buf;
- } while $fh->read($buf, BLOCK_SIZE);
- }
- else {
- $disp_update = 1;
- remove_conn($fh);
- if ($one_shot) {
- $got_int = 1;
- last SELECT;
- }
- $timeout ||= RECONNECT_TIME;
- }
- }
- }
- $disp_update |= process_recv() if length $rcvbuf;
- process_keys() if length $keybuf;
- check_integration() if $one_shot;
- update_screen() if $disp_update;
- }
- continue {
- }
- }
- end_prog();
- }
-# Changelog
-# =========
-# 1.9
-# - add %Z support to viewer
-# 1.8
-# - use string_width in Irssi 1.2.0
-# 1.7
-# - fix crash on invalid /set awl_sort, introduced in 1.6, reported by
-# tpetazzoni
-# - delay viewer initialisation
-# - improve race condition on tmux resize integration
-# 1.6
-# - add detach setting to hide windows
-# - fix race condition when loading the script, reported by madduck
-# - improve compatibility with irssi 1.2
-# - add special value lru to awl_sort to sort windows by usage
-# 1.5
-# - improve compat. with sideways splits
-# 1.4
-# - fix line wrapping in some themes, reported by justanotherbody
-# - fix named window key detection, reported by madduck
-# - make title (in viewer and shared_sbar) configurable
-# 1.3
-# - workaround for irssi issue #572
-# 1.2
-# - new format to choose abbreviation character
-# 1.1
-# - infinite loop on shortening certain window names reported by Kalan
-# 1.0
-# - new awl_viewer_launch setting and an array of related settings
-# - fixed regression bug /exec -interactive
-# - fixed some warnings in perl 5.10 reported by kl3
-# - workaround for crash due to infinite recursion in irssi's Perl
-# error handling
-# 0.9
-# - fix endless loop in awin detection code!
-# - correct colour swap in awl_viewer
-# - fix passing of alternate socket path to the viewer
-# - potential undefinedness in mouse refnum hinted at by Canopus
-# - fixed regression bug /exec -interactive
-# - add case-insensitive modifier to awl_sort
-# - run custom_xform on awl_prefer_name also
-# - avoid inconsistent active window state after awin detection
-# reported by ss
-# - revert %9-hack in the viewer prompted by discussion with pierrot
-# - fix new warning in perl 5.22
-# 0.8
-# - replace fifo mode with external viewer script
-# - remove bundled cpan modules
-# - work around bogus irssi warning
-# - improve mouse support
-# - workaround for broken cumode in irssi 0.8.15
-# - fix handling of non-meta windows (uninitialized warning)
-# - add 256 colour support, strip true colour codes
-# - fix totally bogus $N padding reported by Ed S.
-# - make /window goto #name mappings work but ignore non-existant ones
-# - improve incomplete reads reported by bcode
-# - fix single % in awl_viewer reported by bcode
-# - add support for key bindings by nike and ferret
-# - coerce utf8 key binds
-# - add settings: custom_xform, last_line_shade, hide_name_data
-# - abbreviations were broken in some cases
-# - fix some misuse of / as cmdchar in mouse script reported by bcode
-# - add shared status bar mode
-# - ${type} variables for custom_xform setting
-# - crash if custom_xform had runtime error
-# - update sorting documentation
-# - fix odd case in size calculation noted by lasers
-# - add missing font styles to the viewer reported by ishanyx
-# - add italic
-# 0.7g
-# - remove screen support and replace it with fifo support
-# - add double-width support to the shortener
-# - correct documentation regarding $T vs. display_header
-# - add missing refresh for window item changed (thanks vague)
-# - add visible windows
-# - add exemptions for active window
-# - workaround for hiding the window changes from trackbar
-# - hack to force 16colours in screen mode
-# - remember last window (reported by earthnative)
-# - wrong window focus on new queries (reported by emsid)
-# - dataloss bug on trying to remember last window
-# 0.6d+
-# - add support for network headers
-# - fixed regression bug /exec -interactive
-# 0.6ca+
-# - add screen support (from
-# - names can now have a max length and window names can be used
-# - fixed a bug with block display in screen mode and status bar mode
-# - added space handling to ir_fe and removed it again
-# - now handling formats on my own
-# - started to work on $tag display
-# - added warning about missing sb_act_none abstract leading to
-# - display*active settings
-# - added warning about the bug in awl_display_(no)key_active settings
-# - mouse hack
-# 0.5d
-# - add setting to also hide the last status bar if empty (awl_all_disable)
-# - reverted to old utf8 code to also calculate broken utf8 length correctly
-# - simplified dealing with status bars in wlreset
-# - added a little tweak for the renamed term_type somewhere after Irssi 0.8.9
-# - fixed bug in handling channel #$$
-# - reset background colour at the beginning of an entry
-# 0.4d
-# - fixed order of disabling status bars
-# - several attempts at special chars, without any real success
-# and much more weird new bugs caused by this
-# - setting to specify sort order
-# - reduced timeout values
-# - added awl_hide_data
-# - make it so the dynamic sub is actually deleted
-# - fix a bug with removing of the last separator
-# - take into consideration parse_special
-# 0.3b
-# - automatically kill old status bars
-# - reset on /reload
-# - position/placement settings
-# 0.2
-# - automated retrieval of key bindings (thanks authors)
-# - improved removing of status bars
-# - got rid of status chop
-# 0.1
-# - Based on which was apparently based on lightbar.c and
-# with various other ideas from random scripts.
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# /ASCII [-c1234] [-f <fontname>] [-p <prefix>] [-l|-s|-m <where>] <text>
-# /COLSAY [-1234] [-m <where>] <text>
-# /COLME [-1234] <text>
-# /COLTOPIC [-1234] <text>
-# /COLKICK [-1234] [nick(,nick_1,...,nick_n)] <reason>
-# /COLQUIT [-1234] <reason>
-# Settings:
-# /SET ascii_figlet_path [path]
-# /SET ascii_default_font [fontname]
-# /SET ascii_default_colormode [1-4]
-# /SET ascii_default_prefix [prefix]
-# /SET ascii_default_kickreason [reason]
-# /SET ascii_default_quitreason [reason]
-# Script is bassed on figlet.
-use strict;
-use Irssi;
-use Irssi::Irc;
-use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
-$VERSION = "1.6.3";
-%IRSSI = (
- "authors" => "Marcin Rozycki",
- "contact" => "derwan\",
- "name" => "ascii-art",
- "description" => "Ascii-art bassed on figlet. Available commands: /ASCII, /COLSAY, /COLME, /COLTOPIC, /COLKICK, /COLQUIT.",
- "url" => "",
- "license" => "GNU GPL v2",
- "changed" => "Fri Jun 21 17:17:53 CEST 2002"
-use IPC::Open3;
-# defaults
-my $ascii_default_font = "small.flf";
-my $ascii_default_kickreason = "Irssi BaBy!";
-my $ascii_default_quitreason = "I Quit!";
-my $ascii_last_color = undef;
-my @ascii_colors = (12, 12, 12, 9, 5, 4, 13, 8, 7, 3, 11, 10, 2, 6, 6, 6, 6, 10, 8, 7, 4, 3, 9, 11, 2, 12, 13, 5);
-# registering themes
- 'ascii_not_connected', '%_$0:%_ You\'re not connected to server',
- 'ascii_not_window', '%_$0:%_ Not joined to any channel or query window',
- 'ascii_not_chanwindow', '%_$0:%_ Not joined to any channel',
- 'ascii_not_chanop', '%_$0:%_ You\'re not channel operator in {hilight $1}',
- 'ascii_figlet_notfound', '%_Ascii:%_ Cannot execute {hilight $0} - file not found or bad permissions',
- 'ascii_figlet_notset', '%_Ascii:%_ Cannot find external program %_figlet%_, usign /SET ascii_figlet_path [path], to set it',
- 'ascii_cmd_syntax', '%_$0:%_ $1, usage: $2',
- 'ascii_figlet_error', '%_Ascii: Figlet returns error:%_ $0-',
- 'ascii_fontlist', '%_Ascii:%_ Available fonts [in $0]: $1 ($2)',
- 'ascii_empty_fontlist', '%_Ascii:%_ Cannot find figlet fonts in $0',
- 'ascii_unknown_fontdir', '%_Ascii:%_ Cannot find figlet fontdir',
- 'ascii_show_line', '$0-'
-# str find_figlet_path()
-sub find_figlet_path {
- foreach my $dir (split(/\:/, $ENV{'PATH'}))
- {
- return "$dir/figlet" if ($dir and -x "$dir/figlet");
- }
-# int randcolor()
-sub randcolor {
- return $ascii_colors[int(rand(12)+18)];
-# str colorline($colormode, $text)
-sub colorline {
- my ($colormode, $text) = @_;
- my $colortext = undef;
- my $last = ($ascii_last_color) ? $ascii_last_color : randcolor();
- my $indx = $last;
- if ($colormode =~ /3/) {
- $ascii_last_color = randcolor();
- }elsif ($colormode =~ /4/) {
- $ascii_last_color = $ascii_colors[$last];
- }elsif ($colormode !~ /2/) {
- $ascii_last_color = $ascii_colors[14+$last];
- }
- while ($text =~ /./g)
- {
- my $char = "$&";
- if ($colormode =~ /3/) {
- while ($indx == $last) { $indx = randcolor(); };
- $last = $indx;
- }elsif ($colormode =~ /4/) {
- $indx = $ascii_colors[$indx];
- }elsif ($last) {
- $indx = $ascii_colors[$last];
- undef $last;
- } else {
- $indx = $ascii_colors[$indx];
- $last = $indx + 14;
- };
- $colortext .= $char, next if ($char eq " ");
- $colortext .= "\003" . sprintf("%02d", $indx) . $char;
- $colortext .= $char if ($char eq ",");
- };
- return $colortext;
-# int colormode()
-sub colormode {
- my $mode = Irssi::settings_get_int("ascii_default_colormode");
- $mode =~ s/-//g;
- return (!$mode or $mode > 4) ? 1 : $mode;
-# bool ascii_test($command, $flags, $server, $window)
-sub ascii_test {
- my ($cmd, $test, $server, $window) = @_;
- if ($test =~ /s/ and !$server || !$server->{connected}) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_not_connected", $cmd);
- return 0;
- };
- if ($test =~ /W/ and !$window || $window->{type} !~ /(channel|query)/i) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_not_window", $cmd);
- return 0;
- };
- if ($test =~ /(w|o)/ and !$window || $window->{type} !~ /channel/i) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_not_chanwindow", $cmd);
- return 0;
- };
- if ($test =~ /o/ and !$window->{chanop}) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_not_chanop", $cmd, Irssi::active_win()->get_active_name());
- return 0;
- };
- return 1;
-# void cmd_ascii()
-# handles /ascii
-sub cmd_ascii
- my $usage = "/ASCII [-c1234] [-f <fontname>] [-p <prefix>] [-l|-s|-m <where>] <text>";
- my $font = Irssi::settings_get_str("ascii_default_font");
- my $prefix = Irssi::settings_get_str("ascii_default_prefix");
- my ($arguments, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my ($text, $cmd, $mode);
- $font = $ascii_default_font unless ($font);
- $ascii_last_color = randcolor();
- my $figlet = Irssi::settings_get_str("ascii_figlet_path");
- if (!$figlet or !(-x $figlet)) {
- my $theme = ($figlet) ? "ascii_figlet_notfound" : "ascii_figlet_notset";
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, $theme, $figlet);
- return;
- };
- my @foo = split(/ +/, $arguments);
- while ($_ = shift(@foo))
- {
- /^-l$/ and show_figlet_fonts($figlet), return;
- /^-c$/ and $mode = colormode(), next;
- /^-(1|2|3|4)$/ and s/-//g, $mode = $_, next;
- /^-f$/ and $font = shift(@foo), next;
- /^-p$/ and $prefix = shift(@foo), next;
- /^-m$/ and $cmd = shift(@foo), next;
- /^-s$/ and $cmd = 0, next;
- /^-/ and Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_cmd_syntax", "Ascii", "Unknown argument: $_", $usage), return;
- $text = ($#foo < 0) ? $_ : $_ . " " . join(" ", @foo);
- last;
- }
- unless (length($text)) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_cmd_syntax", "Ascii", "Missing arguments", $usage);
- return;
- };
- if ($cmd eq "") {
- return unless (ascii_test("Ascii", "sW", $server, $witem));
- $cmd = Irssi::active_win()->get_active_name();
- } elsif ($cmd ne "0" and !ascii_test("Ascii", "s", $server, $witem)) {
- return;
- }
- my $pid = open3(*FIGIN, *FIGOUT, *FIGERR, $figlet, qw(-k -f), $font, $text);
- while (<FIGOUT>)
- {
- chomp;
- next unless (/[^ ]/);
- $_ = colorline($mode, $_) if ($mode);
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, "ascii_show_line", $prefix.$_), next if ($cmd eq "0");
- $server->command("msg $cmd $prefix$_");
- }
- while (<FIGERR>)
- {
- chomp;
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_figlet_error", $_);
- };
- close FIGIN;
- close FIGOUT;
- close FIGERR;
- waitpid $pid, 0;
-# void show_figlet_fonts(figlet path)
-sub show_figlet_fonts {
- my @fontlist;
- if (my $fontdir = `"$_[0]" -I 2 2>/dev/null`) {
- chomp $fontdir;
- foreach my $font (glob $fontdir."/*.flf")
- {
- $font =~ s/^$fontdir\///;
- $font =~ s/\.flf$//;
- push @fontlist, $font;
- }
- if ($#fontlist < 0) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_fontlist_empty", $fontdir);
- } else {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_fontlist", $fontdir, join(", ", @fontlist), scalar(@fontlist));
- }
- } else {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_unknown_fontdir");
- }
-# void cmd_colsay()
-# handles /colsay
-sub cmd_colsay {
- my $usage = "/COLSAY [-1234] [-m <where>] <text>";
- my ($arguments, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my ($cmd, $text);
- my $mode = colormode();
- $ascii_last_color = randcolor();
- my @foo = split(/ /, $arguments);
- while ($_ = shift(@foo))
- {
- /^-(1|2|3|4)$/ and $mode = $_, next;
- /^-m$/i and $cmd = shift(@foo), next;
- /^-/ and Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_cmd_syntax", "Colsay", "Unknown argument: $_", $usage), return;
- $text = ($#foo < 0) ? $_ : $_ . " " . join(" ", @foo);
- last;
- };
- unless (length($text)) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_cmd_syntax", "Colsay", "Missing arguments", $usage);
- return;
- };
- if ($cmd) {
- return unless (ascii_test("Colsay", "s", $server, $witem));
- } else {
- return unless (ascii_test("Colsay", "sW", $server, $witem));
- $cmd = Irssi::active_win()->get_active_name();
- };
- $server->command("msg $cmd ".colorline($mode, $text));
-sub cmd_colme {
- my $usage = "/COLME [-1234] <text>";
- my ($arguments, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my $mode = colormode();
- my $text;
- $ascii_last_color = randcolor();
- my @foo = split(/ /, $arguments);
- while ($_ = shift(@foo))
- {
- /^-(1|2|3|4)$/ and $mode = $_, next;
- /^-/ and Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_cmd_syntax", "Colme", "Unknown argument: $_", $usage), return;
- $text = ($#foo < 0) ? $_ : $_ . " " . join(" ", @foo);
- last;
- };
- unless (length($text)) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_cmd_syntax", "Colme", "Missing arguments", $usage);
- return;
- };
- return unless (ascii_test("Colme", "sW", $server, $witem));
- $witem->command("me ".colorline($mode, $text));
-# void cmd_coltopic()
-# handles /coltopic
-sub cmd_coltopic {
- my $usage = "/COLTOPIC [-1234] <text>";
- my ($arguments, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my $mode = colormode();
- my $text;
- $ascii_last_color = randcolor();
- my @foo = split(/ /, $arguments);
- while ($_ = shift(@foo))
- {
- /^-(1|2|3|4)$/ and $mode = $_, next;
- /^-/ and Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_cmd_syntax", "Coltopic", "Unknown argument: $_", $usage), return;
- $text = ($#foo < 0) ? $_ : $_ . " " . join(" ", @foo);
- last;
- };
- unless (length($text)) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_cmd_syntax", "Coltopic", "Missing arguments", $usage);
- return;
- };
- return unless (ascii_test("Coltopic", "sw", $server, $witem));
- $server->command("topic " . Irssi::active_win()->get_active_name() . " " . colorline($mode, $text));
-# void cmd_colkick()
-# handles /colkick
-sub cmd_colkick {
- my $usage = "/COLKICK [-1234] [nick(,nick_1,...,nick_n)] <reason>";
- my ($arguments, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my $kickreason = Irssi::settings_get_str("ascii_default_kickreason");
- my $mode = colormode();
- my $who = undef;
- $ascii_last_color = randcolor();
- $kickreason = $ascii_default_kickreason unless ($kickreason);
- my @foo = split(/ /, $arguments);
- while ($_ = shift(@foo))
- {
- /^-(1|2|3|4)$/ and $mode = $_, next;
- /^-/ and Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_cmd_syntax", "Colkick", "Unknown argument: $_", $usage), return;
- $kickreason = join(" ", @foo) if ($#foo >= 0);
- $who = $_;
- last;
- };
- if (!$who or !length($kickreason)) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_cmd_syntax", "Colkick", "Missing arguments", $usage);
- return;
- };
- return unless (ascii_test("Colkick", "swo", $server, $witem));
- $witem->command("kick $who ".colorline($mode, $kickreason));
-# void cmd_colquit()
-# handles /colquit
-sub cmd_colquit {
- my $usage = "/COLQUIT [-1234] <reason>";
- my ($arguments, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my $quitreason = Irssi::settings_get_str("ascii_default_quitreason");
- my $mode = colormode();
- $ascii_last_color = randcolor();
- $quitreason = $ascii_default_quitreason unless ($quitreason);
- my @foo = split(/ /, $arguments);
- while ($_ = shift(@foo))
- {
- /^-(1|2|3|4)$/ and $mode = $_, next;
- /^-/ and Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_cmd_syntax", "Colquit", "Unknown argument: $_", $usage), return;
- $quitreason = ($#foo < 0) ? $_ : $_ . " " . join(" ", @foo);
- last;
- };
- unless (length($quitreason)) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "ascii_cmd_syntax", "Colquit", "Missing arguments", $usage);
- return;
- };
- return unless (ascii_test("Colquit", "s", $server, $witem));
- $server->command("quit " . colorline($mode, $quitreason));
-# registering settings
-Irssi::settings_add_str("misc", "ascii_default_font", $ascii_default_font);
-Irssi::settings_add_str("misc", "ascii_default_kickreason", $ascii_default_kickreason);
-Irssi::settings_add_str("misc", "ascii_default_quitreason", $ascii_default_quitreason);
-Irssi::settings_add_str("misc", "ascii_default_prefix", "");
-Irssi::settings_add_int("misc", "ascii_default_colormode", 1);
-Irssi::settings_add_str("misc", "ascii_figlet_path", find_figlet_path);
-# binding commands
-Irssi::command_bind("ascii", "cmd_ascii");
-Irssi::command_bind("colsay", "cmd_colsay");
-Irssi::command_bind("colme", "cmd_colme");
-Irssi::command_bind("coltopic", "cmd_coltopic");
-Irssi::command_bind("colkick", "cmd_colkick");
-Irssi::command_bind("colquit", "cmd_colquit");
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-our $VERSION = '1.00';
-our %IRSSI = (
- authors => 'Juerd',
- contact => '',
- name => 'autonickprefix',
- description => "Change 'nick: ' prefix if the nick is changed while you're still editing.",
- license => 'Any OSI',
-use Irssi::TextUI;
-use Irssi qw(
- signal_add active_win settings_get_str parse_special
- gui_input_get_pos gui_input_set gui_input_set_pos
-signal_add 'nicklist changed' => sub {
- my ($chan, $newnick, $oldnick) = @_;
- $newnick = $newnick->{nick};
- # Ignore other channels than current
- my $viewing = active_win->{active} or return;
- $viewing->{_irssi} == $chan->{_irssi} or return;
- my $char = settings_get_str 'completion_char';
- my $pos = gui_input_get_pos;
- # Incomplete nick could be something else.
- $pos >= length("$oldnick$char") or return;
- my $delta = length($newnick) - length($oldnick);
- my $input = parse_special '$L';
- $input =~ s/^\Q$oldnick$char/$newnick$char/ or return;
- gui_input_set $input;
- gui_input_set_pos $pos + $delta;
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/autorun/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/autorun/
@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ sub _calculate_items {
if ($win->{data_level} == 0) { 'sb_act_none'; }
elsif ($win->{data_level} == 1) { 'sb_act_text'; }
elsif ($win->{data_level} == 2) { 'sb_act_msg'; }
- elsif ($colour ne '') { "sb_act_hilight_color $colour"; }
+ elsif ($colour ne '') { 'sb_act_hilight'; }
elsif ($win->{data_level} == 3) { 'sb_act_hilight'; }
else { 'sb_act_special'; }
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/autorun/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/autorun/
@@ -450,6 +450,11 @@ sub topic2mlt {
msg_line_tag($srv, $chan, $nick, $addr);
+sub notice2mlt {
+ my ($srv, $msg, $nick, $addr, $chan) = @_;
+ msg_line_tag($srv, $chan, $nick, $addr);
sub msg_line_tag_xmppaction {
clear_ref(), return unless @_;
my ($srv, $msg, $nick, $targ) = @_;
@@ -1039,18 +1044,13 @@ Irssi::expando_create('nickcolor', \&expando_neatcolour, {
'message nick' => 'none',
'message invite' => 'none',
'message invite_other' => 'none',
+ 'message irc notice' => 'none',
'message topic' => 'none',
- (map { ("message $_ action" => 'none',
- "message $_ own_action" => 'none')
- } @action_protos),
Irssi::expando_create('inickcolor', \&expando_neatcolour_inv, {
'message public' => 'none',
'message own_public' => 'none',
- (map { ("message $_ action" => 'none',
- "message $_ own_action" => 'none')
- } @action_protos),
@@ -1065,11 +1065,8 @@ Irssi::signal_add({
'message nick' => 'nick2mlt',
'message invite' => 'invite2mlt',
'message invite_other' => 'inviteo2mlt',
- 'message topic' => 'topic2mlt',
+ 'message irc notice' => 'notice2mlt',
'message irc mode' => 'msg_line_clear',
- (map { ("message $_ action" => 'msg_line_tag',
- "message $_ own_action" => 'msg_line_clear')
- } qw(irc silc)),
"message xmpp action" => 'msg_line_tag_xmppaction',
"message xmpp own_action" => 'msg_line_clear',
'print text' => 'prnt_clear_public',
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/autorun/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/autorun/
@@ -181,27 +181,18 @@ Irssi::expando_create('nickalign', \&expando_nickalign, {
'message own_public' => 'none',
'message private' => 'none',
'message own_private' => 'none',
- (map { ("message $_ action" => 'none',
- "message $_ own_action" => 'none')
- } @action_protos),
Irssi::expando_create('nicktrunc', \&expando_nicktrunc, {
'message public' => 'none',
'message own_public' => 'none',
'message private' => 'none',
'message own_private' => 'none',
- (map { ("message $_ action" => 'none',
- "message $_ own_action" => 'none')
- } @action_protos),
Irssi::expando_create('nickcumode', \&expando_nickcumode, {
'message public' => 'none',
'message own_public' => 'none',
'message private' => 'none',
'message own_private' => 'none',
- (map { ("message $_ action" => 'none',
- "message $_ own_action" => 'none')
- } @action_protos),
sub init_hist {
@@ -222,9 +213,6 @@ my %em = (
my %formats = (
- own_action => [5, '{action_core {ownnick ', '$0','}}','$1' ],
- action_public => [4, '{action_core {pubnick ', '$0','}}','$1' ],
own_msg => [1, '{ownmsgnick ' ,'%G$2', ' {ownnick ' ,'$0','}','' ,'}','$1' ],
own_msg_channel => [1, '{ownmsgnick ' ,'%G$3', ' {ownnick ' ,'$0','}','{msgchannel $1}','}','$2' ],
pubmsg_me => [0, '{pubmsgmenick ' ,'%G$2', ' {pubnick ' ,'$0','}','' ,'}','$1' ],
@@ -298,29 +286,30 @@ sub update_nm {
my $longest;
- if ($S{dynamic}) {
- my $hist = $histories{"$tg/$target"} ||= init_hist($server, $target);
- my $last = $histories{"$tg/$target/last"} || 1;
- unshift @$hist, length $nick;
- if (@$hist > 2*$S{history}) {
- splice @$hist, $S{history};
- }
- my @add;
- unless ($S{shrink}) {
- push @add, $last;
- }
- if ($S{staircase}) {
- push @add, $last - 1
- }
- $longest = $histories{"$tg/$target/last"} = max(@$hist, @add);
- if ($S{max} && ($S{max} < $longest || !$S{shrink})) {
- $longest = $S{max};
- }
- }
- else {
- $longest = $S{max};
- }
+ # if ($S{dynamic}) {
+ # my $hist = $histories{"$tg/$target"} ||= init_hist($server, $target);
+ # my $last = $histories{"$tg/$target/last"} || 1;
+ # unshift @$hist, length $nick;
+ # if (@$hist > 2*$S{history}) {
+ # splice @$hist, $S{history};
+ # }
+ # my @add;
+ # unless ($S{shrink}) {
+ # push @add, $last;
+ # }
+ # if ($S{staircase}) {
+ # push @add, $last - 1
+ # }
+ # $longest = $histories{"$tg/$target/last"} = max(@$hist, @add);
+ # if ($S{max} && ($S{max} < $longest || !$S{shrink})) {
+ # $longest = $S{max};
+ # }
+ # }
+ # else {
+ # $longest = $S{max};
+ $longest = 10;
+ # }
my $size = $mode < 4 ? $longest : max(0, $longest - $S{melength});
my $t_add = update_expando($mode, $server, $target, $nick, $size);
@@ -490,15 +479,6 @@ Irssi::signal_add_first({
my ($server, $msg, $nick, $address) = @_;
update_nm(2, $server, $nick, $nick);
- (map { ("message $_ action" => sub {
- my ($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_;
- update_nm(4, $server, $target, $nick);
- }) } qw(irc silc)),
- 'message xmpp action' => sub {
- return unless @_;
- my ($server, $msg, $nick, $target) = @_;
- update_nm(4, $server, $target, $nick);
- },
sub channel_nick {
@@ -515,15 +495,6 @@ Irssi::signal_add_first({
my ($server, $msg, $target) = @_;
update_nm(3, $server, $target, $server->{nick});
- (map { ("message $_ own_action" => sub {
- my ($server, $msg, $target) = @_;
- update_nm(5, $server, $target, $server->{nick});
- }) } qw(irc silc)),
- 'message xmpp own_action' => sub {
- return unless @_;
- my ($server, $msg, $target) = @_;
- update_nm(5, $server, $target, channel_nick($server, $target));
- },
'message join' => sub {
my ($server, $target, $nick) = @_;
update_nm(2, $server, $target, $server->{nick});
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '1.1'; # 67ffc4766319fe4
-our %IRSSI = (
- authors => 'Nei',
- contact => 'Nei @',
- url => "",
- name => 'cmdind',
- description => 'Indicator for input prompt if you are inputting a command or text',
- license => 'GNU GPLv2 or later',
- );
-# Usage
-# =====
-# This script requires the
-# uberprompt
-# script to work. If you don't have it yet, /script install uberprompt
-# Options
-# =======
-# /set cmdind_text <string>
-# * string : Text to show in prompt when typing a command
-# /set cmdind_warn_text <string>
-# * string : Text to show in prompt when typing a command with spaces in front
-use Irssi;
-my $cmd_state = 0;
-my $cmdchars;
-my @text;
-sub check_input {
- my $inputline = Irssi::parse_special('$L');
- my $c1 = length $inputline > 0 ? substr $inputline, 0, 1 : '';
- my $c2 = length $inputline > 1 ? substr $inputline, 1, 1 : '';
- my $old_state = $cmd_state;
- my $x_state = length $c2 && (-1 != index $cmdchars, $c1) && $c2 ne ' ';
- my $warn_state =
- ($inputline =~ /^\s+(\S)/ && (-1 != index $cmdchars, $1))
- || ($x_state && $inputline =~ /^(.)\1?+\S*[\Q$cmdchars\E]/);
- $cmd_state = $warn_state ? 2 : $x_state ? 1 : 3;
- if ($cmd_state ne $old_state) {
- Irssi::signal_emit('change prompt', $text[ $cmd_state ], 'UP_POST');
- }
-sub setup_changed {
- $cmdchars = Irssi::settings_get_str('cmdchars');
- @text = ('',
- Irssi::settings_get_str('cmdind_text'),
- Irssi::settings_get_str('cmdind_warn_text'),
- '');
-Irssi::settings_add_str('cmdind', 'cmdind_text', '%gCmd:');
-Irssi::settings_add_str('cmdind', 'cmdind_warn_text', '%RMsg?');
-Irssi::signal_add_last('gui key pressed', 'check_input');
-Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', 'setup_changed');
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-## Bugreports and Licence disclaimer.
-# For bugreports and other improvements contact Geert Hauwaerts <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this script; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-use strict;
-use Irssi;
-use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
-$VERSION = "1.04";
-%IRSSI = (
- authors => 'Geert Hauwaerts',
- contact => '',
- name => '',
- description => 'This script sends fake ctcp replies to a client using a fake ctcp list.',
- license => 'GNU General Public License',
- url => '',
- changed => '2018-09-17',
-my @fakectcp = ();
-my $fakectcp_file = "fctcplist";
-my $irssidir = Irssi::get_irssi_dir();
-my $help = <<EOF;
-Usage: (all on one line)
-/FCTCP [-add||-replace <ctcp-item> <ctcp-reply>] [-del <ctcp-item>] [-list] [-help]
--add: Add a new fake ctcp-reply to the list.
--del: Delete a fake ctcp-reply from the list.
--list: Display the contents of the fake ctcp-reply list.
--help: Display this useful little helpfile.
--replace: Replace an existing fake reply with a new one. If the old one doesn't exist, the new one will be added by default.
-Examples: (all on one line)
-/FCTCP -add CHRISTEL We all love christel, don't we! :)
-/FCTCP -add LOCATION I'm at home, reading some helpfiles.
-Note: The caps are not obligated. The default parameter is -list.
- 'fctcp_info', ' # ctcpitem ctcpreply',
- 'fctcp_empty', '%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Your fake ctcp list is empty.',
- 'fctcp_added', '%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Added %_$0%_ ($1) to the fake ctcp list.',
- 'fctcp_replaced', '%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Replaced the old fake reply %_$0%_ with the new one ($1)',
- 'fctcp_delled', '%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Deleted %_$0%_ from the fake ctcp list.',
- 'fctcp_nfound', '%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Can\'t find $0 in the fake ctcp list.',
- 'fctcp_delusage', '%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Usage: /FCTCP -del <ctcp-item>',
- 'fctcp_usage', '%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Usage: /FCTCP -add <ctcp-item> <ctcp-reply>',
- 'fctcp_repusage', '%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Usage: /FCTCP -replace <ctcp-item> <ctcp-reply>',
- 'fctcp_nload', '%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Could not load the fake ctcp list.',
- 'fctcp_request', '%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ Used the fake reply %_$1%_ on %_$0%_',
- 'fctcp_loaded', '%R>>%n %_FCTCP:%_ The fake reply %_$0%_ already exists, use %_/FCTCP -del $0%_ to remove it from the list.',
- 'fctcp_print', '$[!-2]0 $[20]1 $2',
- 'fctcp_help', '$0',
- 'loaded', '%R>>%n %_Scriptinfo:%_ Loaded $0 version $1 by $2.'
-sub ctcpreply {
- my ($server, $data, $nick, $address, $target) = @_;
- my ($findex);
- $data = lc($data);
- return unless (lc($server->{nick}) eq lc($target));
- if (!already_loaded($data)) {
- $findex = check_loaded($data);
- $server->command("^NCTCP $nick $data $fakectcp[$findex]->{reply}");
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CTCPS, 'fctcp_request', $nick, $data);
- Irssi::signal_stop();
- }
-sub new_fctcp {
- my $fctcp = {};
- $fctcp->{item} = shift;
- $fctcp->{reply} = shift;
- return $fctcp;
-sub already_loaded {
- my ($item) = @_;
- my $loaded = check_loaded($item);
- if ($loaded > -1) {
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-sub check_loaded {
- my ($item) = @_;
- $item = lc($item);
- for (my $loaded = 0; $loaded < @fakectcp; ++$loaded) {
- return $loaded if (lc($fakectcp[$loaded]->{item}) eq $item);
- }
- return -1;
-sub load_fakectcplist {
- my ($file) = @_;
- @fakectcp = ();
- if (-e $file) {
- local *F;
- open(F, "<", $file);
- local $/ = "\n";
- while (<F>) {
- chop;
- my $new_fctcp = new_fctcp(split("\t"));
- if (($new_fctcp->{item} ne "") && ($new_fctcp->{reply} ne "")) {
- push(@fakectcp, $new_fctcp);
- }
- }
- close(F);
- } else {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_nload');
- }
-sub save_fakectcplist {
- my ($file) = @_;
- local *F;
- open(F, ">", $file) or die "Could not load the fake ctcpreply list for writing";
- for (my $n = 0; $n < @fakectcp; ++$n) {
- print(F join("\t", $fakectcp[$n]->{item}, $fakectcp[$n]->{reply}) . "\n");
- }
- close(F);
-sub addfakectcp {
- my ($ctcpitem, $ctcpreply) = split (" ", $_[0], 2);
- if (($ctcpitem eq "") || ($ctcpreply eq "")) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_usage');
- return;
- } elsif (!already_loaded($ctcpitem)) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_loaded', $ctcpitem);
- return;
- }
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_added', $ctcpitem, $ctcpreply);
- push(@fakectcp, new_fctcp($ctcpitem, $ctcpreply));
- save_fakectcplist("$irssidir/$fakectcp_file");
-sub delfakectcp {
- my ($fdata) = @_;
- my ($fdataindex);
- if ($fdata eq "") {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_delusage');
- return;
- }
- for (my $index = 0; $index < @fakectcp; ++$index) {
- if (lc($fakectcp[$index]->{item}) eq $fdata) {
- $fdataindex = splice(@fakectcp, $index, 1);
- }
- }
- if ($fdataindex) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_delled', $fdata);
- save_fakectcplist("$irssidir/$fakectcp_file");
- } else {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_nfound', $fdata);
- }
-sub replacefakectcp {
- my ($ctcpitem, $ctcpreply) = split (" ", $_[0], 2);
- my ($fdataindex);
- if (($ctcpitem eq "") || ($ctcpreply eq "")) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_repusage');
- return;
- }
- if (!already_loaded($ctcpitem)) {
- for (my $index = 0; $index < @fakectcp; ++$index) {
- if (lc($fakectcp[$index]->{item}) eq $ctcpitem) {
- $fdataindex = splice(@fakectcp, $index, 1);
- } elsif ($fdataindex) {
- save_fakectcplist("$irssidir/$fakectcp_file");
- }
- }
- }
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_replaced', $ctcpitem, $ctcpreply);
- push(@fakectcp, new_fctcp($ctcpitem, $ctcpreply));
- save_fakectcplist("$irssidir/$fakectcp_file");
-sub fakectcp {
- my ($cmdoption, $ctcpitem, $ctcpreply) = split (" ", $_[0], 3);
- $ctcpitem = lc($ctcpitem);
- $cmdoption = lc($cmdoption);
- if ($cmdoption eq "-add") {
- addfakectcp("$ctcpitem $ctcpreply");
- return;
- } elsif ($cmdoption eq "-del") {
- delfakectcp("$ctcpitem");
- return;
- } elsif ($cmdoption eq "-help") {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_help', $help);
- return;
- } elsif ($cmdoption eq "-replace") {
- replacefakectcp("$ctcpitem $ctcpreply");
- return;
- }
- if (@fakectcp == 0) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_empty');
- } else {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_info');
- for (my $n = 0; $n < @fakectcp ; ++$n) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'fctcp_print', $n, $fakectcp[$n]->{item}, $fakectcp[$n]->{reply});
- }
- }
-Irssi::signal_add('ctcp msg', 'ctcpreply');
-Irssi::command_bind('fctcp', 'fakectcp');
-Irssi::command_set_options('fctcp','add del list help replace');
-Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'loaded', $IRSSI{name}, $VERSION, $IRSSI{authors});
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '0.4.9';
-our %IRSSI = (
- authors => 'Nei',
- contact => 'Nei @',
- url => "",
- name => 'dim_nicks',
- description => 'Dims nicks that are not in channel anymore.',
- license => 'GNU GPLv2 or later',
- );
-# Usage
-# =====
-# Once loaded, this script will record the nicks of each new
-# message. If the user leaves the room, the messages will be rewritten
-# with the nick in another colour/style.
-# Depending on your theme, tweaking the forms settings may be
-# necessary. With the default irssi theme, this script should just
-# work.
-# Options
-# =======
-# /set dim_nicks_color <colour>
-# * the colour code to use for dimming the nick, or a string of format
-# codes with the special token $* in place of the nick (e.g. %I$*%I
-# for italic)
-# /set dim_nicks_history_lines <num>
-# * only this many lines of messages are remembered/rewritten (per
-# window)
-# /set dim_nicks_ignore_hilights <ON|OFF>
-# * ignore lines with hilight when dimming
-# /set dim_nicks_forms_skip <num>
-# /set dim_nicks_forms_search_max <num>
-# * these two settings limit the range where to search for the
-# nick.
-# It sets how many forms (blocks of irssi format codes or
-# non-letters) to skip at the beginning of line before starting to
-# search for the nick, and from then on how many forms to search
-# before stopping.
-# You should set this to the appropriate values to avoid (a) dimming
-# your timestamp (b) dimming message content instead of the nick.
-# To check your settings, you can use the command
-# /script exec Irssi::Script::dim_nicks::debug_forms
-no warnings 'redefine';
-use constant IN_IRSSI => __PACKAGE__ ne 'main' || $ENV{IRSSI_MOCK};
-use Irssi 20140701;
-use Irssi::TextUI;
-use Encode;
-sub setc () {
- $IRSSI{name}
-sub set ($) {
- setc . '_' . $_[0]
-my $history_lines = 100;
-my $skip_forms = 1;
-my $search_forms_max = 5;
-my $ignore_hilights = 1;
-my $color_letter = 'K';
-my @color_code = ("\cD8/"); # update this when you change $color_letter
-# nick object cache, chan object cache, line id cache, line id -> window map, -> channel, -> nick, -> nickname, channel -> line ids, channel->nickname->departure time, channel->nickname->{parts of line}
-my (%nick_reg, %chan_reg, %history_w, %history_c, %history_n, %history_nn, %history_st, %lost_nicks, %lost_nicks_fs, %lost_nicks_fc, %lost_nicks_bc, %lost_nicks_bs);
-our ($dest, $chanref, $nickref);
-sub msg_line_tag {
- my ($srv, $msg, $nick, $addr, $targ) = @_;
- local $chanref = $srv->channel_find($targ);
- local $nickref = ref $chanref ? $chanref->nick_find($nick) : undef;
- &Irssi::signal_continue;
-sub color_to_code {
- my $win = Irssi::active_win;
- my $view = $win->view;
- my $cl = $color_letter;
- if (-1 == index $cl, '$*') {
- $cl = "%$cl\$*";
- }
- $win->print_after(undef, MSGLEVEL_NEVER, "$cl ");
- my $lp = $win->last_line_insert;
- my $color_code = $lp->get_text(1);
- $color_code =~ s/ $//;
- $view->remove_line($lp);
- @color_code = split /\$\*/, $color_code, 2;
-sub setup_changed {
- $history_lines = Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'history_lines' );
- $skip_forms = Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'forms_skip' );
- $search_forms_max = Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'forms_search_max' );
- $ignore_hilights = Irssi::settings_get_bool( set 'ignore_hilights' );
- my $new_color = Irssi::settings_get_str( set 'color' );
- if ($new_color ne $color_letter) {
- $color_letter = $new_color;
- color_to_code();
- }
-sub init_dim_nicks {
- setup_changed();
-sub prt_text_issue {
- my ($ld) = @_;
- local $dest = $ld;
- &Irssi::signal_continue;
-sub expire_hist {
- for my $ch (keys %history_st) {
- if (@{$history_st{$ch}} > 2 * $history_lines) {
- my @del = splice @{$history_st{$ch}}, 0, $history_lines;
- delete @history_w{ @del };
- delete @history_c{ @del };
- delete @history_n{ @del };
- delete @history_nn{ @del };
- }
- }
-sub prt_text_ref {
- return unless $nickref;
- return unless $dest && defined $dest->{target};
- return unless $dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC;
- return if $ignore_hilights && $dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_HILIGHT;
- my ($win) = @_;
- my $view = $win->view;
- my $line_id = $view->{buffer}{_irssi} .','. $view->{buffer}{cur_line}{_irssi};
- $chan_reg{ $chanref->{_irssi} } = $chanref;
- $nick_reg{ $nickref->{_irssi} } = $nickref;
- if (exists $history_w{ $line_id }) {
- }
- $history_w{ $line_id } = $win->{_irssi};
- $history_c{ $line_id } = $chanref->{_irssi};
- $history_n{ $line_id } = $nickref->{_irssi};
- $history_nn{ $line_id } = $nickref->{nick};
- push @{$history_st{ $chanref->{_irssi} }}, $line_id;
- expire_hist();
- my @lost_forever = grep { $view->{buffer}{first_line}{info}{time} > $lost_nicks{ $chanref->{_irssi} }{ $_ } }
- keys %{$lost_nicks{ $chanref->{_irssi} }};
- delete @{$lost_nicks{ $chanref->{_irssi} }}{ @lost_forever };
- delete @{$lost_nicks_fs{ $chanref->{_irssi} }}{ @lost_forever };
- delete @{$lost_nicks_fc{ $chanref->{_irssi} }}{ @lost_forever };
- delete @{$lost_nicks_bc{ $chanref->{_irssi} }}{ @lost_forever };
- delete @{$lost_nicks_bs{ $chanref->{_irssi} }}{ @lost_forever };
- return;
-sub win_del {
- my ($win) = @_;
- for my $ch (keys %history_st) {
- @{$history_st{$ch}} = grep { exists $history_w{ $_ } &&
- $history_w{ $_ } != $win->{_irssi} } @{$history_st{$ch}};
- }
- my @del = grep { $history_w{ $_ } == $win->{_irssi} } keys %history_w;
- delete @history_w{ @del };
- delete @history_c{ @del };
- delete @history_n{ @del };
- delete @history_nn{ @del };
- return;
-sub _alter_lines {
- my ($chan, $check_lr, $ad) = @_;
- my $win = $chan->window;
- return unless ref $win;
- my $view = $win->view;
- my $count = $history_lines;
- my $buffer_id = $view->{buffer}{_irssi} .',';
- my $lp = $view->{buffer}{cur_line};
- my %check_lr = map { $_ => undef } @$check_lr;
- my $redraw;
- my $bottom = $view->{bottom};
- while ($lp && $count) {
- my $line_id = $buffer_id . $lp->{_irssi};
- if (exists $check_lr{ $line_id }) {
- $lp = _alter_line($buffer_id, $line_id, $win, $view, $lp, $chan->{_irssi}, $ad);
- unless ($lp) {
- last;
- }
- $redraw = 1;
- }
- } continue {
- --$count;
- $lp = $lp->prev;
- }
- if ($redraw) {
- $win->command('^scrollback end') if $bottom && !$win->view->{bottom};
- $view->redraw;
- }
-my $irssi_mumbo = qr/\cD[`-i]|\cD[&-@\xff]./;
-my $irssi_mumbo_no_partial = qr/(?<!\cD)(?<!\cD[&-@\xff])/;
-my $irssi_skip_form_re = qr/((?:$irssi_mumbo|[.,*@%+&!#$()=~'";:?\/><]+(?=$irssi_mumbo|\s))+|\s+)/;
-sub debug_forms {
- my $win = Irssi::active_win;
- my $view = $win->view;
- my $lp = $view->{buffer}{cur_line};
- my $count = $history_lines;
- my $buffer_id = $view->{buffer}{_irssi} .',';
- while ($lp && $count) {
- my $line_id = $buffer_id . $lp->{_irssi};
- if (exists $history_w{ $line_id }) {
- my $line_nick = $history_nn{ $line_id };
- my $text = $lp->get_text(1);
- pos $text = 0;
- my $from = 0;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $skip_forms; ++$i) {
- last unless
- scalar $text =~ /$irssi_skip_form_re/g;
- $from = pos $text;
- }
- my $to = $from;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $search_forms_max; ++$i) {
- last unless
- scalar $text =~ /$irssi_skip_form_re/g;
- $to = pos $text;
- }
- my $pre = substr $text, 0, $from;
- my $search = substr $text, $from, $to-$from;
- my $post = substr $text, $to;
- unless ($to > $from) {
- } else {
- my @nick_reg;
- unshift @nick_reg, quotemeta substr $line_nick, 0, $_ for 1 .. length $line_nick;
- no warnings 'uninitialized';
- for my $nick_reg (@nick_reg) {
- last if $search
- =~ s/(\Q$color_code[0]\E\s*)?((?:$irssi_mumbo)+)?$irssi_mumbo_no_partial($nick_reg)((?:$irssi_mumbo)+)?(\s*\Q$color_code[0]\E)?/<match>$1$2<nick>$3<\/nick>$4$5<\/match>/;
- last if $search
- =~ s/(?:\Q$color_code[0]\E)?(?:(?:$irssi_mumbo)+?)?$irssi_mumbo_no_partial($nick_reg)(?:(?:$irssi_mumbo)+?)?(?:\Q$color_code[1]\E)?/<nick>$1<\/nick>/;
- }
- }
- my $msg = "$pre<search>$search</search>$post";
- #$msg =~ s/([^[:print:]])/sprintf '\\x%02x', ord $1/ge;
- $msg =~ s/\cDe/%|/g; $msg =~ s/%/%%/g;
- $win->print(setc." form debug: [$msg]", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- return;
- }
- } continue {
- --$count;
- $lp = $lp->prev;
- }
- $win->print(setc." form debug: no usable line found", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
-sub _alter_line {
- my ($buffer_id, $lrp, $win, $view, $lp, $cid, $ad) = @_;
- my $line_nick = $history_nn{ $lrp };
- my $text = $lp->get_text(1);
- pos $text = 0;
- my $from = 0;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $skip_forms; ++$i) {
- last unless
- scalar $text =~ /$irssi_skip_form_re/g;
- $from = pos $text;
- }
- my $to = $from;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $search_forms_max; ++$i) {
- last unless
- scalar $text =~ /$irssi_skip_form_re/g;
- $to = pos $text;
- }
- return $lp unless $to > $from;
- my @nick_reg;
- unshift @nick_reg, quotemeta substr $line_nick, 0, $_ for 1 .. length $line_nick;
- { no warnings 'uninitialized';
- if ($ad) {
- if (exists $lost_nicks_fs{ $cid }{ $line_nick }) {
- my ($fs, $fc, $bc, $bs) = ($lost_nicks_fs{ $cid }{ $line_nick }, $lost_nicks_fc{ $cid }{ $line_nick }, $lost_nicks_bc{ $cid }{ $line_nick }, $lost_nicks_bs{ $cid }{ $line_nick });
- my $sen = length $bs ? $color_code[0] : '';
- for my $nick_reg (@nick_reg) {
- last if
- (substr $text, $from, $to-$from)
- =~ s/(?:\Q$color_code[0]\E)?(?:(?:$irssi_mumbo)+?)?$irssi_mumbo_no_partial($nick_reg)(?:(?:$irssi_mumbo)+?)?(?:\Q$color_code[1]\E)?/$fc$1$bc$sen/;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- for my $nick_reg (@nick_reg) {
- if (
- (substr $text, $from, $to-$from)
- =~ s/(\Q$color_code[0]\E\s*)?((?:$irssi_mumbo)+)?$irssi_mumbo_no_partial($nick_reg)((?:$irssi_mumbo)+)?(\s*\Q$color_code[0]\E)?/$1$2$color_code[0]$3$color_code[1]$4$5/) {
- $lost_nicks_fs{ $cid }{ $line_nick } = $1;
- $lost_nicks_fc{ $cid }{ $line_nick } = $2;
- $lost_nicks_bc{ $cid }{ $line_nick } = $4;
- $lost_nicks_bs{ $cid }{ $line_nick } = $5;
- last;
- }
- }
- } }
- $win->gui_printtext_after($lp->prev, $lp->{info}{level} | MSGLEVEL_NEVER, "$text\n", $lp->{info}{time});
- my $ll = $win->last_line_insert;
- my $line_id = $buffer_id . $ll->{_irssi};
- if (exists $history_w{ $line_id }) {
- }
- grep { $_ eq $lrp and $_ = $line_id } @{$history_st{ $cid }};
- $history_w{ $line_id } = delete $history_w{ $lrp };
- $history_c{ $line_id } = delete $history_c{ $lrp };
- $history_n{ $line_id } = delete $history_n{ $lrp };
- $history_nn{ $line_id } = delete $history_nn{ $lrp };
- $view->remove_line($lp);
- $ll;
-sub nick_add {
- my ($chan, $nick) = @_;
- if (delete $lost_nicks{ $chan->{_irssi} }{ $nick->{nick} }) {
- my @check_lr = grep { $history_c{ $_ } == $chan->{_irssi} &&
- $history_n{ $_ } eq $nick->{nick} } keys %history_w;
- if (@check_lr) {
- $nick_reg{ $nick->{_irssi} } = $nick;
- for my $li (@check_lr) {
- $history_n{ $li } = $nick->{_irssi};
- }
- _alter_lines($chan, \@check_lr, 1);
- }
- }
- delete $lost_nicks_fs{ $chan->{_irssi} }{ $nick->{nick} };
- delete $lost_nicks_fc{ $chan->{_irssi} }{ $nick->{nick} };
- delete $lost_nicks_bc{ $chan->{_irssi} }{ $nick->{nick} };
- delete $lost_nicks_bs{ $chan->{_irssi} }{ $nick->{nick} };
- return;
-sub nick_del {
- my ($chan, $nick) = @_;
- my @check_lr = grep { $history_n{ $_ } eq $nick->{_irssi} } keys %history_w;
- for my $li (@check_lr) {
- $history_n{ $li } = $nick->{nick};
- }
- if (@check_lr) {
- $lost_nicks{ $chan->{_irssi} }{ $nick->{nick} } = time;
- _alter_lines($chan, \@check_lr, 0);
- }
- delete $nick_reg{ $nick->{_irssi} };
- return;
-sub nick_change {
- my ($chan, $nick, $oldnick) = @_;
- nick_add($chan, $nick);
-sub chan_del {
- my ($chan) = @_;
- if (my $del = delete $history_st{ $chan->{_irssi} }) {
- delete @history_w{ @$del };
- delete @history_c{ @$del };
- delete @history_n{ @$del };
- delete @history_nn{ @$del };
- }
- delete $chan_reg{ $chan->{_irssi} };
- delete $lost_nicks{$chan->{_irssi}};
- delete $lost_nicks_fs{$chan->{_irssi}};
- delete $lost_nicks_fc{$chan->{_irssi}};
- delete $lost_nicks_bc{$chan->{_irssi}};
- delete $lost_nicks_bs{$chan->{_irssi}};
- return;
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'history_lines', $history_lines);
-Irssi::settings_add_bool( setc, set 'ignore_hilights', $ignore_hilights);
- 'setup changed' => 'setup_changed',
- 'print text' => 'prt_text_issue',
- 'gui print text finished' => 'prt_text_ref',
- 'nicklist new' => 'nick_add',
- 'nicklist changed' => 'nick_change',
- 'nicklist remove' => 'nick_del',
- 'window destroyed' => 'win_del',
- 'message public' => 'msg_line_tag',
- 'channel destroyed' => 'chan_del',
-sub dumphist {
- my $win = Irssi::active_win;
- my $view = $win->view;
- my $buffer_id = $view->{buffer}{_irssi} .',';
- for (my $lp = $view->{buffer}{first_line}; $lp; $lp = $lp->next) {
- my $line_id = $buffer_id . $lp->{_irssi};
- if (exists $history_w{ $line_id }) {
- my $k = $history_c{ $line_id };
- my $kn = $history_n{ $line_id };
- if (exists $chan_reg{ $k }) {
- }
- if (exists $nick_reg{ $kn }) {
- }
- if (exists $lost_nicks{ $k } && exists $lost_nicks{ $k }{ $kn }) {
- }
- }
- }
-Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, set 'color', $color_letter);
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'forms_skip', $skip_forms);
-Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'forms_search_max', $search_forms_max);
-{ package Irssi::Nick }
-# Changelog
-# =========
-# 0.4.9
-# - fix default setting not working
-# 0.4.8
-# - optionally ignore hilighted lines
-# 0.4.7
-# - fix useless re-reading of settings colour
-# 0.4.6
-# - fix crash on some lines reported by pierrot
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
-use Irssi 20020120;
-$VERSION = "0.03";
-%IRSSI = (
- authors => "c0ffee",
- contact => "c0ffee\",
- name => "List nicks in channel",
- description => "Use /ls <regex> to show all nicks (including ident\@host) matching regex in the current channel",
- license => "Public Domain",
- url => "",
- changed => "Sun Sep 17 06:31 CEST 2017",
-sub cmd_ls {
- my ($data, $server, $channel) = @_;
- if ($channel->{type} ne "CHANNEL") {
- Irssi::print("You are not on a channel");
- return;
- }
- $channel->print("--- Search results:");
- my @nicks = $channel->nicks();
- my $re = eval { qr/$data/i };
- if (not $re) {
- chomp $@;
- $channel->print("Invalid regex pattern:\n$@");
- return;
- }
- my $found;
- foreach my $nick (@nicks) {
- my $n = $nick->{nick} . "!" . $nick->{host};
- if ($n =~ $re) {
- $channel->print($n);
- $found = 1;
- }
- }
- if (not $found) {
- $channel->print("No matches");
- }
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,1123 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '0.4.0'; # c274f630aff9967
-our %IRSSI = (
- authors => 'Nei',
- name => 'nickcolor_expando',
- description => 'colourise nicks',
- license => 'GPL v2',
- );
-# inspired by bc-bd's and mrwright's
-# Usage
-# =====
-# after loading the script, add the colour expando to the format
-# (themes' abstracts are not supported)
-# /format pubmsg {pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick $nickcolor$0}}$1
-# alternatively, use it together with nm2 script
-# Options
-# =======
-# /set neat_colors <list of colours>
-# * the list of colours for automatic colouring (you can edit it more
-# conveniently with /neatcolor colors)
-# /set neat_ignorechars <regex>
-# * regular expression of characters to remove from nick before
-# calculating the hash function
-# /set neat_color_reassign_time <time>
-# * if the user has not spoken for so long, the assigned colour is
-# forgotten and another colour may be picked next time the user
-# speaks
-# /set neat_global_colors <ON|OFF>
-# * more strongly prefer one global colour per nickname regardless of
-# channel
-# Commands
-# ========
-# /neatcolor
-# * show the current colour distribution of nicks
-# /neatcolor set [<network>/<#channel>] <nick> <colour>
-# * set a fixed colour for nick
-# /neatcolor reset [<network>/<#channel>] <nick>
-# * remove a set colour of nick
-# /neatcolor get [<network>/<#channel>] <nick>
-# * query the current or set colour of nick
-# /neatcolor re [<network>/<#channel>] <nick>
-# * force change the colour of nick to a random other colour (to
-# manually resolve clashes)
-# /neatcolor save
-# * save the colours to ~/.irssi/saved_nick_colors
-# /neatcolor reset --all
-# * re-set all colours
-# /neatcolor colors
-# * show currently configured colours, in colour
-# /neatcolor colors add <list of colours>
-# /neatcolor colors remove <list of colours>
-# * add or remove these colours from the neat_colors setting
-sub cmd_help_neatcolor {
-NEATCOLOR SET [<network>/<#channel>] <nick> <colour>
-NEATCOLOR RESET [<network>/<#channel>] <nick>
-NEATCOLOR GET [<network>/<#channel>] <nick>
-NEATCOLOR RE [<network>/<#channel>] <nick>
-NEATCOLOR COLORS ADD <list of colours>
-NEATCOLOR COLORS REMOVE <list of colours>
- SET: set a fixed colour for nick
- RESET: remove a set colour of nick
- GET: query the current or set colour of nick
- RE: force change the colour of nick to a random other
- colour (to manually resolve clashes)
- SAVE: save the colours to ~/.irssi/saved_nick_colors
- RESET --all: re-set all colours
- COLORS: show currently configured colours, in colour
- COLORS ADD/REMOVE: add or remove these colours from the
- neat_colors setting
- If no parameters are given, the current colour distribution of
- nicks is shown.
- Manages nick based colouring
-use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
-use Irssi;
-{ package Irssi::Nick }
-my @action_protos = qw(irc silc xmpp);
-my (%set_colour, %avoid_colour, %has_colour, %last_time, %netchan_hist);
-my ($expando, $iexpando, $ignore_re, $ignore_setting, $global_colours, $retain_colour_time, @colours, $exited, $session_load_time);
-($expando, $iexpando) = ('', ''); # Initialise to empty
-# the numbers for the scoring system, highest colour value will be chosen
-my %scores = (
- set => 200,
- keep => 5,
- global => 4,
- hash => 3,
- avoid => -20,
- hist => -10,
- used => -2,
- );
-my $history_lines = 40;
-my $global_mode = 1; # start out with global nick colour
-my @colour_bags = (
- [qw[20 30 40 50 04 66 0C 61 60 67 6L]], # RED
- [qw[37 3D 36 4C 46 5C 56 6C 6J 47 5D 6K 6D 57 6E 5E 4E 4K 4J 5J 4D 5K 6R]], # ORANGE
- [qw[3C 4I 5I 6O 6I 06 4O 5O 3U 0E 5U 6U 6V 6P 6Q 6W 5P 4P 4V 4W 5W 4Q 5Q 5R 6Y 6X]], # YELLOW
- [qw[26 2D 2C 3I 3O 4U 5V 2J 3V 3P 3J 5X]], # YELLOW-GREEN
- [qw[16 1C 2I 2U 2O 1I 1O 1V 1P 02 0A 1U 2V 4X]], # GREEN
- [qw[1D 1J 1Q 1W 1X 2Y 2S 2R 3Y 3Z 3S 3R 2K 3K 4S 5Z 5Y 4R 3Q 2Q 2X 2W 3X 3W 2P 4Y]], # GREEN-TURQUOIS
- [qw[17 1E 1L 1K 1R 1S 03 1M 1N 1T 0B 1Y 1Z 2Z 4Z]], # TURQUOIS
- [qw[28 2E 18 1F 19 1G 1A 1B 1H 2N 2H 09 3H 3N 2T 3T 2M 2G 2A 2F 2L 3L 3F 4M 3M 3G 29 4T 5T]], # LIGHT-BLUE
- [qw[11 12 23 25 24 13 14 01 15 2B 4N]], # DARK-BLUE
- [qw[22 33 44 0D 45 5B 6A 5A 5H 3B 4H 3A 4G 39 4F 6S 6T 5L 5N]], # VIOLET
- [qw[21 32 42 53 63 52 43 34 35 55 65 6B 4B 4A 48 5G 6H 5M 6M 6N]], # PINK
- [qw[38 31 05 64 54 41 51 62 69 68 59 5F 6F 58 49 6G]], # ROSE
- [qw[7A 00 10 7B 7C 7D 7E 7G 7F]], # DARK-GRAY
- [qw[7H 7I 27 7K 7J 08 7L 3E 7O 7Q 7N 7M 7P]], # GRAY
- [qw[7S 7T 7R 4L 7W 7U 7V 5S 07 7X 6Z 0F]], # LIGHT-GRAY
- );
-my %colour_bags;
-{ my $idx = 0;
- for my $bag (@colour_bags) {
- @colour_bags{ @$bag } = ($idx)x@$bag;
- }
- continue {
- ++$idx;
- }
-my @colour_list = map { @$_ } @colour_bags;
-my @bases = split //, 'kbgcrmywKBGCRMYW04261537';
-my %base_map = map { $bases[$_] => sprintf '%02X', ($_ % 0x10) } 0..$#bases;
-my %ext_to_base_map = map { (sprintf '%02X', $_) => $bases[$_] } 0..15;
-sub expando_neatcolour {
- return $expando;
-sub expando_neatcolour_inv {
- return $iexpando;
-# one-at-a-time hash
-sub simple_hash {
- use integer;
- my $hash = 0x5065526c + length $_[0];
- for my $ord (unpack 'U*', $_[0]) {
- $hash += $ord;
- $hash += $hash << 10;
- $hash &= 0xffffffff;
- $hash ^= $hash >> 6;
- }
- $hash += $hash << 3;
- $hash &= 0xffffffff;
- $hash ^= $hash >> 11;
- $hash = $hash + ($hash << 15);
- $hash &= 0xffffffff;
-{ my %lut1;
- my @z = (0 .. 9, 'A' .. 'Z');
- for my $x (16..255) {
- my $idx = $x - 16;
- my $col = 1+int($idx / @z);
- $lut1{ $col . @z[(($col > 6 ? 10 : 0) + $idx) % @z] } = $x;
- }
- for my $idx (0..15) {
- $lut1{ (sprintf "%02X", $idx) } = ($idx&8) | ($idx&4)>>2 | ($idx&2) | ($idx&1)<<2;
- }
- sub debug_ansicolour {
- my ($col, $bg) = @_;
- return '' unless defined $col && exists $lut1{$col};
- $bg = $bg ? 48 : 38;
- "\e[$bg;5;$lut1{$col}m"
- }
-sub debug_colour {
- my ($col, $bg) = @_;
- defined $col ? (debug_ansicolour($col, $bg) . $col . "\e[0m") : '(none)'
-sub debug_score {
- my ($score) = @_;
- if ($score == 0) {
- return $score
- }
- my @scale = $score > 0 ? (qw(16 1C 1I 1U 2V 4X)) : (qw(20 30 40 60 67 6L));;
- my $v = (log 1+ abs $score)*(log 20);
- debug_ansicolour($scale[$v >= $#scale ? -1 : $v], 1) . $score . "\e[0m"
-sub debug_reused {
- my ($netchan, $nick, $col) = @_;
- my $chc = simple_hash($netchan);
- my $hashcolour = @colours ? $colours[ $chc % @colours ] : 0;
-sub debug_scores {
- my ($netchan, $nick, $col, $prios, $colours) = @_;
- my $inprogress;
- unless (ref $prios) {
- $inprogress = $prios;
- $prios = [ sort { $colours->{$b} <=> $colours->{$a} } grep { exists $colours->{$_} } @colour_list ];
- }
- my $chc = simple_hash($netchan);
- my $hashcolour = @colours ? $colours[ $chc % @colours ] : 0;
- unless ($inprogress) {
- }
- else {
- }
- for my $i (0..$#$prios) {
- }
-sub colourise_nt {
- my ($netchan, $nick, $weak) = @_;
- my $time = time;
- my $g_or_n = $global_colours ? '' : $netchan;
- my $old_colour = $has_colour{$g_or_n}{$nick} // $has_colour{$netchan}{$nick};
- my $last_time = $last_time{$g_or_n}{$nick} // $last_time{$netchan}{$nick};
- my $keep_score = $weak ? $scores{keep} + $scores{set} : $scores{keep};
- unless ($weak) {
- $last_time{$netchan}{$nick}
- = $last_time{''}{$nick} = $time;
- }
- else {
- $last_time{$netchan}{$nick} ||= 0;
- }
- my $colour;
- if (defined $old_colour && ($weak || (defined $last_time
- && ($last_time + $retain_colour_time > $time
- || ($last_time > 0 && grep { $_->[0] eq $nick } @{ $netchan_hist{$netchan} // [] }))))) {
- $colour = $old_colour;
- }
- else {
- # search for a suitable colour
- my %colours = map { $_ => 0 } @colours;
- my $hashnick = $nick;
- $hashnick =~ s/$ignore_re//g if (defined $ignore_re && length $ignore_re);
- my $hash = simple_hash($global_mode ? "/$hashnick" : "$netchan/$hashnick");
- if (exists $set_colour{$netchan} && exists $set_colour{$netchan}{$nick}) {
- $colours{ $set_colour{$netchan}{$nick} } += $scores{set};
- }
- elsif (exists $set_colour{$netchan} && exists $set_colour{$netchan}{$hashnick}) {
- $colours{ $set_colour{$netchan}{$hashnick} } += $scores{set};
- }
- elsif (exists $set_colour{''} && exists $set_colour{''}{$nick}) {
- $colours{ $set_colour{''}{$nick} } += $scores{set};
- }
- elsif (exists $set_colour{''} && exists $set_colour{''}{$hashnick}) {
- $colours{ $set_colour{''}{$hashnick} } += $scores{set};
- }
- if (exists $avoid_colour{$netchan} && exists $avoid_colour{$netchan}{$nick}) {
- for (@{ $avoid_colour{$netchan}{$nick} }) {
- $colours{ $_ } += $scores{avoid} if exists $colours{ $_ };
- }
- }
- elsif (exists $avoid_colour{$g_or_n} && exists $avoid_colour{$g_or_n}{$nick}) {
- for (@{ $avoid_colour{$g_or_n}{$nick} }) {
- $colours{ $_ } += $scores{avoid} if exists $colours{ $_ };
- }
- }
- if (defined $old_colour) {
- $colours{$old_colour} += $keep_score
- if exists $colours{$old_colour};
- }
- elsif (exists $has_colour{''}{$nick}) {
- $colours{ $has_colour{''}{$nick} } += $scores{global}
- if exists $colours{ $has_colour{''}{$nick} };
- }
- if (@colours) {
- my $hashcolour = $colours[ $hash % @colours ];
- if (!defined $old_colour || $hashcolour ne $old_colour) {
- $colours{ $hashcolour } += $scores{hash};
- }
- }
- { my @netchans = $global_mode ? keys %has_colour : $netchan;
- my $total;
- my %colour_pens;
- for my $gnc (@netchans) {
- for my $onick (keys %{ $has_colour{$gnc} }) {
- next if $gnc ne $netchan && exists $has_colour{$netchan}{$onick};
- next unless exists $last_time{$gnc}{$onick};
- if ($last_time{$gnc}{$onick} + $retain_colour_time > $time # XXX
- || ($last_time{$gnc}{$onick} == 0 && $session_load_time + $retain_colour_time > $time)) {
- if (exists $colours{ $has_colour{$gnc}{$onick} }) {
- $colour_pens{ $has_colour{$gnc}{$onick} } += $scores{used};
- ++$total;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (keys %colour_pens) {
- $colours{ $_ } += $colour_pens{ $_ } / $total * @colours
- if @colours;
- }
- }
- { my $fac = 1;
- for my $gnetchan ($netchan, '') {
- my $idx = exp(-log($history_lines)/$scores{hist});
- for my $hent (reverse @{ $netchan_hist{$gnetchan} // [] }) {
- next unless defined $hent->[1];
- if ($hent->[0] ne $nick) {
- my $pen = 1;
- $pen *= 3 if length $nick == length $hent->[0];
- $pen *= 2 if (substr $nick, 0, 1) eq (substr $hent->[0], 0, 1)
- || 1 == abs +(length $nick) - (length $hent->[0]);
- $colours{ $hent->[1] } -= log($pen*$history_lines)/log($idx) / $fac
- if exists $colours{ $hent->[1] };
- }
- ++$idx;
- last if $idx > $history_lines;
- }
- ++$fac;
- }
- }
- { my %bag_pens;
- for my $co (keys %colours) {
- $bag_pens{ $colour_bags{$co} } -= $colours{$co}/2 if $colours{$co} < 0;
- }
- for my $bag (keys %bag_pens) {
- for my $co (@{ $colour_bags[$bag] }) {
- $colours{$co} -= $bag_pens{$bag} / @colours
- if @colours && exists $colours{$co};
- }
- }
- }
- my @prio_colours = sort { $colours{$b} <=> $colours{$a} } grep { exists $colours{$_} } @colour_list;
- my $stop_at = 0;
- while ($stop_at < $#prio_colours
- && $colours{ $prio_colours[$stop_at] } <= $colours{ $prio_colours[$stop_at + 1] }) {
- ++$stop_at;
- }
- $colour = $prio_colours[ $hash % ($stop_at + 1) ]
- if @prio_colours;
- }
- unless ($weak) {
- expire_hist($netchan, '');
- my $ent = [$nick, $colour];
- push @{ $netchan_hist{$netchan} }, $ent;
- push @{ $netchan_hist{''} }, $ent;
- }
- defined $colour ? ($has_colour{$g_or_n}{$nick} = $has_colour{$netchan}{$nick} = $colour) : $colour
-sub expire_hist {
- for my $ch (@_) {
- if ($netchan_hist{$ch}
- && @{$netchan_hist{$ch}} > 2 * $history_lines) {
- splice @{$netchan_hist{$ch}}, 0, $history_lines;
- }
- }
-sub msg_line_tag {
- my ($srv, $msg, $nick, $addr, $targ) = @_;
- my $colour = colourise_nt('/'.$nick, $nick);
- $expando = $colour ? format_expand('%X'.$colour) : '';
- $iexpando = $colour ? format_expand('%x'.$colour) : '';
-# messy stuff below, hacked together by a non-perler (haydenh)
-sub join2mlt {
- my ($srv, $channel, $nick, $addr, $acc, $real) = @_;
- msg_line_tag($srv, $acc, $nick, $acc);
-sub part2mlt {
- my ($srv, $channel, $nick, $addr, $reason) = @_;
- msg_line_tag($srv, $addr, $nick, $reason);
-sub quit2mlt {
- my ($srv, $nick, $addr, $reason) = @_;
- msg_line_tag($srv, $addr, $nick, $reason);
-sub kick2mlt {
- my ($srv, $channel, $nick, $kicker, $address, $reason) = @_;
- msg_line_tag($srv, $nick, $kicker, $reason);
-sub nick2mlt {
- my ($srv, $nnick, $onick, $addr) = @_;
- msg_line_tag($srv, $addr, $onick, $addr);
-sub invite2mlt {
- my ($srv, $chan, $nick, $addr) = @_;
- msg_line_tag($srv, $chan, $nick, $addr);
-sub inviteo2mlt {
- my ($srv, $chan, $inv, $nick, $addr) = @_;
- msg_line_tag($srv, $chan, $inv, $addr);
-sub topic2mlt {
- my ($srv, $chan, $topic, $nick, $addr) = @_;
- msg_line_tag($srv, $chan, $nick, $addr);
-sub msg_line_tag_xmppaction {
- clear_ref(), return unless @_;
- my ($srv, $msg, $nick, $targ) = @_;
- msg_line_tag($srv, $msg, $nick, undef, $targ);
-sub msg_line_clear {
- clear_ref();
-sub prnt_clear_public {
- my ($dest) = @_;
- clear_ref() if $dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC;
-sub clear_ref {
- $expando = '';
- $iexpando = '';
-sub nicklist_changed {
- my ($chanobj, $nickobj, $old_nick) = @_;
- my $netchan = $chanobj->{server}{tag}.'/'.$chanobj->{name};
- my $nickstr = $nickobj->{nick};
- if (!exists $has_colour{''}{$nickstr} && exists $has_colour{''}{$old_nick}) {
- $has_colour{''}{$nickstr} = delete $has_colour{''}{$old_nick};
- }
- if (exists $has_colour{$netchan}{$old_nick}) {
- $has_colour{$netchan}{$nickstr} = delete $has_colour{$netchan}{$old_nick};
- }
- $last_time{$netchan}{$nickstr}
- = $last_time{''}{$nickstr} = time;
- for my $old_ent (@{ $netchan_hist{$netchan} }) {
- $old_ent->[0] = $nickstr if $old_ent->[0] eq $old_nick;
- }
- my %format2control = (
- 'F' => "\cDa", '_' => "\cDc", '|' => "\cDe", '#' => "\cDi", "n" => "\cDg", "N" => "\cDg",
- 'U' => "\c_", '8' => "\cV", 'I' => "\cDf",
- );
- my %bg_base = (
- '0' => '0', '4' => '1', '2' => '2', '6' => '3', '1' => '4', '5' => '5', '3' => '6', '7' => '7',
- 'x08' => '8', 'x09' => '9', 'x0a' => ':', 'x0b' => ';', 'x0c' => '<', 'x0d' => '=', 'x0e' => '>', 'x0f' => '?',
- );
- my %fg_base = (
- 'k' => '0', 'b' => '1', 'g' => '2', 'c' => '3', 'r' => '4', 'm' => '5', 'p' => '5', 'y' => '6', 'w' => '7',
- 'K' => '8', 'B' => '9', 'G' => ':', 'C' => ';', 'R' => '<', 'M' => '=', 'P' => '=', 'Y' => '>', 'W' => '?',
- );
- my @ext_colour_off = (
- '.', '-', ',',
- '+', "'", '&',
- );
- sub format_expand {
- my $copy = $_[0];
- $copy =~ s{%(Z.{6}|z.{6}|X..|x..|.)}{
- my $c = $1;
- if (exists $format2control{$c}) {
- $format2control{$c}
- }
- elsif (exists $bg_base{$c}) {
- "\cD/$bg_base{$c}"
- }
- elsif (exists $fg_base{$c}) {
- "\cD$fg_base{$c}/"
- }
- elsif ($c =~ /^[{}%]$/) {
- $c
- }
- elsif ($c =~ /^(z|Z)([[:xdigit:]]{2})([[:xdigit:]]{2})([[:xdigit:]]{2})$/) {
- my $bg = $1 eq 'z';
- my (@rgb) = map { hex $_ } $2, $3, $4;
- my $x = $bg ? 0x1 : 0;
- my $out = "\cD" . (chr -13 + ord '0');
- for (my $i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
- if ($rgb[$i] > 0x20) {
- $out .= chr $rgb[$i];
- }
- else {
- $x |= 0x10 << $i; $out .= chr 0x20 + $rgb[$i];
- }
- }
- $out .= chr 0x20 + $x;
- $out
- }
- elsif ($c =~ /^(x)(?:0([[:xdigit:]])|([1-6])(?:([0-9])|([a-z]))|7([a-x]))$/i) {
- my $bg = $1 eq 'x';
- my $col = defined $2 ? hex $2
- : defined $6 ? 232 + (ord lc $6) - (ord 'a')
- : 16 + 36 * ($3 - 1) + (defined $4 ? $4 : 10 + (ord lc $5) - (ord 'a'));
- if ($col < 0x10) {
- my $chr = chr $col + ord '0';
- "\cD" . ($bg ? "/$chr" : "$chr/")
- }
- else {
- "\cD" . $ext_colour_off[($col - 0x10) / 0x50 + $bg * 3] . chr (($col - 0x10) % 0x50 - 1 + ord '0')
- }
- }
- else {
- "%$c"
- }
- }ge;
- $copy
- }
-sub save_colours {
- open my $fid, '>', Irssi::get_irssi_dir() . '/saved_nick_colors'
- or do {
- Irssi::print("Error saving nick colours: $!", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR)
- unless $exited;
- return;
- };
- local $\ = "\n";
- if (%set_colour) {
- print $fid '[set]';
- for my $netch (sort keys %set_colour) {
- for my $nick (sort keys %{ $set_colour{$netch} }) {
- print $fid "$netch/$nick:".$set_colour{$netch}{$nick};
- }
- }
- print $fid '';
- }
- my $time = time;
- print $fid '[set]';
- my %session_colour;
- for my $netch (sort keys %last_time) {
- for my $nick (sort keys %{ $last_time{$netch} }) {
- if (exists $has_colour{$netch} && exists $has_colour{$netch}{$nick}
- && ($last_time{$netch}{$nick} + $retain_colour_time > $time
- || ($last_time{$netch}{$nick} == 0 && $session_load_time + $retain_colour_time > $time)
- || grep { $_->[0] eq $nick } @{ $netchan_hist{$netch} // [] })) {
- $session_colour{$netch}{$nick} = $has_colour{$netch}{$nick};
- if (exists $session_colour{''}{$nick}) {
- if (defined $session_colour{''}{$nick}
- && $session_colour{''}{$nick} ne $session_colour{$netch}{$nick}) {
- $session_colour{''}{$nick} = undef;
- }
- }
- else {
- $session_colour{''}{$nick} = $session_colour{$netch}{$nick};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for my $nick (sort keys %{ $session_colour{''} }) {
- if (defined $session_colour{''}{$nick}) {
- print $fid "/$nick:".$session_colour{''}{$nick};
- }
- else {
- for my $netch (sort keys %session_colour) {
- print $fid "$netch/$nick:".$session_colour{$netch}{$nick}
- if exists $session_colour{$netch}{$nick} && defined $session_colour{$netch}{$nick};
- }
- }
- }
- close $fid;
-sub load_colours {
- $session_load_time = time;
- open my $fid, '<', Irssi::get_irssi_dir() . '/saved_nick_colors'
- or return;
- my $mode;
- while (my $line = <$fid>) {
- chomp $line;
- if ($line =~ /^\[(.*)\]$/) {
- $mode = $1;
- next;
- }
- my $colon = rindex $line, ':';
- next if $colon < 0;
- my $slash = rindex $line, '/', $colon;
- next if $slash < 0;
- my $col = substr $line, $colon +1;
- next unless length $col;
- my $netch = substr $line, 0, $slash;
- my $nick = substr $line, $slash +1, $colon-$slash -1;
- if ($mode eq 'set') {
- $set_colour{$netch}{$nick} = $col;
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'session') {
- $has_colour{$netch}{$nick} = $col;
- $last_time{$netch}{$nick} = 0;
- }
- }
- close $fid;
-sub UNLOAD {
- return if $exited;
- exit_save();
-sub exit_save {
- $exited = 1;
- save_colours() if Irssi::settings_get_bool('settings_autosave');
-sub get_nick_color2 {
- my ($tag, $chan, $nick, $format) = @_;
- my $col = colourise_nt('/'.$nick, $nick);
- $col ? $format ? format_expand('%X'.$col) : $col : ''
-sub _cmd_colours_check {
- my ($add, $data) = @_;
- my @to_check = grep { defined && length } map {
- length == 1 ? $base_map{$_}
- : length == 3 ? substr $_, 1
- : $_ } map { /(?|x(..)|([0-7].)|(.))/gi }
- split ' ', $data;
- my @valid;
- my %scolours = map { $_ => undef } @colours;
- for my $c (@to_check) {
- if ((grep { $_ eq $c } @colour_list)) {
- if ($add) { next if exists $scolours{$c} }
- else { next if !exists $scolours{$c} }
- push @valid, $c;
- if ($add) { $scolours{$c} = undef; }
- else { delete $scolours{$c}; }
- }
- }
- (\@valid, \%scolours)
-sub _cmd_colours_set {
- my $scolours = shift;
- Irssi::settings_set_str('neat_colors', join '', map { $ext_to_base_map{$_} // "X$_" } grep { exists $scolours->{$_} } @colour_list);
-sub _cmd_colours_list {
- map { "%X$_".($ext_to_base_map{$_} // "X$_").'%n' } @{+shift}
-sub cmd_neatcolor_colors_add {
- my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my ($added, $scolours) = _cmd_colours_check(1, $data);
- if (@$added) {
- _cmd_colours_set($scolours);
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: added @{[ _cmd_colours_list($added) ]} to neat_colors", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- setup_changed();
- }
- else {
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: nothing added", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- }
-sub cmd_neatcolor_colors_remove {
- my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my ($removed, $scolours) = _cmd_colours_check(0, $data);
- if (@$removed) {
- _cmd_colours_set($scolours);
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: removed @{[ _cmd_colours_list($removed) ]} from neat_colors", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- setup_changed();
- }
- else {
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: nothing removed", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- }
-sub cmd_neatcolor_colors {
- my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
- $data =~ s/\s+$//;
- unless (length $data) {
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: current colours: @{[ @colours ? _cmd_colours_list(\@colours) : '(none)' ]}");
- }
- Irssi::command_runsub('neatcolor colors', $data, $server, $witem);
-sub cmd_neatcolor {
- my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
- $data =~ s/\s+$//;
- unless (length $data) {
- $witem ||= Irssi::active_win;
- my $time = time;
- my %distribution = map { $_ => 0 } @colours;
- for my $netch (keys %has_colour) {
- next unless length $netch;
- for my $nick (keys %{ $has_colour{$netch} }) {
- if (exists $last_time{$netch}{$nick}
- && ($last_time{$netch}{$nick} + $retain_colour_time > $time
- || grep { $_->[0] eq $nick } @{ $netchan_hist{$netch} // [] })) {
- $distribution{ $has_colour{$netch}{$nick} }++
- }
- }
- }
- $witem->print('%_nce2%_ Colour distribution: '.
- (join ', ',
- map { "%X$_$_:$distribution{$_}" }
- sort { $distribution{$b} <=> $distribution{$a} }
- grep { exists $distribution{$_} } @colour_list), MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- }
- Irssi::command_runsub('neatcolor', $data, $server, $witem);
-sub _cmd_check_netchan_arg {
- my ($cmd, $netchan, $nick) = @_;
- my %global = map { $_ => undef } qw(set get reset);
- unless (length $netchan) {
- Irssi::print('%_nce2%_: no network/channel argument given for neatcolor '.$cmd
- .(exists $global{$cmd} ? ', use / to '.$cmd.' global colours' : ''),
- return;
- }
- elsif (-1 == index $netchan, '/') {
- Irssi::print('%_nce2%_: missing network/ in argument given for neatcolor '.$cmd, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return;
- }
- elsif ($netchan =~ m\^[^/]+/$\) {
- Irssi::print('%_nce2%_: missing /channel in argument given for neatcolor '.$cmd, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return;
- }
- unless (length $nick) {
- Irssi::print('%_nce2%_: no nick argument given for neatcolor '.$cmd, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return;
- }
- elsif (-1 != index $nick, '/') {
- Irssi::print('%_nce2%_: / not supported in nicks in argument given for neatcolor '.$cmd, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return;
- }
- return 1;
-sub _cmd_check_colour {
- my ($cmd, $colour) = @_;
- $colour = substr $colour, 1 if length $colour == 3;
- $colour = $base_map{$colour} if length $colour == 1;
- unless (length $colour && grep { $_ eq $colour } @colour_list) {
- Irssi::print('%_nce2%_: no colour or invalid colour argument given for neatcolor '.$cmd, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return;
- }
- return $colour;
-sub cmd_neatcolor_set {
- my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my @args = split ' ', $data;
- if (@args < 2) {
- Irssi::print('%_nce2%_: not enough arguments for neatcolor set', MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return;
- }
- my $netchan;
- if (ref $witem) {
- $netchan = $witem->{server}{tag}.'/'.$witem->{name};
- }
- my $nick;
- my $colour;
- if (@args < 3) {
- ($nick, $colour) = @args;
- }
- else {
- ($netchan, $nick, $colour) = @args;
- }
- return unless _cmd_check_netchan_arg('set', $netchan, $nick);
- return unless defined ($colour = _cmd_check_colour('set', $colour));
- $set_colour{$netchan eq '/' ? '' : $netchan}{$nick} = $colour;
- for my $netch ($netchan eq '/' ? keys %has_colour
- : $global_colours ? ('', $netchan)
- : $netchan) {
- delete $has_colour{$netch}{$nick} unless
- exists $has_colour{$netch}{$nick} && $has_colour{$netch}{$nick} eq $colour;
- }
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: %X$colour$nick%n colour set to: %X$colour$colour%n ".($netchan eq '/' ? 'globally' : "in $netchan"), MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
-sub cmd_neatcolor_get {
- my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my @args = split ' ', $data;
- if (@args < 1) {
- Irssi::print('%_nce2%_: not enough arguments for neatcolor get', MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return;
- }
- my $netchan;
- if (ref $witem) {
- $netchan = $witem->{server}{tag}.'/'.$witem->{name};
- }
- my $nick;
- if (@args < 2) {
- $nick = $args[0];
- }
- else {
- ($netchan, $nick) = @args;
- }
- return unless _cmd_check_netchan_arg('get', $netchan, $nick);
- if ($netchan ne '/') {
- unless (exists $has_colour{$netchan} && exists $has_colour{$netchan}{$nick}) {
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: $nick is not coloured (yet) in $netchan", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- }
- else {
- my $colour = $has_colour{$netchan}{$nick};
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: %X$colour$nick%n has colour: %X$colour$colour%n in $netchan", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- }
- }
- my $hashnick = $nick;
- $hashnick =~ s/$ignore_re//g if (defined $ignore_re && length $ignore_re);
- if (exists $set_colour{$netchan} && exists $set_colour{$netchan}{$nick}) {
- my $colour = $set_colour{$netchan}{$nick};
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: set colour for %X$colour$nick%n in $netchan: %X$colour$colour%n ", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- }
- elsif (exists $set_colour{$netchan} && exists $set_colour{$netchan}{$hashnick}) {
- my $colour = $set_colour{$netchan}{$hashnick};
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: set colour for %X$colour$hashnick%n in $netchan: %X$colour$colour%n ", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- }
- elsif (exists $set_colour{''} && exists $set_colour{''}{$nick}) {
- my $colour = $set_colour{''}{$nick};
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: set colour for %X$colour$nick%n (global): %X$colour$colour%n ", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- }
- elsif (exists $set_colour{''} && exists $set_colour{''}{$hashnick}) {
- my $colour = $set_colour{''}{$hashnick};
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: set colour for %X$colour$hashnick%n (global): %X$colour$colour%n ", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- }
- elsif ($netchan eq '/') {
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: no global colour set for $nick", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- }
-sub cmd_neatcolor_reset {
- my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my @args = split ' ', $data;
- if (@args < 1) {
- Irssi::print('%_nce2%_: not enough arguments for neatcolor reset', MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return;
- }
- my $netchan;
- if (ref $witem) {
- $netchan = $witem->{server}{tag}.'/'.$witem->{name};
- }
- my $nick;
- if (@args == 1 && $args[0] eq '--all') {
- %set_colour = %avoid_colour = %has_colour = ();
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: re-set all colouring");
- return;
- }
- if (@args < 2) {
- $nick = $args[0];
- }
- else {
- ($netchan, $nick) = @args;
- }
- return unless _cmd_check_netchan_arg('reset', $netchan, $nick);
- $netchan = '' if $netchan eq '/';
- unless (exists $set_colour{$netchan} && exists $set_colour{$netchan}{$nick}) {
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: $nick has no colour set ". (length $netchan ? "in $netchan" : "globally"), MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return;
- }
- my $colour = delete $set_colour{$netchan}{$nick};
- for my $netch ($netchan eq '' ? keys %has_colour
- : $global_colours ? ('', $netchan)
- : $netchan) {
- delete $has_colour{$netch}{$nick} if exists $has_colour{$netch} && exists $has_colour{$netch}{$nick}
- && $has_colour{$netch}{$nick} eq $colour;
- }
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: ".($netchan eq '' ? 'global ' : '')."colouring re-set for $nick".($netchan eq '' ? '' : " in $netchan"), MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
-sub cmd_neatcolor_re {
- my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
- my @args = split ' ', $data;
- if (@args < 1) {
- Irssi::print('%_nce2%_: not enough arguments for neatcolor re', MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return;
- }
- my $netchan;
- if (ref $witem) {
- $netchan = $witem->{server}{tag}.'/'.$witem->{name};
- }
- my $nick;
- if (@args < 2) {
- $nick = $args[0];
- }
- else {
- ($netchan, $nick) = @args;
- }
- return unless _cmd_check_netchan_arg('re', $netchan, $nick);
- unless (exists $has_colour{$netchan} && exists $has_colour{$netchan}{$nick}) {
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: could not find $nick in $netchan", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return;
- }
- my $colour = delete $has_colour{$netchan}{$nick};
- if (grep { $colour eq $_ } @{ $avoid_colour{$netchan}{$nick} || [] }) {
- $avoid_colour{$netchan}{$nick} = [ $colour ]
- }
- else {
- push @{ $avoid_colour{$netchan}{$nick} }, $colour;
- }
- if ($global_colours) {
- delete $has_colour{''}{$nick} if defined $colour;
- if (grep { $colour eq $_ } @{ $avoid_colour{''}{$nick} || [] }) {
- $avoid_colour{''}{$nick} = [ $colour ]
- }
- else {
- push @{ $avoid_colour{''}{$nick} }, $colour;
- }
- }
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: re-colouring $nick in $netchan", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
-sub cmd_neatcolor_save {
- Irssi::print("%_nce2%_: saving colours to file", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
- save_colours();
-sub setup_changed {
- $global_colours = Irssi::settings_get_bool('neat_global_colors');
- $retain_colour_time = int( abs( Irssi::settings_get_time('neat_color_reassign_time') ) / 1000 );
- my $old_ignore = $ignore_setting // '';
- $ignore_setting = Irssi::settings_get_str('neat_ignorechars');
- if ($old_ignore ne $ignore_setting) {
- local $@;
- eval { $ignore_re = qr/$ignore_setting/ };
- if ($@) {
- $@ =~ /^(.*)/;
- print '%_neat_ignorechars%_ did not compile: '.$1;
- }
- }
- my $old_colours = "@colours";
- my %scolours = map { ($base_map{$_} // $_) => undef } Irssi::settings_get_str('neat_colors') =~ /(?|x(..)|(.))/ig;
- @colours = grep { exists $scolours{$_} } @colour_list;
- if ($old_colours ne "@colours") {
- my $time = time;
- for my $netch (sort keys %last_time) {
- for my $nick (sort keys %{ $last_time{$netch} }) {
- if (exists $has_colour{$netch} && exists $has_colour{$netch}{$nick}) {
- if ($last_time{$netch}{$nick} + $retain_colour_time > $time
- || ($last_time{$netch}{$nick} == 0 && $session_load_time + $retain_colour_time > $time)) {
- $last_time{$netch}{$nick} = 0;
- }
- else {
- delete $last_time{$netch}{$nick};
- }
- }
- }
- $session_load_time = $time;
- }
- }
-sub internals {
- +{
- set => \%set_colour,
- avoid => \%avoid_colour,
- has => \%has_colour,
- time => \%last_time,
- hist => \%netchan_hist,
- colours => \@colours
- }
-sub init_nickcolour {
- setup_changed();
- load_colours();
-Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'neat_colors', 'rRgGybBmMcCX42X3AX5EX4NX3HX3CX32');
-Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'neat_ignorechars', '');
-Irssi::settings_add_time('misc', 'neat_color_reassign_time', '30min');
-Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'neat_global_colors', 0);
-Irssi::expando_create('nickcolor', \&expando_neatcolour, {
- 'message public' => 'none',
- 'message own_public' => 'none',
- 'message private' => 'none',
- 'message own_private'=> 'none',
- 'message join' => 'none',
- 'message part' => 'none',
- 'message quit' => 'none',
- 'message kick' => 'none',
- 'message nick' => 'none',
- 'message invite' => 'none',
- 'message invite_other' => 'none',
- 'message topic' => 'none',
- (map { ("message $_ action" => 'none',
- "message $_ own_action" => 'none')
- } @action_protos),
- });
-Irssi::expando_create('inickcolor', \&expando_neatcolour_inv, {
- 'message public' => 'none',
- 'message own_public' => 'none',
- (map { ("message $_ action" => 'none',
- "message $_ own_action" => 'none')
- } @action_protos),
- });
- 'message public' => 'msg_line_tag',
- 'message own_public' => 'msg_line_clear',
- 'message private' => 'msg_line_tag',
- 'message own_private'=> 'msg_line_tag',
- 'message join' => 'join2mlt',
- 'message part' => 'part2mlt',
- 'message quit' => 'quit2mlt',
- 'message kick' => 'kick2mlt',
- 'message nick' => 'nick2mlt',
- 'message invite' => 'invite2mlt',
- 'message invite_other' => 'inviteo2mlt',
- 'message topic' => 'topic2mlt',
- 'message irc mode' => 'msg_line_clear',
- (map { ("message $_ action" => 'msg_line_tag',
- "message $_ own_action" => 'msg_line_clear')
- } qw(irc silc)),
- "message xmpp action" => 'msg_line_tag_xmppaction',
- "message xmpp own_action" => 'msg_line_clear',
- 'print text' => 'prnt_clear_public',
- 'nicklist changed' => 'nicklist_changed',
- 'gui exit' => 'exit_save',
- 'help' => sub { &cmd_help_neatcolor if $_[0] =~ /^neatcolor\s*$/i;},
- 'neatcolor' => 'cmd_neatcolor',
- 'neatcolor save' => 'cmd_neatcolor_save',
- 'neatcolor set' => 'cmd_neatcolor_set',
- 'neatcolor get' => 'cmd_neatcolor_get',
- 'neatcolor reset' => 'cmd_neatcolor_reset',
- 'neatcolor re' => 'cmd_neatcolor_re',
- 'neatcolor colors' => 'cmd_neatcolor_colors',
- 'neatcolor colors add' => 'cmd_neatcolor_colors_add',
- 'neatcolor colors remove' => 'cmd_neatcolor_colors_remove',
- });
-Irssi::signal_add_last('setup changed' => 'setup_changed');
-# Changelog
-# =========
-# 0.4.0
-# - Allow usage of the colour as a background (using $inickcolor)
-# 0.3.7
-# - fix crash if xmpp action signal is not registered (just ignore it)
-# 0.3.6
-# - also look up ignorechars in set colours
-# 0.3.5
-# - bug fix release
-# 0.3.4
-# - re/set/reset-colouring was affected by the global colour
-# - set colour score too weak
-# 0.3.3
-# - fix error with get / reported by Meicceli
-# - now possible to reset global colour
-# - check for invalid colours
-# 0.3.2
-# - add global colour option
-# - respect save settings setting
-# - add action handling
-# 0.3.1
-# - regression: reset colours after removing colour
-# 0.3.0
-# - save some more colours
-# 0.2.9
-# - fix incorrect calculation of used colours
-# - add some sanity checks to set/get command
-# - avoid random colour changes
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# vim:ft=perl:et:sw=2:ts=2:
-use strict;
-use Irssi;
-our $VERSION = '0.02';
-our %IRSSI = (
- authors => q{Magnus Woldrich},
- contact => q{},
- name => q{ignore_join_blob},
- description => q{Ignore the blob of text displayed when (re)joining a channel},
- license => q{MIT},
-## ignores this:
-# > Topic for #ubuntu: hi
-# > Topic set by DalekSec
-# > Home page for #ubuntu:
-# > Channel #ubuntu created Sun Nov 26 07:42:41 2006
-# These lines have the CRAP MSGLEVEL (because they are crap) but they don't
-# respond to an /ignore * CRAP:
-sub sig_print_text {
- my ($dest, $string, $stripped) = @_;
- if($dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_CRAP) {
- if($stripped =~ m/Topic (for|set)|Channel [#]\S+ created|Home page for [#]\S+/) {
- Irssi::signal_stop();
- }
- }
-Irssi::signal_add_first('print text', \&sig_print_text);
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-# based on the script
-# This script integrates tmux and irssi to display a list of nicks in a
-# vertical right pane with 20% width. Right now theres no configuration
-# or setup, simply initialize the script with irssi and by default you
-# will get the nicklist for every channel(customize by altering
-# the regex in /set nicklist_channel_re)
-# /set nicklist_channel_re <regex>
-# * only show on channels matching this regular expression
-# /set nicklist_max_users <num>
-# * only show when the channel has so many users or less (0 = always)
-# /set nicklist_smallest_main <num>
-# * only show when main window is larger than this (0 = always)
-# /set nicklist_pane_width <num>
-# * width of the nicklist pane
-# /set nicklist_color <ON|OFF>
-# * colourise the nicks in the nicklist (required nickcolor script
-# with get_nick_color2 and debug_ansicolour functions)
-# /set nicklist_gone_sort <ON|OFF>
-# * sort away people below
-# It supports mouse scrolling and the following keys:
-# k/up arrow: up one line
-# j/down arrow: down one line
-# u/pageup: up 50% lines
-# d/pagedown: down 50% lines
-# gg: go to top
-# G: go to bottom
-# For better integration, unrecognized sequences will be sent to irssi and
-# its pane will be focused.
-# to toggle the nicklist if it is in the way you can make a key binding:
-# /bind meta-Z /script exec Irssi::Script::tmux_nicklist_portable::toggle_nicklist
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use IO::Handle;
-use IO::Select;
-use POSIX;
-use File::Temp qw/ :mktemp /;
-use File::Basename;
-our $VERSION = '0.1.8';
-our %IRSSI = (
- authors => 'Thiago de Arruda',
- contact => '',
- name => 'tmux-nicklist',
- description => 'displays a list of nicks in a separate tmux pane',
- license => 'WTFPL',
-# "other" prefixes by danielg4 <>
-# added 'd' and 'u' navigation as in vim, by @gerardbm (github)
-{ package Irssi::Nick }
-if ($#ARGV == -1) {
-require Irssi;
-my $enabled = 0;
-my $nicklist_toggle = 1;
-my $script_path = __FILE__;
-my $tmpdir;
-my $fifo_path;
-my $fifo;
-my $just_launched;
-my $resize_timer;
-sub enable_nicklist {
- return if ($enabled);
- $tmpdir = mkdtemp Irssi::get_irssi_dir()."/nicklist-XXXXXXXX";
- $fifo_path = "$tmpdir/fifo";
- POSIX::mkfifo($fifo_path, 0600) or die "can't mkfifo $fifo_path: $!";
- my $cmd = "perl $script_path $fifo_path $ENV{TMUX_PANE}";
- my $width = Irssi::settings_get_int('nicklist_pane_width');
- system('tmux', 'split-window', '-dh', '-l', $width, '-t', $ENV{TMUX_PANE}, $cmd);
- open_fifo();
- Irssi::timeout_remove($just_launched) if defined $just_launched;
- $just_launched = Irssi::timeout_add_once(300, sub { $just_launched = undef; }, '');
-sub open_fifo {
- # The next system call will block until the other pane has opened the pipe
- # for reading, so synchronization is not an issue here.
- open $fifo, ">", $fifo_path or do {
- if ($! == 4) {
- Irssi::timeout_add_once(300, \&open_fifo, '');
- $enabled = -1 unless $enabled;
- return;
- }
- die "can't open $fifo_path: $!";
- };
- $fifo->autoflush(1);
- if ($enabled < -1) {
- $enabled = 1;
- disable_nicklist();
- } elsif ($enabled == -1) {
- $enabled = 1;
- reset_nicklist("enabled");
- } else {
- $enabled = 1;
- }
-sub disable_nicklist {
- return unless ($enabled);
- if ($enabled > 0) {
- print $fifo "EXIT\n";
- close $fifo;
- $fifo = undef;
- unlink $fifo_path;
- rmdir $tmpdir;
- }
- $enabled--;
-sub reset_nicklist {
- my $event = shift;
- my $active = Irssi::active_win();
- my $channel = $active->{active};
- return disable_nicklist unless $channel && ref $channel;
- if ($event =~ /^nick/) {
- # check if that nick event is for the current channel/nicklist
- my ($event_channel) = @_;
- return unless $channel->{_irssi} == $event_channel->{_irssi};
- }
- my ($colourer, $ansifier);
- if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('nicklist_color')) {
- for my $script (sort map { my $z = $_; $z =~ s/::$//; $z } grep { /^nickcolor|nm/ } keys %Irssi::Script::) {
- if ($colourer = "Irssi::Script::$script"->can('get_nick_color2')) {
- $ansifier = "Irssi::Script::$script"->can('debug_ansicolour');
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- my $channel_pattern = Irssi::settings_get_str('nicklist_channel_re');
- { local $@;
- $channel_pattern = eval { qr/$channel_pattern/ };
- $channel_pattern = qr/(?!)/ if $@;
- }
- my $smallest_main = Irssi::settings_get_int('nicklist_smallest_main');
- if (!$nicklist_toggle
- || !$channel || !ref($channel)
- || !$channel->isa('Irssi::Channel')
- || !$channel->{'names_got'}
- || $channel->{'name'} !~ $channel_pattern
- || ($smallest_main && $channel->window->{width} < $smallest_main)) {
- disable_nicklist;
- } else {
- my %colour;
- my @nicks = $channel->nicks();
- my $max_nicks = Irssi::settings_get_int('nicklist_max_users');
- if ($max_nicks && @nicks > $max_nicks) {
- disable_nicklist;
- } else {
- enable_nicklist;
- return unless $enabled > 0;
- foreach my $nick (sort { $a->{_irssi} <=> $b->{_irssi} } @nicks) {
- $colour{$nick->{nick}} = ($ansifier && $colourer) ? $ansifier->($colourer->($active->{active}{server}{tag}, $channel->{name}, $nick->{nick}, 0)) : '';
- }
- print($fifo "BEGIN\n");
- my $gone_sort = Irssi::settings_get_bool('nicklist_gone_sort');
- my $prefer_real;
- if (exists $Irssi::Script::{'realnames::'}) {
- my $code = "Irssi::Script::realnames"->can('use_realnames');
- $prefer_real = $code && $code->($channel);
- }
- my $_real = sub {
- my $nick = shift;
- $prefer_real && length $nick->{'realname'} ? $nick->{'realname'} : $nick->{'nick'}
- };
- foreach my $nick (sort {($a->{'op'}?'1':$a->{'halfop'}?'2':$a->{'voice'}?'3':$a->{'other'}>32?'0':'4').($gone_sort?($a->{'gone'}?1:0):'').lc($_real->($a))
- cmp ($b->{'op'}?'1':$b->{'halfop'}?'2':$b->{'voice'}?'3':$b->{'other'}>32?'0':'4').($gone_sort?($b->{'gone'}?1:0):'').lc($_real->($b))} @nicks) {
- my $colour = $colour{$nick->{nick}} || "\e[39m";
- $colour = "\e[37m" if $nick->{'gone'};
- print($fifo "NICK");
- if ($nick->{'op'}) {
- print($fifo "\e[92m\@$colour".$_real->($nick)."\e[39m");
- } elsif ($nick->{'halfop'}) {
- print($fifo "\e[92m%$colour".$_real->($nick)."\e[39m");
- } elsif ($nick->{'voice'}) {
- print($fifo "\e[92m+$colour".$_real->($nick)."\e[39m");
- } elsif ($nick->{'other'}>32) {
- print($fifo "\e[92m".(chr $nick->{'other'})."$colour".$_real->($nick)."\e[39m");
- } else {
- print($fifo " $colour".$_real->($nick)."\e[39m");
- }
- print($fifo "\n");
- }
- print($fifo "END\n");
- }
- }
-sub toggle_nicklist {
- if ($enabled) {
- $nicklist_toggle = undef
- } else {
- $nicklist_toggle = 1;
- }
- reset_nicklist("toggle");
-sub switch_channel {
- print $fifo "SWITCH_CHANNEL\n" if $fifo;
- &reset_nicklist;
-sub resized_timed {
- Irssi::timeout_remove($resize_timer) if defined $resize_timer;
- return if defined $just_launched;
- $resize_timer = Irssi::timeout_add_once(1100, \&resized, '');
- #resized();
-sub resized {
- $resize_timer = undef;
- return if defined $just_launched;
- return unless $enabled >= 0;
- disable_nicklist;
- Irssi::timeout_add_once(200, sub{reset_nicklist("terminal resized")}, '');
-sub UNLOAD {
- disable_nicklist;
-Irssi::settings_add_str('tmux_nicklist', 'nicklist_channel_re', '.*');
-Irssi::settings_add_int('tmux_nicklist', 'nicklist_max_users', 0);
-Irssi::settings_add_int('tmux_nicklist', 'nicklist_smallest_main', 0);
-Irssi::settings_add_int('tmux_nicklist', 'nicklist_pane_width', 13);
-Irssi::settings_add_bool('tmux_nicklist', 'nicklist_color', 1);
-Irssi::settings_add_bool('tmux_nicklist', 'nicklist_gone_sort', 0);
-Irssi::signal_add_last('window item changed', sub{switch_channel("window item changed",@_)});
-Irssi::signal_add_last('window changed', sub{switch_channel("window changed",@_)});
-Irssi::signal_add_last('channel joined', sub{switch_channel("channel joined",@_)});
-Irssi::signal_add('nicklist new', sub{reset_nicklist("nicklist new",@_)});
-Irssi::signal_add('nicklist remove', sub{reset_nicklist("nicklist remove",@_)});
-Irssi::signal_add('nicklist changed', sub{reset_nicklist("nicklist changed",@_)});
-Irssi::signal_add_first('nick mode changed', sub{reset_nicklist("nick mode changed",@_)});
-Irssi::signal_add('gui exit', \&disable_nicklist);
-Irssi::signal_add_last('terminal resized', \&resized_timed);
-} else {
-my $fifo_path = $ARGV[0];
-my $irssi_pane = $ARGV[1];
-# array to store the current channel nicknames
-my @nicknames = ();
-# helper functions for manipulating the terminal
-# escape sequences taken from
-sub enable_mouse { print "\e[?1000h"; }
-# recognized sequences
-my $MOUSE_SCROLL_UP="\e[M`";
-my $ARROW_DOWN="\e[B";
-my $ARROW_UP="\e[A";
-my $DOWN="j";
-my $UP="k";
-my $PAGE_DOWN="\e[6~";
-my $PAGE_UP="\e[5~";
-my $PAGE_DOWN_D="d";
-my $PAGE_UP_U="u";
-my $GO_TOP="gg";
-my $GO_BOTTOM="G";
-my $current_line = 0;
-my $sequence = '';
-my ($rows, $cols);
-sub term_size {
- split ' ', `stty size`;
-sub redraw {
- my $last_nick_idx = @nicknames;
- my $last_idx = $current_line + $rows;
- # normalize last visible index
- if ($last_idx > ($last_nick_idx)) {
- $last_idx = $last_nick_idx;
- }
- # redraw visible nicks
- for my $i (reverse 1..$rows) {
- print "\e[$i;1H\e[K";
- my $idx = $current_line + $i - 1;
- if ($idx < $last_idx) {
- my $z = 0; my $col = $cols;
- for (split /(\e\[(?:\d|;|:|\?|\s)*.)/, $nicknames[$idx]) {
- if ($z ^= 1) {
- print +(substr $_, 0, $col) if $col > 0;
- $col -= length;
- } else {
- print
- }
- }
- }
- }
-sub move_down {
- $sequence = '';
- my $count = int $_[0];
- my $nickcount = $#nicknames;
- return if ($nickcount <= $rows);
- if ($count == -1) {
- $current_line = $nickcount - $rows + 1;
- redraw;
- return;
- }
- my $visible = $nickcount - $current_line - $count + 1;
- if ($visible > $rows) {
- $current_line += $count;
- redraw;
- } elsif (($visible + $count) > $rows) {
- # scroll the maximum we can
- $current_line = $nickcount - $rows + 1;
- redraw;
- }
-sub move_up {
- $sequence = '';
- my $count = int $_[0];
- if ($count == -1) {
- $current_line = 0;
- redraw;
- return;
- }
- return if ($current_line == 0);
- $count = 1 if $count == 0;
- $current_line -= $count;
- $current_line = 0 if $current_line < 0;
- redraw;
-# setup terminal so we can listen for individual key presses without echo
-`stty -icanon -echo`;
-# open named pipe and setup the 'select' wrapper object for listening on both
-# fds(fifo and sdtin)
-open my $fifo, "<", $fifo_path or die "can't open $fifo_path: $!";
-my $select = IO::Select->new();
-my @ready;
-system('tput', 'smcup');
-print "\e[?7l"; #system('tput', 'rmam');
-system('tput', 'civis');
-MAIN: {
- while (@ready = $select->can_read) {
- foreach my $fd (@ready) {
- ($rows, $cols) = term_size;
- if ($fd == $fifo) {
- while (<$fifo>) {
- my $line = $_;
- if ($line =~ /^BEGIN/) {
- @nicknames = ();
- } elsif ($line =~ /^SWITCH_CHANNEL/) {
- $current_line = 0;
- } elsif ($line =~ /^NICK(.+)$/) {
- push @nicknames, $1;
- } elsif ($line =~ /^END$/) {
- redraw;
- last;
- } elsif ($line =~ /^EXIT$/) {
- last MAIN;
- }
- }
- } else {
- my $key = '';
- sysread(STDIN, $key, 1);
- $sequence .= $key;
- if ($MOUSE_SCROLL_DOWN =~ /^\Q$sequence\E/) {
- if ($MOUSE_SCROLL_DOWN eq $sequence) {
- move_down 3;
- # mouse scroll has two more bytes that I dont use here
- # so consume them now to avoid sending unwanted bytes to
- # irssi
- sysread(STDIN, $key, 2);
- }
- } elsif ($MOUSE_SCROLL_UP =~ /^\Q$sequence\E/) {
- if ($MOUSE_SCROLL_UP eq $sequence) {
- move_up 3;
- sysread(STDIN, $key, 2);
- }
- } elsif ($ARROW_DOWN =~ /^\Q$sequence\E/) {
- move_down 1 if ($ARROW_DOWN eq $sequence);
- } elsif ($ARROW_UP =~ /^\Q$sequence\E/) {
- move_up 1 if ($ARROW_UP eq $sequence);
- } elsif ($DOWN =~ /^\Q$sequence\E/) {
- move_down 1 if ($DOWN eq $sequence);
- } elsif ($UP =~ /^\Q$sequence\E/) {
- move_up 1 if ($UP eq $sequence);
- } elsif ($PAGE_DOWN =~ /^\Q$sequence\E/) {
- move_down $rows/2 if ($PAGE_DOWN eq $sequence);
- } elsif ($PAGE_UP =~ /^\Q$sequence\E/) {
- move_up $rows/2 if ($PAGE_UP eq $sequence);
- } elsif ($PAGE_DOWN_D =~ /^\Q$sequence\E/) {
- move_down $rows/2 if ($PAGE_DOWN_D eq $sequence);
- } elsif ($PAGE_UP_U =~ /^\Q$sequence\E/) {
- move_up $rows/2 if ($PAGE_UP_U eq $sequence);
- } elsif ($GO_BOTTOM =~ /^\Q$sequence\E/) {
- move_down -1 if ($GO_BOTTOM eq $sequence);
- } elsif ($GO_TOP =~ /^\Q$sequence\E/) {
- move_up -1 if ($GO_TOP eq $sequence);
- } else {
- # Unrecognized sequences will be send to irssi and its pane
- # will be focused
- system('tmux', 'send-keys', '-t', $irssi_pane, $sequence);
- system('tmux', 'select-pane', '-t', $irssi_pane);
- $sequence = '';
- }
- }
- }
- }
-close $fifo;
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-use Irssi;
-use strict;
-use FileHandle;
-use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
-$VERSION = "2.1"; # e8934ed1ce04461
-%IRSSI = (
- authors => 'cdidier',
- name => 'tmux_away',
- description => 'set (un)away if tmux session is attached/detached',
- license => 'GPL v2',
- url => '',
-# tmux_away irssi module
-# Written by Colin Didier <> and heavily based on
-# screen_away irssi module version written by Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum
-# <>.
-# Updated by John C. Vernaleo <> to handle tmux with
-# named sessions and other code cleanup and forked as version 2.0.
-# usage:
-# put this script into your autorun directory and/or load it with
-# /SCRIPT LOAD <name>
-# there are 5 settings available:
-# /set tmux_away_active ON/OFF/TOGGLE
-# /set tmux_away_repeat <integer>
-# /set tmux_away_grace <integer>
-# /set tmux_away_message <string>
-# /set tmux_away_window <string>
-# /set tmux_away_nick <string>
-# active means that you will be only set away/unaway, if this
-# flag is set, default is ON
-# repeat is the number of seconds, after the script will check the
-# tmux session status again, default is 5 seconds
-# grace is the number of seconds, to wait additionally, before
-# setting you away, default is disabled (0)
-# message is the away message sent to the server, default: not here ...
-# window is a window number or name, if set, the script will switch
-# to this window, if it sets you away, default is '1'
-# nick is the new nick, if the script goes away
-# will only be used it not empty
-# variables
-my $timer_name = undef;
-my $away_status = 0;
-my %old_nicks = ();
-my %away = ();
-# Register formats
- 'tmux_away_crap',
- '{line_start}{hilight ' . $IRSSI{'name'} . ':} $0'
-# try to find out if we are running in a tmux session
-# (see if $ENV{TMUX} is set)
-if (!defined($ENV{TMUX})) {
- # just return, we will never be called again
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'tmux_away_crap',
- "no tmux session!");
- return;
-my @args_env = split(',', $ENV{TMUX});
-my $tmux_socket = $args_env[0];
-# register config variables
-Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', $IRSSI{'name'} . '_active', 1);
-Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', $IRSSI{'name'} . '_repeat', 5);
-Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', $IRSSI{'name'} . '_grace', 0);
-Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', $IRSSI{'name'} . '_message', "not here...");
-Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', $IRSSI{'name'} . '_window', "1");
-Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', $IRSSI{'name'} . '_nick', "");
-# check, set or reset the away status
-sub tmux_away {
- my ($immediate) = @_;
- my ($status, @res);
- # only run, if activated
- if (Irssi::settings_get_bool($IRSSI{'name'} . '_active') != 1) {
- $away_status = 0;
- } else {
- if ($away_status == 0) {
- # display init message at first time
- my $grace = Irssi::settings_get_int($IRSSI{'name'} . '_grace');
- $grace = ", $grace seconds grace" if $grace;
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'tmux_away_crap',
- "activating $IRSSI{'name'} (interval: " . Irssi::settings_get_int($IRSSI{'name'} . '_repeat') . " seconds$grace)");
- $away_status = 2;
- }
- # get actual tmux session status
- chomp(@res = `tmux -S '$tmux_socket' lsc 2>&1`);
- chomp(my $tmux_session = `tmux -S '$tmux_socket' display -p '#S' 2>/dev/null`);
- if ($res[0] =~ /^server not found/ || $? >> 8) {
- die "error getting tmux session status.";
- }
- $status = 1; # away, assumes the session is detached
- foreach (@res) {
- my @args_st = split(' ');
- if ($args_st[1] eq $tmux_session) {
- $status = 2; # unaway
- }
- }
- # unaway -> away
- if ($status == 1 and $away_status != 1) {
- if (my $grace = Irssi::settings_get_int($IRSSI{'name'} . '_grace')) {
- if (!$immediate) {
- Irssi::timeout_add_once($grace * 1000, 'tmux_away', '1');
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'tmux_away_crap',
- "(in grace for away: $grace seconds)");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (length(Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{'name'} . '_window')) > 0) {
- # if length of window is greater then 0, make this window active
- Irssi::command('window goto ' . Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{'name'} . '_window'));
- }
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'tmux_away_crap', "Set away");
- my $message = Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{'name'} . '_message');
- if (length($message) == 0) {
- # we have to set a message or we wouldnt go away
- $message = "not here ...";
- }
- foreach (Irssi::servers()) {
- if (!$_->{usermode_away}) {
- # user isn't yet away
- $away{$_->{'tag'}} = 0;
- $_->command("^AWAY " . ($_->{chat_type} ne 'SILC' ? "-one " : "") . "$message");
- if ($_->{chat_type} ne 'XMPP' and length(Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{'name'} . '_nick')) > 0) {
- # only change if actual nick isn't already the away nick
- if (Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{'name'} . '_nick') ne $_->{nick}) {
- # keep old nick
- $old_nicks{$_->{'tag'}} = $_->{nick};
- # set new nick
- $_->command("NICK " . Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{'name'} . '_nick'));
- }
- }
- } else {
- # user is already away, remember this
- $away{$_->{'tag'}} = 1;
- }
- }
- $away_status = $status;
- # away -> unaway
- } elsif ($status == 2 and $away_status != 2) {
- if (my $grace = Irssi::settings_get_int($IRSSI{'name'} . '_grace')) {
- if (!$immediate) {
- Irssi::timeout_add_once($grace * 1000, 'tmux_away', '1');
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'tmux_away_crap',
- "(in grace for unaway: $grace seconds)");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- # unset away
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'tmux_away_crap', "Reset away");
- foreach (Irssi::servers()) {
- if ($away{$_->{'tag'}} == 1) {
- # user was already away, don't reset away
- $away{$_->{'tag'}} = 0;
- next;
- }
- $_->command("^AWAY" . (($_->{chat_type} ne 'SILC') ? " -one" : "")) if ($_->{usermode_away});
- if ($_->{chat_type} ne 'XMPP' and defined($old_nicks{$_->{'tag'}}) and length($old_nicks{$_->{'tag'}}) > 0) {
- # set old nick
- $_->command("NICK " . $old_nicks{$_->{'tag'}});
- $old_nicks{$_->{'tag'}} = "";
- }
- }
- $away_status = $status;
- } elsif ($immediate) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'tmux_away_crap',
- "in grace aborted");
- }
- }
- # but everytimes install a new timer
- register_tmux_away_timer();
- return 0;
-# remove old timer and install a new one
-sub register_tmux_away_timer {
- # add new timer with new timeout (maybe the timeout has been changed)
- Irssi::timeout_add_once(Irssi::settings_get_int($IRSSI{'name'} . '_repeat') * 1000, 'tmux_away', '');
-# init process
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,606 +0,0 @@
-# This little script will do just one thing: it will draw a line each time you
-# switch away from a window. This way, you always know just upto where you've
-# been reading that window :) It also removes the previous drawn line, so you
-# don't see double lines.
-# redraw trackbar only works on irssi 0.8.17 or higher.
-## Usage:
-# The script works right out of the box, but if you want you can change
-# the working by /set'ing the following variables:
-# Setting: trackbar_style
-# Description: This setting will be the color of your trackbar line.
-# By default the value will be '%K', only Irssi color
-# formats are allowed. If you don't know the color formats
-# by heart, you can take a look at the formats documentation.
-# You will find the proper docs on
-# Setting: trackbar_string
-# Description: This is the string that your line will display. This can
-# be multiple characters or just one. For example: '~-~-'
-# The default setting is '-'.
-# Here are some unicode characters you can try:
-# "───" => U+2500 => a line
-# "═══" => U+2550 => a double line
-# "━━━" => U+2501 => a wide line
-# "▭ " => U+25ad => a white rectangle
-# Setting: trackbar_use_status_window
-# Description: If this setting is set to OFF, Irssi won't print a trackbar
-# in the statuswindow
-# Setting: trackbar_ignore_windows
-# Description: A list of windows where no trackbar should be printed
-# Setting: trackbar_print_timestamp
-# Description: If this setting is set to ON, Irssi will print the formatted
-# timestamp in front of the trackbar.
-# Setting: trackbar_require_seen
-# Description: Only clear the trackbar if it has been scrolled to.
-# Setting: trackbar_all_manual
-# Description: Never clear the trackbar until you do /mark.
-# /mark is a command that will redraw the line at the bottom.
-# Command: /trackbar, /trackbar goto
-# Description: Jump to where the trackbar is, to pick up reading
-# Command: /trackbar keep
-# Description: Keep this window's trackbar where it is the next time
-# you switch windows (then this flag is cleared again)
-# Command: /mark, /trackbar mark
-# Description: Remove the old trackbar and mark the bottom of this
-# window with a new trackbar
-# Command: /trackbar markvisible
-# Description: Like mark for all visible windows
-# Command: /trackbar markall
-# Description: Like mark for all windows
-# Command: /trackbar remove
-# Description: Remove this window's trackbar
-# Command: /trackbar removeall
-# Description: Remove all windows' trackbars
-# Command: /trackbar redraw
-# Description: Force redraw of trackbars
-# For bugreports and other improvements contact one of the authors.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this script; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
-$VERSION = "2.9"; # a4c78e85092a271
-%IRSSI = (
- authors => "Peter 'kinlo' Leurs, Uwe Dudenhoeffer, " .
- "Michiel Holtkamp, Nico R. Wohlgemuth, " .
- "Geert Hauwaerts",
- contact => '',
- patchers => 'Johan Kiviniemi (UTF-8), Uwe Dudenhoeffer (on-upgrade-remove-line)',
- name => 'trackbar',
- description => 'Shows a bar where you have last read a window.',
- license => 'GNU General Public License',
- url => '',
- commands => 'trackbar',
-## Comments and remarks.
-# This script uses settings.
-# Use /SET to change the value or /TOGGLE to switch it on or off.
-# Tip: The command 'trackbar' is very useful if you bind that to a key,
-# so you can easily jump to the trackbar. Please see 'help bind' for
-# more information about keybindings in Irssi.
-# Command: /BIND meta2-P key F1
-# /BIND F1 command trackbar
-## Bugfixes and new items in this rewrite.
-# * Remove all the trackbars before upgrading.
-# * New setting trackbar_use_status_window to control the statuswindow trackbar.
-# * New setting trackbar_print_timestamp to print a timestamp or not.
-# * New command 'trackbar' to scroll up to the trackbar.
-# * When resizing your terminal, Irssi will update all the trackbars to the new size.
-# * When changing trackbar settings, change all the trackbars to the new settings.
-# * New command 'trackbar mark' to draw a new trackbar (The old '/mark').
-# * New command 'trackbar markall' to draw a new trackbar in each window.
-# * New command 'trackbar remove' to remove the trackbar from the current window.
-# * New command 'trackbar removeall' to remove all the trackbars.
-# * Don't draw a trackbar in empty windows.
-# * Added a version check to prevent Irssi redraw errors.
-# * Fixed a bookmark NULL versus 0 bug.
-# * Fixed a remove-line bug in Uwe Dudenhoeffer his patch.
-# * New command 'help trackbar' to display the trackbar commands.
-# * Fixed an Irssi startup bug, now processing each auto-created window.
-## Known bugs and the todolist.
-# Todo: * Instead of drawing a line, invert the line.
-## Authors:
-# - Main maintainer & author: Peter 'kinlo' Leurs
-# - Many thanks to Timo 'cras' Sirainen for placing me on my way
-# - on-upgrade-remove-line patch by Uwe Dudenhoeffer
-# - trackbar resizing by Michiel Holtkamp (02 Jul 2012)
-# - scroll to trackbar, window excludes, and timestamp options by Nico R.
-# Wohlgemuth (22 Sep 2012)
-## Version history:
-# 2.9: - fix crash on /mark in empty window
-# 2.8: - fix /^join bug
-# 2.7: - add /set trackbar_all_manual option
-# 2.5: - merge back on
-# - fix /trackbar redraw broken in 2.4
-# - fix legacy encodings
-# - add workaround for irssi issue #271
-# 2.4: - add support for horizontal splits
-# 2.3: - add some features for seen tracking using other scripts
-# 2.0: - big rewrite based on 1.4
-# * removed /tb, you can have it with /alias tb trackbar if you want
-# * subcommand and settings changes:
-# /trackbar vmark => /trackbar markvisible
-# /trackbar scroll => /trackbar goto (or just /trackbar)
-# /trackbar help => /help trackbar
-# /set trackbar_hide_windows => /set trackbar_ignore_windows
-# /set trackbar_timestamp => /set trackbar_print_timestamp
-# * magic line strings were removed, just paste the unicode you want!
-# * trackbar_timestamp_styled is not currently supported
-# 1.9: - add version guard
-# 1.8: - sub draw_bar
-# 1.7: - Added /tb scroll, trackbar_hide_windows, trackbar_timestamp_timestamp
-# and trackbar_timestamp_styled
-# 1.6: - Work around Irssi resize bug, please do /upgrade! (see below)
-# 1.5: - Resize trackbars in all windows when terminal is resized
-# 1.4: - Changed our's by my's so the irssi script header is valid
-# - Removed utf-8 support. In theory, the script should work w/o any
-# problems for utf-8, just set trackbar_string to a valid utf-8 character
-# and everything *should* work. However, this script is being plagued by
-# irssi internal bugs. The function Irssi::settings_get_str does NOT handle
-# unicode strings properly, hence you will notice problems when setting the bar
-# to a unicode char. For changing your bar to utf-8 symbols, read the line sub.
-# 1.3: - Upgrade now removes the trackbars.
-# - Some code cleanups, other defaults
-# - /mark sets the line to the bottom
-# 1.2: - Support for utf-8
-# - How the bar looks can now be configured with trackbar_string
-# and trackbar_style
-# 1.1: - Fixed bug when closing window
-# 1.0: - Initial release
-use Irssi;
-use Irssi::TextUI;
-use Encode;
-use POSIX qw(strftime);
-sub cmd_help {
- my ($args) = @_;
- if ($args =~ /^trackbar *$/i) {
- GOTO: Jump to where the trackbar is, to pick up reading
- KEEP: Keep this window's trackbar where it is the next time
- you switch windows (then this flag is cleared again)
- MARK: Remove the old trackbar and mark the bottom of this
- window with a new trackbar
- MARKVISIBLE: Like mark for all visible windows
- MARKALL: Like mark for all windows
- REMOVE: Remove this window's trackbar
- REMOVEALL: Remove all windows' trackbars
- REDRAW: Force redraw of trackbars
- Manage a trackbar. Without arguments, it will scroll up to the trackbar.
- }
- 'trackbar_loaded', '%R>>%n %_Scriptinfo:%_ Loaded $0 version $1 by $2.',
- 'trackbar_wrong_version', '%R>>%n %_Trackbar:%_ Please upgrade your client to 0.8.17 or above if you would like to use this feature of trackbar.',
- 'trackbar_all_removed', '%R>>%n %_Trackbar:%_ All the trackbars have been removed.',
- 'trackbar_not_found', '%R>>%n %_Trackbar:%_ No trackbar found in this window.',
-my $old_irssi = Irssi::version < 20140701;
-sub check_version {
- if ($old_irssi) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'trackbar_wrong_version');
- return;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
-sub is_utf8 {
- lc Irssi::settings_get_str('term_charset') eq 'utf-8'
-my (%config, %keep_trackbar, %unseen_trackbar);
-sub remove_one_trackbar {
- my $win = shift;
- my $view = shift || $win->view;
- my $line = $view->get_bookmark('trackbar');
- if (defined $line) {
- my $bottom = $view->{bottom};
- $view->remove_line($line);
- $win->command('^scrollback end') if $bottom && !$win->view->{bottom};
- $view->redraw;
- }
-sub add_one_trackbar_pt1 {
- my $win = shift;
- my $view = shift || $win->view;
- my $last_cur_line = ($view->{buffer}{cur_line}||+{})->{_irssi};
- $win->print(line($win->{width}), MSGLEVEL_NEVER);
- my $cur_line = ($win->view->{buffer}{cur_line}||+{})->{_irssi}; # get a fresh buffer
- ($last_cur_line//'') ne ($cur_line//'') # printing was successful
-sub add_one_trackbar_pt2 {
- my $win = shift;
- my $view = $win->view;
- $view->set_bookmark_bottom('trackbar');
- $unseen_trackbar{ $win->{_irssi} } = 1;
- Irssi::signal_emit("window trackbar added", $win);
- $view->redraw;
-sub update_one_trackbar {
- my $win = shift;
- my $view = shift || $win->view;
- my $force = shift;
- my $ignored = win_ignored($win, $view);
- my $success;
- $success = add_one_trackbar_pt1($win, $view) ? 1 : 0
- if $force || !$ignored;
- remove_one_trackbar($win, $view)
- if ( $success || !defined $success ) && ( $force || !defined $force || !$ignored );
- add_one_trackbar_pt2($win)
- if $success;
-sub win_ignored {
- my $win = shift;
- my $view = shift || $win->view;
- return 1 unless $view->{buffer}{lines_count};
- return 1 if $win->{name} eq '(status)' && !$config{use_status_window};
- no warnings 'uninitialized';
- return 1 if grep { $win->{name} eq $_ || $win->{refnum} eq $_
- || $win->get_active_name eq $_ } @{ $config{ignore_windows} };
- return 0;
-sub sig_window_changed {
- my ($newwindow, $oldwindow) = @_;
- return unless $oldwindow;
- redraw_one_trackbar($newwindow) unless $old_irssi;
- trackbar_update_seen($newwindow);
- return if delete $keep_trackbar{ $oldwindow->{_irssi} };
- trackbar_update_seen($oldwindow);
- return if $config{require_seen} && $unseen_trackbar{ $oldwindow->{_irssi } };
- return if $config{all_manual};
- update_one_trackbar($oldwindow, undef, 0);
-sub trackbar_update_seen {
- my $win = shift;
- return unless $win;
- return unless $unseen_trackbar{ $win->{_irssi} };
- my $view = $win->view;
- my $line = $view->get_bookmark('trackbar');
- unless ($line) {
- delete $unseen_trackbar{ $win->{_irssi} };
- Irssi::signal_emit("window trackbar seen", $win);
- return;
- }
- my $startline = $view->{startline};
- return unless $startline;
- if ($startline->{info}{time} < $line->{info}{time}
- || $startline->{_irssi} == $line->{_irssi}) {
- delete $unseen_trackbar{ $win->{_irssi} };
- Irssi::signal_emit("window trackbar seen", $win);
- }
-sub screen_length;
-{ local $@;
- eval { require Text::CharWidth; };
- unless ($@) {
- *screen_length = sub { Text::CharWidth::mbswidth($_[0]) };
- }
- else {
- *screen_length = sub {
- my $temp = shift;
- Encode::_utf8_on($temp) if is_utf8();
- length($temp)
- };
- }
-{ my %strip_table = (
- (map { $_ => '' } (split //, '04261537' . 'kbgcrmyw' . 'KBGCRMYW' . 'U9_8I:|FnN>#[' . 'pP')),
- (map { $_ => $_ } (split //, '{}%')),
- );
- sub c_length {
- my $o = Irssi::strip_codes($_[0]);
- $o =~ s/(%(%|Z.{6}|z.{6}|X..|x..|.))/exists $strip_table{$2} ? $strip_table{$2} :
- $2 =~ m{x(?:0[a-f]|[1-6][0-9a-z]|7[a-x])|z[0-9a-f]{6}}i ? '' : $1/gex;
- screen_length($o)
- }
-sub line {
- my ($width, $time) = @_;
- my $string = $config{string};
- $string = ' ' unless length $string;
- $time ||= time;
- Encode::_utf8_on($string) if is_utf8();
- my $length = c_length($string);
- my $format = '';
- if ($config{print_timestamp}) {
- $format = $config{timestamp_str};
- $format =~ y/%/\01/;
- $format =~ s/\01\01/%/g;
- $format = strftime($format, localtime $time);
- $format =~ y/\01/%/;
- }
- my $times = $width / $length;
- $times += 1 if $times != int $times;
- my $style = "$config{style}";
- Encode::_utf8_on($style) if is_utf8();
- $format .= $style;
- $width -= c_length($format);
- $string x= $times;
- chop $string while length $string && c_length($string) > $width;
- return $format . $string;
-sub remove_all_trackbars {
- for my $window (Irssi::windows) {
- next unless ref $window;
- remove_one_trackbar($window);
- }
-sub UNLOAD {
- remove_all_trackbars();
-sub redraw_one_trackbar {
- my $win = shift;
- my $view = $win->view;
- my $line = $view->get_bookmark('trackbar');
- return unless $line;
- my $bottom = $view->{bottom};
- $win->print_after($line, MSGLEVEL_NEVER, line($win->{width}, $line->{info}{time}),
- $line->{info}{time});
- $view->set_bookmark('trackbar', $win->last_line_insert);
- $view->remove_line($line);
- $win->command('^scrollback end') if $bottom && !$win->view->{bottom};
- $view->redraw;
-sub redraw_trackbars {
- return unless check_version();
- for my $win (Irssi::windows) {
- next unless ref $win;
- redraw_one_trackbar($win);
- }
-sub goto_trackbar {
- my $win = Irssi::active_win;
- my $line = $win->view->get_bookmark('trackbar');
- if ($line) {
- $win->command("scrollback goto ". strftime("%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($line->{info}{time})));
- } else {
- $win->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'trackbar_not_found');
- }
-sub cmd_mark {
- update_one_trackbar(Irssi::active_win, undef, 1);
-sub cmd_markall {
- for my $window (Irssi::windows) {
- next unless ref $window;
- update_one_trackbar($window);
- }
-sub signal_stop {
- Irssi::signal_stop;
-sub cmd_markvisible {
- my @wins = Irssi::windows;
- my $awin =
- my $bwin = Irssi::active_win;
- my $awin_counter = 0;
- Irssi::signal_add_priority('window changed' => 'signal_stop', -99);
- do {
- Irssi::active_win->command('window up');
- $awin = Irssi::active_win;
- update_one_trackbar($awin);
- ++$awin_counter;
- } until ($awin->{refnum} == $bwin->{refnum} || $awin_counter >= @wins);
- Irssi::signal_remove('window changed' => 'signal_stop');
-sub cmd_trackbar_remove_one {
- remove_one_trackbar(Irssi::active_win);
-sub cmd_remove_all_trackbars {
- remove_all_trackbars();
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'trackbar_all_removed');
-sub cmd_keep_once {
- $keep_trackbar{ Irssi::active_win->{_irssi} } = 1;
-sub trackbar_runsub {
- my ($data, $server, $item) = @_;
- $data =~ s/\s+$//g;
- if ($data) {
- Irssi::command_runsub('trackbar', $data, $server, $item);
- } else {
- goto_trackbar();
- }
-sub update_config {
- my $was_status_window = $config{use_status_window};
- $config{style} = Irssi::settings_get_str('trackbar_style');
- $config{string} = Irssi::settings_get_str('trackbar_string');
- $config{require_seen} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('trackbar_require_seen');
- $config{all_manual} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('trackbar_all_manual');
- $config{ignore_windows} = [ split /[,\s]+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('trackbar_ignore_windows') ];
- $config{use_status_window} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('trackbar_use_status_window');
- $config{print_timestamp} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('trackbar_print_timestamp');
- if (defined $was_status_window && $was_status_window != $config{use_status_window}) {
- if (my $swin = Irssi::window_find_name('(status)')) {
- if ($config{use_status_window}) {
- update_one_trackbar($swin);
- }
- else {
- remove_one_trackbar($swin);
- }
- }
- }
- if ($config{print_timestamp}) {
- my $ts_format = Irssi::settings_get_str('timestamp_format');
- my $ts_theme = Irssi::current_theme->get_format('fe-common/core', 'timestamp');
- my $render_str = Irssi::current_theme->format_expand($ts_theme);
- (my $ts_escaped = $ts_format) =~ s/([%\$])/$1$1/g;
- $render_str =~ s/(?|\$(.)(?!\w)|\$\{(\w+)\})/$1 eq 'Z' ? $ts_escaped : $1/ge;
- $config{timestamp_str} = $render_str;
- }
- redraw_trackbars() unless $old_irssi;
-Irssi::settings_add_str('trackbar', 'trackbar_string', is_utf8() ? "\x{2500}" : '-');
-Irssi::settings_add_str('trackbar', 'trackbar_style', '%K');
-Irssi::settings_add_str('trackbar', 'trackbar_ignore_windows', '');
-Irssi::settings_add_bool('trackbar', 'trackbar_use_status_window', 1);
-Irssi::settings_add_bool('trackbar', 'trackbar_print_timestamp', 0);
-Irssi::settings_add_bool('trackbar', 'trackbar_require_seen', 0);
-Irssi::settings_add_bool('trackbar', 'trackbar_all_manual', 0);
-Irssi::signal_add_last( 'mainwindow resized' => 'redraw_trackbars')
- unless $old_irssi;
-Irssi::signal_register({'window trackbar added' => [qw/Irssi::UI::Window/]});
-Irssi::signal_register({'window trackbar seen' => [qw/Irssi::UI::Window/]});
-Irssi::signal_register({'gui page scrolled' => [qw/Irssi::UI::Window/]});
-Irssi::signal_add_last('gui page scrolled' => 'trackbar_update_seen');
-Irssi::signal_add('setup changed' => 'update_config');
-Irssi::signal_add_priority('session save' => 'remove_all_trackbars', Irssi::SIGNAL_PRIORITY_HIGH-1);
-Irssi::signal_add('window changed' => 'sig_window_changed');
-Irssi::command_bind('trackbar goto' => 'goto_trackbar');
-Irssi::command_bind('trackbar keep' => 'cmd_keep_once');
-Irssi::command_bind('trackbar mark' => 'cmd_mark');
-Irssi::command_bind('trackbar markvisible' => 'cmd_markvisible');
-Irssi::command_bind('trackbar markall' => 'cmd_markall');
-Irssi::command_bind('trackbar remove' => 'cmd_trackbar_remove_one');
-Irssi::command_bind('trackbar removeall' => 'cmd_remove_all_trackbars');
-Irssi::command_bind('trackbar redraw' => 'redraw_trackbars');
-Irssi::command_bind('trackbar' => 'trackbar_runsub');
-Irssi::command_bind('mark' => 'cmd_mark');
-Irssi::command_bind_last('help' => 'cmd_help');
-Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'trackbar_loaded', $IRSSI{name}, $VERSION, $IRSSI{authors});
-# workaround for issue #271
-{ package Irssi::Nick }
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,1257 +0,0 @@
-# - execute a command or replace text, triggered by an event in irssi
-# Do /TRIGGER HELP or look at for help
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Wouter Coekaerts <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-use strict;
-use Irssi 20020324 qw(command_bind command_runsub command signal_add_first signal_continue signal_stop signal_remove);
-use Text::ParseWords;
-use IO::File;
-use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
-$VERSION = '1.2.4';
-%IRSSI = (
- authors => 'Wouter Coekaerts',
- contact => '',
- name => 'trigger',
- description => 'execute a command or replace text, triggered by an event in irssi',
- license => 'GPLv2 or later',
- url => '',
- changed => '2020-03-10',
-sub cmd_help {
-TRIGGER MOVE <number> <number>
-TRIGGER CHANGE <number> ...
-%U%_When to match%_%U
-%UOn which types of event to trigger%U
- These are simply specified by -name_of_the_type
- The normal IRC event types are:
- publics, %|privmsgs, (pub|priv)actions, (pub|priv)notices, (pub|priv)ctcps, (pub|priv)ctcpreplies, joins, parts, quits, kicks, topics, invites, nick_changes, dcc_msgs, dcc_actions, dcc_ctcps
- mode_channel: %|a mode on the (whole) channel (like +t, +i, +b)
- mode_nick: %|a mode on someone in the channel (like +o, +v)
- -all is an alias for all of those.
- Additionally, there is:
- rawin: %|raw text incoming from the server
- send_command: %|commands you give to irssi
- send_text: %|lines you type that aren't commands
- beep: %|when irssi beeps
- notify_join: %|someone in you notify list comes online
- notify_part: %|someone in your notify list goes offline
- notify_away: %|someone in your notify list goes away
- notify_unaway: %|someone in your notify list goes unaway
- notify_unidle: %|someone in your notify list stops idling
- (pub|priv)flood: %|flood in a channel or in private detected. See /set flood. Be careful, these flood signals can trigger many times for one flood (unless you have autoignore enabled)
-%UFilters (conditions) the event has to satisfy%U
-They all take one parameter. If you can give a list, seperate elements by space and use quotes around the list.
-All filters except for -pattern and -regexp can also be inversed by prefixing with -not_.
- -pattern: %|The message must match the given pattern. ? and * can be used as wildcards
- -regexp: %|The message must match the given regexp. (see man perlre)
- %|if -nocase is given as an option, the regexp or pattern is matched case insensitive
- -tags: %|The servertag must be in the given list of tags
- -channels: %|The event must be in one of the given list of channels.
- Examples: %|-channels '#chan1 #chan2' or -channels 'IRCNet/#channel'
- %|-channels 'EFNet/' means every channel on EFNet and is the same as -tags 'EFNet'
- -masks: %|The person who triggers it must match one of the given list of masks
- -hasmode: %|The person who triggers it must have the give mode
- Examples: %|'-o' means not opped, '+ov' means opped OR voiced, '-o&-v' means not opped AND not voiced
- -hasflag: %|Only trigger if ( or is loaded and the person who triggers it has the given flag in the script (same syntax as -hasmode)
- -other_masks
- -other_hasmode
- -other_hasflag: %|Same as above but for the victim for kicks or mode_nick.
-%U%_What to do when it matches%_%U
- -command: Execute the given Irssi-command
- %|You are able to use $1, $2 and so on generated by your regexp pattern.
- %|For multiple commands ; can be used as seperator
- %|The following variables are also expanded:
- $T: %|Server tag
- $C: %|Channel name
- $O: %|Your nick
- $N: %|Nickname of the person who triggered this command
- $A: %|His address (,
- $I: %|His ident (foo)
- $H: %|His hostname (
- $M: %|The complete message
- ${other}: %|The victim for kicks or mode_nick
- ${mode_type}: %|The type ('+' or '-') for a mode_channel or mode_nick
- ${mode_char}: %|The mode char ('o' for ops, 'b' for ban,...)
- ${mode_arg} : %|The argument to the mode (if there is one)
- %|$\X, with X being one of the above expands (e.g. $\M), escapes all non-alphanumeric characters, so it can be used with /eval or /exec. Don't use /eval or /exec without this, it's not safe.
- -replace: %|replaces the matching part with the given replacement in the event (requires a -regexp or -pattern)
- -once: %|remove the trigger if it is triggered, so it only executes once and then is forgotten.
- -stop: %|stops the signal. It won't get displayed by Irssi. Like /IGNORE
- -debug: %|print some debugging info
- -last: %|Don't process any more triggers for this message
-%U%_Other options%_%U
- -disabled: %|Same as removing it, but keeps it in case you might need it later
- -name: %|Give the trigger a name. You can refer to the trigger with this name in add/del/change commands
- Knockout people who do a !list:
- %#/TRIGGER ADD %|-publics -channels "#channel1 #channel2" -nocase -regexp ^!list -command "KN $N This is not a warez channel!"
- React to !echo commands from people who are +o in your friends-script:
- %#/TRIGGER ADD %|-publics -regexp '^!echo (.*)' -hasflag '+o' -command 'say echo: $1'
- Ignore all non-ops on #channel:
- %#/TRIGGER ADD %|-publics -actions -channels "#channel" -hasmode '-o' -stop
- Send a mail to yourself every time a topic is changed:
- %#/TRIGGER ADD %|-topics -command 'exec echo $\N changed topic of $\C to: $\M | mail -s topic'
-%U%_Examples with -replace%_%U
- %|Replace every occurence of shit with sh*t, case insensitive:
- %#/TRIGGER ADD %|-all -nocase -regexp shit -replace sh*t
- %|Strip all colorcodes from *!lamer@*:
- %#/TRIGGER ADD %|-all -masks *!lamer@* -regexp '\x03\d?\d?(,\d\d?)?|\x02|\x1f|\x16|\x06' -replace ''
- %|Never let *! or *! hilight you
- %|(this works by cutting your nick in 2 different parts, 'myn' and 'ick' here)
- %|you don't need to understand the -replace argument, just trust that it works if the 2 parts separately don't hilight:
- %#/TRIGGER ADD %|-all masks '*! *!' -regexp '(myn)(ick)' -nocase -replace '$1\x02\x02$2'
- %|Avoid being hilighted by !top10 in eggdrops with stats.mod (but show your nick in bold):
- %#/TRIGGER ADD %|-publics -regexp '(Top.0\(.*\): 1.*)(my)(nick)' -replace '$1\x02$2\x02\x02$3\x02'
- %|Convert a Windows-1252 Euro to an ISO-8859-15 Euro (same effect as
- %#/TRIGGER ADD %|-regexp '\x80' -replace '\xA4'
- %|Show tabs as spaces, not the inverted I (same effect as
- %#/TRIGGER ADD %|-all -regexp '\t' -replace ' '
-} # /
-my @triggers; # array of all triggers
-my %triggers_by_type; # hash mapping types on triggers of that type
-my $recursion_depth = 0;
-my $changed_since_last_save = 0;
-### formats ###
- 'trigger_header' => 'Triggers:',
- 'trigger_line' => '%#$[-4]0 $1',
- 'trigger_added' => 'Trigger $0 added: $1',
- 'trigger_not_found' => 'Trigger {hilight $0} not found',
- 'trigger_saved' => 'Triggers saved to $0',
- 'trigger_loaded' => 'Triggers loaded from $0'
-### catch the signals & do your thing ###
-# trigger types with a message and a channel
-my @allchanmsg_types = qw(publics pubactions pubnotices pubctcps pubctcpreplies parts kicks topics);
-# trigger types with a message
-my @allmsg_types = (@allchanmsg_types, qw(privmsgs privactions privnotices privctcps privctcpreplies dcc_msgs dcc_actions dcc_ctcps quits));
-# trigger types with a channel
-my @allchan_types = (@allchanmsg_types, qw(mode_channel mode_nick joins invites pubflood send_text));
-# trigger types in -all
-my @all_types = (@allmsg_types, qw(mode_channel mode_nick joins invites nick_changes));
-# trigger types that can use -masks
-my @mask_types = (@all_types, qw(notify_join notify_part notify_away notify_unaway notify_unidle));
-# trigger types with a server
-my @all_server_types = (@mask_types, qw(rawin pubflood privflood));
-# all trigger types
-my @trigger_types = (@all_server_types, qw(send_command send_text beep));
-#trigger types that are not in -all
-#my @notall_types = grep {my $a=$_; return (!grep {$_ eq $a} @all_types);} @trigger_types;
-my @notall_types = qw(rawin notify_join notify_part notify_away notify_unaway notify_unidle send_command send_text beep pubflood privflood);
-my @signals = (
-# "message public", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target
- 'types' => ['publics'],
- 'signal' => 'message public',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0],$_[4],$_[2],$_[3],'publics');},
-# "message private", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address
- 'types' => ['privmsgs'],
- 'signal' => 'message private',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0],undef,$_[2],$_[3],'privmsgs');},
-# "message irc action", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target
- 'types' => ['privactions','pubactions'],
- 'signal' => 'message irc action',
- 'sub' => sub {
- if ($_[4] eq $_[0]->{nick}) {
- check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0],undef,$_[2],$_[3],'privactions');
- } else {
- check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0],$_[4],$_[2],$_[3],'pubactions');
- }
- },
-# "message irc notice", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target
- 'types' => ['privnotices','pubnotices'],
- 'signal' => 'message irc notice',
- 'sub' => sub {
- if ($_[4] eq $_[0]->{nick}) {
- check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0],undef,$_[2],$_[3],'privnotices');
- } else {
- check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0],$_[4],$_[2],$_[3],'pubnotices');
- }
- }
-# "message join", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *address
- 'types' => ['joins'],
- 'signal' => 'message join',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,-1,$_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3],'joins');}
-# "message part", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *address, char *reason
- 'types' => ['parts'],
- 'signal' => 'message part',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,4,$_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3],'parts');}
-# "message quit", SERVER_REC, char *nick, char *address, char *reason
- 'types' => ['quits'],
- 'signal' => 'message quit',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,3,$_[0],undef,$_[1],$_[2],'quits');}
-# "message kick", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *kicker, char *address, char *reason
- 'types' => ['kicks'],
- 'signal' => 'message kick',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,5,$_[0],$_[1],$_[3],$_[4],'kicks',{'other'=>$_[2]});}
-# "message topic", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *topic, char *nick, char *address
- 'types' => ['topics'],
- 'signal' => 'message topic',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,2,$_[0],$_[1],$_[3],$_[4],'topics');}
-# "message invite", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *address
- 'types' => ['invites'],
- 'signal' => 'message invite',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,-1,$_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3],'invites');}
-# "message nick", SERVER_REC, char *newnick, char *oldnick, char *address
- 'types' => ['nick_changes'],
- 'signal' => 'message nick',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,-1,$_[0],undef,$_[1],$_[3],'nick_changes',{'other'=>$_[2]});}
-# "message dcc", DCC_REC *dcc, char *msg
- 'types' => ['dcc_msgs'],
- 'signal' => 'message dcc',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0]->{'server'},undef,$_[0]->{'nick'},undef,'dcc_msgs');
- }
-# "message dcc action", DCC_REC *dcc, char *msg
- 'types' => ['dcc_actions'],
- 'signal' => 'message dcc action',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0]->{'server'},undef,$_[0]->{'nick'},undef,'dcc_actions');}
-# "message dcc ctcp", DCC_REC *dcc, char *cmd, char *data
- 'types' => ['dcc_ctcps'],
- 'signal' => 'message dcc ctcp',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0]->{'server'},undef,$_[0]->{'nick'},undef,'dcc_ctcps');}
-# "server incoming", SERVER_REC, char *data
- 'types' => ['rawin'],
- 'signal' => 'server incoming',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0],undef,undef,undef,'rawin');}
-# "send command", char *args, SERVER_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
- 'types' => ['send_command'],
- 'signal' => 'send command',
- 'sub' => sub {
- sig_send_text_or_command(\@_,1);
- }
-# "send text", char *line, SERVER_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
- 'types' => ['send_text'],
- 'signal' => 'send text',
- 'sub' => sub {
- sig_send_text_or_command(\@_,0);
- }
-# "beep"
- 'types' => ['beep'],
- 'signal' => 'beep',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,-1,undef,undef,undef,undef,'beep');}
-# "event "<cmd>, SERVER_REC, char *args, char *sender_nick, char *sender_address
- 'types' => ['mode_channel', 'mode_nick'],
- 'signal' => 'event mode',
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($server, $event_args, $nickname, $address) = @_;
- my ($target, $modes, $modeargs) = split(/ /, $event_args, 3);
- return if (!$server->ischannel($target));
- my (@modeargs) = split(/ /,$modeargs);
- my ($pos, $type, $event_type, $arg) = (0, '+');
- foreach my $char (split(//,$modes)) {
- if ($char eq "+" || $char eq "-") {
- $type = $char;
- } else {
- if ($char =~ /[Oovh]/) { # mode_nick
- $event_type = 'mode_nick';
- $arg = $modeargs[$pos++];
- } elsif ($char =~ /[beIqdk]/ || ( $char =~ /[lfJ]/ && $type eq '+')) { # chan_mode with arg
- $event_type = 'mode_channel';
- $arg = $modeargs[$pos++];
- } else { # chan_mode without arg
- $event_type = 'mode_channel';
- $arg = undef;
- }
- check_signal_message(\@_,-1,$server,$target,$nickname,$address,$event_type,{
- 'mode_type' => $type,
- 'mode_char' => $char,
- 'mode_arg' => $arg,
- 'other' => ($event_type eq 'mode_nick') ? $arg : undef
- });
- }
- }
- }
-# "notifylist joined", SERVER_REC, char *nick, char *user, char *host, char *realname, char *awaymsg
- 'types' => ['notify_join'],
- 'signal' => 'notifylist joined',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_, 5, $_[0], undef, $_[1], $_[2].'@'.$_[3], 'notify_join', {'realname' => $_[4]});}
- 'types' => ['notify_part'],
- 'signal' => 'notifylist left',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_, 5, $_[0], undef, $_[1], $_[2].'@'.$_[3], 'notify_left', {'realname' => $_[4]});}
- 'types' => ['notify_unidle'],
- 'signal' => 'notifylist unidle',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_, 5, $_[0], undef, $_[1], $_[2].'@'.$_[3], 'notify_unidle', {'realname' => $_[4]});}
- 'types' => ['notify_away', 'notify_unaway'],
- 'signal' => 'notifylist away changed',
- 'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_, 5, $_[0], undef, $_[1], $_[2].'@'.$_[3], ($_[5] ? 'notify_away' : 'notify_unaway'), {'realname' => $_[4]});}
-# "ctcp msg", SERVER_REC, char *args, char *nick, char *addr, char *target
- 'types' => ['pubctcps', 'privctcps'],
- 'signal' => 'ctcp msg',
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($server, $args, $nick, $addr, $target) = @_;
- if ($target eq $server->{'nick'}) {
- check_signal_message(\@_, 1, $server, undef, $nick, $addr, 'privctcps');
- } else {
- check_signal_message(\@_, 1, $server, $target, $nick, $addr, 'pubctcps');
- }
- }
-# "ctcp reply", SERVER_REC, char *args, char *nick, char *addr, char *target
- 'types' => ['pubctcpreplies', 'privctcpreplies'],
- 'signal' => 'ctcp reply',
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($server, $args, $nick, $addr, $target) = @_;
- if ($target eq $server->{'nick'}) {
- check_signal_message(\@_, 1, $server, undef, $nick, $addr, 'privctcpreplies');
- } else {
- check_signal_message(\@_, 1, $server, $target, $nick, $addr, 'pubctcpreplies');
- }
- }
-# "flood", SERVER_REC, char *nick, char *host, int level, char *target
- 'types' => ['pubflood', 'privflood'],
- 'signal' => 'flood',
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($server, $nick, $host, $level, $target) = @_;
- if ($target eq $server->{'nick'}) {
- check_signal_message(\@_, -1, $server, undef, $nick, $host, 'privflood');
- } else {
- check_signal_message(\@_, -1, $server, $target, $nick, $host, 'pubflood');
- }
- }
-sub sig_send_text_or_command {
- my ($signal, $iscommand) = @_;
- my ($line, $server, $item) = @$signal;
- my ($channelname,$nickname,$address) = (undef,undef,undef);
- if ($item && (ref($item) eq 'Irssi::Irc::Channel' || ref($item) eq 'Irssi::Silc::Channel')) {
- $channelname = $item->{'name'};
- } elsif ($item && ref($item) eq 'Irssi::Irc::Query') { # TODO Silc query ?
- $nickname = $item->{'name'};
- $address = $item->{'address'}
- }
- # TODO pass context also for non-channels (queries and other stuff)
- check_signal_message($signal,0,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$iscommand ? 'send_command' : 'send_text');
-my %filters = (
-'tags' => {
- 'types' => \@all_server_types,
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
- if (!defined($server)) {
- return 0;
- }
- my $matches = 0;
- foreach my $tag (split(/ /,$param)) {
- if (lc($server->{'tag'}) eq lc($tag)) {
- $matches = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- return $matches;
- }
-'channels' => {
- 'types' => \@allchan_types,
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
- if (!defined($channelname) || !defined($server)) {
- return 0;
- }
- my $matches = 0;
- foreach my $trigger_channel (split(/ /,$param)) {
- if (lc($channelname) eq lc($trigger_channel)
- || lc($server->{'tag'}.'/'.$channelname) eq lc($trigger_channel)
- || lc($server->{'tag'}.'/') eq lc($trigger_channel)) {
- $matches = 1;
- last; # this channel matches, stop checking channels
- }
- }
- return $matches;
- }
-'masks' => {
- 'types' => \@mask_types,
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
- $address //= '';
- return (defined($nickname) && defined($server) && $server->masks_match($param, $nickname, $address));
- }
-'other_masks' => {
- 'types' => ['kicks', 'mode_nick', 'nick_changes'],
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
- return 0 unless defined($extra->{'other'});
- my $other_address = ($condition ne 'nick_changes') ? get_address($extra->{'other'}, $server, $channelname) : $address;
- return defined($other_address) && $server->masks_match($param, $extra->{'other'}, $other_address);
- }
-'hasmode' => {
- 'types' => \@all_types,
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
- return hasmode($param, $nickname, $server, $channelname);
- }
-'other_hasmode' => {
- 'types' => ['kicks', 'mode_nick'],
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($param,$signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
- return defined($extra->{'other'}) && hasmode($param, $extra->{'other'}, $server, $channelname);
- }
-'hasflag' => {
- 'types' => \@all_types,
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
- return 0 unless defined($nickname) && defined($address) && defined($server);
- my $flags = get_flags ($server->{'chatnet'},$channelname,$nickname,$address);
- return defined($flags) && check_modes($flags,$param);
- }
-'other_hasflag' => {
- 'types' => ['kicks', 'mode_nick'],
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
- return 0 unless defined($extra->{'other'});
- my $other_address = get_address($extra->{'other'}, $server, $channelname);
- return 0 unless defined($other_address);
- my $flags = get_flags ($server->{'chatnet'},$channelname,$extra->{'other'},$other_address);
- return defined($flags) && check_modes($flags,$param);
- }
-'mode_type' => {
- 'types' => ['mode_channel', 'mode_nick'],
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
- return (($param) eq $extra->{'mode_type'});
- }
-'mode_char' => {
- 'types' => ['mode_channel', 'mode_nick'],
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
- return (($param) eq $extra->{'mode_char'});
- }
-'mode_arg' => {
- 'types' => ['mode_channel', 'mode_nick'],
- 'sub' => sub {
- my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
- return (($param) eq $extra->{'mode_arg'});
- }
-sub get_address {
- my ($nick, $server, $channel) = @_;
- my $nickrec = get_nickrec($nick, $server, $channel);
- return $nickrec ? $nickrec->{'host'} : undef;
-sub get_nickrec {
- my ($nick, $server, $channel) = @_;
- return unless defined($server) && defined($channel) && defined($nick);
- my $chanrec = $server->channel_find($channel);
- return $chanrec ? $chanrec->nick_find($nick) : undef;
-sub hasmode {
- my ($param, $nickname, $server, $channelname) = @_;
- my $nickrec = get_nickrec($nickname, $server, $channelname);
- return 0 unless defined $nickrec;
- my $modes =
- ($nickrec->{'op'} ? 'o' : '')
- . ($nickrec->{'voice'} ? 'v' : '')
- . ($nickrec->{'halfop'} ? 'h' : '')
- ;
- return check_modes($modes, $param);
-# list of all switches
-my @trigger_switches = (@trigger_types, qw(all nocase stop once debug disabled last));
-# parameters (with an argument)
-my @trigger_params = qw(pattern regexp command replace name);
-# all options that can be used to set filters, including negative matches (not_<filter>)
-my @trigger_filter_options = map(($_,'not_'.$_), keys(%filters));
-# list of all options (including switches) for /TRIGGER ADD
-my @trigger_add_options = (@trigger_switches, @trigger_params, @trigger_filter_options);
-# same for /TRIGGER CHANGE, this includes the -no<option>'s
-my @trigger_options = map(($_,'no'.$_) ,@trigger_add_options);
-# check the triggers on $signal's $parammessage parameter, for triggers with $condition set
-# on $server in $channelname, for $nickname!$address
-# set $parammessage to -1 if the signal doesn't have a message
-# for signal without channel, nick or address, set to undef
-sub check_signal_message {
- my ($signal, $parammessage, $server, $channelname, $nickname, $address, $condition, $extra) = @_;
- my ($changed, $stopped, $context, $need_rebuild);
- my $message = ($parammessage == -1) ? '' : $signal->[$parammessage];
- return if (!$triggers_by_type{$condition});
- if ($recursion_depth > 10) {
- Irssi::print("Trigger error: Maximum recursion depth reached, aborting trigger.", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return;
- }
- $recursion_depth++;
- foreach my $trigger (@{$triggers_by_type{$condition}}) {
- # check filters
- foreach my $trigfilter (filters_for_trigger($trigger)) {
- my $filter_sub = $trigfilter->{'filter'}->{'sub'};
- my $filter_matches = !!(&$filter_sub($trigfilter->{'param'}, $signal, $parammessage, $server, $channelname, $nickname, $address, $condition, $extra));
- if ($filter_matches != $trigfilter->{'must_match'}) { # if it didn't match, or if it's a -not_* filter and it did match
- next TRIGGER;
- }
- }
- # check regexp (and keep matches in @- and @+, so don't make a this a {block})
- next if ($trigger->{'compregexp'} && ($parammessage == -1 || $message !~ m/$trigger->{'compregexp'}/));
- # if we got this far, it fully matched, and we need to do the replace/command/stop/once
- my $expands = $extra;
- $expands->{'M'} = $message,;
- $expands->{'T'} = (defined($server)) ? $server->{'tag'} : '';
- $expands->{'C'} = $channelname;
- $expands->{'O'} = (defined($server)) ? $server->{'nick'} : '';
- $expands->{'N'} = $nickname;
- $expands->{'A'} = $address;
- $expands->{'I'} = ((!defined($address)) ? '' : substr($address,0,index($address,'@')));
- $expands->{'H'} = ((!defined($address)) ? '' : substr($address,index($address,'@')+1));
- $expands->{'$'} = '$';
- $expands->{';'} = ';';
- if (defined($trigger->{'replace'})) { # it's a -replace
- $message =~ s/$trigger->{'compregexp'}/do_expands(0,$trigger->{'compreplace'},$expands,$message)/ge;
- $changed = 1;
- }
- if ($trigger->{'command'}) { # it's a (nonempty) -command
- my $command = $trigger->{'command'};
- # $1 = the stuff behind the $ we want to expand: a number, or a character from %expands
- $command = do_expands(1, $command, $expands, $message);
- if (defined($server)) {
- if (defined($channelname) && $server->channel_find($channelname)) {
- $context = $server->channel_find($channelname);
- } else {
- $context = $server;
- }
- } else {
- $context = undef;
- }
- if (defined($context)) {
- $context->command("eval $command");
- } else {
- Irssi::command("eval $command");
- }
- }
- if ($trigger->{'debug'}) {
- print("DEBUG: trigger $condition pmesg=$parammessage message=$message server=$server->{tag} channel=$channelname nick=$nickname address=$address " . join(' ',map {$_ . '=' . $extra->{$_}} keys(%$extra)));
- }
- if ($trigger->{'stop'}) {
- $stopped = 1;
- }
- if ($trigger->{'once'}) {
- # find this trigger in the real trigger list, and remove it
- for (my $realindex=0; $realindex < scalar(@triggers); $realindex++) {
- if ($triggers[$realindex] == $trigger) {
- splice (@triggers,$realindex,1);
- last;
- }
- }
- $need_rebuild = 1;
- }
- if ($trigger->{'last'}) {
- last TRIGGER;
- }
- }
- if ($need_rebuild) {
- rebuild();
- $changed_since_last_save = 1;
- }
- if ($stopped) { # stopped with -stop
- signal_stop();
- } elsif ($changed) { # changed with -replace
- $signal->[$parammessage] = $message;
- signal_continue(@$signal);
- }
- $recursion_depth--;
-# return array of filters for the given trigger
-sub filters_for_trigger($) {
- my ($trigger) = @_;
- return values(%{$trigger->{'filters'}});
-# used in check_signal_message to expand $'s
-# $inthis is a string that can contain $ stuff (like 'foo$1bar$N')
-sub do_expands {
- my ($escape, $inthis, $expands, $from) = @_;
- # @+ and @- are copied because there are two s/// nested, and the inner needs the $1 and $2,... of the outer one
- my @plus = @+;
- my @min = @-;
- my $p = \@plus; my $m = \@min;
- $inthis =~ s/\$(\\*(\d+|[^0-9x{]|x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]|{.*?}))/expand_and_escape($escape,$1,$expands,$m,$p,$from)/ge;
- return $inthis;
-# \ $ and ; may need extra escaping because we use eval for -command
-sub expand_and_escape {
- my $escape = shift;
- my $retval = expand(@_);
- if ($escape) {
- $retval =~ s/([\\\$;])/\\\1/g;
- }
- return $retval;
-# used in do_expands (via expand_and_escape), to_expand is the part after the $
-sub expand {
- my ($to_expand, $expands, $min, $plus, $from) = @_;
- if ($to_expand =~ /^\d+$/) { # a number => look up in $vars
- # from man perlvar:
- # $3 is the same as "substr $var, $-[3], $+[3] - $-[3])"
- return ($to_expand > @{$min} ? '' : substr($from,$min->[$to_expand],$plus->[$to_expand]-$min->[$to_expand]));
- } elsif ($to_expand =~ s/^\\//) { # begins with \, so strip that from to_expand
- my $exp = expand($to_expand,$expands,$min,$plus,$from); # first expand without \
- $exp =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/\\\1/g; # escape non-word chars
- return $exp;
- } elsif ($to_expand =~ /^x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/) { # $xAA
- return chr(hex($1));
- } elsif ($to_expand =~ /^{(.*?)}$/) { # ${foo}
- return expand($1, $expands, $min, $plus, $from);
- } else { # look up in $expands
- return $expands->{$to_expand};
- }
-sub check_modes {
- my ($has_modes, $need_modes) = @_;
- my $matches;
- my $switch = 1; # if a '-' if found, will be 0 (meaning the modes should not be set)
- foreach my $need_mode (split /&/, $need_modes) {
- $matches = 0;
- foreach my $char (split //, $need_mode) {
- if ($char eq '-') {
- $switch = 0;
- } elsif ($char eq '+') {
- $switch = 1;
- } elsif ((index($has_modes, $char) != -1) == $switch) {
- $matches = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- if (!$matches) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-# get someones flags from or friends(_shasta).pl
-sub get_flags {
- my ($chatnet, $channel, $nick, $address) = @_;
- my $flags;
- no strict 'refs';
- if (%{ 'Irssi::Script::people::' }) {
- if (defined ($channel)) {
- $flags = (&{ 'Irssi::Script::people::find_local_flags' }($chatnet,$channel,$nick,$address));
- } else {
- $flags = (&{ 'Irssi::Script::people::find_global_flags' }($chatnet,$nick,$address));
- }
- $flags = join('',keys(%{$flags}));
- } else {
- my $shasta;
- if (%{ 'Irssi::Script::friends_shasta::' }) {
- $shasta = 'friends_shasta';
- } elsif (defined &{ 'Irssi::Script::friends::get_idx' }) {
- $shasta = 'friends';
- } else {
- return undef;
- }
- my $idx = (&{ 'Irssi::Script::'.$shasta.'::get_idx' }($nick, $address));
- if ($idx == -1) {
- return '';
- }
- $flags = (&{ 'Irssi::Script::'.$shasta.'::get_friends_flags' }($idx,undef));
- if ($channel) {
- $flags .= (&{ 'Irssi::Script::'.$shasta.'::get_friends_flags' }($idx,$channel));
- }
- }
- return $flags;
-### internal stuff called by manage, needed by above ###
-my %mask_to_regexp = ();
-foreach my $i (0..255) {
- my $ch = chr $i;
- $mask_to_regexp{$ch} = "\Q$ch\E";
-$mask_to_regexp{'?'} = '(.)';
-$mask_to_regexp{'*'} = '(.*)';
-sub compile_trigger {
- my ($trigger) = @_;
- my $regexp;
- if ($trigger->{'regexp'}) {
- $regexp = $trigger->{'regexp'};
- } elsif ($trigger->{'pattern'}) {
- $regexp = $trigger->{'pattern'};
- $regexp =~ s/(.)/$mask_to_regexp{$1}/g;
- } else {
- delete $trigger->{'compregexp'};
- return;
- }
- if ($trigger->{'nocase'}) {
- $regexp = '(?i)' . $regexp;
- }
- $trigger->{'compregexp'} = qr/$regexp/;
- if(defined($trigger->{'replace'})) {
- (my $replace = $trigger->{'replace'}) =~ s/\$/\$\$/g;
- $trigger->{'compreplace'} = Irssi::parse_special($replace);
- }
-# rebuilds triggers_by_type and updates signal binds
-sub rebuild {
- %triggers_by_type = ();
- foreach my $trigger (@triggers) {
- if (!$trigger->{'disabled'}) {
- if ($trigger->{'all'}) {
- # -all is an alias for all types in @all_types for which the filters can apply
- foreach my $type (@all_types) {
- # check if all filters can apply to $type
- foreach my $trigfilter (filters_for_trigger($trigger)) {
- if (! grep {$_ eq $type} @{$trigfilter->{'filter'}->{'types'}}) {
- next ALLTYPES;
- }
- }
- push @{$triggers_by_type{$type}}, ($trigger);
- }
- }
- foreach my $type ($trigger->{'all'} ? @notall_types : @trigger_types) {
- if ($trigger->{$type}) {
- push @{$triggers_by_type{$type}}, ($trigger);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach my $signal (@signals) {
- my $should_bind = 0;
- foreach my $type (@{$signal->{'types'}}) {
- if (defined($triggers_by_type{$type})) {
- $should_bind = 1;
- }
- }
- if ($should_bind && !$signal->{'bind'}) {
- signal_add_first($signal->{'signal'}, $signal->{'sub'});
- $signal->{'bind'} = 1;
- } elsif (!$should_bind && $signal->{'bind'}) {
- signal_remove($signal->{'signal'}, $signal->{'sub'});
- $signal->{'bind'} = 0;
- }
- }
-### manage the triggers-list ###
-my $trigger_file; # cached setting
-sub sig_setup_changed {
- $trigger_file = Irssi::settings_get_str('trigger_file');
-sub autosave {
- cmd_save() if ($changed_since_last_save);
-sub cmd_save {
- my $io = new IO::File $trigger_file, "w";
- if (defined $io) {
- $io->print("#Triggers file version $VERSION\n");
- foreach my $trigger (@triggers) {
- $io->print(to_string($trigger) . "\n");
- }
- $io->close;
- }
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTNOTICE, 'trigger_saved', $trigger_file);
- $changed_since_last_save = 0;
-# save on unload
-sub UNLOAD {
- cmd_save();
-sub cmd_load {
- sig_setup_changed(); # make sure we've read the trigger_file setting
- my $converted = 0;
- my $io = new IO::File $trigger_file, "r";
- if (not defined $io) {
- if (-e $trigger_file) {
- Irssi::print("Error opening triggers file", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (defined $io) {
- @triggers = ();
- my $text;
- $text = $io->getline;
- my $file_version = '';
- if ($text =~ /^#Triggers file version (.*)\n/) {
- $file_version = $1;
- }
- if ($file_version lt '0.6.1+2') {
- no strict 'vars';
- $text .= $_ foreach ($io->getlines);
- my $rep = eval "$text";
- if (! ref $rep) {
- Irssi::print("Error in triggers file");
- return;
- }
- my @old_triggers = @$rep;
- for (my $index=0;$index < scalar(@old_triggers);$index++) {
- my $trigger = $old_triggers[$index];
- if ($file_version lt '0.6.1') {
- # convert old names: notices => pubnotices, actions => pubactions
- foreach $oldname ('notices','actions') {
- if ($trigger->{$oldname}) {
- delete $trigger->{$oldname};
- $trigger->{'pub'.$oldname} = 1;
- $converted = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($file_version lt '0.6.1+1' && $trigger->{'modifiers'}) {
- if ($trigger->{'modifiers'} =~ /i/) {
- $trigger->{'nocase'} = 1;
- Irssi::print("Trigger: trigger ".($index+1)." had 'i' in it's modifiers, it has been converted to -nocase");
- }
- if ($trigger->{'modifiers'} !~ /^[ig]*$/) {
- Irssi::print("Trigger: trigger ".($index+1)." had unrecognised modifier '". $trigger->{'modifiers'} ."', which couldn't be converted.");
- }
- delete $trigger->{'modifiers'};
- $converted = 1;
- }
- # convert to text with compat, and then to new trigger hash
- $text = to_string($trigger,1);
- my @args = &shellwords($text . ' a');
- my $trigger = parse_options({},@args);
- if ($trigger) {
- push @triggers, $trigger;
- }
- }
- } else { # new format
- while ( $text = $io->getline ) {
- chop($text);
- next if ($text =~ /^[ ]*$|^#/);
- my @args = &shellwords($text . ' a');
- my $trigger = parse_options({},@args);
- if ($trigger) {
- push @triggers, $trigger;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTNOTICE, 'trigger_loaded', $trigger_file);
- if ($converted) {
- Irssi::print("Trigger: Triggers file will be in new format next time it's saved.");
- }
- rebuild();
-# escape for printing with to_string
-# <<abcdef>> => << 'abcdef' >>
-# <<abc'def>> => << "abc'def" >>
-# <<abc'def\x02>> => << 'abc'\''def\x02' >>
-sub param_to_string {
- my ($text) = @_;
- # avoid ugly escaping if we can use "-quotes without other escaping (no " or \)
- if ($text =~ /^[^"\\]*'[^"\\]$/) {
- return ' "' . $text . '" ';
- }
- # "'" signs without a (odd number of) \ in front of them, need be to escaped as '\''
- # this is ugly :(
- $text =~ s/(^|[^\\](\\\\)*)'/$1'\\''/g;
- return " '$text' ";
-# converts a trigger back to "-switch -options 'foo'" form
-# if $compat, $trigger is in the old format (used to convert)
-sub to_string {
- my ($trigger, $compat) = @_;
- my $string;
- foreach my $switch (@trigger_switches) {
- if ($trigger->{$switch}) {
- $string .= '-'.$switch.' ';
- }
- }
- if ($compat) {
- foreach my $filter (keys(%filters)) {
- if ($trigger->{$filter}) {
- $string .= '-' . $filter . param_to_string($trigger->{$filter});
- }
- }
- } else {
- foreach my $trigfilter (filters_for_trigger($trigger)) {
- $string .= '-' . $trigfilter->{'option'} . param_to_string($trigfilter->{'param'});
- }
- }
- foreach my $param (@trigger_params) {
- if ($trigger->{$param} || ($param eq 'replace' && defined($trigger->{'replace'}))) {
- $string .= '-' . $param . param_to_string($trigger->{$param});
- }
- }
- return $string;
-# find a trigger (for REPLACE and DELETE), returns index of trigger, or -1 if not found
-sub find_trigger {
- my ($data) = @_;
- if ($data =~ /^[0-9]*$/ and defined($triggers[$data-1])) {
- return $data-1;
- } else {
- for (my $i=0; $i < scalar(@triggers); $i++) {
- if ($triggers[$i]->{'name'} eq $data) {
- return $i;
- }
- }
- }
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'trigger_not_found', $data);
- return -1; # not found
-# TRIGGER ADD <options>
-sub cmd_add {
- my ($data, $server, $item) = @_;
- my @args = shellwords($data . ' a');
- my $trigger = parse_options({}, @args);
- if ($trigger) {
- push @triggers, $trigger;
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'trigger_added', scalar(@triggers), to_string($trigger));
- rebuild();
- $changed_since_last_save = 1;
- }
-# TRIGGER CHANGE <nr> <options>
-sub cmd_change {
- my ($data, $server, $item) = @_;
- my @args = shellwords($data . ' a');
- my $index = find_trigger(shift @args);
- if ($index != -1) {
- if(parse_options($triggers[$index], @args)) {
- Irssi::print("Trigger " . ($index+1) ." changed to: ". to_string($triggers[$index]));
- }
- rebuild();
- $changed_since_last_save = 1;
- }
-# parses options for TRIGGER ADD and TRIGGER CHANGE
-# if invalid args returns undef, else changes $thetrigger and returns it
-sub parse_options {
- my ($thetrigger,@args) = @_;
- my ($trigger, $option);
- if (pop(@args) ne 'a') {
- Irssi::print("Syntax error, probably missing a closing quote", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return undef;
- }
- %$trigger = %$thetrigger; # make a copy to prevent changing the given trigger if args doesn't parse
-ARGS: for (my $arg = shift @args; $arg; $arg = shift @args) {
- # expand abbreviated options, put in $option
- $arg =~ s/^-//;
- $option = undef;
- foreach my $ioption (@trigger_options) {
- if (index($ioption, $arg) == 0) { # -$opt starts with $arg
- if ($option) { # another already matched
- Irssi::print("Ambiguous option: $arg", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return undef;
- }
- $option = $ioption;
- last if ($arg eq $ioption); # exact match is unambiguous
- }
- }
- if (!$option) {
- Irssi::print("Unknown option: $arg", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return undef;
- }
- # -<param> <value> or -no<param>
- foreach my $param (@trigger_params) {
- if ($option eq $param) {
- $trigger->{$param} = shift @args;
- next ARGS;
- }
- if ($option eq 'no'.$param) {
- $trigger->{$param} = undef;
- next ARGS;
- }
- }
- # -[no]<switch>
- foreach my $switch (@trigger_switches) {
- # -<switch>
- if ($option eq $switch) {
- $trigger->{$switch} = 1;
- next ARGS;
- }
- # -no<switch>
- elsif ($option eq 'no'.$switch) {
- $trigger->{$switch} = undef;
- next ARGS;
- }
- }
- # -[not_]<filter> <value>
- if ($option =~ /^(not_)?(.*)$/ && $filters{$2}) {
- $trigger->{'filters'}->{$option} = {
- option => $option,
- must_match => ($1 ne 'not_'), # if false, trigger must only be done if filter sub returns false
- filter_name => $2,
- filter => $filters{$2},
- param => shift @args
- };
- next ARGS;
- }
- # -no<filter>
- if ($option =~ /^no(.*)$/ && $filters{$1}) {
- delete $trigger->{'filters'}->{$1};
- }
- }
- if (defined($trigger->{'replace'}) && ! $trigger->{'regexp'} && !$trigger->{'pattern'}) {
- Irssi::print("Trigger error: Can't have -replace without -regexp", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return undef;
- }
- if ($trigger->{'pattern'} && $trigger->{'regexp'}) {
- Irssi::print("Trigger error: Can't have -pattern and -regexp in same trigger", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
- return undef;
- }
- # remove types that are implied by -all
- if ($trigger->{'all'}) {
- foreach my $type (@all_types) {
- delete $trigger->{$type};
- }
- }
- # remove types for which the filters don't apply
- foreach my $type (@trigger_types) {
- if ($trigger->{$type}) {
- foreach my $trigfilter (filters_for_trigger($trigger)) {
- if (!grep {$_ eq $type} @{$trigfilter->{'filter'}->{'types'}}) {
- Irssi::print("Warning: the filter -" . $trigfilter->{'option'} . " can't apply to an event of type -$type, so I'm removing that type from this trigger.");
- delete $trigger->{$type};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # check if it has at least one type
- my $has_a_type;
- foreach my $type (@trigger_types) {
- if ($trigger->{$type}) {
- $has_a_type = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- if (!$has_a_type && !$trigger->{'all'}) {
- Irssi::print("Warning: this trigger doesn't trigger on any type of message. you probably want to add -publics or -all");
- }
- compile_trigger($trigger);
- %$thetrigger = %$trigger; # copy changes to real trigger
- return $thetrigger;
-sub cmd_del {
- my ($data, $server, $item) = @_;
- my @args = shellwords($data);
- my $index = find_trigger(shift @args);
- if ($index != -1) {
- Irssi::print("Deleted ". ($index+1) .": ". to_string($triggers[$index]));
- splice (@triggers,$index,1);
- rebuild();
- $changed_since_last_save = 1;
- }
-# TRIGGER MOVE <num> <num>
-sub cmd_move {
- my ($data, $server, $item) = @_;
- my @args = &shellwords($data);
- my $index = find_trigger(shift @args);
- if ($index != -1) {
- my $newindex = find_trigger(shift @args);
- if ($newindex != -1) {
- Irssi::print("Moved from " . ($index+1) . " to " . ($newindex+1) . ": " . to_string($triggers[$index]));
- my $trigger = splice (@triggers,$index,1); # remove from old place
- splice (@triggers,$newindex,0,($trigger)); # insert at new place
- rebuild();
- $changed_since_last_save = 1;
- }
- }
-sub cmd_list {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'trigger_header');
- my $i=1;
- foreach my $trigger (@triggers) {
- Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'trigger_line', $i++, to_string($trigger));
- }
-### initialisation ###
-command_bind('trigger help',\&cmd_help);
-command_bind('help trigger',\&cmd_help);
-command_bind('trigger add',\&cmd_add);
-command_bind('trigger change',\&cmd_change);
-command_bind('trigger move',\&cmd_move);
-command_bind('trigger list',\&cmd_list);
-command_bind('trigger delete',\&cmd_del);
-command_bind('trigger save',\&cmd_save);
-command_bind('trigger reload',\&cmd_load);
-command_bind 'trigger' => sub {
- my ( $data, $server, $item ) = @_;
- $data =~ s/\s+$//g;
- command_runsub('trigger', $data, $server, $item);
-Irssi::signal_add('setup saved', \&autosave);
-Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', \&sig_setup_changed);
-# This makes tab completion work
-Irssi::command_set_options('trigger add',join(' ',@trigger_add_options));
-Irssi::command_set_options('trigger change',join(' ',@trigger_options));
-Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{'name'}, 'trigger_file', Irssi::get_irssi_dir()."/triggers");
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,774 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-This script replaces the default prompt status-bar item with one capable of
-displaying additional information, under either user control or via scripts.
-Copy into your F<~/.irssi/scripts/> directory and load with
-C</SCRIPT LOAD F<filename>>.
-It is recommended that you make it autoload in one of the
-L<usual ways|>.
-=head1 SETUP
-If you have a custom prompt format, you may need to copy it to the
-uberprompt_format setting. See below for details.
-=head1 USAGE
-Although the script is designed primarily for other scripts to set
-status information into the prompt, the following commands are available:
-=over 4
-=item * C</prompt set [-inner|-pre|-post|only] E<lt>msgE<gt>>
-Sets the prompt to the given argument. Any use of C<$p> in the argument will
-be replaced by the original prompt content.
-A parameter corresponding to the C<UP_*> constants listed below is required, in
-the format C</prompt set -inner Hello!>
-=item * C</prompt clear>
-Clears the additional data provided to the prompt.
-=item * C</prompt on>
-Eenables the uberprompt (things may get confused if this is used
-whilst the prompt is already enabled)
-=item * C</prompt off>
-Restore the original irssi prompt and prompt_empty statusbars. unloading the
-script has the same effect.
-=item * C</help prompt>
-show help for uberprompt commands
-=head1 SETTINGS
-C</set uberprompt_format E<lt>formatE<gt>>
-The default is C<[$*$uber]>, which is the same as the default provided in
-Changing this setting will update the prompt immediately, unlike editing your theme.
-An additional variable available within this format is C<$uber>, which expands to
-the content of prompt data provided with the C<UP_INNER> or C</prompt set -inner>
-placement argument.
-For all other placement arguments, it will expand to the empty string.
-B<Note:> This setting completely overrides the C<prompt="...";> line in your
-.theme file, and may cause unexpected behaviour if your theme wishes to set a
-different form of prompt. It can be simply copied from the theme file into the
-above setting.
-=over 4
-=item * C<uberprompt_autostart>
-Boolean value, which determines if uberprompt should enable itself automatically
-upon loading. If Off, it must be enabled manually with C</prompt on>. Defaults to On.
-=item * C<uberprompt_debug>
-Boolean value, which determines if uberprompt should print debugging information.
-Defaults to Off, and should probably be left that way unless requested for bug-tracing
-=item * C<uberprompt_format>
-String value containing the format-string which uberprompt uses to display the
-prompt. Defaults to "C<[$*$uber] >", where C<$*> is the content the prompt would
-normally display, and C<$uber> is a placeholder variable for dynamic content, as
-described in the section above.
-=item * C<uberprompt_load_hook>
-String value which can contain one or more commands to be run whenever the uberprompt
-is enabled, either via autostart, or C</prompt on>. Defaults to the empty string, in
-which case no commands are run. Some examples include:
-C</set uberprompt_load_hook /echo prompt enabled> or
-C</^sbar prompt add -after input vim_mode> for those using who want
-the command status indicator on the prompt line.
-=item * C<uberprompt_unload_hook>
-String value, defaulting to the empty string, which can contain commands which
-are executed when the uberprompt is disabled, either by unloading the script,
-or by the command C</prompt off>.
-=item * C<uberprompt_use_replaces>
-Boolean value, defaults to Off. If enabled, the format string for the prompt
-will be subject to the I<replaces> section of the theme. The most obvious
-effect of this is that bracket characters C<[ ]> are displayed in a different
-colour, typically quite dark.
-B<Note:> For both C<uberprompt_*_hook> settings above, multiple commands can
-be chained together in the form C</eval /^cmd1 ; /^cmd2>. The C<^> prevents
-any output from the commands (such as error messages) being displayed.
-The primary purpose of uberprompt is to be used by other scripts to
-display information in a way that is not possible by printing to the active
-window or using statusbar items.
-The content of the prompt can be set from other scripts via the C<"change prompt">
-For Example:
- signal_emit 'change prompt' 'some_string', UberPrompt::UP_INNER;
-will set the prompt to include that content, by default 'C<[$* some_string]>'
-The possible position arguments are the following strings:
-=over 4
-=item * C<UP_PRE> - place the provided string before the prompt - C<$string$prompt>
-=item * C<UP_INNER> - place the provided string inside the prompt - C<{prompt $* $string}>
-=item * C<UP_POST> - place the provided string after the prompt - C<$prompt$string>
-=item * C<UP_ONLY> - replace the prompt with the provided string - C<$string>
-All strings may use the special variable 'C<$prompt>' to include the prompt
-verbatim at that position in the string. It is probably only useful for
-the C<UP_ONLY> mode however. '$C<prompt_nt>' will include the prompt, minus any
-trailing whitespace.
-You can also be notified when the prompt changes in response to the previous
-signal or manual C</prompt> commands via:
- signal_add 'prompt changed', sub { my ($text, $len) = @_; ... do something ... };
-This callback will occur whenever the contents of the prompt is changed.
-The following code snippet can be used within your own script as a preamble
-to ensure that uberprompt is loaded before your script to avoid
-any issues with loading order. It first checks if uberprompt is loaded, and
-if not, attempts to load it. If the load fails, the script will die
-with an error message, otherwise it will call your app_init() function.
-I<---- start of snippet ---->
- my $DEBUG_ENABLED = 0;
- # check we have uberprompt loaded.
- sub script_is_loaded {
- return exists($Irssi::Script::{$_[0] . '::'});
- }
- if (not script_is_loaded('uberprompt')) {
- print "This script requires '' in order to work. "
- . "Attempting to load it now...";
- Irssi::signal_add('script error', 'load_uberprompt_failed');
- Irssi::command("script load");
- unless(script_is_loaded('uberprompt')) {
- load_uberprompt_failed("File does not exist");
- }
- app_init();
- } else {
- app_init();
- }
- sub load_uberprompt_failed {
- Irssi::signal_remove('script error', 'load_uberprompt_failed');
- print "Script could not be loaded. Script cannot continue. "
- . "Check you have installed in your path and "
- . "try again.";
- die "Script Load Failed: " . join(" ", @_);
- }
-I<---- end of snippet ---->
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Copyright E<copy> 2011 Tom Feist C<E<lt>shabble+irssi@metavore.orgE<gt>>
-=head1 LICENCE
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-=head1 BUGS
-=over 4
-=item *
-Resizing the terminal rapidly whilst using this script in debug mode may cause
-irssi to crash. See bug report at for details.
-=head1 TODO
-=over 4
-=item * report failure (somehow) to clients if hte prompt is disabled.
-=item * fix issue at autorun startup with sbar item doesn't exist.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Irssi;
-use Irssi::TextUI;
-use Data::Dumper;
-{ package Irssi::Nick } # magic.
-our $VERSION = "0.2";
-our %IRSSI =
- (
- authors => "shabble",
- contact => ', shabble@#irssi/Freenode',
- name => "uberprompt",
- description => "Helper script for dynamically adding text "
- . "into the input-bar prompt.",
- license => "MIT",
- changed => "24/7/2010"
- );
-my $prompt_data = '';
-my $prompt_data_pos = 'UP_INNER';
-my $prompt_last = '';
-my $prompt_format = '';
-my $prompt_format_empty = '';
-# flag to indicate whether rendering of hte prompt should allow the replaces
-# theme formats to be applied to the content.
-my $use_replaces = 0;
-my $trim_data = 0;
-my $emit_request = 0;
-my $expando_refresh_timer;
-my $expando_vars = {};
-my $init_callbacks = {load => '', unload => ''};
-sub pre_init {
- Irssi::command('statusbar prompt reset');
- init();
-sub prompt_subcmd_handler {
- my ($data, $server, $item) = @_;
- #$data =~ s/\s+$//g; # strip trailing whitespace.
- Irssi::command_runsub('prompt', $data, $server, $item);
-sub _error($) {
- my ($msg) = @_;
- Irssi::active_win->print($msg, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
-sub _debug_print($) {
- return unless DEBUG;
- my ($msg) = @_;
- Irssi::active_win->print($msg, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
-sub _print_help {
- my ($args) = @_;
- if ($args =~ m/^\s*prompt/i) {
- my @help_lines =
- (
- "",
- "PROMPT SET { -pre | -post | -only | -inner } <content>",
- "",
- "Commands for manipulating the UberPrompt.",
- "",
- "/PROMPT ON enables uberprompt, replacing the existing prompt ",
- " statusbar-item",
- "/PROMPT OFF disables it, and restores the original prompt item",
- "/PROMPT CLEAR resets the value of any additional data set by /PROMPT SET",
- " or a script",
- "/PROMPT SET changes the contents of the prompt, according to the mode",
- " and content provided.",
- " { -inner sets the value of the \$uber psuedo-variable in the",
- " /set uberprompt_format setting.",
- " | -pre places the content before the current prompt string",
- " | -post places the content after the prompt string",
- " | -only replaces the entire prompt contents with the given string }",
- "",
- "See Also:",
- '',
- '/SET uberprompt_format -- defaults to "[$*$uber] "',
- '/SET uberprompt_format_empty -- defaults to "[$*] "',
- "/SET uberprompt_autostart -- determines whether /PROMPT ON is run",
- " automatically when the script loads",
- "/SET uberprompt_use_replaces -- toggles the use of the current theme",
- " \"replaces\" setting. Especially",
- " noticeable on brackets \"[ ]\" ",
- "/SET uberprompt_trim_data -- defaults to off. Removes whitespace from",
- " both sides of the \$uber result.",
- "",
- );
- Irssi::print($_, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) for @help_lines;
- Irssi::signal_stop;
- }
-sub UNLOAD {
- deinit();
-sub exp_lbrace() { '{' }
-sub exp_rbrace() { '}' }
-sub deinit {
- Irssi::expando_destroy('lbrace');
- Irssi::expando_destroy('rbrace');
- if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('uberprompt_restore_on_exit')) {
- # remove uberprompt and return the original ones.
- print "Removing uberprompt and restoring original";
- restore_prompt_items();
- }
-sub init {
- Irssi::statusbar_item_register('uberprompt', 0, 'uberprompt_draw');
- # TODO: flags to prevent these from being recomputed?
- Irssi::expando_create('lbrace', \&exp_lbrace, {});
- Irssi::expando_create('rbrace', \&exp_rbrace, {});
- Irssi::settings_add_str ('uberprompt', 'uberprompt_format', '[$*$uber] ');
- Irssi::settings_add_str ('uberprompt', 'uberprompt_format_empty', '[$*] ');
- Irssi::settings_add_str ('uberprompt', 'uberprompt_load_hook', '');
- Irssi::settings_add_str ('uberprompt', 'uberprompt_unload_hook', '');
- Irssi::settings_add_bool('uberprompt', 'uberprompt_debug', 0);
- Irssi::settings_add_bool('uberprompt', 'uberprompt_autostart', 1);
- Irssi::settings_add_bool ('uberprompt', 'uberprompt_restore_on_exit', 1);
- Irssi::settings_add_bool('uberprompt', 'uberprompt_use_replaces', 0);
- Irssi::settings_add_bool('uberprompt', 'uberprompt_trim_data', 0);
- Irssi::command_bind("prompt", \&prompt_subcmd_handler);
- Irssi::command_bind('prompt on', \&replace_prompt_items);
- Irssi::command_bind('prompt off', \&restore_prompt_items);
- Irssi::command_bind('prompt set', \&cmd_prompt_set);
- Irssi::command_bind('prompt clear',
- sub {
- Irssi::signal_emit 'change prompt', '$p', 'UP_POST';
- });
- my $prompt_set_args_format = "inner pre post only";
- Irssi::command_set_options('prompt set', $prompt_set_args_format);
- Irssi::command_bind('help', \&_print_help);
- Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', \&reload_settings);
- # intialise the prompt format.
- reload_settings();
- # make sure we redraw when necessary.
- Irssi::signal_add('window changed', \&uberprompt_refresh);
- Irssi::signal_add('window name changed', \&uberprompt_refresh);
- Irssi::signal_add('window changed automatic', \&uberprompt_refresh);
- Irssi::signal_add('window item changed', \&uberprompt_refresh);
- Irssi::signal_add('window item server changed', \&uberprompt_refresh);
- Irssi::signal_add('window server changed', \&uberprompt_refresh);
- Irssi::signal_add('server nick changed', \&uberprompt_refresh);
- Irssi::signal_add('nick mode changed', \&refresh_if_me);
- # install our statusbars if required.
- if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('uberprompt_autostart')) {
- replace_prompt_items();
- }
- # API signals
- Irssi::signal_register({'change prompt' => [qw/string string/]});
- Irssi::signal_add('change prompt' => \&change_prompt_handler);
- # other scripts (specifically overlay/visual) can subscribe to
- # this event to be notified when the prompt changes.
- # arguments are new contents (string), new length (int)
- Irssi::signal_register({'prompt changed' => [qw/string int/]});
- Irssi::signal_register({'prompt length request' => []});
- Irssi::signal_add('prompt length request', \&length_request_handler);
-sub cmd_prompt_set {
- my $args = shift;
- my @options_list = Irssi::command_parse_options "prompt set", $args;
- if (@options_list) {
- my ($options, $rest) = @options_list;
- my @opt_modes = keys %$options;
- if (@opt_modes != 1) {
- _error '%_/prompt set%_ must specify exactly one mode of'
- . ' {-inner, -only, -pre, -post}';
- return;
- }
- my $mode = 'UP_' . uc($opt_modes[0]);
- Irssi::signal_emit 'change prompt', $rest, $mode;
- } else {
- _error ('%_/prompt set%_ must specify a mode {-inner, -only, -pre, -post}');
- }
-sub refresh_if_me {
- my ($channel, $nick) = @_;
- return unless $channel and $nick;
- my $server = Irssi::active_server;
- my $window = Irssi::active_win;
- return unless $server and $window;
- my $my_chan = $window->{active}->{name};
- my $my_nick = $server->parse_special('$N');
- return unless $my_chan and $my_nick;
- _debug_print "Chan: $channel->{name}, "
- . "nick: $nick->{nick}, "
- . "me: $my_nick, chan: $my_chan";
- if ($my_chan eq $channel->{name} and $my_nick eq $nick->{nick}) {
- uberprompt_refresh();
- }
-sub length_request_handler {
- $emit_request = 1;
- uberprompt_render_prompt();
- $emit_request = 0;
-sub reload_settings {
- $use_replaces = Irssi::settings_get_bool('uberprompt_use_replaces');
- $DEBUG_ENABLED = Irssi::settings_get_bool('uberprompt_debug');
- $init_callbacks = {
- load => Irssi::settings_get_str('uberprompt_load_hook'),
- unload => Irssi::settings_get_str('uberprompt_unload_hook'),
- };
- if (DEBUG) {
- Irssi::signal_add 'prompt changed', 'debug_prompt_changed';
- } else {
- Irssi::signal_remove 'prompt changed', 'debug_prompt_changed';
- }
- my $new = Irssi::settings_get_str('uberprompt_format');
- if ($prompt_format ne $new) {
- _debug_print("Updated prompt format");
- $prompt_format = $new;
- $prompt_format =~ s/\$uber/\$\$uber/;
- Irssi::abstracts_register(['uberprompt', $prompt_format]);
- $expando_vars = {};
- # TODO: something clever here to check if we need to schedule
- # an update timer or something, rather than just refreshing on
- # every possible activity in init()
- while ($prompt_format =~ m/(?<!\$)(\$[A-Za-z,.:;][a-z_]*)/g) {
- _debug_print("Detected Irssi expando variable $1");
- my $var_name = substr $1, 1; # strip the $
- $expando_vars->{$var_name} = Irssi::parse_special($1);
- }
- }
- $new = Irssi::settings_get_str('uberprompt_format_empty');
- if ($prompt_format_empty ne $new) {
- _debug_print("Updated prompt format");
- $prompt_format_empty = $new;
- $prompt_format_empty =~ s/\$uber/\$\$uber/;
- Irssi::abstracts_register(['uberprompt_empty', $prompt_format_empty]);
- $expando_vars = {};
- # TODO: something clever here to check if we need to schedule
- # an update timer or something, rather than just refreshing on
- # every possible activity in init()
- while ($prompt_format_empty =~ m/(?<!\$)(\$[A-Za-z,.:;][a-z_]*)/g) {
- _debug_print("Detected Irssi expando variable $1");
- my $var_name = substr $1, 1; # strip the $
- $expando_vars->{$var_name} = Irssi::parse_special($1);
- }
- }
- $trim_data = Irssi::settings_get_bool('uberprompt_trim_data');
-sub debug_prompt_changed {
- my ($text, $len) = @_;
- $text =~ s/%/%%/g;
- print "DEBUG_HANDLER: Prompt Changed to: \"$text\", length: $len";
-sub change_prompt_handler {
- my ($text, $pos) = @_;
- # fix for people who used prompt_info and hence the signal won't
- # pass the second argument.
- $pos = 'UP_INNER' unless defined $pos;
- _debug_print("Got prompt change signal with: $text, $pos");
- my ($changed_text, $changed_pos);
- $changed_text = defined $prompt_data ? $prompt_data ne $text : 1;
- $changed_pos = defined $prompt_data_pos ? $prompt_data_pos ne $pos : 1;
- $prompt_data = $text;
- $prompt_data_pos = $pos;
- if ($changed_text || $changed_pos) {
- _debug_print("Redrawing prompt");
- uberprompt_refresh();
- }
-sub _escape_prompt_special {
- my $str = shift;
- $str =~ s/\$/\$\$/g;
- $str =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
- #$str =~ s/%/%%/g;
- $str =~ s/{/\${lbrace}/g;
- $str =~ s/}/\${rbrace}/g;
- return $str;
-sub uberprompt_render_prompt {
- my $window = Irssi::active_win;
- my $prompt_arg = '';
- # default prompt sbar arguments (from config)
- if (scalar( () = $window->items )) {
- $prompt_arg = '$[.15]{itemname}';
- } else {
- $prompt_arg = '${winname}';
- }
- my $prompt = ''; # rendered content of the prompt.
- my $theme = Irssi::current_theme;
- my $arg = $use_replaces ? 0 : Irssi::EXPAND_FLAG_IGNORE_REPLACES;
- if ($prompt_data && (!$trim_data || trim($prompt_data))) {
- $prompt = $theme->format_expand("{uberprompt $prompt_arg}", $arg);
- }
- else {
- $prompt = $theme->format_expand("{uberprompt_empty $prompt_arg}", $arg);
- }
- if ($prompt_data_pos eq 'UP_ONLY') {
- $prompt =~ s/\$\$uber//; # no need for recursive prompting, I hope.
- # TODO: only compute this if necessary?
- my $prompt_nt = $prompt;
- $prompt_nt =~ s/\s+$//;
- my $pdata_copy = $prompt_data;
- $pdata_copy =~ s/\$prompt_nt/$prompt_nt/;
- $pdata_copy =~ s/\$prompt/$prompt/;
- $prompt = $pdata_copy;
- } elsif ($prompt_data_pos eq 'UP_INNER' && defined $prompt_data) {
- my $esc = _escape_prompt_special($prompt_data);
- $esc = $trim_data ? trim($esc) : $esc;
- $prompt =~ s/\$\$uber/$esc/;
- } else {
- # remove the $uber marker
- $prompt =~ s/\$\$uber//;
- # and add the additional text at the appropriate position.
- if ($prompt_data_pos eq 'UP_PRE') {
- $prompt = $prompt_data . $prompt;
- } elsif ($prompt_data_pos eq 'UP_POST') {
- $prompt .= $prompt_data;
- }
- }
- _debug_print("rendering with: $prompt");
- if (($prompt ne $prompt_last) or $emit_request) {
- # _debug_print("Emitting prompt changed signal");
- # my $exp = Irssi::current_theme()->format_expand($text, 0);
- my $ps = Irssi::parse_special($prompt);
- Irssi::signal_emit('prompt changed', $ps, length($ps));
- $prompt_last = $prompt;
- }
- return $prompt;
-sub uberprompt_draw {
- my ($sb_item, $get_size_only) = @_;
- my $prompt = uberprompt_render_prompt();
- my $ret = $sb_item->default_handler($get_size_only, $prompt, '', 0);
- _debug_print("redrawing with: $prompt");
- return $ret;
-sub uberprompt_refresh {
- Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('uberprompt');
-sub replace_prompt_items {
- # remove existing ones.
- _debug_print("Removing original prompt");
- _sbar_command('prompt', 'remove', 'prompt');
- _sbar_command('prompt', 'remove', 'prompt_empty');
- # add the new one.
- _sbar_command('prompt', 'add', 'uberprompt',
- qw/-alignment left -before input -priority '-1'/);
- _sbar_command('prompt', 'position', '100');
- my $load_hook = $init_callbacks->{load};
- if (defined $load_hook and length $load_hook) {
- eval {
- Irssi::command($load_hook);
- };
- if ($@) {
- _error("Uberprompt user load-hook command ($load_hook) failed: $@");
- }
- }
-sub restore_prompt_items {
- _sbar_command('prompt', 'remove', 'uberprompt');
- _debug_print("Restoring original prompt");
- _sbar_command('prompt', 'reset');
- my $unload_hook = $init_callbacks->{unload};
- if (defined $unload_hook and length $unload_hook) {
- eval {
- Irssi::command($unload_hook);
- };
- if ($@) {
- _error("Uberprompt user unload-hook command ($unload_hook) failed: $@");
- }
- }
-sub _sbar_command {
- my ($bar, $cmd, $item, @args) = @_;
- my $args_str = join ' ', @args;
- $args_str .= ' ' if length $args_str && defined $item;
- my $command = sprintf 'STATUSBAR %s %s %s%s',
- $bar, $cmd, $args_str, defined $item ? $item : '';
- _debug_print("Running command: $command");
- Irssi::command($command);
-sub trim {
- my $string = shift;
- $string =~ s/^\s*//;
- $string =~ s/\s*$//;
- return $string;
diff --git a/.config/irssi/scripts/ b/.config/irssi/scripts/
@@ -1,3781 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-An Irssi script to emulate some of the vi(m) features for the Irssi inputline.
-Copy into your F<~/.irssi/scripts/> directory and load with
-C</SCRIPT LOAD>. You may wish to have it autoload in one of the
-L<usual ways|>.
-For proper :ex mode support, vim-mode requires the installation of F<>
-Uberprompt can be downloaded from:
-and follow the instructions at the top of that file for installation.
-If you don't need Ex-mode, you can run without the script, but it is strongly recommended that you use it.
-=head3 Irssi requirements
-0.8.12 and above should work fine. However the following features are
-disabled in irssi < 0.8.13:
-=over 4
-=item * C<j> C<k> (only with count, they work fine without count in older versions)
-=item * C<gg>, C<G>
-It is intended to work with at Irssi 0.8.12 and later versions. However some
-features are disabled in older versions (see below for details).
-Perl >= 5.8.1 is recommended for UTF-8 support (which can be disabled if
-necessary). Please report bugs in older versions as well, we'll try to fix
-them. Later versions of Perl are also faster, which is probably beneficial
-to a script of this size and complexity.
-=head2 SETUP
-Vim Mode provides certain feedback to the user, such as the currently active
-mode (command, insert, ex), and if switching buffers, which buffer(s) currently
-match the search terms.
-There are two ways to go about displaying this information, as described in
-the following sections:
-=head3 Statusbar Items
-Run the following command to add a statusbar item that shows which mode
-you're in.
-C</statusbar window add vim_mode>
-And the following to let C<:b [str]> display a list of channels matching your
-search string.
-C</statusbar window add vim_windows>
-B<Note:> Remember to C</save> after adding these statusbar items to make them
-B<Note:> If you would rather have these statusbar items on your prompt
-line rather than thte window statusbar, please follow these steps.
-For technical reasons, I<uberprompt> must occasionally call C</statusbar prompt
-reset>, which will remove or deactivate any manually added items on the prompt
-statusbar. To get around this, uberprompt provides two command hooks,
-C<uberprompt_load_hook> and C<uberprompt_unload_hook>. Both of these settings
-can contain one (or more, using C</EVAL>) commands to be executed when the prompt
-is enabled and disabled, respectively.
-See the L<uberprompt documentation|> for further details.
-For I<right-aligned> items (that is, after the input field:
-=over 4
-=item 1 C</alias vm_add /^statusbar prompt add -after input -alignment right vim_mode>
-=item 2 C</alias vm_del /^statusbar prompt remove vim_mode>
-=item 3 C</set uberprompt_load_hook /^vm_add>
-=item 4 C</set uberprompt_unload_hook /^vm_del>
-For I<left-aligned> items (before the prompt):
-=over 4
-=item 1 C</alias vm_add /^statusbar prompt add -before prompt -alignment left vim_mode>
-=item 2 C</alias vm_del /^statusbar prompt remove vim_mode>
-=item 3 C</set uberprompt_load_hook /^vm_add>
-=item 4 C</set uberprompt_unload_hook /^vm_del>
-If you wish to add both C<vim_mode> and C<vim_windows> items, replace steps 1 and 2
-above with the following (right-aligned):
-=over 4
-=item 1 C</alias vm_add /^eval /^statusbar prompt add -after input -alightment right vim_mode ; /^statusbar prompt add -after input -alignment right vim_windows>
-=item 2 C</alias vm_del /^eval /^statusbar prompt remove vim_mode ; /^statusbar prompt remove vim_windows>
-and then complete stages 3 and 4 as above. Replace the C<-after> and C<-alignment>
-to suit your location preferences.
-B<Note:> It is also possible to place the items between the prompt and input field,
-by specifying C<-after prompt> or C<-before input> as appropriate.
-=head3 Expando Variables
-Vim mode augments the existing Irssi expando (automatic variables) with two
-additional ones: C<$vim_cmd_mode> and C<$vim_wins>.
-C<$vim_cmd_mode> is the equivalent of the C<vim_mode> statusbar item, and
-C<$vim_wins> is the counterpart of C<vim_windows>.
-They can be added to your theme, or inserted into your uberprompt using
-a command such as:
-"C</set uberprompt_format [$vim_cmd_mode] $*$uber] >"
-Additionally to the irssi settings described in L<settings|/SETTINGS>, vim_mode
-can be configured through an external configuration file named "vim_moderc"
-located in F<~/.irssi/vim_moderc>. If available it's loaded on startup and every
-supported ex-command is run. Its syntax is similar to "vimrc". To (re)load it
-while vim_mode is running use C<:so[urce]>.
-Currently Supported ex-commands:
-=over 4
-=item * C<:map>
-=head1 USAGE
-The following section is divided into the different modes as supported by Vim itself:
-It supports most commonly used command mode features:
-=over 2
-=item * Insert/Command mode.
-C<Esc> and C<Ctrl-C> enter command mode. C</set vim_mode_cmd_seq j> allows
-to use C<jj> as Escape (any other character can be used as well).
-=item * Cursor motion:
-C<h l 0 ^ $ E<lt>SpaceE<gt> E<lt>BSE<gt> f t F T>
-=item * History motion:
-C<j k gg G> C<gg> moves to the oldest (first) history line. C<G> without a
-count moves to the current input line, with a count it goes to the I<count-th>
-history line (1 is the oldest).
-=item * Cursor word motion:
-C<w b ge e W gE B E>
-=item * Word objects (only the following work yet):
-C<aw aW>
-=item * Yank and paste:
- C<y p P>
-=item * Change and delete:
-C<c d>
-=item * Delete at cursor:
-C<x X>
-=item * Replace at cursor:
-=item * Insert mode:
-C<i a I A>
-=item * Switch case:
-=item * Repeat change:
-=item * Repeat
-C<ftFT: ; ,>
-=item * Registers:
-C<"a-"z "" "0 "* "+ "_> (black hole)
-=item * Line-wise shortcuts:
-C<dd cc yy>
-=item * Shortcuts:
-C<s S C D>
-=item * Scroll the scrollback buffer:
-C<Ctrl-E Ctrl-D Ctrl-Y Ctrl-U Ctrl-F Ctrl-B>
-=item * Switch to last active window:
-=item * Switch split windows:
-<Ctrl-W j Ctrl-W k>
-=item * Undo/Redo:
-C<u Ctrl-R>
-Counts and combinations work as well, e.g. C<d5fx> or C<3iabcE<lt>escE<gt>>. Counts also work with mapped ex-commands (see below), e.g. if you map C<gb> to do C<:bn>, then C<2gb> will switch to the second next buffer. Repeat also supports counts.
-=over 4
-=item * Appending to register with C<"A-"Z>
-=item * C<""> is the default yank/delete register.
-=item * C<"0> contains the last yank (if no register was specified).
-=item * The special registers C<"* "+> both contain irssi's internal cut-buffer.
-The following insert mode mappings are supported:
-=over 4
-=item * Insert register content: Ctrl-R x (where x is the register to insert)
-=head2 EX-MODE
-Ex-mode (activated by C<:> in command mode) supports the following commands:
-=over 4
-=item * Command History:
-C<E<lt>uparrowE<gt>> - cycle backwards through history
-C<E<lt>downarrowE<gt>> - cycle forwards through history
-C<:eh> - show ex history
-=item * Switching buffers:
-C<:[N]b [N]> - switch to channel number
-C<:b#> - switch to last channel
-C<:b> E<lt>partial-channel-nameE<gt>
-C<:b> <partial-server>/<partial-channel>
-C<:buffer {args}> (same as C<:b>)
-C<:[N]bn[ext] [N]> - switch to next window
-C<:[N]bp[rev] [N]> - switch to previous window
-=item * Close window:
-C<:[N]bd[elete] [N]>
-=item * Display windows:
-C<:ls>, C<:buffers>
-=item * Display registers:
-C<:reg[isters] {args}>, C<:di[splay] {args}>
-=item * Display undolist:
-C<:undol[ist]> (mostly used for debugging)
-=item * Source files:
-C<:so[urce]> - only sources vim_moderc at the moment,
- F<{file}> not supported
-=item * Mappings:
-C<:map> - display custom mappings
-=item * Saving mappings:
-C<:mkv[imrc][!]> - like in Vim, but [file] not supported
-=item * Substitution:
-C<:s///> - I<i> and I<g> are supported as flags, only C<///> can be used as
-eparator, and it uses Perl regex syntax instead of Vim syntax.
-=item * Settings:
-C<:se[t]> - display all options
-C<:se[t] {option}> - display all matching options
-C<:se[t] {option} {value}> - change option to value
-=head3 MAPPINGS
-=head4 Commands
-=over 4
-=item * C<:map {lhs}> - display mappings starting with {lhs}
-=item * C<:map {lhs} {rhs}> - add mapping
-=item * C<:unm[ap] {lhs}> - remove custom mapping
-=head4 Parameters
-I<{lhs}> is the key combination to be mapped, I<{rhs}> the target. The
-C<E<lt>E<gt>> notation is used
-(e.g. C<E<lt>C-FE<gt>> is I<Ctrl-F>), case is ignored.
- Supported C<E<lt>E<gt>> keys are:
-=over 4
-=item * C<E<lt>C-AE<gt>> - C<E<lt>C-ZE<gt>>,
-=item * C<E<lt>C-^E<gt>>, C<E<lt>C-6E<gt>>
-=item * C<E<lt>SpaceE<gt>>
-=item * C<E<lt>CRE<gt>> - Enter
-=item * C<E<lt>BSE<gt>> - Backspace
-=item * C<E<lt>NopE<gt>> - No-op (Do Nothing).
-Mapping ex-mode and irssi commands is supported. When mapping ex-mode commands
-the trailing C<E<lt>CrE<gt>> is not necessary. Only default mappings can be used
-in I<{rhs}>.
-=over 4
-=item * C<:map w W> - to remap w to work like W
-=item * C<:map gb :bnext> - to map gb to call :bnext
-=item * C<:map gB :bprev>
-=item * C<:map g1 :b 1> - to map g1 to switch to buffer 1
-=item * C<:map gb :b> - to map gb to :b, 1gb switches to buffer 1, 5gb to 5
-=item * C<:map E<lt>C-LE<gt> /clear> - map Ctrl-L to irssi command /clear
-=item * C<:map E<lt>C-GE<gt> /window goto 1>
-=item * C<:map E<lt>C-EE<gt> <Nop>> - disable E<lt>C-EE<gt>, it does nothing now
-=item * C<:unmap E<lt>C-EE<gt>> - restore default behavior of C<E<lt>C-EE<gt>>
-after disabling it
-Note that you must use C</> for irssi commands (like C</clear>), the current value
-of Irssi's cmdchars does B<not> work! This is necessary do differentiate between
-ex-commands and irssi commands.
-=head2 SETTINGS
-The settings are stored as irssi settings and can be set using C</set> as usual
-(prepend C<vim_mode_> to setting name) or using the C<:set> ex-command. The
-following settings are available:
-=over 4
-=item * utf8 - Support UTF-8 characters, boolean, default on
-=item * debug - Enable debug output, boolean, default off
-=item * cmd_seq - Char that when double-pressed simulates C<E<lt>EscE<gt>>, string, default '' (disabled)
-=item * start_cmd - Start every line in command mode, boolean, default off
-=item * max_undo_lines - Sze of the undo buffer. Integer, default 50 items.
-=item * ex_history_size - Number of items stored in the ex-mode history. Integer, default 100.
-=item * prompt_leading_space - Ddetermines whether ex mode prepends a space to the displayed input. Boolean, default on
-In contrast to irssi's settings, C<:set> accepts 0 and 1 as values for boolean
-settings, but only vim_mode's settings can be set/displayed.
- :set cmd_seq=j # set cmd_seq to j
- :set cmd_seq= # disable cmd_seq
- :set debug=on # enable debug
- :set debug=off # disable debug
-If you use tmux and want to use <esc> to exit insert mode you might want to
-reduce the escape-time for a better experience (500 is the default value):
- set -s escape-time 100
-A similar problem exist in GNU screen, the following settings in ~/.screenrc
-fix it (thanks to jsbronder for reporting the screen issue and fix):
- maptimeout 0
- defc1 off
-defc1 might not be necessary.
-=head1 SUPPORT
-Any behavior different from Vim (unless explicitly documented) should be
-considered a bug and reported.
-B<NOTE:> This script is still under heavy development, and there may be bugs.
-Please submit reproducible sequences to the bug-tracker at:
-or contact rudi_s or shabble on (#irssi and #irssi_vim)
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Copyright E<copy> 2010-2011 Tom Feist C<E<lt>shabble+irssi@metavore.orgE<gt>> and
-Copyright E<copy> 2010-2011 Simon Ruderich C<E<lt>simon@ruderich.orgE<gt>>
-=head1 THANKS
-Particular thanks go to
-=over 4
-=item * estragib: a lot of testing and many bug reports and feature requests
-=item * iaj: testing
-=item * tmr: explaining how various bits of vim work
-as well as the rest of C<#irssi> and C<#irssi_vim> on Freenode IRC.
-=head1 LICENCE
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-=head1 BUGS
-=over 4
-=item *
-count before register doesn't work: e.g. 3"ap doesn't work, but "a3p does
-=item *
-mapping an incomplete ex-command doesn't open the ex-mode with the partial
-command (e.g. C<:map gb :b> causes an error instead of opening the ex-mode and
-displaying C<:bE<lt>cursorE<gt>>)
-=item *
- undo/redo cursor positions are mostly wrong
-=head1 TODO
-=over 4
-=item *
-Make sure the input line is empty when entering ex mode. Stuff hanging around
-just looks silly.
-=item *
-=over 4
-=item *
- C< * /,?,n,N> to search through history (like
-=item *
-Window switching (C<:b>)
-=over 4
-=item *
-Tab completion of window(-item) names
-=item *
-non-sequential matches(?)
-See also the TODO file at
-L<github|> for
-many many more things.
-=head2 WONTFIX
-Things we're not ever likely to do:
-=over 4
-=item * Macros
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Encode;
-use List::Util;
-use Irssi;
-use Irssi::TextUI; # for sbar_items_redraw
-use Irssi::Irc; # necessary for 0.8.14
-our $VERSION = "1.1.0";
-our %IRSSI =
- (
- authors => "Tom Feist (shabble), Simon Ruderich (rudi_s)",
- contact => ', '
- . 'shabble@#irssi/Freenode,'
- . 'rudi_s@#irssi/Freenode',
- name => "vim_mode",
- description => "Give Irssi Vim-like commands for editing the inputline",
- license => "MIT",
- changed => "3/2/2012"
- );
-# command mode
-sub M_CMD () { 1 }
-# insert mode
-sub M_INS () { 0 }
-# extended mode (after a :?)
-sub M_EX () { 2 }
-# operator command
-sub C_OPERATOR () { 0 }
-# normal command, no special handling necessary
-sub C_NORMAL () { 1 }
-# command taking another key as argument
-sub C_NEEDSKEY () { 2 }
-# text-object command (i a)
-sub C_TEXTOBJECT () { 3 }
-# commands entering insert mode
-sub C_INSERT () { 4 }
-# ex-mode commands
-sub C_EX () { 5 }
-# irssi commands
-sub C_IRSSI () { 6 }
-# does nothing
-sub C_NOP () { 7 }
-# setting types, match irssi types as they are stored as irssi settings
-sub S_BOOL () { 0 }
-sub S_INT () { 1 }
-sub S_STR () { 2 }
-sub S_TIME () { 3 }
-# word and non-word regex, keep in sync with setup_changed()!
-my $word = qr/[\w_]/o;
-my $non_word = qr/[^\w_\s]/o;
-# All available commands in command mode, they are stored with a char as key,
-# but this is not necessarily the key the command is currently mapped to.
-my $commands
- = {
- # operators
- c => { char => 'c', func => \&cmd_operator_c, type => C_OPERATOR,
- repeatable => 1 },
- d => { char => 'd', func => \&cmd_operator_d, type => C_OPERATOR,
- repeatable => 1 },
- y => { char => 'y', func => \&cmd_operator_y, type => C_OPERATOR,
- repeatable => 1 },
- # arrow like movement
- h => { char => 'h', func => \&cmd_h, type => C_NORMAL },
- l => { char => 'l', func => \&cmd_l, type => C_NORMAL },
- "\x08" => { char => '<BS>', func => \&cmd_h, type => C_NORMAL },
- "\x7F" => { char => '<BS>', func => \&cmd_h, type => C_NORMAL },
- ' ' => { char => '<Space>', func => \&cmd_l, type => C_NORMAL },
- # history movement
- j => { char => 'j', func => \&cmd_j, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- k => { char => 'k', func => \&cmd_k, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- gg => { char => 'gg', func => \&cmd_gg, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- G => { char => 'G', func => \&cmd_G, type => C_NORMAL,
- needs_count => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- # char movement, take an additional parameter and use $movement
- f => { char => 'f', func => \&cmd_f, type => C_NEEDSKEY,
- selection_needs_move_right => 1 },
- t => { char => 't', func => \&cmd_t, type => C_NEEDSKEY,
- selection_needs_move_right => 1 },
- F => { char => 'F', func => \&cmd_F, type => C_NEEDSKEY },
- T => { char => 'T', func => \&cmd_T, type => C_NEEDSKEY },
- ';' => { char => ';', func => \&cmd_semicolon, type => C_NORMAL },
- ',' => { char => ',', func => \&cmd_comma, type => C_NORMAL },
- # word movement
- w => { char => 'w', func => \&cmd_w, type => C_NORMAL },
- b => { char => 'b', func => \&cmd_b, type => C_NORMAL },
- e => { char => 'e', func => \&cmd_e, type => C_NORMAL,
- selection_needs_move_right => 1 },
- ge => { char => 'ge', func => \&cmd_ge, type => C_NORMAL,
- selection_needs_move_right => 1 },
- W => { char => 'W', func => \&cmd_W, type => C_NORMAL },
- B => { char => 'B', func => \&cmd_B, type => C_NORMAL },
- E => { char => 'E', func => \&cmd_E, type => C_NORMAL },
- gE => { char => 'gE', func => \&cmd_gE, type => C_NORMAL,
- selection_needs_move_right => 1 },
- # text-objects, leading _ means can't be mapped!
- _i => { char => 'i', func => \&cmd__i, type => C_TEXTOBJECT },
- _a => { char => 'a', func => \&cmd__a, type => C_TEXTOBJECT },
- # line movement
- '0' => { char => '0', func => \&cmd_0, type => C_NORMAL },
- '^' => { char => '^', func => \&cmd_caret, type => C_NORMAL },
- '$' => { char => '$', func => \&cmd_dollar, type => C_NORMAL },
- # delete chars
- x => { char => 'x', func => \&cmd_x, type => C_NORMAL,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- X => { char => 'X', func => \&cmd_X, type => C_NORMAL,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- # C_NORMAL is correct, operator c takes care of insert mode
- s => { char => 's', func => \&cmd_s, type => C_NORMAL,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- # C_NORMAL is correct, operator c takes care of insert mode
- S => { char => 'S', func => \&cmd_S, type => C_NORMAL,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- # insert mode
- i => { char => 'i', func => \&cmd_i, type => C_INSERT,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- I => { char => 'I', func => \&cmd_I, type => C_INSERT,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- a => { char => 'a', func => \&cmd_a, type => C_INSERT,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- A => { char => 'A', func => \&cmd_A, type => C_INSERT,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- # replace
- r => { char => 'r', func => \&cmd_r, type => C_NEEDSKEY,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- # paste
- p => { char => 'p', func => \&cmd_p, type => C_NORMAL,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- P => { char => 'P', func => \&cmd_P, type => C_NORMAL,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- # to end of line
- C => { char => 'C', func => \&cmd_C, type => C_NORMAL,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- D => { char => 'D', func => \&cmd_D, type => C_NORMAL,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- # scrolling
- "\x05" => { char => '<C-E>', func => \&cmd_ctrl_d, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- "\x04" => { char => '<C-D>', func => \&cmd_ctrl_d, type => C_NORMAL,
- needs_count => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- "\x19" => { char => '<C-Y>', func => \&cmd_ctrl_u, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- "\x15" => { char => '<C-U>', func => \&cmd_ctrl_u, type => C_NORMAL,
- needs_count => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- "\x06" => { char => '<C-F>', func => \&cmd_ctrl_f, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- "\x02" => { char => '<C-B>', func => \&cmd_ctrl_b, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- # window switching
- "\x17j" => { char => '<C-W>j', func => \&cmd_ctrl_wj, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- "\x17k" => { char => '<C-W>k', func => \&cmd_ctrl_wk, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- "\x1e" => { char => '<C-^>', func => \&cmd_ctrl_6, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- # misc
- '~' => { char => '~', func => \&cmd_tilde, type => C_NORMAL,
- repeatable => 1, no_operator => 1 },
- '"' => { char => '"', func => \&cmd_register, type => C_NEEDSKEY,
- no_operator => 1 },
- '.' => { char => '.', type => C_NORMAL, repeatable => 1,
- no_operator => 1 },
- ':' => { char => ':', type => C_NORMAL },
- "\n" => { char => '<CR>', type => C_NORMAL }, # return
- # undo
- 'u' => { char => 'u', func => \&cmd_undo, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- "\x12" => { char => '<C-R>', func => \&cmd_redo, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- };
-# All available commands in Ex-Mode.
-my $commands_ex
- = {
- # arrow keys - not actually used, see handle_input_buffer()
- # TODO: make these work.
- "\e[A" => { char => ':exprev', func => \&ex_history_back,
- type => C_EX },
- "\e[B" => { char => ':exnext', func => \&ex_history_fwd,
- type => C_EX },
- # normal Ex mode commands.
- eh => { char => ':exhist', func => \&ex_history_show,
- type => C_EX },
- s => { char => ':s', func => \&ex_substitute,
- type => C_EX },
- bnext => { char => ':bnext', func => \&ex_bnext,
- type => C_EX, uses_count => 1 },
- bn => { char => ':bn', func => \&ex_bnext,
- type => C_EX, uses_count => 1 },
- bprev => { char => ':bprev', func => \&ex_bprev,
- type => C_EX, uses_count => 1 },
- bp => { char => ':bp', func => \&ex_bprev,
- type => C_EX, uses_count => 1 },
- bdelete => { char => ':bdelete', func => \&ex_bdelete,
- type => C_EX, uses_count => 1 },
- bd => { char => ':bd', func => \&ex_bdelete,
- type => C_EX, uses_count => 1 },
- buffer => { char => ':buffer', func => \&ex_buffer,
- type => C_EX, uses_count => 1 },
- b => { char => ':b', func => \&ex_buffer,
- type => C_EX, uses_count => 1 },
- registers => { char => ':registers', func => \&ex_registers,
- type => C_EX },
- reg => { char => ':reg', func => \&ex_registers,
- type => C_EX },
- display => { char => ':display', func => \&ex_registers,
- type => C_EX },
- di => { char => ':di', func => \&ex_registers,
- type => C_EX },
- buffers => { char => ':buffer', func => \&ex_buffers,
- type => C_EX },
- ls => { char => ':ls', func => \&ex_buffers,
- type => C_EX },
- undolist => { char => ':undolist', func => \&ex_undolist,
- type => C_EX },
- undol => { char => ':undol', func => \&ex_undolist,
- type => C_EX },
- map => { char => ':map', func => \&ex_map,
- type => C_EX },
- unmap => { char => ':unmap', func => \&ex_unmap,
- type => C_EX },
- unm => { char => ':unm', func => \&ex_unmap,
- type => C_EX },
- source => { char => ':source', func => \&ex_source,
- type => C_EX },
- so => { char => ':so', func => \&ex_source,
- type => C_EX },
- mkvimrc => { char => ':mkvimrc', func => \&ex_mkvimrc,
- type => C_EX },
- mkv => { char => ':mkv', func => \&ex_mkvimrc,
- type => C_EX },
- se => { char => ':se', func => \&ex_set,
- type => C_EX },
- set => { char => ':set', func => \&ex_set,
- type => C_EX },
- itemnext => { char => ':itemnext', func => \&ex_item_next,
- type => C_EX },
- inext => { char => ':itemnext', func => \&ex_item_next,
- type => C_EX },
- itemprev => { char => ':itemprev', func => \&ex_item_prev,
- type => C_EX },
- iprev => { char => ':itemprev', func => \&ex_item_prev,
- type => C_EX },
- servernext => { char => ':servernext', func => \&ex_server_next,
- type => C_EX },
- snext => { char => ':servernext', func => \&ex_server_next,
- type => C_EX },
- serverprev => { char => ':serverprev', func => \&ex_server_prev,
- type => C_EX },
- sprev => { char => ':serverprev', func => \&ex_server_prev,
- type => C_EX },
- };
-# default command mode mappings
-my $maps = {};
-# current imap still pending (first character entered)
-my $imap = undef;
-# maps for insert mode
-my $imaps
- = {
- # CTRL-R, insert register
- "\x12" => { map => undef, func => \&insert_ctrl_r },
- };
-# all vim_mode settings, must be enabled in vim_mode_init() before usage
-my $settings
- = {
- # print debug output
- debug => { type => S_BOOL, value => 0 },
- # use UTF-8 internally for string calculations/manipulations
- utf8 => { type => S_BOOL, value => 1 },
- # esc-shortcut in insert mode
- cmd_seq => { type => S_STR, value => '' },
- # start every line in command mode
- start_cmd => { type => S_BOOL, value => 0 },
- # not used yet
- max_undo_lines => { type => S_INT, value => 50 },
- # size of history buffer for Ex mode.
- ex_history_size => { type => S_INT, value => 100 },
- # prompt_leading_space
- prompt_leading_space => { type => S_BOOL, value => 1 },
- # <Leader> value for prepending to commands.
- map_leader => { type => S_STR, value => '\\' },
- # timeout for keys following esc. In milliseconds.
- esc_buf_timeout => { type => S_TIME, value => '10ms' },
- };
-sub DEBUG { $settings->{debug}->{value} }
-# buffer to keep track of the last N keystrokes, used for Esc detection and
-# insert mode mappings
-my @input_buf;
-my $input_buf_timer;
-my $input_buf_enabled = 0;
-# insert mode repeat buffer, used to repeat (.) last insert
-my @insert_buf;
-# flag to allow us to emulate keystrokes without re-intercepting them
-my $should_ignore = 0;
-# ex mode buffer
-my @ex_buf;
-# ex mode history storage.
-my @ex_history;
-my $ex_history_index = 0;
-# we are waiting for another mapped key (e.g. g pressed, but there are
-# multiple mappings like gg gE etc.)
-my $pending_map = undef;
-# for commands like 10x
-my $numeric_prefix = undef;
-# current operator as $command hash
-my $operator = undef;
-# vi movements, only used when a movement needs more than one key (like f t).
-my $movement = undef;
-# last vi command, used by .
-my $last
- = {
- 'cmd' => $commands->{i}, # = i to support . when loading the script
- 'numeric_prefix' => undef,
- 'operator' => undef,
- 'movement' => undef,
- 'register' => '"',
- };
-# last ftFT movement, used by ; and ,
-my $last_ftFT
- = {
- type => undef, # f, t, F or T
- char => undef,
- };
-# what Vi mode we're in. We start in insert mode.
-my $mode = M_INS;
-# current active register
-my $register = '"';
-# vi registers
-my $registers
- = {
- '"' => '', # default register
- '0' => '', # yank register
- '+' => '', # contains irssi's cut buffer
- '*' => '', # same
- '_' => '', # black hole register, always empty
- };
-# index into the history list (for j,k)
-my $history_index = undef;
-# current line, necessary for j,k or the current input line gets destroyed
-my $history_input = undef;
-# position in input line
-my $history_pos = 0;
-# Undo/redo buffer.
-my @undo_buffer;
-my $undo_index = undef;
-# tab completion state vars
-my @tab_candidates;
-my $completion_active = 0;
-my $completion_string = '';
-sub script_is_loaded {
- return exists($Irssi::Script::{shift(@_) . '::'});
-sub insert_ctrl_r {
- my ($key) = @_;
- _debug("ctrl-r called");
- my $char = chr($key);
- _debug("ctrl-r called with $char");
- return if not defined $registers->{$char} or $registers->{$char} eq '';
- my $pos = _insert_at_position($registers->{$char}, 1, _input_pos());
- _input_pos($pos + 1);
-sub cmd_operator_c {
- my ($old_pos, $new_pos, $move_cmd, $repeat) = @_;
- # Changing a word or WORD doesn't delete the last space before a word, but
- # not if we are on that whitespace before the word.
- if ($move_cmd and ($move_cmd == $commands->{w} or
- $move_cmd == $commands->{W})) {
- my $input = _input();
- if ($new_pos - $old_pos > 1 and
- substr($input, $new_pos - 1, 1) =~ /\s/) {
- $new_pos--;
- }
- }
- cmd_operator_d($old_pos, $new_pos, $move_cmd, $repeat, 1);
- if (!$repeat) {
- _update_mode(M_INS);
- } else {
- my $pos = _input_pos();
- $pos = _insert_buffer(1, $pos);
- _input_pos($pos);
- }
-sub cmd_operator_d {
- my ($old_pos, $new_pos, $move_cmd, $repeat, $change) = @_;
- my ($pos, $length) = _get_pos_and_length($old_pos, $new_pos, $move_cmd);
- # Remove the selected string from the input.
- my $input = _input();
- my $string = substr $input, $pos, $length, '';
- if ($register =~ /[A-Z]/) {
- $registers->{lc $register} .= $string;
- print "Deleted into $register: ", $registers->{lc $register} if DEBUG;
- } else {
- $registers->{$register} = $string;
- print "Deleted into $register: ", $registers->{$register} if DEBUG;
- }
- _input($input);
- # Prevent moving after the text when we delete the last character. But not
- # when changing (C).
- $pos-- if $pos == length($input) and !$change;
- _input_pos($pos);
-sub cmd_operator_y {
- my ($old_pos, $new_pos, $move_cmd, $repeat) = @_;
- my ($pos, $length) = _get_pos_and_length($old_pos, $new_pos, $move_cmd);
- # Extract the selected string and put it in the " register.
- my $input = _input();
- my $string = substr $input, $pos, $length;
- if ($register =~ /[A-Z]/) {
- $registers->{lc $register} .= $string;
- print "Yanked into $register: ", $registers->{lc $register} if DEBUG;
- } else {
- $registers->{$register} = $string;
- print "Yanked into $register: ", $registers->{$register} if DEBUG;
- if ($register eq '"') {
- $registers->{0} = $string;
- print "Yanked into 0: ", $registers->{0} if DEBUG;
- }
- }
- # Always move to the lower position.
- if ($old_pos > $new_pos) {
- _input_pos($new_pos);
- } else {
- _input_pos($old_pos);
- }
-sub _get_pos_and_length {
- my ($old_pos, $new_pos, $move_cmd) = @_;
- my $length = $new_pos - $old_pos;
- # We need a positive length and $old_pos must be smaller.
- if ($length < 0) {
- $old_pos = $new_pos;
- $length *= -1;
- }
- # Some commands don't move one character after the deletion area which is
- # necessary for all commands moving to the right. Fix it.
- if ($move_cmd->{selection_needs_move_right}) {
- $length += 1;
- }
- return ($old_pos, $length);
-sub cmd_h {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- $pos -= $count;
- $pos = 0 if $pos < 0;
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_l {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- my $length = _input_len();
- $pos += $count;
- $pos = _fix_input_pos($pos, $length);
- return (undef, $pos);
-# later history (down)
-sub cmd_j {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- if (Irssi::version < 20090117) {
- # simulate a down-arrow
- _emulate_keystrokes(0x1b, 0x5b, 0x42);
- return (undef, undef);
- }
- my @history = Irssi::active_win->get_history_lines();
- if (defined $history_index) {
- $history_index += $count;
- print "History Index: $history_index" if DEBUG;
- # Prevent destroying the current input when pressing j after entering
- # command mode. Not exactly like in default irssi, but simplest solution
- # (and S can be used to clear the input line fast, which is what <down>
- # does in plain irssi).
- } else {
- return (undef, undef);
- }
- if ($history_index > $#history) {
- # Restore the input line.
- _input($history_input);
- _input_pos($history_pos);
- $history_index = $#history + 1;
- } elsif ($history_index >= 0) {
- my $history = $history[$history_index];
- # History is not in UTF-8!
- if ($settings->{utf8}->{value}) {
- $history = decode_utf8($history);
- }
- _input($history);
- _input_pos(0);
- }
- return (undef, undef);
-# earlier history (up)
-sub cmd_k {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- if (Irssi::version < 20090117) {
- # simulate an up-arrow
- _emulate_keystrokes(0x1b, 0x5b, 0x41);
- return (undef, undef);
- }
- my @history = Irssi::active_win->get_history_lines();
- if (defined $history_index) {
- $history_index -= $count;
- $history_index = 0 if $history_index < 0;
- } else {
- $history_index = $#history;
- $history_input = _input();
- $history_pos = _input_pos();
- }
- print "History Index: $history_index" if DEBUG;
- if ($history_index >= 0) {
- my $history = $history[$history_index];
- # History is not in UTF-8!
- if ($settings->{utf8}->{value}) {
- $history = decode_utf8($history);
- }
- _input($history);
- _input_pos(0);
- }
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd_G {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- if (Irssi::version < 20090117) {
- _warn("G and gg not supported in irssi < 0.8.13");
- return;
- }
- my @history = Irssi::active_win->get_history_lines();
- # Go to the current input line if no count was given or it's too big.
- if (not $count or $count - 1 >= scalar @history) {
- if (defined $history_input and defined $history_pos) {
- _input($history_input);
- _input_pos($history_pos);
- $history_index = undef;
- }
- return;
- } else {
- # Save input line so it doesn't get lost.
- if (not defined $history_index) {
- $history_input = _input();
- $history_pos = _input_pos();
- }
- $history_index = $count - 1;
- }
- my $history = $history[$history_index];
- # History is not in UTF-8!
- if ($settings->{utf8}->{value}) {
- $history = decode_utf8($history);
- }
- _input($history);
- _input_pos(0);
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd_gg {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- return cmd_G(1, $pos, $repeat);
-sub cmd_f {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat, $char) = @_;
- $pos = _next_occurrence(_input(), $char, $count, $pos);
- $last_ftFT = { type => 'f', char => $char };
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_t {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat, $char) = @_;
- $pos = _next_occurrence(_input(), $char, $count, $pos);
- if (defined $pos) {
- $pos--;
- }
- $last_ftFT = { type => 't', char => $char };
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_F {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat, $char) = @_;
- my $input = reverse _input();
- $pos = _next_occurrence($input, $char, $count, length($input) - $pos - 1);
- if (defined $pos) {
- $pos = length($input) - $pos - 1;
- }
- $last_ftFT = { type => 'F', char => $char };
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_T {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat, $char) = @_;
- my $input = reverse _input();
- $pos = _next_occurrence($input, $char, $count, length($input) - $pos - 1);
- if (defined $pos) {
- $pos = length($input) - $pos - 1 + 1;
- }
- $last_ftFT = { type => 'T', char => $char };
- return (undef, $pos);
-# Find $count-th next occurrence of $char.
-sub _next_occurrence {
- my ($input, $char, $count, $pos) = @_;
- while ($count-- > 0) {
- $pos = index $input, $char, $pos + 1;
- if ($pos == -1) {
- return undef;
- }
- }
- return $pos;
-sub cmd_semicolon {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- return (undef, undef) if not defined $last_ftFT->{type};
- (undef, $pos)
- = $commands->{$last_ftFT->{type}}
- ->{func}($count, $pos, $repeat, $last_ftFT->{char});
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_comma {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- return (undef, undef) if not defined $last_ftFT->{type};
- # Change direction.
- my $save = $last_ftFT->{type};
- my $type = $save;
- $type =~ tr/ftFT/FTft/;
- (undef, $pos)
- = $commands->{$type}
- ->{func}($count, $pos, $repeat, $last_ftFT->{char});
- # Restore type as the move functions overwrites it.
- $last_ftFT->{type} = $save;
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_w {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- my $input = _input();
- $pos = _beginning_of_word($input, $count, $pos);
- $pos = _fix_input_pos($pos, length $input);
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_b {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- my $input = reverse _input();
- $pos = length($input) - $pos - 1;
- $pos = 0 if ($pos < 0);
- $pos = _end_of_word($input, $count, $pos);
- $pos = length($input) - $pos - 1;
- $pos = 0 if ($pos < 0);
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_e {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- my $input = _input();
- $pos = _end_of_word($input, $count, $pos);
- $pos = _fix_input_pos($pos, length $input);
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_ge {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat, $char) = @_;
- my $input = reverse _input();
- $pos = length($input) - $pos - 1;
- $pos = 0 if ($pos < 0);
- $pos = _beginning_of_word($input, $count, $pos);
- $pos = length($input) - $pos - 1;
- $pos = 0 if ($pos < 0);
- return (undef, $pos);
-# Go to the beginning of $count-th word, like vi's w.
-sub _beginning_of_word {
- my ($input, $count, $pos) = @_;
- while ($count-- > 0) {
- # Go to end of next word/non-word.
- if (substr($input, $pos) =~ /^$word+/ or
- substr($input, $pos) =~ /^$non_word+/) {
- $pos += $+[0];
- }
- # And skip over any whitespace if necessary. This also happens when
- # we're inside whitespace.
- if (substr($input, $pos) =~ /^\s+/) {
- $pos += $+[0];
- }
- }
- return $pos;
-# Go to the end of $count-th word, like vi's e.
-sub _end_of_word {
- my ($input, $count, $pos) = @_;
- while ($count-- > 0 and length($input) > $pos) {
- my $skipped = 0;
- # Skip over whitespace if in the middle of it or directly after the
- # current word/non-word.
- if (substr($input, $pos + 1) =~ /^\s+/) {
- $pos += $+[0] + 1;
- $skipped = 1;
- }
- elsif (substr($input, $pos) =~ /^\s+/) {
- $pos += $+[0];
- $skipped = 1;
- }
- # We are inside a word/non-word, skip to the end of it.
- if (substr($input, $pos) =~ /^$word{2,}/ or
- substr($input, $pos) =~ /^$non_word{2,}/) {
- $pos += $+[0] - 1;
- # We are the border of word/non-word. Skip to the end of the next one.
- # But not if we've already jumped over whitespace because there could
- # be only one word/non-word char after the whitespace.
- } elsif (!$skipped and (substr($input, $pos) =~ /^$word($non_word+)/ or
- substr($input, $pos) =~ /^$non_word($word+)/)) {
- $pos += $+[0] - 1;
- }
- }
- # Necessary for correct deletion at the end of the line.
- if (length $input == $pos + 1) {
- $pos++;
- }
- return $pos;
-sub cmd_W {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- my $input = _input();
- $pos = _beginning_of_WORD($input, $count, $pos);
- $pos = _fix_input_pos($pos, length $input);
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_B {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- my $input = reverse _input();
- $pos = _end_of_WORD($input, $count, length($input) - $pos - 1);
- if ($pos == -1) {
- return cmd_0();
- } else {
- return (undef, length($input) - $pos - 1);
- }
-sub cmd_E {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- $pos = _end_of_WORD(_input(), $count, $pos);
- if ($pos == -1) {
- return cmd_dollar();
- } else {
- return (undef, $pos);
- }
-sub cmd_gE {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat, $char) = @_;
- my $input = reverse _input();
- $pos = _beginning_of_WORD($input, $count, length($input) - $pos - 1);
- if ($pos == -1 or length($input) - $pos - 1 == -1) {
- return cmd_0();
- } else {
- $pos = length($input) - $pos - 1;
- }
- return (undef, $pos);
-# Go to beginning of $count-th WORD, like vi's W.
-sub _beginning_of_WORD {
- my ($input, $count, $pos) = @_;
- # Necessary for correct movement between two words with only one
- # whitespace.
- if (substr($input, $pos) =~ /^\s\S/) {
- $pos++;
- $count--;
- }
- while ($count-- > 0 and length($input) > $pos) {
- if (substr($input, $pos + 1) !~ /\s+/) {
- return length($input);
- }
- $pos += $+[0] + 1;
- }
- return $pos;
-# Go to end of $count-th WORD, like vi's E.
-sub _end_of_WORD {
- my ($input, $count, $pos) = @_;
- return $pos if $pos >= length($input);
- # We are inside a WORD, skip to the end of it.
- if (substr($input, $pos + 1) =~ /^\S+(\s)/) {
- $pos += $-[1];
- $count--;
- }
- while ($count-- > 0) {
- if (substr($input, $pos) !~ /\s+\S+(\s+)/) {
- return -1;
- }
- $pos += $-[1] - 1;
- }
- return $pos;
-sub cmd__i {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat, $char) = @_;
- _warn("i_ not implemented yet");
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd__a {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat, $char) = @_;
- my $cur_pos;
- my $input = _input();
- # aw and aW
- if ($char eq 'w' or $char eq 'W') {
- while ($count-- > 0 and length($input) > $pos) {
- if (substr($input, $pos, 1) =~ /\s/) {
- # Any whitespace before the word/WORD must be removed.
- if (not defined $cur_pos) {
- $cur_pos = _find_regex_before($input, '\S', $pos, 0);
- if ($cur_pos < 0) {
- $cur_pos = 0;
- } else {
- $cur_pos++;
- }
- }
- # Move before the word/WORD.
- if (substr($input, $pos + 1) =~ /^\s+/) {
- $pos += $+[0];
- }
- # And delete the word.
- if ($char eq 'w') {
- if (substr($input, $pos) =~ /^\s($word+|$non_word+)/) {
- $pos += $+[0];
- } else {
- $pos = length($input);
- }
- # WORD
- } else {
- if (substr($input, $pos + 1) =~ /\s/) {
- $pos += $-[0] + 1;
- } else {
- $pos = length($input);
- }
- }
- # word
- } elsif ($char eq 'w') {
- # Start at the beginning of this WORD.
- if (not defined $cur_pos and $pos > 0
- and substr($input, $pos - 1, 2)
- !~ /(\s.|$word$non_word|$non_word$word)/) {
- $cur_pos = _find_regex_before
- (
- $input,
- "^($word+$non_word|$non_word+$word|$word+\\s|$non_word+\\s)",
- $pos, 1
- );
- if ($cur_pos < 0) {
- $cur_pos = 0;
- } else {
- $cur_pos += 2;
- }
- }
- # Delete to the end of the word.
- if (substr($input, $pos) =~
- /^($word+$non_word|$non_word+$word|$word+\s+\S|$non_word+\s+\S)/) {
- $pos += $+[0] - 1;
- } else {
- $pos = length($input);
- # If we are at the end of the line, whitespace before
- # the word is also deleted.
- my $new_pos = _find_regex_before
- ($input,
- "^($word+\\s+|$non_word+\\s+)",
- $pos, 1);
- if ($new_pos != -1 and
- (not defined $cur_pos or
- $cur_pos > $new_pos + 1)) {
- $cur_pos = $new_pos + 1;
- }
- }
- # WORD
- } else {
- # Start at the beginning of this WORD.
- if (not defined $cur_pos and $pos > 0 and
- substr($input, $pos - 1, 1) !~ /\s/) {
- $cur_pos = _find_regex_before($input, '\s', $pos - 1, 0);
- if ($cur_pos < 0) {
- $cur_pos = 0;
- } else {
- $cur_pos++;
- }
- }
- # Delete to the end of the word.
- if (substr($input, $pos + 1) =~ /^\S*\s+\S/) {
- $pos += $+[0];
- } else {
- $pos = length($input);
- # If we are at the end of the line, whitespace before
- # the WORD is also deleted.
- my $new_pos = _find_regex_before($input, '\s+', $pos, 1);
- if (not defined $cur_pos or $cur_pos > $new_pos + 1) {
- $cur_pos = $new_pos + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ($cur_pos, $pos);
-# Find regex as close as possible before the current position. If $end is true
-# the end of the match is returned, otherwise the beginning.
-sub _find_regex_before {
- my ($input, $regex, $pos, $end) = @_;
- $input = reverse $input;
- $pos = length($input) - $pos - 1;
- $pos = 0 if $pos < 0;
- if (substr($input, $pos) =~ /$regex/) {
- if (!$end) {
- $pos += $-[0];
- } else {
- $pos += $+[0];
- }
- return length($input) - $pos - 1;
- } else {
- return -1;
- }
-sub cmd_0 {
- return (undef, 0);
-sub cmd_caret {
- my $input = _input();
- my $pos;
- # No whitespace at all.
- if ($input !~ m/^\s/) {
- $pos = 0;
- # Some non-whitespace, go to first one.
- } elsif ($input =~ m/[^\s]/) {
- $pos = $-[0];
- # Only whitespace, go to the end.
- } else {
- $pos = _fix_input_pos(length $input, length $input);
- }
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_dollar {
- my $length = _input_len();
- return (undef, _fix_input_pos($length, $length));
-sub cmd_x {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- cmd_operator_d($pos, $pos + $count, $commands->{x}, $repeat);
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd_X {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- return (undef, undef) if $pos == 0;
- my $new = $pos - $count;
- $new = 0 if $new < 0;
- cmd_operator_d($pos, $new, $commands->{X}, $repeat);
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd_s {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- $operator = $commands->{c};
- return (undef, $pos + $count);
-sub cmd_S {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- $operator = $commands->{c};
- return (0, _input_len());
-sub cmd_i {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- if (!$repeat) {
- _update_mode(M_INS);
- } else {
- $pos = _insert_buffer($count, $pos);
- }
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_I {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- $pos = cmd_caret();
- if (!$repeat) {
- _update_mode(M_INS);
- } else {
- $pos = _insert_buffer($count, $pos);
- }
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_a {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- # Move after current character. Can't use cmd_l() because we need to mover
- # after last character at the end of the line.
- my $length = _input_len();
- $pos += 1;
- $pos = $length if $pos > $length;
- if (!$repeat) {
- _update_mode(M_INS);
- } else {
- $pos = _insert_buffer($count, $pos);
- }
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_A {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- $pos = _input_len();
- if (!$repeat) {
- _update_mode(M_INS);
- } else {
- $pos = _insert_buffer($count, $pos);
- }
- return (undef, $pos);
-# Add @insert_buf to _input() at the given position.
-sub _insert_buffer {
- my ($count, $pos) = @_;
- return _insert_at_position(join('', @insert_buf), $count, $pos);
-sub _insert_at_position {
- my ($string, $count, $pos) = @_;
- $string = $string x $count;
- my $input = _input();
- # Check if we are not at the end of the line to prevent substr outside of
- # string error.
- if (length $input > $pos) {
- substr($input, $pos, 0) = $string;
- } else {
- $input .= $string;
- }
- _input($input);
- return $pos - 1 + length $string;
-sub cmd_r {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat, $char) = @_;
- my $input = _input();
- # Abort if at end of the line.
- return (undef, undef) if length($input) < $pos + $count;
- substr $input, $pos, $count, $char x $count;
- _input($input);
- return (undef, $pos + $count - 1);
-sub cmd_p {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- $pos = _paste_at_position($count, $pos + 1);
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub cmd_P {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- $pos = _paste_at_position($count, $pos);
- return (undef, $pos);
-sub _paste_at_position {
- my ($count, $pos) = @_;
- return if $registers->{$register} eq '';
- return _insert_at_position($registers->{$register}, $count, $pos);
-sub cmd_C {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- $operator = $commands->{c};
- return (undef, _input_len());
-sub cmd_D {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- $operator = $commands->{d};
- return (undef, _input_len());
-sub cmd_ctrl_d {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- my $window = Irssi::active_win();
- # no count = half of screen
- if (not defined $count) {
- $count = $window->{height} / 2;
- }
- $window->view()->scroll($count);
- Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('more');
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd_ctrl_u {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- my $window = Irssi::active_win();
- # no count = half of screen
- if (not defined $count) {
- $count = $window->{height} / 2;
- }
- $window->view()->scroll($count * -1);
- Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('more');
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd_ctrl_f {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- my $window = Irssi::active_win();
- $window->view()->scroll($count * $window->{height});
- Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('more');
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd_ctrl_b {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- return cmd_ctrl_f($count * -1, $pos, $repeat);
-sub cmd_ctrl_wj {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- while ($count-- > 0) {
- Irssi::command('window down');
- }
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd_ctrl_wk {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- while ($count-- > 0) {
- Irssi::command('window up');
- }
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd_ctrl_6 {
- # like :b#
- Irssi::command('window last');
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd_tilde {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat) = @_;
- my $input = _input();
- my $string = substr $input, $pos, $count;
- $string =~ s/(.)/(uc($1) eq $1) ? lc($1) : uc($1)/ge;
- substr $input, $pos, $count, $string;
- _input($input);
- return (undef, _fix_input_pos($pos + $count, length $input));
-sub cmd_register {
- my ($count, $pos, $repeat, $char) = @_;
- if (not exists $registers->{$char} and not exists $registers->{lc $char}) {
- print "Wrong register $char, ignoring." if DEBUG;
- return (undef, undef);
- }
- # make sure black hole register is always empty
- if ($char eq '_') {
- $registers->{_} = '';
- }
- # + and * contain both irssi's cut-buffer
- if ($char eq '+' or $char eq '*') {
- $registers->{'+'} = Irssi::parse_special('$U');
- $registers->{'*'} = $registers->{'+'};
- }
- $register = $char;
- print "Changing register to $register" if DEBUG;
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd_undo {
- print "Undo!" if DEBUG;
- if ($undo_index != $#undo_buffer) {
- $undo_index++;
- _restore_undo_entry($undo_index);
- print "Undoing entry index: $undo_index of " . scalar(@undo_buffer)
- if DEBUG;
- } else {
- print "No further undo." if DEBUG;
- }
- return (undef, undef);
-sub cmd_redo {
- print "Redo!" if DEBUG;
- if ($undo_index != 0) {
- $undo_index--;
- print "Undoing entry index: $undo_index of " . scalar(@undo_buffer)
- if DEBUG;
- _restore_undo_entry($undo_index);
- } else {
- print "No further Redo." if DEBUG;
- }
- return (undef, undef);
-# Adapt the input position depending if an operator is active or not.
-sub _fix_input_pos {
- my ($pos, $length) = @_;
- # Allow moving past the last character when an operator is active to allow
- # correct handling of last character in line.
- if ($operator) {
- $pos = $length if $pos > $length;
- # Otherwise forbid it.
- } else {
- $pos = $length - 1 if $pos > $length - 1;
- }
- return $pos;
-sub cmd_ex_command {
- my $arg_str = join '', @ex_buf;
- if ($arg_str !~ /^(\d*)?([a-z]+)/) {
- return _warn("Invalid Ex-mode command!");
- }
- # Abort if command doesn't exist or used with count for unsupported
- # commands.
- if (not exists $commands_ex->{$2} or
- ($1 ne '' and not $commands_ex->{$2}->{uses_count})) {
- return _warn("Ex-mode $1$2 doesn't exist!");
- }
- # add this item to the ex mode history
- ex_history_add($arg_str);
- $ex_history_index = 0; # and reset the history position.
- my $count = $1;
- if ($count eq '') {
- $count = undef;
- }
- $commands_ex->{$2}->{func}($arg_str, $count);
-sub ex_substitute {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- # :s///
- if ($arg_str =~ m|^s/(.+)/(.*)/([ig]*)|) {
- my ($search, $replace, $flags) = ($1, $2, $3);
- print "Searching for $search, replace: $replace, flags; $flags"
- if DEBUG;
- my $rep_fun = sub { $replace };
- my $line = _input();
- my @re_flags = split '', defined $flags?$flags:'';
- if (scalar grep { $_ eq 'i' } @re_flags) {
- $search = '(?i)' . $search;
- }
- print "Search is $search" if DEBUG;
- my $re_pattern = qr/$search/;
- if (scalar grep { $_ eq 'g' } @re_flags) {
- $line =~ s/$re_pattern/$rep_fun->()/eg;
- } else {
- print "Single replace: $replace" if DEBUG;
- $line =~ s/$re_pattern/$rep_fun->()/e;
- }
- print "New line is: $line" if DEBUG;
- _input($line);
- } else {
- _warn_ex('s');
- }
-sub ex_bnext {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- if (not defined $count) {
- if ($arg_str =~ /^bn(?:ext)?\s(\d+)$/) {
- $count = $1;
- } else {
- $count = 1;
- }
- }
- while ($count-- > 0) {
- Irssi::command('window next');
- }
-sub ex_bprev {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- if (not defined $count) {
- if ($arg_str =~ /^bp(?:rev)?\s(\d+)$/) {
- $count = $1;
- } else {
- $count = 1;
- }
- }
- while ($count-- > 0) {
- Irssi::command('window previous');
- }
-sub ex_bdelete {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- if (not defined $count) {
- if ($arg_str =~ /^bd(?:elete)?\s(\d+)$/) {
- $count = $1;
- }
- }
- if (defined $count) {
- my $window = Irssi::window_find_refnum($count);
- if (not $window) {
- return;
- }
- $window->set_active();
- }
- Irssi::command('window close');
-sub ex_buffer {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- # :b[buffer] {args}
- if ($arg_str =~ m|^b(?:uffer)?\s*(.+)$| or defined $count) {
- my $window;
- my $item;
- my $buffer = $1;
- # :[N]:b[uffer]
- if (defined $count) {
- $window = Irssi::window_find_refnum($count);
- # Go to window number.
- } elsif ($buffer =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
- $window = Irssi::window_find_refnum($buffer);
- # Go to previous window.
- } elsif ($buffer eq '#') {
- Irssi::command('window last');
- # Go to best regex matching window.
- } else {
- eval {
- my $matches = _matching_windows($buffer);
- if (scalar @$matches > 0) {
- $window = @$matches[0]->{window};
- $item = @$matches[0]->{item};
- }
- };
- # Catch errors in /$buffer/ regex.
- if ($@) {
- _warn($@);
- }
- }
- if ($window) {
- $window->set_active();
- if ($item) {
- $item->set_active();
- }
- }
- } else {
- _warn_ex('buffer');
- }
-sub ex_item_next {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- my $win = Irssi::active_win;
- $count = 1 unless defined $count;
- $win->item_next for (1..$count);
-sub ex_item_prev {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- my $win = Irssi::active_win;
- $count = 1 unless defined $count;
- $win->item_prev for (1..$count);
-# TODO: factor out the shared search code for server next/prev.
-sub ex_server_next {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- my @server_ids = map { $_->{tag} . "\x1d" . $_->{nick} } Irssi::servers;
- my $server = Irssi::active_server;
- return unless $server;
- my $current_id = $server->{tag} . "\x1d" . $server->{nick};
- my $next = 0;
- my $server_count = scalar @server_ids;
- for my $i (0..$server_count - 1) {
- my $s_id = $server_ids[$i];
- if (defined($s_id) and ($s_id eq $current_id)) {
- print "Found match at $i" if DEBUG;
- $next = ($i + 1) % $server_count;
- last;
- }
- }
- my $next_server = $server_ids[$next];
- $next_server =~ s|^([^\x1d]+)\x1d.*$|$1|;
- print "Changing to server: $next: $next_server" if DEBUG;
- Irssi::command("window server $next_server");
-sub ex_server_prev {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- my @server_ids = map { $_->{tag} . "\x1d" . $_->{nick} } Irssi::servers;
- my $server = Irssi::active_server;
- return unless $server;
- my $current_id = $server->{tag} . "\x1d" . $server->{nick};
- my $prev = 0;
- my $server_count = scalar @server_ids;
- for my $i (0..$server_count - 1) {
- my $s_id = $server_ids[$i];
- if (defined($s_id) and ($s_id eq $current_id)) {
- print "Found match at $i" if DEBUG;
- $prev = ($i - 1) % $server_count;
- last;
- }
- }
- my $prev_server = $server_ids[$prev];
- $prev_server =~ s|^([^\x1d]+)\x1d.*$|$1|;
- print "Changing to server: $prev: $prev_server" if DEBUG;
- Irssi::command("window server $prev_server");
-sub ex_registers {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- # :reg[isters] {arg} and :di[splay] {arg}
- if ($arg_str =~ /^(?:reg(?:isters)?|di(?:splay)?)(?:\s+(.+)$)?/) {
- my @regs;
- if ($1) {
- my $regs = $1;
- $regs =~ s/\s+//g;
- @regs = split //, $regs;
- } else {
- @regs = keys %$registers;
- }
- # Update "+ and "* registers so correct values are displayed.
- $registers->{'+'} = Irssi::parse_special('$U');
- $registers->{'*'} = $registers->{'+'};
- my @empty_regs;
- my $special_regs = { '+' => 1, '*' => 1, '_' => 1, '"' => 1, '0' => 1 };
- my $active_window = Irssi::active_win;
- foreach my $key (sort @regs) {
- next if $key eq '_'; # skip black hole
- if (defined $registers->{$key}) {
- my $register_val = $registers->{$key};
- if (length $register_val or exists $special_regs->{$key}) {
- $register_val =~ s/%/%%/g;
- $active_window->print("register $key: $register_val");
- } else {
- push @empty_regs, $key;
- }
- }
- }
- # coalesce empty registers into a single line.
- if (@empty_regs) {
- my @runs;
- my $run_start;
- foreach my $i (0..$#empty_regs) {
- my $cur = $empty_regs[$i];
- my $next = $empty_regs[$i+1];
- $run_start = $cur unless $run_start;
- if (defined $next and ord($cur) + 1 == ord($next)) {
- # extend range.
- } else {
- # terminate range and restart
- my $run_str = $run_start;
- if ($cur ne $run_start) {
- $run_str .= "-$cur";
- }
- push @runs, $run_str;
- $run_start = undef;
- }
- }
- $active_window->print("Empty registers: " . join(', ', @runs));
- }
- } else {
- _warn_ex(':registers');
- }
-sub ex_buffers {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- Irssi::command('window list');
-sub ex_undolist {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- _print_undo_buffer();
-sub ex_map {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- # :map {lhs} {rhs}
- if ($arg_str =~ /^map (\S+) (\S.*)$/) {
- my $lhs = _parse_mapping($1);
- my $rhs = $2;
- if (not defined $lhs) {
- return _warn_ex('map', 'invalid {lhs}');
- }
- # Add new mapping.
- my $command;
- # Ex-mode command
- if (index($rhs, ':') == 0) {
- $rhs =~ /^:(\S+)(\s.+)?$/;
- if (not exists $commands_ex->{$1}) {
- return _warn_ex('map', "$rhs not found");
- } else {
- $command = { char => $rhs,
- func => $commands_ex->{$1}->{func},
- type => C_EX,
- };
- }
- # Irssi command
- } elsif (index($rhs, '/') == 0) {
- $command = { char => $rhs,
- func => substr($rhs, 1),
- type => C_IRSSI,
- };
- # <Nop> does nothing
- } elsif (lc $rhs eq '<nop>') {
- $command = { char => '<Nop>',
- func => undef,
- type => C_NOP,
- };
- # command-mode command
- } else {
- $rhs = _parse_mapping($2);
- if (not defined $rhs) {
- return _warn_ex('map', 'invalid {rhs}');
- } elsif (not exists $commands->{$rhs}) {
- return _warn_ex('map', "$2 not found");
- } else {
- $command = $commands->{$rhs};
- }
- }
- add_map($lhs, $command);
- # :map [lhs]
- } elsif ($arg_str =~ m/^map\s*$/ or $arg_str =~ m/^map (\S+)$/) {
- # Necessary for case insensitive matchings. lc alone won't work.
- my $search = $1;
- $search = '' if not defined $search;
- $search = _parse_mapping_reverse(_parse_mapping($search));
- my $active_window = Irssi::active_win();
- foreach my $key (sort keys %$maps) {
- my $map = $maps->{$key};
- my $cmd = $map->{cmd};
- if (defined $cmd) {
- next if $map->{char} eq $cmd->{char}; # skip default mappings
- # FIXME: Hack so <C-H> doesn't show up as mapped to <BS>.
- next if $map->{char} eq '<C-H>' and $cmd->{char} eq '<BS>';
- next if $map->{char} !~ /^\Q$search\E/; # skip non-matches
- $active_window->print(sprintf "%-15s %s", $map->{char},
- $cmd->{char});
- }
- }
- } else {
- _warn_ex('map');
- }
-sub ex_unmap {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- # :unm[ap] {lhs}
- if ($arg_str !~ /^unm(?:ap)? (\S+)$/) {
- return _warn_ex('unmap');
- }
- my $lhs = _parse_mapping($1);
- if (not defined $lhs) {
- return _warn_ex('unmap', 'invalid {lhs}');
- # Prevent unmapping of unknown or default mappings.
- } elsif (not exists $maps->{$lhs} or not defined $maps->{$lhs}->{cmd} or
- ($commands->{$lhs} and $maps->{$lhs}->{cmd} == $commands->{$lhs})) {
- return _warn_ex('unmap', "$1 not found");
- }
- delete_map($lhs);
-sub _parse_mapping {
- my ($string) = @_;
- $string =~ s/<([^>]+)>/_parse_mapping_bracket($1)/ge;
- _debug("Parse mapping: $string");
- if (index($string, '<invalid>') != -1) {
- return undef;
- }
- return $string;
-sub _parse_mapping_bracket {
- my ($string) = @_;
- $string = lc $string;
- # <C-X>, get corresponding CTRL char.
- if ($string =~ /^c-([a-z])$/i) {
- $string = chr(ord($1) - 96);
- # <C-6> and <C-^>
- } elsif ($string =~ /^c-[6^]$/i) {
- $string = chr(30);
- # <Space>
- } elsif ($string eq 'space') {
- $string = ' ';
- # <CR>
- } elsif ($string eq 'cr') {
- $string = "\n";
- # <BS>
- } elsif ($string eq 'bs') {
- $string = chr(127);
- } elsif ($string eq 'leader') {
- $string = $settings->{map_leader}->{value};
- # Invalid char, return special string to recognize the error.
- } else {
- $string = '<invalid>';
- }
- return $string;
-sub _parse_mapping_reverse {
- my ($string) = @_;
- if (not defined $string) {
- _warn("Unable to reverse-map command: " . join('', @ex_buf));
- return;
- }
- my $escaped_leader = quotemeta($settings->{map_leader}->{value});
- $string =~ s/$escaped_leader/<Leader>/g;
- # Convert char to <char-name>.
- $string =~ s/ /<Space>/g;
- $string =~ s/\n/<CR>/g;
- $string =~ s/\x7F/<BS>/g;
- # Convert Ctrl-X to <C-X>.
- $string =~ s/([\x01-\x1A])/"<C-" . chr(ord($1) + 64) . ">"/ge;
- # Convert Ctrl-6 and Ctrl-^ to <C-^>.
- $string =~ s/\x1E/<C-^>/g;
- return $string;
-sub _parse_partial_command_reverse {
- my ($string) = @_;
- my $escaped_leader = quotemeta($settings->{map_leader}->{value});
- $string =~ s/$escaped_leader/<Leader>/g;
- # Convert Ctrl-X to ^X.
- $string =~ s/([\x01-\x1A])/"^" . chr(ord($1) + 64)/ge;
- # Convert Ctrl-6 and Ctrl-^ to <C-^>.
- $string =~ s/\x1E/^^/g;
- return $string;
-sub ex_source {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- # :so[urce], but only loads the vim_moderc file at the moment
- open my $file, '<', Irssi::get_irssi_dir() . '/vim_moderc' or return;
- while (my $line = <$file>) {
- next if $line =~ /^\s*$/ or $line =~ /^\s*"/;
- chomp $line;
- # :map {lhs} {rhs}, keep in sync with ex_map()
- if ($line =~ /^\s*map (\S+) (\S.*)$/) {
- ex_map($line);
- } else {
- _warn_ex('source', "command not supported: $line");
- }
- }
-sub ex_mkvimrc {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- # :mkv[imrc][!], [file] not supported
- my $vim_moderc = Irssi::get_irssi_dir(). '/vim_moderc';
- if (-f $vim_moderc and $arg_str !~ /^mkv(?:imrc)?!$/) {
- return _warn_ex('mkvimrc', "$vim_moderc already exists");
- }
- open my $file, '>', $vim_moderc or return;
- # copied from ex_map()
- foreach my $key (sort keys %$maps) {
- my $map = $maps->{$key};
- my $cmd = $map->{cmd};
- if (defined $cmd) {
- next if $map->{char} eq $cmd->{char}; # skip default mappings
- print $file "map $map->{char} $cmd->{char}\n";
- }
- }
- close $file;
-sub ex_set {
- my ($arg_str, $count) = @_;
- # :se[t] [option] [value]
- if ($arg_str =~ /^se(?:t)?(?:\s([^=]+)(?:=(.*)$)?)?/) {
- # :se[t] {option} {value}
- if (defined $1 and defined $2) {
- if (not exists $settings->{$1}) {
- return _warn_ex('map', "setting '$1' not found");
- }
- my $name = $1;
- my $value = $2;
- # Also accept numeric values for boolean options.
- if ($settings->{$name}->{type} == S_BOOL) {
- if ($value =~ /^(on|off)$/i) {
- $value = lc $value eq 'on' ? 1 : 0;
- } elsif ($value eq '') {
- $value = 0;
- }
- }
- _setting_set($name, $value);
- setup_changed();
- # :se[t] [option]
- } else {
- my $search = defined $1 ? $1 : '';
- my $active_window = Irssi::active_win();
- foreach my $setting (sort keys %$settings) {
- next if $setting !~ /^\Q$search\E/; # skip non-matches
- my $value = $settings->{$setting}->{value};
- # Irssi only accepts 'on' and 'off' as values for boolean
- # options.
- if ($settings->{$setting}->{type} == S_BOOL) {
- $value = $value ? 'on' : 'off';
- }
- $active_window->print($setting . '=' . $value);
- }
- }
- } else {
- _warn_ex('map');
- }
-sub _warn_ex {
- my ($command, $description) = @_;
- my $message = "Error in ex-mode command $command";
- if (defined $description) {
- $message .= ": $description";
- }
- _warn($message);
-sub _matching_windows {
- my ($buffer) = @_;
- my $server;
- if ($buffer =~ m{^(.+)/(.+)}) {
- $server = $1;
- $buffer = $2;
- }
- print ":b searching for channel $buffer" if DEBUG;
- print ":b on server $server" if $server and DEBUG;
- my @matches;
- foreach my $window (Irssi::windows()) {
- # Matching window names.
- if ($window->{name} =~ /$buffer/i) {
- my $win_ratio = ($+[0] - $-[0]) / length($window->{name});
- push @matches, { window => $window,
- item => undef,
- ratio => $win_ratio,
- text => $window->{name} };
- print ":b $window->{name}: $win_ratio" if DEBUG;
- }
- # Matching Window item names (= channels).
- foreach my $item ($window->items()) {
- # Wrong server.
- if ($server and (!$item->{server} or
- $item->{server}->{chatnet} !~ /^$server/i)) {
- next;
- }
- if ($item->{name} =~ /$buffer/i) {
- my $length = length($item->{name});
- $length-- if index($item->{name}, '#') == 0;
- my $item_ratio = ($+[0] - $-[0]) / $length;
- push @matches, { window => $window,
- item => $item,
- ratio => $item_ratio,
- text => $item->{name} };
- print ":b $window->{name} $item->{name}: $item_ratio" if DEBUG;
- }
- }
- }
- @matches = sort {$b->{ratio} <=> $a->{ratio}} @matches;
- return \@matches;
-#TODO: give these things better names.
-sub vim_mode_cmd {
- my $mode_str = '';
- if ($mode == M_INS) {
- $mode_str = 'Insert';
- } elsif ($mode == M_EX) {
- $mode_str = '%_Ex%_';
- } else {
- $mode_str = 'Normal';
- if ($register ne '"' or $numeric_prefix or $operator or $movement or
- $pending_map) {
- my $partial = '';
- if ($register ne '"') {
- $partial .= '"' . $register;
- }
- if ($numeric_prefix) {
- $partial .= $numeric_prefix;
- }
- if ($operator) {
- $partial .= $operator->{char};
- }
- if ($movement) {
- $partial .= $movement->{char};
- }
- if (defined $pending_map) {
- $partial .= $pending_map;
- }
- $partial = _parse_partial_command_reverse($partial);
- $partial =~ s/\\/\\\\\\\\/g;
- $mode_str .= " ($partial)";
- }
- }
- return $mode_str;
-sub vim_wins_data {
- my $windows = '';
- # A little code duplication of cmd_ex_command(), but \s+ instead of \s* so
- # :bd doesn't display buffers matching d.
- my $arg_str = join '', @ex_buf;
- if ($arg_str =~ m|^b(?:uffer)?\s+(.+)$|) {
- my $buffer = $1;
- if ($buffer !~ /^[0-9]$/ and $buffer ne '#') {
- # Display matching windows.
- eval {
- my $matches = _matching_windows($buffer);
- $windows = join ',', map { $_->{text} } @$matches;
- };
- # Catch errors in /$buffer/ regex.
- if ($@) {
- _warn($@);
- }
- }
- }
- return $windows;
-sub vim_exp_mode {
- my ($server, $witem, $arg) = @_;
- return vim_mode_cmd();
-sub vim_exp_wins {
- my ($server, $witem, $arg) = @_;
- return vim_wins_data();
-# vi mode status item.
-sub vim_mode_cb {
- my ($sb_item, $get_size_only) = @_;
- my $mode_str = vim_mode_cmd();
- $sb_item->default_handler($get_size_only, "{sb $mode_str}", '', 0);
-# :b window list item.
-sub b_windows_cb {
- my ($sb_item, $get_size_only) = @_;
- my $windows = vim_wins_data();
- $sb_item->default_handler($get_size_only, "{sb $windows}", '', 0);
-sub got_key {
- my ($key) = @_;
- return if ($should_ignore);
- # Esc key
- if ($key == 27) {
- print "Esc seen, starting buffer" if DEBUG;
- $input_buf_enabled = 1;
- # NOTE: this timeout might be too low on laggy systems, but
- # it comes at the cost of keystroke latency for things that
- # contain escape sequences (arrow keys, etc)
- my $esc_buf_timeout = $settings->{esc_buf_timeout}->{value};
- $input_buf_timer
- = Irssi::timeout_add_once($esc_buf_timeout,
- \&handle_input_buffer, undef);
- print "Buffer Timer tag: $input_buf_timer" if DEBUG;
- } elsif ($mode == M_INS) {
- if ($key == 5) { # Ctrl-C enters command mode
- _update_mode(M_CMD);
- _stop();
- return;
- } elsif ($key == 10) { # enter.
- _commit_line();
- } elsif ($input_buf_enabled and $imap) {
- print "Imap $imap active" if DEBUG;
- my $map = $imaps->{$imap};
- if (not defined $map->{map} or chr($key) eq $map->{map}) {
- $map->{func}($key);
- # Clear the buffer so the imap is not printed.
- @input_buf = ();
- } else {
- push @input_buf, $key;
- }
- flush_input_buffer();
- _stop();
- $imap = undef;
- return;
- } elsif (exists $imaps->{chr($key)}) {
- print "Imap " . chr($key) . " seen, starting buffer" if DEBUG;
- # start imap pending mode
- $imap = chr($key);
- $input_buf_enabled = 1;
- push @input_buf, $key;
- $input_buf_timer
- = Irssi::timeout_add_once(1000, \&flush_input_buffer, undef);
- _stop();
- return;
- # Pressing delete resets insert mode repetition (8 = BS, 127 = DEL).
- # TODO: maybe allow it
- } elsif ($key == 8 || $key == 127) {
- @insert_buf = ();
- # All other entered characters need to be stored to allow repeat of
- # insert mode. Ignore delete and control characters.
- } elsif ($key > 31) {
- push @insert_buf, chr($key);
- }
- }
- if ($input_buf_enabled) {
- push @input_buf, $key;
- _stop();
- return;
- }
- if ($mode == M_CMD) {
- my $should_stop = handle_command_cmd($key);
- _stop() if $should_stop;
- Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw("vim_mode");
- } elsif ($mode == M_EX) {
- if ($key == 3) { # C-c cancels Ex mdoe as well.
- _update_mode(M_CMD);
- _stop();
- return;
- }
- handle_command_ex($key);
- }
-# TODO: merge this with 'flush_input_buffer' below.
-sub handle_input_buffer {
- #Irssi::timeout_remove($input_buf_timer);
- $input_buf_timer = undef;
- # see what we've collected.
- print "Input buffer contains: ", join(", ", @input_buf) if DEBUG;
- if (@input_buf == 1 && $input_buf[0] == 27) {
- print "Enter Normal Mode" if DEBUG;
- _update_mode(M_CMD);
- } else {
- # we have more than a single esc, implying an escape sequence
- # (meta-* or esc-*)
- # currently, we only extract escape sequences if:
- # a) we're in ex mode
- # b) they're arrow keys (for history control)
- if ($mode == M_EX) {
- # ex mode
- my $key_str = join '', map { chr } @input_buf;
- if ($key_str =~ m/^\e\[([ABCD])/) {
- my $arrow = $1;
- _debug( "Arrow key: $arrow");
- if ($arrow eq 'A') { # up
- ex_history_back();
- } elsif ($arrow eq 'B') { # down
- ex_history_fwd();
- } else {
- $arrow =~ s/C/right/;
- $arrow =~ s/D/left/;
- _debug("Arrow key $arrow not supported");
- }
- }
- } else {
- # otherwise, we just forward them to irssi.
- _emulate_keystrokes(@input_buf);
- }
- # Clear insert buffer, pressing "special" keys (like arrow keys)
- # resets it.
- @insert_buf = ();
- }
- @input_buf = ();
- $input_buf_enabled = 0;
-sub flush_input_buffer {
- Irssi::timeout_remove($input_buf_timer) if defined $input_buf_timer;
- $input_buf_timer = undef;
- # see what we've collected.
- print "Input buffer flushed" if DEBUG;
- # Add the characters to @insert_buf so they can be repeated.
- push @insert_buf, map chr, @input_buf;
- _emulate_keystrokes(@input_buf);
- @input_buf = ();
- $input_buf_enabled = 0;
- $imap = undef;
-sub flush_pending_map {
- my ($old_pending_map) = @_;
- print "flush_pending_map(): ", $pending_map, ' ', $old_pending_map
- if DEBUG;
- return if not defined $pending_map or
- $pending_map ne $old_pending_map;
- handle_command_cmd(undef);
- Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw("vim_mode");
-sub handle_numeric_prefix {
- my ($char) = @_;
- my $num = 0+$char;
- if (defined $numeric_prefix) {
- $numeric_prefix *= 10;
- $numeric_prefix += $num;
- } else {
- $numeric_prefix = $num;
- }
-sub handle_command_cmd {
- my ($key) = @_;
- my $pending_map_flushed = 0;
- my $char;
- if (defined $key) {
- $char = chr($key);
- # We were called from flush_pending_map().
- } else {
- $char = $pending_map;
- $key = 0;
- $pending_map_flushed = 1;
- }
- # Counts
- if (!$movement and !$pending_map and
- ($char =~ m/[1-9]/ or ($numeric_prefix && $char =~ m/[0-9]/))) {
- print "Processing numeric prefix: $char" if DEBUG;
- handle_numeric_prefix($char);
- return 1; # call _stop()
- }
- if (defined $pending_map and not $pending_map_flushed) {
- $pending_map = $pending_map . $char;
- $char = $pending_map;
- }
- my $map;
- if ($movement) {
- $map = { char => $movement->{char},
- cmd => $movement,
- maps => {},
- };
- } elsif (exists $maps->{$char}) {
- $map = $maps->{$char};
- # We have multiple mappings starting with this key sequence.
- if (!$pending_map_flushed and scalar keys %{$map->{maps}} > 0) {
- if (not defined $pending_map) {
- $pending_map = $char;
- }
- # The current key sequence has a command mapped to it, run if
- # after a timeout.
- if (defined $map->{cmd}) {
- Irssi::timeout_add_once(1000, \&flush_pending_map,
- $pending_map);
- }
- return 1; # call _stop()
- }
- } else {
- print "No mapping found for $char" if DEBUG;
- $pending_map = undef;
- $numeric_prefix = undef;
- return 1; # call _stop()
- }
- $pending_map = undef;
- my $cmd = $map->{cmd};
- # Make sure we have a valid $cmd.
- if (not defined $cmd) {
- print "Bug in pending_map_flushed() $map->{char}" if DEBUG;
- return 1; # call _stop()
- }
- # Ex-mode commands can also be bound in command mode.
- if ($cmd->{type} == C_EX) {
- print "Processing ex-command: $map->{char} ($cmd->{char})" if DEBUG;
- $cmd->{func}->(substr($cmd->{char}, 1), $numeric_prefix);
- $numeric_prefix = undef;
- return 1; # call _stop()
- # As can irssi commands.
- } elsif ($cmd->{type} == C_IRSSI) {
- print "Processing irssi-command: $map->{char} ($cmd->{char})" if DEBUG;
- _command_with_context($cmd->{func});
- $numeric_prefix = undef;
- return 1; # call _stop();
- # <Nop> does nothing.
- } elsif ($cmd->{type} == C_NOP) {
- print "Processing <Nop>: $map->{char}" if DEBUG;
- $numeric_prefix = undef;
- return 1; # call _stop();
- }
- # text-objects (i a) are simulated with $movement
- if (!$movement and ($cmd->{type} == C_NEEDSKEY or
- ($operator and ($char eq 'i' or $char eq 'a')))) {
- print "Processing movement: $map->{char} ($cmd->{char})" if DEBUG;
- if ($char eq 'i') {
- $movement = $commands->{_i};
- } elsif ($char eq 'a') {
- $movement = $commands->{_a};
- } else {
- $movement = $cmd;
- }
- } elsif (!$movement and $cmd->{type} == C_OPERATOR) {
- print "Processing operator: $map->{char} ($cmd->{char})" if DEBUG;
- # Abort operator if we already have one pending.
- if ($operator) {
- # But allow cc/dd/yy.
- if ($operator == $cmd) {
- print "Processing line operator: ",
- $map->{char}, " (",
- $cmd->{char} ,")"
- if DEBUG;
- my $pos = _input_pos();
- $cmd->{func}->(0, _input_len(), undef, 0);
- # Restore position for yy.
- if ($cmd == $commands->{y}) {
- _input_pos($pos);
- # And save undo for other operators.
- } else {
- _add_undo_entry(_input(), _input_pos());
- }
- if ($register ne '"') {
- print 'Changing register to "' if DEBUG;
- $register = '"';
- }
- }
- $numeric_prefix = undef;
- $operator = undef;
- $movement = undef;
- # Set new operator.
- } else {
- $operator = $cmd;
- }
- # Start Ex mode.
- } elsif ($cmd == $commands->{':'}) {
- if (not script_is_loaded('uberprompt')) {
- _warn("Warning: Ex mode requires the 'uberprompt' script. " .
- "Please load it and try again.");
- } else {
- _update_mode(M_EX);
- _set_prompt(':');
- }
- # Enter key sends the current input line in command mode as well.
- } elsif ($key == 10) {
- _commit_line();
- return 0; # don't call _stop()
- } else {
- print "Processing command: $map->{char} ($cmd->{char})" if DEBUG;
- my $skip = 0;
- my $repeat = 0;
- if (!$movement) {
- # . repeats the last command.
- if ($cmd == $commands->{'.'} and defined $last->{cmd}) {
- $cmd = $last->{cmd};
- $char = $last->{char};
- # If . is given a count then it replaces original count.
- if (not defined $numeric_prefix) {
- $numeric_prefix = $last->{numeric_prefix};
- }
- $operator = $last->{operator};
- $movement = $last->{movement};
- $register = $last->{register};
- $repeat = 1;
- } elsif ($cmd == $commands->{'.'}) {
- print '. pressed but $last->{char} not set' if DEBUG;
- $skip = 1;
- }
- }
- # Ignore invalid operator/command combinations.
- if ($operator and $cmd->{no_operator}) {
- print "Invalid operator/command: $operator->{char} $cmd->{char}"
- if DEBUG;
- $skip = 1;
- }
- if ($skip) {
- print "Skipping movement and operator." if DEBUG;
- } else {
- # Make sure count is at least 1 except for functions which need to
- # know if no count was used.
- if (not $numeric_prefix and not $cmd->{needs_count}) {
- $numeric_prefix = 1;
- }
- my $cur_pos = _input_pos();
- # If defined $cur_pos will be changed to this.
- my $old_pos;
- # Position after the move.
- my $new_pos;
- # Execute the movement (multiple times).
- if (not $movement) {
- ($old_pos, $new_pos)
- = $cmd->{func}->($numeric_prefix, $cur_pos, $repeat);
- } else {
- ($old_pos, $new_pos)
- = $cmd->{func}->($numeric_prefix, $cur_pos, $repeat,
- $char);
- }
- if (defined $old_pos) {
- print "Changing \$cur_pos from $cur_pos to $old_pos" if DEBUG;
- $cur_pos = $old_pos;
- }
- if (defined $new_pos) {
- _input_pos($new_pos);
- } else {
- $new_pos = _input_pos();
- }
- # Update input position of last undo entry so that undo/redo
- # restores correct position.
- if (@undo_buffer and _input() eq $undo_buffer[0]->[0] and
- ((defined $operator and $operator == $commands->{d}) or
- $cmd->{repeatable})) {
- print "Updating history position: $undo_buffer[0]->[0]"
- if DEBUG;
- $undo_buffer[0]->[1] = $cur_pos;
- }
- # If we have an operator pending then run it on the handled text.
- # But only if the movement changed the position (this prevents
- # problems with e.g. f when the search string doesn't exist).
- if ($operator and $cur_pos != $new_pos) {
- print "Processing operator: ", $operator->{char} if DEBUG;
- $operator->{func}->($cur_pos, $new_pos, $cmd, $repeat);
- }
- # Save an undo checkpoint here for operators, all repeatable
- # movements, operators and repetition.
- if ((defined $operator and $operator == $commands->{d}) or
- $cmd->{repeatable}) {
- # TODO: why do history entries still show up in undo
- # buffer? Is avoiding the commands here insufficient?
- _add_undo_entry(_input(), _input_pos());
- }
- # Store command, necessary for .
- if ($operator or $cmd->{repeatable}) {
- $last->{cmd} = $cmd;
- $last->{char} = $char;
- $last->{numeric_prefix} = $numeric_prefix;
- $last->{operator} = $operator;
- $last->{movement} = $movement;
- $last->{register} = $register;
- }
- }
- # Reset the count unless we go into insert mode, _update_mode() needs
- # to know it when leaving insert mode to support insert with counts
- # (like 3i).
- if ($repeat or $cmd->{type} != C_INSERT) {
- $numeric_prefix = undef;
- }
- $operator = undef;
- $movement = undef;
- if ($cmd != $commands->{'"'} and $register ne '"') {
- print 'Changing register to "' if DEBUG;
- $register = '"';
- }
- }
- return 1; # call _stop()
-sub handle_command_ex {
- my ($key) = @_;
- # BS key (8) or DEL key (127) - remove last character.
- if ($key == 8 || $key == 127) {
- print "Delete" if DEBUG;
- if (@ex_buf > 0) {
- pop @ex_buf;
- _set_prompt(':' . join '', @ex_buf);
- # Backspacing over : exits ex-mode.
- } else {
- _update_mode(M_CMD);
- }
- # Return key - execute command
- } elsif ($key == 10) {
- print "Run ex-mode command" if DEBUG;
- cmd_ex_command();
- _update_mode(M_CMD);
- } elsif ($key == 9) { # TAB
- print "Tab pressed" if DEBUG;
- print "Ex buf contains: " . join('', @ex_buf) if DEBUG;
- @tab_candidates = _tab_complete(join('', @ex_buf), [keys %$commands_ex]);
- _debug("Candidates: " . join(", ", @tab_candidates));
- if (@tab_candidates == 1) {
- @ex_buf = ( split('', $tab_candidates[0]), ' ');
- _set_prompt(':' . join '', @ex_buf);
- }
- # Ignore control characters for now.
- } elsif ($key > 0 && $key < 32) {
- # TODO: use them later, e.g. completion
- # Append entered key
- } else {
- if ($key != -1) {
- # check we're not called from an ex_history_* function
- push @ex_buf, chr $key;
- }
- _set_prompt(':' . join '', @ex_buf);
- }
- Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw("vim_windows");
- _stop();
-sub _tab_complete {
- my ($input, $source) = @_;
- my @out;
- foreach my $item (@$source) {
- if ($item =~ m/^\Q$input\E/) {
- push @out, $item;
- }
- }
- return sort { $a cmp $b } @out;
-sub vim_mode_init {
- Irssi::signal_add_first 'gui key pressed' => \&got_key;
- Irssi::statusbar_item_register ('vim_mode', 0, 'vim_mode_cb');
- Irssi::statusbar_item_register ('vim_windows', 0, 'b_windows_cb');
- Irssi::expando_create('vim_cmd_mode' => \&vim_exp_mode, {});
- Irssi::expando_create('vim_wins' => \&vim_exp_wins, {});
- # Register all available settings.
- foreach my $name (keys %$settings) {
- _setting_register($name);
- }
- foreach my $char ('a' .. 'z') {
- $registers->{$char} = '';
- }
- setup_changed();
- Irssi::signal_add 'setup changed' => \&setup_changed;
- # Add all default mappings.
- foreach my $char (keys %$commands) {
- next if $char =~ /^_/; # skip private commands (text-objects for now)
- add_map($char, $commands->{$char});
- }
- # Load the vim_moderc file if it exists.
- ex_source('source');
- setup_changed();
- _reset_undo_buffer();
- if ($settings->{start_cmd}->{value}) {
- _update_mode(M_CMD);
- } else {
- _update_mode(M_INS);
- }
-sub setup_changed {
- my $value;
- if ($settings->{cmd_seq}->{value} ne '') {
- delete $imaps->{$settings->{cmd_seq}->{value}};
- }
- $value = _setting_get('cmd_seq');
- if ($value eq '') {
- $settings->{cmd_seq}->{value} = $value;
- } else {
- if (length $value == 1) {
- $imaps->{$value} = { 'map' => $value,
- 'func' => sub { _update_mode(M_CMD) }
- };
- $settings->{cmd_seq}->{value} = $value;
- } else {
- _warn("Error: vim_mode_cmd_seq must be a single character");
- # Restore the value so $settings and irssi settings are
- # consistent.
- _setting_set('cmd_seq', $settings->{cmd_seq}->{value});
- }
- }
- my $new_utf8 = _setting_get('utf8');
- if ($new_utf8 != $settings->{utf8}->{value}) {
- # recompile the patterns when switching to/from utf-8
- $word = qr/[\w_]/o;
- $non_word = qr/[^\w_\s]/o;
- $settings->{utf8}->{value} = $new_utf8;
- }
- if ($new_utf8 and (!$^V or $^V lt v5.8.1)) {
- _warn("Warning: UTF-8 isn't supported very well in perl < 5.8.1! " .
- "Please disable the vim_mode_utf8 setting.");
- }
- # Sync $settings with current irssi values.
- foreach my $name (keys %$settings) {
- # These were already handled above.
- next if $name eq 'cmd_seq' or $name eq 'cmd_seq';
- $settings->{$name}->{value} = _setting_get($name);
- }
-sub UNLOAD {
- Irssi::signal_remove('gui key pressed' => \&got_key);
- Irssi::signal_remove('setup changed' => \&setup_changed);
- Irssi::statusbar_item_unregister ('vim_mode');
- Irssi::statusbar_item_unregister ('vim_windows');
-sub _add_undo_entry {
- my ($line, $pos) = @_;
- # If we aren't at the top of the history stack, then drop newer entries as
- # we can't branch (yet).
- while ($undo_index > 0) {
- shift @undo_buffer;
- $undo_index--;
- }
- # check it's not a dupe of the list head
- my $current = $undo_buffer[$undo_index];
- if ($line eq $current->[0] && $pos == $current->[1]) {
- print "Not adding duplicate to undo list" if DEBUG;
- } elsif ($line eq $current->[0]) {
- print "Updating position of undo list at $undo_index" if DEBUG;
- $undo_buffer[$undo_index]->[1] = $pos;
- } else {
- print "adding $line ($pos) to undo list" if DEBUG;
- # add to the front of the buffer
- unshift @undo_buffer, [$line, $pos];
- $undo_index = 0;
- }
- my $max = $settings->{max_undo_lines}->{value};
-sub _restore_undo_entry {
- my $entry = $undo_buffer[$undo_index];
- _input($entry->[0]);
- _input_pos($entry->[1]);
-sub _print_undo_buffer {
- my $i = 0;
- my @buf;
- foreach my $entry (@undo_buffer) {
- my $str = '';
- if ($i == $undo_index) {
- $str .= '* ';
- } else {
- $str .= ' ';
- }
- my ($line, $pos) = @$entry;
- substr($line, $pos, 0) = '*';
- # substr($line, $pos+3, 0) = '%_';
- $str .= sprintf('%02d %s [%d]', $i, $line, $pos);
- push @buf, $str;
- $i++;
- }
- print "------ undo buffer ------";
- print join("\n", @buf);
- print "------------------ ------";
-sub _reset_undo_buffer {
- my ($line, $pos) = @_;
- $line = _input() unless defined $line;
- $pos = _input_pos() unless defined $pos;
- print "Clearing undo buffer" if DEBUG;
- @undo_buffer = ([$line, $pos]);
- $undo_index = 0;
-sub add_map {
- my ($keys, $command) = @_;
- # To allow multiple mappings starting with the same key (like gg, ge, gE)
- # also create maps for the keys "leading" to this key (g in this case, but
- # can be longer for this like ,ls). When looking for the mapping these
- # "leading" maps are followed.
- my $tmp = $keys;
- while (length $tmp > 1) {
- my $map = substr $tmp, -1, 1, '';
- if (not exists $maps->{$tmp}) {
- $maps->{$tmp} = { char => _parse_mapping_reverse($tmp),
- cmd => undef,
- maps => {}
- };
- }
- if (not exists $maps->{$tmp}->{maps}->{$tmp . $map}) {
- $maps->{$tmp}->{maps}->{$tmp . $map} = undef;
- }
- }
- if (not exists $maps->{$keys}) {
- $maps->{$keys} = { char => undef,
- cmd => undef,
- maps => {}
- };
- }
- $maps->{$keys}->{char} = _parse_mapping_reverse($keys);
- $maps->{$keys}->{cmd} = $command;
-sub delete_map {
- my ($keys) = @_;
- # Abort for non-existent mappings or placeholder mappings.
- return if not exists $maps->{$keys} or not defined $maps->{$keys}->{cmd};
- my @add = ();
- # If no maps need the current key, then remove it and all other
- # unnecessary keys in the "tree".
- if (keys %{$maps->{$keys}->{maps}} == 0) {
- my $tmp = $keys;
- while (length $tmp > 1) {
- my $map = substr $tmp, -1, 1, '';
- delete $maps->{$tmp}->{maps}->{$tmp . $map};
- if (not $maps->{$tmp}->{cmd} and keys %{$maps->{$tmp}->{maps}} == 0) {
- push @add, $tmp;
- delete $maps->{$tmp};
- } else {
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- if (keys %{$maps->{$keys}->{maps}} > 0) {
- $maps->{$keys}->{cmd} = undef;
- } else {
- delete $maps->{$keys};
- }
- push @add, $keys;
- # Restore default keybindings in case we :unmapped a <Nop> or a remapped
- # key.
- foreach my $key (@add) {
- if (exists $commands->{$key}) {
- add_map($key, $commands->{$key});
- }
- }
-sub _commit_line {
- _update_mode(M_INS);
- # separate from call above as _update_mode() does additional internal work
- # and we need to make sure it gets correctly called.
- _update_mode(M_CMD) if $settings->{start_cmd}->{value};
- _reset_undo_buffer('', 0);
-sub _input {
- my ($data) = @_;
- my $current_data = Irssi::parse_special('$L', 0, 0);
- if ($settings->{utf8}->{value}) {
- $current_data = decode_utf8($current_data);
- }
- if (defined $data) {
- if ($settings->{utf8}->{value}) {
- Irssi::gui_input_set(encode_utf8($data));
- } else {
- Irssi::gui_input_set($data);
- }
- } else {
- $data = $current_data;
- }
- return $data;
-sub _input_len {
- return length _input();
-sub _input_pos {
- my ($pos) = @_;
- my $cur_pos = Irssi::gui_input_get_pos();
- # my $dpos = defined $pos?$pos:'undef';
- # my @call = caller(1);
- # my $cfunc = $call[3];
- # $cfunc =~ s/^.*?::([^:]+)$/$1/;
- # print "pos called from line: $call[2] sub: $cfunc pos: $dpos, cur_pos: $cur_pos"
- # if DEBUG;
- if (defined $pos) {
- #print "Input pos being set from $cur_pos to $pos" if DEBUG;
- Irssi::gui_input_set_pos($pos) if $pos != $cur_pos;
- } else {
- $pos = $cur_pos;
- #print "Input pos retrieved as $pos" if DEBUG;
- }
- return $pos;
-sub _emulate_keystrokes {
- my @keys = @_;
- $should_ignore = 1;
- for my $key (@keys) {
- Irssi::signal_emit('gui key pressed', $key);
- }
- $should_ignore = 0;
-sub _stop() {
- Irssi::signal_stop_by_name('gui key pressed');
-sub _update_mode {
- my ($new_mode) = @_;
- my $pos;
- if ($mode == M_INS and $new_mode == M_CMD) {
- # Support counts with insert modes, like 3i.
- if ($numeric_prefix and $numeric_prefix > 1) {
- $pos = _insert_buffer($numeric_prefix - 1, _input_pos());
- _input_pos($pos);
- $numeric_prefix = undef;
- # In insert mode we are "between" characters, in command mode "on top"
- # of keys. When leaving insert mode we have to move on key left to
- # accomplish that.
- } else {
- $pos = _input_pos();
- if ($pos != 0) {
- _input_pos($pos - 1);
- }
- }
- # Store current line to allow undo of i/a/I/A.
- _add_undo_entry(_input(), _input_pos());
- # Change mode to i to support insert mode repetition. This doesn't affect
- # commands like i/a/I/A because handle_command_cmd() sets $last->{cmd}.
- # It's necessary when pressing enter so the next line can be repeated.
- } elsif ($mode == M_CMD and $new_mode == M_INS) {
- $last->{cmd} = $commands->{i};
- # Make sure prompt is cleared when leaving ex mode.
- } elsif ($mode == M_EX and $new_mode != M_EX) {
- _set_prompt('');
- }
- $mode = $new_mode;
- if ($mode == M_INS) {
- $history_index = undef;
- $register = '"';
- @insert_buf = ();
- # Reset every command mode related status as a fallback in case something
- # goes wrong.
- } elsif ($mode == M_CMD) {
- $numeric_prefix = undef;
- $operator = undef;
- $movement = undef;
- $register = '"';
- $pending_map = undef;
- # Also clear ex-mode buffer.
- @ex_buf = ();
- }
- Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw("vim_mode");
- Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw ('uberprompt');
-sub _set_prompt {
- my $msg = shift;
- # add a leading space unless we're trying to clear it entirely.
- if (length($msg) and $settings->{prompt_leading_space}->{value}) {
- $msg = ' ' . $msg;
- }
- # escape % symbols. This prevents any _set_prompt calls from using
- # colouring sequences.
- $msg =~ s/%/%%/g;
- Irssi::signal_emit('change prompt', $msg, 'UP_INNER');
-sub _setting_get {
- my ($name) = @_;
- my $type = $settings->{$name}->{type};
- $name = "vim_mode_$name";
- my $ret = undef;
- if ($type == S_BOOL) {
- $ret = Irssi::settings_get_bool($name);
- } elsif ($type == S_INT) {
- $ret = Irssi::settings_get_int($name);
- } elsif ($type == S_STR) {
- $ret = Irssi::settings_get_str($name);
- } elsif ($type == S_TIME) {
- $ret = Irssi::settings_get_time($name);
- } else {
- _warn("Unknown setting type '$type', please report.");
- }
- return $ret;
-sub _setting_set {
- my ($name, $value) = @_;
- my $type = $settings->{$name}->{type};
- $name = "vim_mode_$name";
- if ($type == S_BOOL) {
- Irssi::settings_set_bool($name, $value);
- } elsif ($type == S_INT) {
- Irssi::settings_set_int($name, $value);
- } elsif ($type == S_STR) {
- Irssi::settings_set_str($name, $value);
- } elsif ($type == S_TIME) {
- Irssi::settings_set_time($name, $value);
- } else {
- _warn("Unknown setting type '$type', please report.");
- }
-sub _setting_register {
- my ($name) = @_;
- my $value = $settings->{$name}->{value};
- my $type = $settings->{$name}->{type};
- $name = "vim_mode_$name";
- if ($type == S_BOOL) {
- Irssi::settings_add_bool('vim_mode', $name, $value);
- } elsif ($type == S_INT) {
- Irssi::settings_add_int('vim_mode', $name, $value);
- } elsif ($type == S_STR) {
- Irssi::settings_add_str('vim_mode', $name, $value);
- } elsif ($type == S_TIME) {
- Irssi::settings_add_time('vim_mode', $name, $value);
- } else {
- _warn("Unknown setting type '$type', please report.");
- }
-sub _warn {
- my ($warning) = @_;
- print '%_vim_mode: ', $warning, '%_';
-sub _debug {
- return unless DEBUG;
- my ($format, @args) = @_;
- my $str = sprintf($format, @args);
- print $str;
-sub _command_with_context {
- my ($command) = @_;
- my $context;
- my $window = Irssi::active_win;
- if (defined $window) {
- my $witem = $window->{active};
- if (defined $witem and ref($witem) eq 'Irssi::Windowitem') {
- $context = $witem;
- } else {
- $context = $window;
- }
- } else {
- my $server = Irssi::active_server;
- if (defined $server) {
- $context = $server;
- }
- }
- if (defined $context) {
- print "Command $command Using context: " . ref($context) if DEBUG;
- $context->command($command);
- } else {
- print "Command $command has no context" if DEBUG;
- Irssi::command($command);
- }
-sub ex_history_add {
- my ($line) = @_;
- # check it's not an exact dupe of the previous history line
- my $last_hist = $ex_history[$ex_history_index];
- $last_hist = '' unless defined $last_hist;
- return if $last_hist eq $line;
- _debug("Adding $line to ex command history");
- # add it to the history
- unshift @ex_history, $line;
- if ($settings->{ex_history_size}->{value} < @ex_history) {
- pop @ex_history; # junk the last entry if we've hit the max.
- }
-sub ex_history_fwd {
- my $hist_max = $#ex_history;
- $ex_history_index++;
- if ($ex_history_index > $hist_max) {
- $ex_history_index = 0;
- _debug("ex history hit top, wrapping to 0");
- }
- my $line = $ex_history[$ex_history_index];
- $line = '' if not defined $line;
- _debug("Ex history line: $line");
- @ex_buf = split '', $line;
- handle_command_ex(-1);
-sub ex_history_back {
- my $hist_max = $#ex_history;
- $ex_history_index--;
- if ($ex_history_index == -1) {
- $ex_history_index = $hist_max;
- _debug("ex history hit bottom, wrapping to $hist_max");
- }
- my $line = $ex_history[$ex_history_index];
- $line = '' if not defined $line;
- _debug("Ex history line: $line");
- @ex_buf = split '', $line;
- handle_command_ex(-1);
-sub ex_history_show {
- my $win = Irssi::active_win();
- $win->print("Ex command history:");
- for my $i (0 .. $#ex_history) {
- my $flag = $i == $ex_history_index
- ? ' <'
- : '';
- $win->print("$i " . $ex_history[$i] . $flag);
- }
diff --git a/.config/irssi/startup b/.config/irssi/startup
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
/load perl
+/sbar modify -type window -position 0 -visible active prompt
diff --git a/.config/irssi/triggers b/.config/irssi/triggers
@@ -7,3 +7,53 @@
-all -pattern '¯\_(ツ)_/¯' -replace '*shrug*'
-all -pattern '(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻' -replace '*flips table*'
-publics -privmsgs -masks 'wfnintr!* *!* mys!*@mys.' -regexp '^halfop #hlircnet' -command '^msg -hlircnet chanhold halfop #hlircnet $N' -name 'AUTOHOP-#hlircnet'
+-all -regexp '\t' -replace ' '
+-all -pattern '00' -replace '99'
+-all -pattern '01' -replace '88'
+-all -pattern '02' -replace '48'
+-all -pattern '03' -replace '56'
+-all -pattern '04' -replace '52'
+-all -pattern '05' -replace '40'
+-all -pattern '06' -replace '50'
+-all -pattern '07' -replace '18'
+-all -pattern '08' -replace '42'
+-all -pattern '09' -replace '56'
+-all -pattern '10' -replace '46'
+-all -pattern '11' -replace '58'
+-all -pattern '12' -replace '48'
+-all -pattern '13' -replace '62'
+-all -pattern '14' -replace '90'
+-all -pattern '15' -replace '96'
+-all -pattern '(..),00' -replace '\1,99'
+-all -pattern '(..),01' -replace '\1,88'
+-all -pattern '(..),02' -replace '\1,48'
+-all -pattern '(..),03' -replace '\1,56'
+-all -pattern '(..),04' -replace '\1,52'
+-all -pattern '(..),05' -replace '\1,40'
+-all -pattern '(..),06' -replace '\1,50'
+-all -pattern '(..),07' -replace '\1,18'
+-all -pattern '(..),08' -replace '\1,42'
+-all -pattern '(..),09' -replace '\1,56'
+-all -pattern '(..),10' -replace '\1,46'
+-all -pattern '(..),11' -replace '\1,58'
+-all -pattern '(..),12' -replace '\1,48'
+-all -pattern '(..),13' -replace '\1,62'
+-all -pattern '(..),14' -replace '\1,90'
+-all -pattern '(..),15' -replace '\1,96'
+-all -pattern '(.),00' -replace '\1,99'
+-all -pattern '(.),01' -replace '\1,88'
+-all -pattern '(.),02' -replace '\1,48'
+-all -pattern '(.),03' -replace '\1,56'
+-all -pattern '(.),04' -replace '\1,52'
+-all -pattern '(.),05' -replace '\1,40'
+-all -pattern '(.),06' -replace '\1,50'
+-all -pattern '(.),07' -replace '\1,18'
+-all -pattern '(.),08' -replace '\1,42'
+-all -pattern '(.),09' -replace '\1,56'
+-all -pattern '(.),10' -replace '\1,46'
+-all -pattern '(.),11' -replace '\1,58'
+-all -pattern '(.),12' -replace '\1,48'
+-all -pattern '(.),13' -replace '\1,62'
+-all -pattern '(.),14' -replace '\1,90'
+-all -pattern '(.),15' -replace '\1,96'
+-all -nocase -channels '#general #test' -regexp '^!hilight (.*)' -command '^wait $1\x100\x100\x100; msg $C $N'