commit b896ea4a9f1d1cd76377f4467298bb569f249d10
parent ba1e80aa327f6d8a99fd9adac18ce97e4b1eb5d3
Author: hhvn <>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2022 13:21:27 +0000
Use rc script for handler
D | | | | 217 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | | | | 322 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
A | handler.rc | | | 52 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
M | | | | 31 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++------- |
4 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 546 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-. ./
- repl_msg $(rand "oww" \
- "bloody hell man" \
- "what is wrong with you‽" \
- "stop it!" \
- "meanie" \
- "I'll tell hhvn about this" \
- "go to hell" \
- )
- islocked autogreet && return
- lock autogreet 1500
- greet=$(sed "s/ $nick.*//;s/^$nick[:,] //")
- repl_msg "$greet $NICK"
- n=$(awk -vmax=$# 'BEGIN{srand(); print int(min+rand()*(max))}')
- shift $n
- echo "$1"
- set -- $(cat -)
- shift 1
- bin/$@ | while IFS= read -r line
- do
- repl_msg "$line"
- done
- touch /tmp/sudo
- set -- $(cat -)
- shift 2
- bin/$@ | while IFS= read -r line
- do
- repl_msg "$line"
- done
- sed 's~\&~\&~g;s~\ ~ ~g;s~\®~®~g'
- export in=$(head -n 1)
- url=$(echo "$in" | sed 's/;s/' | tr -d '\r' | sed 's~embed/~watch?v=~g' | grep -o '[a-z]*://[^ ]*' | sed 's/[\.?>,]$//')
- set -- $url
- headers=$($tor curl -qsLD - "$1" | tr -d '\r' | sed '/^[^[:print:]]*$/q' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
- echo "$1" | grep 'http[s]*://[w.]*youtu[.]*be' >/dev/null && {
- content=$($tor curl -L "$1" | tr -d '\r')
- repl_notice $(
- printf "05You05,16Tube ::: "
- echo "Title: $(echo "$content" | grep '\[{\"videoPrimaryInfoRenderer\":{\"title\":{\"runs\"\:\[{\"text\":' | sed 's/.*\[{\"videoPrimaryInfoRenderer\":{\"title\":{\"runs\"\:\[{\"text\":// ; s/}\]}.*// ; s/\\//g ; s/^\"// ; s/.$//') \
-::: Author: $(echo "$content" | grep -o 'author":[^}]*}' | sed -E 's/.*:"([^"]*).*/\1/g') \
-::: Upload Date: $(echo "$content" | grep -o 'uploadDate":[^}]*}' | sed -E 's/.*:"([^"]*).*/\1/g;s/([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)/\3-\2-\1/')"
- )
- return
- }
- echo "$1" | grep 'http[s]*://[w.]*' >/dev/null && {
- content=$($tor curl -L "$1" | tr -d '\r')
- repl_notice $(
- printf "88,53 IMDb \nTitle: "
- echo "$content" | grep -o '<title[^>]*>[^<]*</title>' | sed 's~.*<title[^>]*>~~g;s~</title>.*~~g' | head -n 1 | sed 's/ - IMDb//g'
- printf "Synopsis: "
- echo "$content" | grep -io '<meta[^>]*"description[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/' | cut -zc-300
- printf "Run-time: "
- echo "$content" | tr '\n' '\t' | grep -o "<time datetime=\"[^>]*>[^<]*" | awk -F">" '{print $2}' | sed 's/[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n'
- printf " ::: Genres: "
- echo "$content" | tr '\n' '\t' | grep -o "\"genre\".*\]," | sed 's/\],.*//g' | tr -d '"\n' | sed 's/genre:[^[:alnum:]]*//' | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' '
- printf " ::: Stars: "
- echo "$content" | grep "\"ratingValue\"" | head -n 1 | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]*)"$/\1/g' | tr -d '\n'
- printf "/10\n"
- )
- return
- }
- code=$(echo "$headers" | head -n 1)
- ctype=$(echo "$headers" | awk -F":" '$1 == "content-type" {print $2}')
- server=$(echo "$headers" | awk -F":" '$1 == "server" {print $2}')
- echo "$ctype" | grep -v 'text/html' >/dev/null && {
- echo "$server" | grep -i 'Cloudflare' >/dev/null && repl_notice "Shit: cloudflare." && return
- echo "$ctype" | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >/dev/null && out="${out}Content-type:$ctype "
- echo "$server" | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >/dev/null && out="${out}Server:$server "
- echo "$out" | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >/dev/null && repl_notice "$(echo "$out" | html2txt | cut -zc-200)"
- return
- }
- content=$($tor curl -L "$1" | tr -d '\r')
- title=$(echo "$content" | grep -o '<title[^>]*>[^<]*</title>' | sed 's~.*<title[^>]*>~~g;s~</title>.*~~g' | head -n 1)
- published=$(echo "$content" | grep -o '<meta[^>]*"published_time[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/;s/T.*//;s~([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)~\3/\2/\1~')
- modified=$(echo "$content" | grep -o '<meta[^>]*"modified_time[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/;s/T.*//;s~([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)~\3/\2/\1~')
- author=$(echo "$content" | grep -o '<meta[^>]*"author[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/')
- generator=$(echo "$content" | grep -io '<meta[^>]*"generator[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/')
- description=$(echo "$content" | grep -io '<meta[^>]*"description[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/;s/\&\;(#39\;|)/\&/g' | cut -zc-200)
- echo "$server" | grep -i 'Cloudflare' >/dev/null && repl_notice "Shit: cloudflare." && return
- echo "$title" | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >/dev/null && out="Title: $title "
- echo "$published" | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >/dev/null && out="${out}Published: $published "
- echo "$modified" | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >/dev/null && out="${out}Last modified: $modified "
- echo "$author" | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >/dev/null && out="${out}Author: $author "
- echo "$generator" | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >/dev/null && out="${out}Page generator: $generator "
- echo "$description" | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >/dev/null && out="${out}Description: $description... "
- echo "$ctype" | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >/dev/null && out="${out}Content-type:$ctype "
- echo "$server" | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >/dev/null && out="${out}Server:$server "
- echo "$out" | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >/dev/null && repl_notice "$(echo "$out" | html2txt | cut -zc-200)"
- repl_msg "Aha, beware the puma, $NAME"
- repl_action $(rand \
- "puffs" \
- "inhales" \
- "is high as a kite" \
- )
- repl_msg $(rand \
- "How much are we talking?" \
- "$NICK, robots do not require much maintainance" \
- )
- repl_action $(rand \
- "scoffs it down" \
- "shoves it in his mouth" \
- "noms" \
- )
- repl_msg $(rand \
- "$NICK, huh?" \
- "I don't get it" \
- "That makes no sense" \
- "Try something else.." \
- "I'm a fucking bot man, cut me some slack" \
- "*yawn* RTFM" \
- )
- repl_msg $(rand \
- "s s sorry" \
- "I know.. :(" \
- "it was an accident! :|" \
- )
- islocked sand && return
- lock sand 240
- repl_msg "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."
- repl_action "shrugs"
- repl_msg "$nick, it is what it is, and that's all it is"
- (
- head | tr ' ' '\n' | awk 'BEGIN {p=0}; /say|Say|say,|Say,/ {p=1; next}; // {if (p == 1) print}' | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/^[Ssay],* //'
- printf "\r\n"
- ) | prepl_msg
- islocked topic && {
- echo "$NICK: topic function locked temporarily" | prepl_msg
- return
- }
- lock topic 5
- send_raw "TOPIC #hlircnet :--== #HLIRCnet ==-- ::: --== gopher:// ==-- ::: --== <$NICK> $(head -n 1 /dev/stdin | sed 's/^[^ ]* [^ ]* //') ==--"
- islocked bc && return
- lock bc 6
- ( sed 's/.*calc //' | timeout 5 bc | head -n5; ) 2>&1 | prepl_msg
-match_motd send_join "#hlircnet"
-match_motd send_join "#test"
-# match_msg "^($nick[:,] |)(good |)(hi|hello|greetings|sup|morning|afternoon|evening|day)(.*$nick.*|)$" greet
-match_msg "^(dumb|stupid|retard|useless|pointless).*(bot|$nick)" stupid
-match_action "(slaps|smacks|whacks|hits|strikes|punches|shoots|stabs|wounds) $nick" oww
-match_action "(gives|passes|hands).*$nick.*(blunt|bong|joint)" weed
-match_action "(gives|passes|hands).*$nick.*job" job
-match_action "(gives|passes|hands).*$nick.*(food|cookie|biscuit|leftovers|dinner|scraps)" food
-match_msg "^$nick[:,] say" say
-match_msg "^$nick[:,] topic" topic
-match_msg "^$nick[:,] (calc|bc)" calc
-match_msg "^$nick[:,] good |)night(.*$nick.*|)$" night
-match_msg "^$nick[,:] ($(ls bin/ | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|$//g'))" bin
-match_msg "^$nick[,:] (sudo|doas) ($(ls bin/ | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|$//g'))" binsu
-clshit() { repl_msg "Calling clownflare shit, $NICK"; }
-match_msg "^$nick[,:] what is your purpose" clshit
-match_msg "^pooo*p" sand
-match_msg "http[s]*://.*" url_title
-# match_msg "^(lul|lol|hah|hehe|heh|haha).*wut\?" shrug
-match_msg "^marvvin[:,].*" huh
-match_msg "puma" puma
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-# echo(string...)
- printf "%s\n" "$*"
-# _mktemp(prefix-default:tmp)
- dir="/tmp/${1:-tmp}.$(head -n 5 /dev/urandom | base64 | tr '/' '+' | tr -d '\n' | cut -c-10)"
- while [ -e $dir ]
- do
- dir="/tmp/${1:-tmp}.$(head -n 5 /dev/urandom | base64 | tr '/' '+' | tr -d '\n' | cut -c-10)"
- done
- mkdir -p "$dir"
- echo "$dir"
-# _mkfifo(void)
- rm $input
- mkfifo $input
-# _checkstop(void)
- [ -f stop ] && {
- rm stop
- kill -1 $$
- }
-# connect(host, port)
-[ "$tls" = "y" ] && {
- connect(){
- openssl s_client -connect "$1:$2"
- }
-} || {
- connect(){
- nc "$1" "$2"
- }
-# match_raw(regex, command...)
- echo "$LINE" | grep -E "$1" >/dev/null && {
- shift
- echo "$LINE" | $@ &
- undefine_match
- }
-# timeout(time, command)
- stdin=$(cat)
- mkdir -p "$tmpdir/timeout"
- tmpfile="$tmpdir/timeout/$(printf '%s%s\n' "$(date +%s)" "$(head -n 1 /dev/urandom | base64 | head -n 1 | cut -c-10)" | tr '/' '%')"
- time="$1"
- shift
- touch "$tmpfile"
- (
- sleep 0.1 # for $!
- printf '%s\n' "$stdin" | "$@"
- ret=$?
- rm "$tmpfile"
- ) &
- pid=$!
- sleep "$time"
- [ -e "$tmpfile" ] && {
- # tmpfile hasn't been removed, should be
- # safe to kill now..
- printf "Timeout, killing: %s (%s)\n" "$pid" "$*"
- kill -9 "$pid"
- rm "$tmpfile"
- return 1
- }
- return ${ret:-0}
- return 0
- #return 1
-# send_raw(line)
- printf '%s\r\n' "$(echo "$@" | tr '\n\r' ' ')" >> $input
-# | psend_raw(void)
- while IFS= read -r pline
- do
- printf '%s\r\n' "$(echo "$pline" | tr '\n\r' ' ')" >> $input
- done
-# match_msg(regex, command...)
- regex="$1" && shift
- cmd="$@"
- set -- $LINE
- [ "$2" = "PRIVMSG" ] && {
- sline=$(echo "$@" | sed 's/:[^:]*://' | tr -d '\r')
- echo "$sline" | grep -Ei "$regex" >/dev/null && {
- echo "$3" | grep '^[#!&]' >/dev/null && REPL="$3" || REPL="$NICK"
- export REPL
- echo "$sline" | $cmd &
- undefine_match
- }
- }
-# send_msg(dest, line)
- dest=$(echo "$1" | tr -d '\r\n')
- shift
- sline=$(echo "$@" | tr -d '\r\n')
- printf "PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n" "$dest" "$sline" >> $input
-# | psend_msg(dest)
- dest=$(echo "$1" | tr -d '\r\n')
- while IFS= read -r pline
- do
- printf "PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n" "$dest" "$pline" >> $input
- done
-# repl_msg(line)
- sline=$(echo "$@" | tr -d '\r\n')
- printf "PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n" "$REPL" "$sline" >> $input
-# | prepl_msg(void)
- while IFS= read -r pline
- do
- sline=$(echo "$pline" | tr -d '\r\n')
- printf "PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n" "$REPL" "$sline" >> $input
- done
-# match_notice(regex, command...)
- regex="$1" && shift
- cmd="$@"
- set -- $LINE
- [ "$2" = "NOTICE" ] && {
- sline=$(echo "$@" | sed 's/:[^:]*://' | tr -d '\r')
- echo "$sline" | grep -Ei "$regex" >/dev/null && {
- echo "$3" | grep '^[#!&]' >/dev/null && REPL="$3" || REPL="$NICK"
- export REPL
- echo "$sline" | $cmd &
- undefine_match
- }
- }
-# send_notice(dest, line)
- dest=$(echo "$1" | tr -d '\r\n')
- shift
- sline=$(echo "$@" | tr -d '\r\n')
- printf "NOTICE %s :%s\r\n" "$dest" "$sline" >> $input
-# | psend_notice(dest)
- dest=$(echo "$1" | tr -d '\r\n')
- while IFS= read -r pline
- do
- printf "NOTICE %s :%s\r\n" "$dest" "$pline" >> $input
- done
-# repl_notice(line)
- sline=$(echo "$@" | tr -d '\r\n')
- printf "NOTICE %s :%s\r\n" "$REPL" "$sline" >> $input
-# | prepl_notice(void)
- while IFS= read -r pline
- do
- sline=$(echo "$pline" | tr -d '\r\n')
- printf "NOTICE %s :%s\r\n" "$REPL" "$sline" >> $input
- done
-# match_action(regex, command...)
- regex="$1" && shift
- cmd="$@"
- set -- $LINE
- [ "$2" = "PRIVMSG" ] && {
- echo "$@" | grep 'ACTION.*' >/dev/null && {
- sline=$(echo "$@" | sed 's/:[^:]*:ACTION//;s///g' | tr -d '\r')
- echo "$sline" | grep -Ei "$regex" >/dev/null && {
- echo "$3" | grep '^[#!&]' >/dev/null && REPL="$3" || REPL="$NICK"
- export REPL
- echo "$sline" | $cmd &
- undefine_match
- }
- }
- }
-# send_action(dest, line)
- dest=$(echo "$1" | tr -d '\r\n')
- shift
- sline=$(echo "$@" | tr -d '\r\n')
- printf "PRIVMSG %s :ACTION %s\r\n" "$dest" "$sline" >> $input
-# | psend_action(dest)
- dest=$(echo "$1" | tr -d '\r\n')
- while IFS= read -r pline
- do
- printf "PRIVMSG %s :ACTION %s\r\n" "$dest" "$pline" >> $input
- done
-# repl_action(line)
- sline=$(echo "$@" | tr -d '\r\n')
- printf "PRIVMSG %s :ACTION %s\r\n" "$REPL" "$sline" >> $input
-# | prepl_action(void)
- while IFS= read -r pline
- do
- sline=$(echo "$pline" | tr -d '\r\n')
- printf "PRIVMSG %s :ACTION %s\r\n" "$REPL" "$sline" >> $input
- done
-# match_motd(command...)
- echo "$LINE" | grep '^[^ ]* 376' >/dev/null && {
- $@ &
- }
-# match_join(channel, nick_regex, command...)
- channel=$1 && shift
- nick_regex=$2 && shift
- cmd=$@
- set -- $LINE
- [ "$2" = "JOIN" ] && {
- echo "$NICK" | grep -E "$nick_regex" >/dev/null && {
- export CHANNEL=$channel
- $cmd &
- undefine_match
- }
- }
-# send_join(channel)
- printf 'JOIN %s\r\n' "$(echo "$1" | tr -d '\r\n')" >> $input
-# undefine_match(void)
-# map match_* functions to stubs
- match_raw(){ true; }
- match_msg(){ true; }
- match_action(){ true; }
-# lock(name, time-default:15)
- mkdir -p $tmpdir/lock
- touch $tmpdir/lock/$1
- (
- sleep ${2:-15}
- rm $tmpdir/lock/$1
- ) &
-# islocked(name)
- [ -f $tmpdir/lock/$1 ]; return $?
-# isnlocked(name)
- [ ! -f $tmpdir/lock/$1 ]; return $?
-# filter(line)
- export LINE="$1"
- set -- $LINE
- echo "$1" | grep '^:' >/dev/null && {
- export FROM=$1
- export NICK=$(echo "$1" | sed -E 's/[:!]*([^:!]*).*/\1/')
- }
- match_raw "^PING.*" send_raw "PONG $2"
- sh
diff --git a/handler.rc b/handler.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+LINE = `$nl{echo $LINE | tr -d '\r'}
+# parameterize
+PARAMS = `' '$nl{echo $LINE | sed 's/ :.*//'}
+PARAMS = ($PARAMS `$nl{echo $LINE | sed 's/.* ://'})
+fn match_raw {
+ echo $LINE | grep $* >/dev/null
+fn match_msg {
+ if (!~ $PARAMS(1) 'PRIVMSG')
+ return 1;
+ MSG = $PARAMS(3)
+ echo $PARAMS(3) | grep $* >/dev/null
+fn send_raw {
+ printf $* >> $input
+fn send_join {
+ send_raw 'JOIN %s\r\n' $1
+fn send_msg {
+ send_raw 'PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n' $1 $2
+if (~ $PARAMS(1) 'PING') {
+ send_raw 'PONG :%s\r\n' $PARAMS(2)
+} else if (~ $PARAMS(1) '376') {
+ # end of MOTD
+ send_join '#hlircnet'
+ send_join '#test'
+} else if (match_msg -iE '^' ^ $nick ^ '[:,] welcome back|welcome back, ' ^ $nick) {
+ send_msg $CHANNEL 'Thanks, ' ^ $NICK
+} else if (match_msg -iE '^' ^ $nick ^ '[:,] say hi to') {
+ send_msg $CHANNEL 'Hi' ^ `$nl{echo $MSG | sed 's/.*say hi to//'}
+} else if (match_msg -iE '^' ^ $nick ^ '[:,] say') {
+ send_msg $CHANNEL `$nl{echo $MSG | sed 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* *//'}
+} else if (match_msg -iE '^' ^ $nick ^ '[:,] topic') {
+ send_raw 'TOPIC #hlircnet :--== #hlircnet ==-- ::: --== gopher:// ==-- ::: --== <%s> %s ==--\r\n' \
+ $NICK `$nl{echo $MSG | sed 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* *//'}
+} else if (match_msg -iE '^' ^ $nick ^ '[:,] ' ^ `$nl{ls bin/ | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|*$//g'}) {
+ CMD = `{echo $MSG | sed 's/[^ ]* //;s/ .*//'}
+ ARGS = `{echo $MSG | sed 's/[^ ]* [^ ]*//'}
+ send_msg $CHANNEL `$nl{./bin/$CMD $ARGS}
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -14,11 +14,25 @@ outlog=out.log
trap "kill -1 $$" 2
trap "kill -1 $$" 15
cd $(dirname $0)
-. ./
-tmpdir=$(_mktemp $nick)
export nick server port input inlog outlog comment tmpdir
+ rm "$input"
+ mkfifo "$input"
+# connect(host, port)
+[ "$tls" = "y" ] && {
+ connect(){
+ openssl s_client -connect "$1:$2"
+ }
+} || {
+ connect(){
+ nc "$1" "$2"
+ }
while _mkfifo
sleep 1
@@ -32,11 +46,14 @@ do
tee $inlog /dev/stderr | \
while read -r line
- . ./
- filter "$line"
+ export LINE="$(echo "$line" | sed 's/:[^ ]* //')"
+ export FROM="$(echo "$line" | grep -o '^:[^ ]*')"
+ export NICK="$(echo "$FROM" | sed -E 's/[:!]*([^:!]*).*/\1/')"
+ ./handler.rc
done >/dev/null | tee $input
- _checkstop
- sleep 10
- _checkstop
+ [ -f stop ] && {
+ rm stop
+ kill -1 $$
+ }