commit ca5a89c9633e7e6319c0f805a68f715546e62392
parent c0e614ce8116d71f703df60f94deb6e78977a346
Author: hhvn <>
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 19:56:01 +0000
Update handler
M | handler.rc | | | 58 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ |
1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/handler.rc b/handler.rc
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ fn title {
curl -qsL $url | tr -d '\r' > data/content
if (echo $url | grep 'http[s]*://[w.]*youtu[.]*be' >/dev/null) {
title = `$nl{< data/content \
- grep '\[{\"videoPrimaryInfoRenderer\":{\"title\":{\"runs\"\:\[{\"text\":' |
- sed 's/.*\[{\"videoPrimaryInfoRenderer\":{\"title\":{\"runs\"\:\[{\"text\":// ; s/}\]}.*// ; s/\\//g ; s/^\"// ; s/.$//'}
+ grep '<meta itemprop="name"' |
+ sed -E 's/.*<meta itemprop="name" content="([^"]*)">.*/\1/'}
author = `$nl{< data/content \
grep -o 'author":[^}]*}' |
sed -E 's/.*:"([^"]*).*/\1/g'}
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ fn title {
grep -o 'uploadDate":[^}]*}' |
sed -E 's/.*:"([^"]*).*/\1/g;s/([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)/\3-\2-\1/'}
- send_notice $TARGET `$nl{printf '40You91,16Tube ::: Title: %s ::: Author: %s ::: Uploaded: %s\n' $title $author $date}
+ send_notice $TARGET '40You91,16Tube ::: Title: ' ^ $^title ^ ' ::: Author: ' ^ $^author ^ ' ::: Uploaded: ' ^ $^date
} else {
code = `{head -n 1 < data/headers}
ctype = `{awk -F: '$1 == "content-type" {print $2}' < data/headers}
@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ fn title {
if (~ $ctype 'text/html'*) {
- title = `{< data/content grep -o '<title[^>]*>[^<]*</title>' | sed 's~.*<title[^>]*>~~g;s~</title>.*~~g' | head -n 1}
- published = `{< data/content grep -o '<meta[^>]*"published_time[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/;s/T.*//;s~([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)~\3/\2/\1~'}
- modified = `{< data/content grep -o '<meta[^>]*"modified_time[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/;s/T.*//;s~([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)~\3/\2/\1~'}
- author = `{< data/content grep -o '<meta[^>]*"author[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/'}
- generator = `{< data/content grep -io '<meta[^>]*"generator[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/'}
+ title = `$nl{< data/content grep -o '<title[^>]*>[^<]*</title>' | sed 's~.*<title[^>]*>~~g;s~</title>.*~~g' | head -n 1}
+ published = `$nl{< data/content grep -o '<meta[^>]*"published_time[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/;s/T.*//;s~([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)~\3/\2/\1~'}
+ modified = `$nl{< data/content grep -o '<meta[^>]*"modified_time[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/;s/T.*//;s~([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)~\3/\2/\1~'}
+ author = `$nl{< data/content grep -o '<meta[^>]*"author[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/'}
+ generator = `$nl{< data/content grep -io '<meta[^>]*"generator[^>]*>' | sed -E 's/.*content="([^"]*)".*/\1/'}
if (echo $title | grep '.' >/dev/null)
out = $out ^ 'Title: ' ^ $title ^ ' '
@@ -159,24 +159,46 @@ if (~ $PARAMS(1) 'PING') {
send_msg $TARGET `$nl{./bin/$CMD $ARGS}
} else if (match_hilight -E '^welcome back') {
send_msg $TARGET 'Thanks, ' ^ $NICK
+} else if (match_hilight -E '^wtf|^what') {
+ acr = `$nl{echo $MSG | sed 's/[^ ]* *//;s/^is //' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'}
+ out = `$nl{awk -F\t -vacr=$acr 'toupper($1) == acr {printf("%s, ", $2)}' < data/suggest/acronym | sed 's/, $//'}
+ if (~ $out ()) {
+ send_msg $TARGET 'No acronym ''' ^ $acr ^ ''' found. Use `marvvin: suggest acronym <acronym> <definition...>` to add one'
+ } else {
+ send_msg $TARGET $acr ^ ': ' ^ $out
+ }
} else if (match_hilight '^suggest') {
- categories = (response)
- splitmsg = `{echo $MSG}
+ categories = (response acronym)
+ splitmsg = `{printf '%s' $MSG}
if (~ $splitmsg(2) $categories) {
+ if (~ $splitmsg(2) 'acronym') {
+ MSG = `$nl{echo $MSG | sed -E 's/^([^ ]* *[^ ]* *[^ ]*) */\1\t/'}
+ if (!echo $MSG | grep `''{printf '\t'}) {
+ send_msg $TARGET $NICK ^ ': acronyms need a definition'
+ exit
+ }
+ }
mkdir -p data/suggest/
- echo $MSG | sed 's/[^ ]* *[^ ]* *//' > data/suggest/$splitmsg(2)
+ echo '# [From: ' ^ $FROM ^ '] [Target: ' ^ $TARGET ^ '] ' ^ `$nl{date} >> data/suggest/$splitmsg(2)
+ echo $MSG | sed 's/[^ ]* *[^ ]* *//' >> data/suggest/$splitmsg(2)
send_msg $TARGET $NICK ^ ': suggestion submitted to category ''' ^ $splitmsg(2) ^ ''''
+ } else if (~ $splitmsg(2) ()) {
+ send_msg $TARGET $NICK ^ ': categories: ' ^ $^categories
} else {
send_msg $TARGET $NICK ^ ': invalid category. Accepted categories are: ' ^ `$nl{echo $^categories | sed 's/ /, /g'}
+} else if (match_hilight '^ip ') {
+ arg = `{echo $MSG | sed 's/[^ ]* *//'}
+ ip4 = `{echo $arg | grep -E '^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$'}
+ if (~ $ip4 ()) {
+ ip4 = dig +short $arg A
+ }
+ ipinfo = `{curl$ip4/json | jq .city,.region,.country | tr -d "}
+ send_msg $TARGET 'IPv4: ' ^ $ip4 ^ ' City: ' ^ $ipinfo(1) ^ ' Region: ' ^ $ipinfo(2) ^ ' Country: ' ^ $ipinfo(3)
} else if (match_hilight '.*') {
- send_msg $TARGET `$nl{randomize \
- $NICK ^ ', huh?' \
- 'I don''t get it' \
- 'That makes no sense' \
- 'Try something else..' \
- 'I''m a fucking bot man, cut me some slack' \
- '*yawn* RTFM'}
+ send_msg $TARGET `$nl{grep '^[^#]' < data/suggest/response | shuf -n 1}
} else {
urls = `$nl{echo $MSG | grep -Eo 'https?://[^ ]*'}
for (url in $urls) {